"""Tests for the Bluetooth integration scanners.""" import asyncio from datetime import timedelta import time from unittest.mock import ANY, MagicMock, patch from bleak import BleakError from bleak.backends.scanner import AdvertisementDataCallback from dbus_fast import InvalidMessageError import pytest from homeassistant.components import bluetooth from homeassistant.components.bluetooth.const import ( SCANNER_WATCHDOG_INTERVAL, SCANNER_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT, ) from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntryState from homeassistant.const import EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STARTED, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from homeassistant.util import dt as dt_util from . import ( async_setup_with_one_adapter, generate_advertisement_data, generate_ble_device, patch_bluetooth_time, ) from tests.common import MockConfigEntry, async_fire_time_changed # If the adapter is in a stuck state the following errors are raised: NEED_RESET_ERRORS = [ "org.bluez.Error.Failed", "org.bluez.Error.InProgress", "org.bluez.Error.NotReady", "not found", ] async def test_config_entry_can_be_reloaded_when_stop_raises( hass: HomeAssistant, caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture, enable_bluetooth: None, macos_adapter: None, ) -> None: """Test we can reload if stopping the scanner raises.""" entry = hass.config_entries.async_entries(bluetooth.DOMAIN)[0] assert entry.state is ConfigEntryState.LOADED with patch( "habluetooth.scanner.OriginalBleakScanner.stop", side_effect=BleakError, ): await hass.config_entries.async_reload(entry.entry_id) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert entry.state is ConfigEntryState.LOADED assert "Error stopping scanner" in caplog.text async def test_dbus_socket_missing_in_container( hass: HomeAssistant, caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture, one_adapter: None ) -> None: """Test we handle dbus being missing in the container.""" with ( patch("habluetooth.scanner.is_docker_env", return_value=True), patch( "habluetooth.scanner.OriginalBleakScanner.start", side_effect=FileNotFoundError, ), ): await async_setup_with_one_adapter(hass) hass.bus.async_fire(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STARTED) await hass.async_block_till_done() hass.bus.async_fire(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert "/run/dbus" in caplog.text assert "docker" in caplog.text async def test_dbus_socket_missing( hass: HomeAssistant, caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture, one_adapter: None ) -> None: """Test we handle dbus being missing.""" with ( patch("habluetooth.scanner.is_docker_env", return_value=False), patch( "habluetooth.scanner.OriginalBleakScanner.start", side_effect=FileNotFoundError, ), ): await async_setup_with_one_adapter(hass) hass.bus.async_fire(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STARTED) await hass.async_block_till_done() hass.bus.async_fire(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert "DBus" in caplog.text assert "docker" not in caplog.text async def test_dbus_broken_pipe_in_container( hass: HomeAssistant, caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture, one_adapter: None ) -> None: """Test we handle dbus broken pipe in the container.""" with ( patch("habluetooth.scanner.is_docker_env", return_value=True), patch( "habluetooth.scanner.OriginalBleakScanner.start", side_effect=BrokenPipeError, ), ): await async_setup_with_one_adapter(hass) hass.bus.async_fire(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STARTED) await hass.async_block_till_done() hass.bus.async_fire(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert "dbus" in caplog.text assert "restarting" in caplog.text assert "container" in caplog.text async def test_dbus_broken_pipe( hass: HomeAssistant, caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture, one_adapter: None ) -> None: """Test we handle dbus broken pipe.""" with ( patch("habluetooth.scanner.is_docker_env", return_value=False), patch( "habluetooth.scanner.OriginalBleakScanner.start", side_effect=BrokenPipeError, ), ): await async_setup_with_one_adapter(hass) hass.bus.async_fire(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STARTED) await hass.async_block_till_done() hass.bus.async_fire(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert "DBus" in caplog.text assert "restarting" in caplog.text assert "container" not in caplog.text async def test_invalid_dbus_message( hass: HomeAssistant, caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture, one_adapter: None ) -> None: """Test we handle invalid dbus message.""" with patch( "habluetooth.scanner.OriginalBleakScanner.start", side_effect=InvalidMessageError, ): await async_setup_with_one_adapter(hass) hass.bus.async_fire(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STARTED) await hass.async_block_till_done() hass.bus.async_fire(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert "dbus" in caplog.text @pytest.mark.parametrize("error", NEED_RESET_ERRORS) async def test_adapter_needs_reset_at_start( hass: HomeAssistant, caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture, one_adapter: None, error: str ) -> None: """Test we cycle the adapter when it needs a restart.""" with ( patch( "habluetooth.scanner.OriginalBleakScanner.start", side_effect=[BleakError(error), BleakError(error), None], ), patch( "habluetooth.util.recover_adapter", return_value=True ) as mock_recover_adapter, ): await async_setup_with_one_adapter(hass) hass.bus.async_fire(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STARTED) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(mock_recover_adapter.mock_calls) == 1 hass.bus.async_fire(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP) await hass.async_block_till_done() async def test_recovery_from_dbus_restart( hass: HomeAssistant, one_adapter: None ) -> None: """Test we can recover when DBus gets restarted out from under us.""" called_start = 0 called_stop = 0 _callback = None mock_discovered = [] class MockBleakScanner: def __init__(self, detection_callback, *args, **kwargs): nonlocal _callback _callback = detection_callback async def start(self, *args, **kwargs): """Mock Start.""" nonlocal called_start called_start += 1 async def stop(self, *args, **kwargs): """Mock Start.""" nonlocal called_stop called_stop += 1 @property def discovered_devices(self): """Mock discovered_devices.""" nonlocal mock_discovered return mock_discovered with patch( "habluetooth.scanner.OriginalBleakScanner", MockBleakScanner, ): await async_setup_with_one_adapter(hass) assert called_start == 1 start_time_monotonic = time.monotonic() mock_discovered = [MagicMock()] # Ensure we don't restart the scanner if we don't need to with patch_bluetooth_time( start_time_monotonic + 10, ): async_fire_time_changed(hass, dt_util.utcnow() + SCANNER_WATCHDOG_INTERVAL) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert called_start == 1 # Fire a callback to reset the timer with patch_bluetooth_time( start_time_monotonic, ): _callback( generate_ble_device("44:44:33:11:23:42", "any_name"), generate_advertisement_data(local_name="any_name"), ) # Ensure we don't restart the scanner if we don't need to with patch_bluetooth_time( start_time_monotonic + 20, ): async_fire_time_changed(hass, dt_util.utcnow() + SCANNER_WATCHDOG_INTERVAL) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert called_start == 1 # We hit the timer, so we restart the scanner with patch_bluetooth_time( start_time_monotonic + SCANNER_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT + 20, ): async_fire_time_changed( hass, dt_util.utcnow() + SCANNER_WATCHDOG_INTERVAL + timedelta(seconds=20), ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert called_start == 2 async def test_adapter_recovery(hass: HomeAssistant, one_adapter: None) -> None: """Test we can recover when the adapter stops responding.""" called_start = 0 called_stop = 0 _callback = None mock_discovered = [] class MockBleakScanner: async def start(self, *args, **kwargs): """Mock Start.""" nonlocal called_start called_start += 1 async def stop(self, *args, **kwargs): """Mock Start.""" nonlocal called_stop called_stop += 1 @property def discovered_devices(self): """Mock discovered_devices.""" nonlocal mock_discovered return mock_discovered def register_detection_callback(self, callback: AdvertisementDataCallback): """Mock Register Detection Callback.""" nonlocal _callback _callback = callback scanner = MockBleakScanner() start_time_monotonic = time.monotonic() with ( patch_bluetooth_time( start_time_monotonic, ), patch( "habluetooth.scanner.OriginalBleakScanner", return_value=scanner, ), ): await async_setup_with_one_adapter(hass) assert called_start == 1 mock_discovered = [MagicMock()] # Ensure we don't restart the scanner if we don't need to with patch_bluetooth_time( start_time_monotonic + 10, ): async_fire_time_changed(hass, dt_util.utcnow() + SCANNER_WATCHDOG_INTERVAL) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert called_start == 1 # Ensure we don't restart the scanner if we don't need to with patch_bluetooth_time( start_time_monotonic + 20, ): async_fire_time_changed(hass, dt_util.utcnow() + SCANNER_WATCHDOG_INTERVAL) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert called_start == 1 # We hit the timer with no detections, so we reset the adapter and restart the scanner with ( patch_bluetooth_time( start_time_monotonic + SCANNER_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT + SCANNER_WATCHDOG_INTERVAL.total_seconds(), ), patch( "habluetooth.util.recover_adapter", return_value=True ) as mock_recover_adapter, ): async_fire_time_changed(hass, dt_util.utcnow() + SCANNER_WATCHDOG_INTERVAL) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(mock_recover_adapter.mock_calls) == 1 assert called_start == 2 async def test_adapter_scanner_fails_to_start_first_time( hass: HomeAssistant, one_adapter: None ) -> None: """Test we can recover when the adapter stops responding and the first recovery fails.""" called_start = 0 called_stop = 0 _callback = None mock_discovered = [] class MockBleakScanner: async def start(self, *args, **kwargs): """Mock Start.""" nonlocal called_start called_start += 1 if called_start == 1: return # Start ok the first time if called_start < 4: raise BleakError("Failed to start") async def stop(self, *args, **kwargs): """Mock Start.""" nonlocal called_stop called_stop += 1 @property def discovered_devices(self): """Mock discovered_devices.""" nonlocal mock_discovered return mock_discovered def register_detection_callback(self, callback: AdvertisementDataCallback): """Mock Register Detection Callback.""" nonlocal _callback _callback = callback scanner = MockBleakScanner() start_time_monotonic = time.monotonic() with ( patch_bluetooth_time( start_time_monotonic, ), patch( "habluetooth.scanner.OriginalBleakScanner", return_value=scanner, ), ): await async_setup_with_one_adapter(hass) assert called_start == 1 mock_discovered = [MagicMock()] # Ensure we don't restart the scanner if we don't need to with patch_bluetooth_time( start_time_monotonic + 10, ): async_fire_time_changed(hass, dt_util.utcnow() + SCANNER_WATCHDOG_INTERVAL) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert called_start == 1 # Ensure we don't restart the scanner if we don't need to with patch_bluetooth_time( start_time_monotonic + 20, ): async_fire_time_changed(hass, dt_util.utcnow() + SCANNER_WATCHDOG_INTERVAL) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert called_start == 1 # We hit the timer with no detections, so we reset the adapter and restart the scanner with ( patch_bluetooth_time( start_time_monotonic + SCANNER_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT + SCANNER_WATCHDOG_INTERVAL.total_seconds(), ), patch( "habluetooth.util.recover_adapter", return_value=True ) as mock_recover_adapter, ): async_fire_time_changed(hass, dt_util.utcnow() + SCANNER_WATCHDOG_INTERVAL) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(mock_recover_adapter.mock_calls) == 1 assert called_start == 4 now_monotonic = time.monotonic() # We hit the timer again the previous start call failed, make sure # we try again with ( patch_bluetooth_time( now_monotonic + SCANNER_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT * 2 + SCANNER_WATCHDOG_INTERVAL.total_seconds(), ), patch( "habluetooth.util.recover_adapter", return_value=True ) as mock_recover_adapter, ): async_fire_time_changed(hass, dt_util.utcnow() + SCANNER_WATCHDOG_INTERVAL) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(mock_recover_adapter.mock_calls) == 1 assert called_start == 5 async def test_adapter_fails_to_start_and_takes_a_bit_to_init( hass: HomeAssistant, one_adapter: None, caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture ) -> None: """Test we can recover the adapter at startup and we wait for Dbus to init.""" assert await async_setup_component(hass, "logger", {}) await hass.services.async_call( "logger", "set_level", {"homeassistant.components.bluetooth": "DEBUG"}, blocking=True, ) called_start = 0 called_stop = 0 _callback = None mock_discovered = [] class MockBleakScanner: async def start(self, *args, **kwargs): """Mock Start.""" nonlocal called_start called_start += 1 if called_start == 1: raise BleakError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownObject") if called_start == 2: raise BleakError("org.bluez.Error.InProgress") if called_start == 3: raise BleakError("org.bluez.Error.InProgress") async def stop(self, *args, **kwargs): """Mock Start.""" nonlocal called_stop called_stop += 1 @property def discovered_devices(self): """Mock discovered_devices.""" nonlocal mock_discovered return mock_discovered def register_detection_callback(self, callback: AdvertisementDataCallback): """Mock Register Detection Callback.""" nonlocal _callback _callback = callback scanner = MockBleakScanner() start_time_monotonic = time.monotonic() with ( patch( "habluetooth.scanner.ADAPTER_INIT_TIME", 0, ), patch_bluetooth_time( start_time_monotonic, ), patch( "habluetooth.scanner.OriginalBleakScanner", return_value=scanner, ), patch( "habluetooth.util.recover_adapter", return_value=True ) as mock_recover_adapter, ): await async_setup_with_one_adapter(hass) assert called_start == 4 assert len(mock_recover_adapter.mock_calls) == 1 assert "Waiting for adapter to initialize" in caplog.text async def test_restart_takes_longer_than_watchdog_time( hass: HomeAssistant, one_adapter: None, caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture ) -> None: """Test we do not try to recover the adapter again if the restart is still in progress.""" release_start_event = asyncio.Event() called_start = 0 class MockBleakScanner: async def start(self, *args, **kwargs): """Mock Start.""" nonlocal called_start called_start += 1 if called_start == 1: return await release_start_event.wait() async def stop(self, *args, **kwargs): """Mock Start.""" @property def discovered_devices(self): """Mock discovered_devices.""" return [] def register_detection_callback(self, callback: AdvertisementDataCallback): """Mock Register Detection Callback.""" scanner = MockBleakScanner() start_time_monotonic = time.monotonic() with ( patch( "habluetooth.scanner.ADAPTER_INIT_TIME", 0, ), patch_bluetooth_time( start_time_monotonic, ), patch( "habluetooth.scanner.OriginalBleakScanner", return_value=scanner, ), patch("habluetooth.util.recover_adapter", return_value=True), ): await async_setup_with_one_adapter(hass) assert called_start == 1 # Now force a recover adapter 2x for _ in range(2): with patch_bluetooth_time( start_time_monotonic + SCANNER_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT + SCANNER_WATCHDOG_INTERVAL.total_seconds(), ): async_fire_time_changed( hass, dt_util.utcnow() + SCANNER_WATCHDOG_INTERVAL ) await asyncio.sleep(0) # Now release the start event release_start_event.set() await hass.async_block_till_done() assert "already restarting" in caplog.text @pytest.mark.skipif("platform.system() != 'Darwin'") async def test_setup_and_stop_macos( hass: HomeAssistant, mock_bleak_scanner_start: MagicMock, macos_adapter: None ) -> None: """Test we enable use_bdaddr on MacOS.""" entry = MockConfigEntry( domain=bluetooth.DOMAIN, data={}, unique_id="00:00:00:00:00:00", ) entry.add_to_hass(hass) init_kwargs = None class MockBleakScanner: def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Init the scanner.""" nonlocal init_kwargs init_kwargs = kwargs async def start(self, *args, **kwargs): """Start the scanner.""" async def stop(self, *args, **kwargs): """Stop the scanner.""" def register_detection_callback(self, *args, **kwargs): """Register a callback.""" with patch( "habluetooth.scanner.OriginalBleakScanner", MockBleakScanner, ): assert await async_setup_component( hass, bluetooth.DOMAIN, {bluetooth.DOMAIN: {}} ) hass.bus.async_fire(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STARTED) await hass.async_block_till_done() hass.bus.async_fire(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert init_kwargs == { "detection_callback": ANY, "scanning_mode": "active", "cb": {"use_bdaddr": True}, }