{ "config": { "title": "Logi Circle", "step": { "user": { "title": "Authentication Provider", "description": "Pick via which authentication provider you want to authenticate with Logi Circle.", "data": { "flow_impl": "Provider" } }, "auth": { "title": "Authenticate with Logi Circle", "description": "Please follow the link below and Accept access to your Logi Circle account, then come back and press Submit below.\n\n[Link]({authorization_url})" } }, "create_entry": { "default": "Successfully authenticated with Logi Circle." }, "error": { "auth_error": "API authorization failed.", "auth_timeout": "Authorization timed out when requesting access token.", "follow_link": "Please follow the link and authenticate before pressing Submit." }, "abort": { "already_setup": "You can only configure a single Logi Circle account.", "external_error": "Exception occurred from another flow.", "external_setup": "Logi Circle successfully configured from another flow.", "no_flows": "You need to configure Logi Circle before being able to authenticate with it. [Please read the instructions](https://www.home-assistant.io/components/logi_circle/)." } } }