"""Media Player component to integrate TVs exposing the Joint Space API.""" from datetime import timedelta import logging from haphilipsjs import PhilipsTV import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.media_player import PLATFORM_SCHEMA, MediaPlayerEntity from homeassistant.components.media_player.const import ( MEDIA_TYPE_CHANNEL, SUPPORT_NEXT_TRACK, SUPPORT_PLAY_MEDIA, SUPPORT_PREVIOUS_TRACK, SUPPORT_SELECT_SOURCE, SUPPORT_TURN_OFF, SUPPORT_TURN_ON, SUPPORT_VOLUME_MUTE, SUPPORT_VOLUME_SET, SUPPORT_VOLUME_STEP, ) from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_API_VERSION, CONF_HOST, CONF_NAME, STATE_OFF, STATE_ON, ) import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.event import call_later, track_time_interval from homeassistant.helpers.script import Script _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) SUPPORT_PHILIPS_JS = ( SUPPORT_TURN_OFF | SUPPORT_VOLUME_STEP | SUPPORT_VOLUME_SET | SUPPORT_VOLUME_MUTE | SUPPORT_SELECT_SOURCE | SUPPORT_NEXT_TRACK | SUPPORT_PREVIOUS_TRACK | SUPPORT_PLAY_MEDIA ) CONF_ON_ACTION = "turn_on_action" DEFAULT_NAME = "Philips TV" DEFAULT_API_VERSION = "1" DEFAULT_SCAN_INTERVAL = 30 DELAY_ACTION_DEFAULT = 2.0 DELAY_ACTION_ON = 10.0 PREFIX_SEPARATOR = ": " PREFIX_SOURCE = "Input" PREFIX_CHANNEL = "Channel" PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required(CONF_HOST): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_NAME, default=DEFAULT_NAME): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_API_VERSION, default=DEFAULT_API_VERSION): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_ON_ACTION): cv.SCRIPT_SCHEMA, } ) def _inverted(data): return {v: k for k, v in data.items()} def setup_platform(hass, config, add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the Philips TV platform.""" name = config.get(CONF_NAME) host = config.get(CONF_HOST) api_version = config.get(CONF_API_VERSION) turn_on_action = config.get(CONF_ON_ACTION) tvapi = PhilipsTV(host, api_version) domain = __name__.split(".")[-2] on_script = Script(hass, turn_on_action, name, domain) if turn_on_action else None add_entities([PhilipsTVMediaPlayer(tvapi, name, on_script)]) class PhilipsTVMediaPlayer(MediaPlayerEntity): """Representation of a Philips TV exposing the JointSpace API.""" def __init__(self, tv, name, on_script): """Initialize the Philips TV.""" self._tv = tv self._name = name self._sources = {} self._channels = {} self._on_script = on_script self._supports = SUPPORT_PHILIPS_JS if self._on_script: self._supports |= SUPPORT_TURN_ON self._update_task = None def _update_soon(self, delay): """Reschedule update task.""" if self._update_task: self._update_task() self._update_task = None self.schedule_update_ha_state(force_refresh=False) def update_forced(event_time): self.schedule_update_ha_state(force_refresh=True) def update_and_restart(event_time): update_forced(event_time) self._update_task = track_time_interval( self.hass, update_forced, timedelta(seconds=DEFAULT_SCAN_INTERVAL) ) call_later(self.hass, delay, update_and_restart) async def async_added_to_hass(self): """Start running updates once we are added to hass.""" await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self._update_soon, 0) @property def name(self): """Return the device name.""" return self._name @property def should_poll(self): """Device should be polled.""" return False @property def supported_features(self): """Flag media player features that are supported.""" return self._supports @property def state(self): """Get the device state. An exception means OFF state.""" if self._tv.on: return STATE_ON return STATE_OFF @property def source(self): """Return the current input source.""" if self.media_content_type == MEDIA_TYPE_CHANNEL: name = self._channels.get(self._tv.channel_id) prefix = PREFIX_CHANNEL else: name = self._sources.get(self._tv.source_id) prefix = PREFIX_SOURCE if name is None: return None return prefix + PREFIX_SEPARATOR + name @property def source_list(self): """List of available input sources.""" complete = [] for source in self._sources.values(): complete.append(PREFIX_SOURCE + PREFIX_SEPARATOR + source) for channel in self._channels.values(): complete.append(PREFIX_CHANNEL + PREFIX_SEPARATOR + channel) return complete def select_source(self, source): """Set the input source.""" data = source.split(PREFIX_SEPARATOR, 1) if data[0] == PREFIX_SOURCE: source_id = _inverted(self._sources).get(data[1]) if source_id: self._tv.setSource(source_id) elif data[0] == PREFIX_CHANNEL: channel_id = _inverted(self._channels).get(data[1]) if channel_id: self._tv.setChannel(channel_id) self._update_soon(DELAY_ACTION_DEFAULT) @property def volume_level(self): """Volume level of the media player (0..1).""" return self._tv.volume @property def is_volume_muted(self): """Boolean if volume is currently muted.""" return self._tv.muted def turn_on(self): """Turn on the device.""" if self._on_script: self._on_script.run() self._update_soon(DELAY_ACTION_ON) def turn_off(self): """Turn off the device.""" self._tv.sendKey("Standby") self._tv.on = False self._update_soon(DELAY_ACTION_DEFAULT) def volume_up(self): """Send volume up command.""" self._tv.sendKey("VolumeUp") self._update_soon(DELAY_ACTION_DEFAULT) def volume_down(self): """Send volume down command.""" self._tv.sendKey("VolumeDown") self._update_soon(DELAY_ACTION_DEFAULT) def mute_volume(self, mute): """Send mute command.""" self._tv.setVolume(None, mute) self._update_soon(DELAY_ACTION_DEFAULT) def set_volume_level(self, volume): """Set volume level, range 0..1.""" self._tv.setVolume(volume, self._tv.muted) self._update_soon(DELAY_ACTION_DEFAULT) def media_previous_track(self): """Send rewind command.""" self._tv.sendKey("Previous") self._update_soon(DELAY_ACTION_DEFAULT) def media_next_track(self): """Send fast forward command.""" self._tv.sendKey("Next") self._update_soon(DELAY_ACTION_DEFAULT) @property def media_channel(self): """Get current channel if it's a channel.""" if self.media_content_type == MEDIA_TYPE_CHANNEL: return self._channels.get(self._tv.channel_id) return None @property def media_title(self): """Title of current playing media.""" if self.media_content_type == MEDIA_TYPE_CHANNEL: return self._channels.get(self._tv.channel_id) return self._sources.get(self._tv.source_id) @property def media_content_type(self): """Return content type of playing media.""" if self._tv.source_id == "tv" or self._tv.source_id == "11": return MEDIA_TYPE_CHANNEL if self._tv.source_id is None and self._tv.channels: return MEDIA_TYPE_CHANNEL return None @property def media_content_id(self): """Content type of current playing media.""" if self.media_content_type == MEDIA_TYPE_CHANNEL: return self._channels.get(self._tv.channel_id) return None @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return the state attributes.""" return {"channel_list": list(self._channels.values())} def play_media(self, media_type, media_id, **kwargs): """Play a piece of media.""" _LOGGER.debug("Call play media type <%s>, Id <%s>", media_type, media_id) if media_type == MEDIA_TYPE_CHANNEL: channel_id = _inverted(self._channels).get(media_id) if channel_id: self._tv.setChannel(channel_id) self._update_soon(DELAY_ACTION_DEFAULT) else: _LOGGER.error("Unable to find channel <%s>", media_id) else: _LOGGER.error("Unsupported media type <%s>", media_type) def update(self): """Get the latest data and update device state.""" self._tv.update() self._sources = { srcid: source["name"] or f"Source {srcid}" for srcid, source in (self._tv.sources or {}).items() } self._channels = { chid: channel["name"] for chid, channel in (self._tv.channels or {}).items() }