"""Tests for the diagnostics data provided by the WLED integration.""" from aiohttp import ClientSession from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from tests.common import MockConfigEntry from tests.components.diagnostics import get_diagnostics_for_config_entry async def test_diagnostics( hass: HomeAssistant, hass_client: ClientSession, init_integration: MockConfigEntry, ): """Test diagnostics.""" assert await get_diagnostics_for_config_entry( hass, hass_client, init_integration ) == { "info": { "architecture": "esp8266", "arduino_core_version": "2.4.2", "brand": "WLED", "build_type": "bin", "effect_count": 81, "filesystem": None, "free_heap": 14600, "leds": { "__type": "", "repr": "Leds(cct=False, count=30, fps=None, light_capabilities=None, " "max_power=850, max_segments=10, power=470, rgbw=False, wv=True, " "segment_light_capabilities=None)", }, "live_ip": "Unknown", "live_mode": "Unknown", "live": False, "mac_address": "aabbccddeeff", "name": "WLED RGB Light", "pallet_count": 50, "product": "DIY light", "udp_port": 21324, "uptime": 32, "version_id": 1909122, "version": "0.8.5", "version_latest_beta": "0.13.0b1", "version_latest_stable": "0.12.0", "websocket": None, "wifi": "**REDACTED**", }, "state": { "brightness": 127, "nightlight": { "__type": "", "repr": "Nightlight(duration=60, fade=True, on=False, mode=, target_brightness=0)", }, "on": True, "playlist": -1, "preset": -1, "segments": [ { "__type": "", "repr": "Segment(brightness=127, clones=-1, color_primary=(255, 159, 0), color_secondary=(0, 0, 0), color_tertiary=(0, 0, 0), effect=Effect(effect_id=0, name='Solid'), intensity=128, length=20, on=True, palette=Palette(name='Default', palette_id=0), reverse=False, segment_id=0, selected=True, speed=32, start=0, stop=19)", }, { "__type": "", "repr": "Segment(brightness=127, clones=-1, color_primary=(0, 255, 123), color_secondary=(0, 0, 0), color_tertiary=(0, 0, 0), effect=Effect(effect_id=1, name='Blink'), intensity=64, length=10, on=True, palette=Palette(name='Random Cycle', palette_id=1), reverse=True, segment_id=1, selected=True, speed=16, start=20, stop=30)", }, ], "sync": { "__type": "", "repr": "Sync(receive=True, send=False)", }, "transition": 7, "lor": 0, }, "effects": { "27": "Android", "68": "BPM", "1": "Blink", "26": "Blink Rainbow", "2": "Breathe", "13": "Chase", "28": "Chase", "31": "Chase Flash", "32": "Chase Flash Rnd", "14": "Chase Rainbow", "30": "Chase Rainbow", "29": "Chase Random", "52": "Circus", "34": "Colorful", "8": "Colorloop", "74": "Colortwinkle", "67": "Colorwaves", "21": "Dark Sparkle", "18": "Dissolve", "19": "Dissolve Rnd", "11": "Dual Scan", "60": "Dual Scanner", "7": "Dynamic", "12": "Fade", "69": "Fill Noise", "66": "Fire 2012", "45": "Fire Flicker", "42": "Fireworks", "46": "Gradient", "53": "Halloween", "58": "ICU", "49": "In In", "48": "In Out", "64": "Juggle", "75": "Lake", "41": "Lighthouse", "57": "Lightning", "47": "Loading", "25": "Mega Strobe", "44": "Merry Christmas", "76": "Meteor", "59": "Multi Comet", "70": "Noise 1", "71": "Noise 2", "72": "Noise 3", "73": "Noise 4", "62": "Oscillate", "51": "Out In", "50": "Out Out", "65": "Palette", "63": "Pride 2015", "78": "Railway", "43": "Rain", "9": "Rainbow", "33": "Rainbow Runner", "5": "Random Colors", "38": "Red & Blue", "79": "Ripple", "15": "Running", "37": "Running 2", "16": "Saw", "10": "Scan", "40": "Scanner", "77": "Smooth Meteor", "0": "Solid", "20": "Sparkle", "22": "Sparkle+", "39": "Stream", "61": "Stream 2", "23": "Strobe", "24": "Strobe Rainbow", "6": "Sweep", "36": "Sweep Random", "35": "Traffic Light", "54": "Tri Chase", "56": "Tri Fade", "55": "Tri Wipe", "17": "Twinkle", "80": "Twinklefox", "3": "Wipe", "4": "Wipe Random", }, "palettes": { "18": "Analogous", "46": "April Night", "39": "Autumn", "3": "Based on Primary", "5": "Based on Set", "26": "Beach", "22": "Beech", "15": "Breeze", "48": "C9", "7": "Cloud", "37": "Cyane", "0": "Default", "24": "Departure", "30": "Drywet", "35": "Fire", "10": "Forest", "32": "Grintage", "28": "Hult", "29": "Hult 64", "36": "Icefire", "31": "Jul", "25": "Landscape", "8": "Lava", "38": "Light Pink", "40": "Magenta", "41": "Magred", "9": "Ocean", "44": "Orange & Teal", "47": "Orangery", "6": "Party", "20": "Pastel", "2": "Primary Color", "11": "Rainbow", "12": "Rainbow Bands", "1": "Random Cycle", "16": "Red & Blue", "33": "Rewhi", "14": "Rivendell", "49": "Sakura", "4": "Set Colors", "27": "Sherbet", "19": "Splash", "13": "Sunset", "21": "Sunset 2", "34": "Tertiary", "45": "Tiamat", "23": "Vintage", "43": "Yelblu", "17": "Yellowout", "42": "Yelmag", }, "playlists": {}, "presets": {}, }