"""Statistics helper for sensor.""" from __future__ import annotations from collections import defaultdict from collections.abc import Callable, Iterable, MutableMapping import datetime import itertools import logging import math from typing import Any from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session from homeassistant.components.recorder import ( DOMAIN as RECORDER_DOMAIN, get_instance, history, statistics, util as recorder_util, ) from homeassistant.components.recorder.models import ( StatisticData, StatisticMetaData, StatisticResult, ) from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT, REVOLUTIONS_PER_MINUTE, UnitOfIrradiance, UnitOfSoundPressure, UnitOfVolume, ) from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, State, callback, split_entity_id from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError from homeassistant.helpers.entity import entity_sources from homeassistant.util import dt as dt_util from homeassistant.util.enum import try_parse_enum from .const import ( ATTR_LAST_RESET, ATTR_OPTIONS, ATTR_STATE_CLASS, DOMAIN, SensorStateClass, ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_STATISTICS = { SensorStateClass.MEASUREMENT: {"mean", "min", "max"}, SensorStateClass.TOTAL: {"sum"}, SensorStateClass.TOTAL_INCREASING: {"sum"}, } EQUIVALENT_UNITS = { "BTU/(h×ft²)": UnitOfIrradiance.BTUS_PER_HOUR_SQUARE_FOOT, "dBa": UnitOfSoundPressure.WEIGHTED_DECIBEL_A, "RPM": REVOLUTIONS_PER_MINUTE, "ft3": UnitOfVolume.CUBIC_FEET, "m3": UnitOfVolume.CUBIC_METERS, } # Keep track of entities for which a warning about decreasing value has been logged SEEN_DIP = "sensor_seen_total_increasing_dip" WARN_DIP = "sensor_warn_total_increasing_dip" # Keep track of entities for which a warning about negative value has been logged WARN_NEGATIVE = "sensor_warn_total_increasing_negative" # Keep track of entities for which a warning about unsupported unit has been logged WARN_UNSUPPORTED_UNIT = "sensor_warn_unsupported_unit" WARN_UNSTABLE_UNIT = "sensor_warn_unstable_unit" # Link to dev statistics where issues around LTS can be fixed LINK_DEV_STATISTICS = "https://my.home-assistant.io/redirect/developer_statistics" def _get_sensor_states(hass: HomeAssistant) -> list[State]: """Get the current state of all sensors for which to compile statistics.""" all_sensors = hass.states.all(DOMAIN) instance = get_instance(hass) return [ state for state in all_sensors if instance.entity_filter(state.entity_id) and try_parse_enum(SensorStateClass, state.attributes.get(ATTR_STATE_CLASS)) ] def _time_weighted_average( fstates: list[tuple[float, State]], start: datetime.datetime, end: datetime.datetime ) -> float: """Calculate a time weighted average. The average is calculated by weighting the states by duration in seconds between state changes. Note: there's no interpolation of values between state changes. """ old_fstate: float | None = None old_start_time: datetime.datetime | None = None accumulated = 0.0 for fstate, state in fstates: # The recorder will give us the last known state, which may be well # before the requested start time for the statistics start_time = start if state.last_updated < start else state.last_updated if old_start_time is None: # Adjust start time, if there was no last known state start = start_time else: duration = start_time - old_start_time # Accumulate the value, weighted by duration until next state change assert old_fstate is not None accumulated += old_fstate * duration.total_seconds() old_fstate = fstate old_start_time = start_time if old_fstate is not None: # Accumulate the value, weighted by duration until end of the period assert old_start_time is not None duration = end - old_start_time accumulated += old_fstate * duration.total_seconds() period_seconds = (end - start).total_seconds() if period_seconds == 0: # If the only state changed that happened was at the exact moment # at the end of the period, we can't calculate a meaningful average # so we return 0.0 since it represents a time duration smaller than # we can measure. This probably means the precision of statistics # column schema in the database is incorrect but it is actually possible # to happen if the state change event fired at the exact microsecond return 0.0 return accumulated / period_seconds def _get_units(fstates: list[tuple[float, State]]) -> set[str | None]: """Return a set of all units.""" return {item[1].attributes.get(ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT) for item in fstates} def _equivalent_units(units: set[str | None]) -> bool: """Return True if the units are equivalent.""" if len(units) == 1: return True units = { EQUIVALENT_UNITS[unit] if unit in EQUIVALENT_UNITS else unit for unit in units } return len(units) == 1 def _parse_float(state: str) -> float: """Parse a float string, throw on inf or nan.""" fstate = float(state) if not math.isfinite(fstate): raise ValueError return fstate def _float_or_none(state: str) -> float | None: """Return a float or None.""" try: return _parse_float(state) except (ValueError, TypeError): return None def _entity_history_to_float_and_state( entity_history: Iterable[State], ) -> list[tuple[float, State]]: """Return a list of (float, state) tuples for the given entity.""" return [ (fstate, state) for state in entity_history if (fstate := _float_or_none(state.state)) is not None ] def _normalize_states( hass: HomeAssistant, old_metadatas: dict[str, tuple[int, StatisticMetaData]], fstates: list[tuple[float, State]], entity_id: str, ) -> tuple[str | None, list[tuple[float, State]]]: """Normalize units.""" state_unit: str | None = None statistics_unit: str | None state_unit = fstates[0][1].attributes.get(ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT) old_metadata = old_metadatas[entity_id][1] if entity_id in old_metadatas else None if not old_metadata: # We've not seen this sensor before, the first valid state determines the unit # used for statistics statistics_unit = state_unit else: # We have seen this sensor before, use the unit from metadata statistics_unit = old_metadata["unit_of_measurement"] if statistics_unit not in statistics.STATISTIC_UNIT_TO_UNIT_CONVERTER: # The unit used by this sensor doesn't support unit conversion all_units = _get_units(fstates) if not _equivalent_units(all_units): if WARN_UNSTABLE_UNIT not in hass.data: hass.data[WARN_UNSTABLE_UNIT] = set() if entity_id not in hass.data[WARN_UNSTABLE_UNIT]: hass.data[WARN_UNSTABLE_UNIT].add(entity_id) extra = "" if old_metadata: extra = ( " and matches the unit of already compiled statistics " f"({old_metadata['unit_of_measurement']})" ) _LOGGER.warning( ( "The unit of %s is changing, got multiple %s, generation of" " long term statistics will be suppressed unless the unit is" " stable%s. Go to %s to fix this" ), entity_id, all_units, extra, LINK_DEV_STATISTICS, ) return None, [] state_unit = fstates[0][1].attributes.get(ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT) return state_unit, fstates converter = statistics.STATISTIC_UNIT_TO_UNIT_CONVERTER[statistics_unit] valid_fstates: list[tuple[float, State]] = [] convert: Callable[[float], float] last_unit: str | None | object = object() for fstate, state in fstates: state_unit = state.attributes.get(ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT) # Exclude states with unsupported unit from statistics if state_unit not in converter.VALID_UNITS: if WARN_UNSUPPORTED_UNIT not in hass.data: hass.data[WARN_UNSUPPORTED_UNIT] = set() if entity_id not in hass.data[WARN_UNSUPPORTED_UNIT]: hass.data[WARN_UNSUPPORTED_UNIT].add(entity_id) _LOGGER.warning( ( "The unit of %s (%s) cannot be converted to the unit of" " previously compiled statistics (%s). Generation of long term" " statistics will be suppressed unless the unit changes back to" " %s or a compatible unit. Go to %s to fix this" ), entity_id, state_unit, statistics_unit, statistics_unit, LINK_DEV_STATISTICS, ) continue if state_unit != last_unit: # The unit of measurement has changed since the last state change # recreate the converter factory convert = converter.converter_factory(state_unit, statistics_unit) last_unit = state_unit valid_fstates.append((convert(fstate), state)) return statistics_unit, valid_fstates def _suggest_report_issue(hass: HomeAssistant, entity_id: str) -> str: """Suggest to report an issue.""" domain = entity_sources(hass).get(entity_id, {}).get("domain") custom_component = entity_sources(hass).get(entity_id, {}).get("custom_component") report_issue = "" if custom_component: report_issue = "report it to the custom integration author." else: report_issue = ( "create a bug report at " "https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue" ) if domain: report_issue += f"+label%3A%22integration%3A+{domain}%22" return report_issue def warn_dip( hass: HomeAssistant, entity_id: str, state: State, previous_fstate: float ) -> None: """Log a warning once if a sensor with state_class_total has a decreasing value. The log will be suppressed until two dips have been seen to prevent warning due to rounding issues with databases storing the state as a single precision float, which was fixed in recorder DB version 20. """ if SEEN_DIP not in hass.data: hass.data[SEEN_DIP] = set() if entity_id not in hass.data[SEEN_DIP]: hass.data[SEEN_DIP].add(entity_id) return if WARN_DIP not in hass.data: hass.data[WARN_DIP] = set() if entity_id not in hass.data[WARN_DIP]: hass.data[WARN_DIP].add(entity_id) domain = entity_sources(hass).get(entity_id, {}).get("domain") if domain in ["energy", "growatt_server", "solaredge"]: return _LOGGER.warning( ( "Entity %s %shas state class total_increasing, but its state is not" " strictly increasing. Triggered by state %s (%s) with last_updated set" " to %s. Please %s" ), entity_id, f"from integration {domain} " if domain else "", state.state, previous_fstate, state.last_updated.isoformat(), _suggest_report_issue(hass, entity_id), ) def warn_negative(hass: HomeAssistant, entity_id: str, state: State) -> None: """Log a warning once if a sensor with state_class_total has a negative value.""" if WARN_NEGATIVE not in hass.data: hass.data[WARN_NEGATIVE] = set() if entity_id not in hass.data[WARN_NEGATIVE]: hass.data[WARN_NEGATIVE].add(entity_id) domain = entity_sources(hass).get(entity_id, {}).get("domain") _LOGGER.warning( ( "Entity %s %shas state class total_increasing, but its state is " "negative. Triggered by state %s with last_updated set to %s. Please %s" ), entity_id, f"from integration {domain} " if domain else "", state.state, state.last_updated.isoformat(), _suggest_report_issue(hass, entity_id), ) def reset_detected( hass: HomeAssistant, entity_id: str, fstate: float, previous_fstate: float | None, state: State, ) -> bool: """Test if a total_increasing sensor has been reset.""" if previous_fstate is None: return False if 0.9 * previous_fstate <= fstate < previous_fstate: warn_dip(hass, entity_id, state, previous_fstate) if fstate < 0: warn_negative(hass, entity_id, state) raise HomeAssistantError return fstate < 0.9 * previous_fstate def _wanted_statistics(sensor_states: list[State]) -> dict[str, set[str]]: """Prepare a dict with wanted statistics for entities.""" return { state.entity_id: DEFAULT_STATISTICS[state.attributes[ATTR_STATE_CLASS]] for state in sensor_states } def _last_reset_as_utc_isoformat(last_reset_s: Any, entity_id: str) -> str | None: """Parse last_reset and convert it to UTC.""" if last_reset_s is None: return None if isinstance(last_reset_s, str): last_reset = dt_util.parse_datetime(last_reset_s) else: last_reset = None if last_reset is None: _LOGGER.warning( "Ignoring invalid last reset '%s' for %s", last_reset_s, entity_id ) return None return dt_util.as_utc(last_reset).isoformat() def _timestamp_to_isoformat_or_none(timestamp: float | None) -> str | None: """Convert a timestamp to ISO format or return None.""" if timestamp is None: return None return dt_util.utc_from_timestamp(timestamp).isoformat() def compile_statistics( hass: HomeAssistant, start: datetime.datetime, end: datetime.datetime ) -> statistics.PlatformCompiledStatistics: """Compile statistics for all entities during start-end. Note: This will query the database and must not be run in the event loop """ # There is already an active session when this code is called since # it is called from the recorder statistics. We need to make sure # this session never gets committed since it would be out of sync # with the recorder statistics session so we mark it as read only. # # If we ever need to write to the database from this function we # will need to refactor the recorder statistics to use a single # session. with recorder_util.session_scope(hass=hass, read_only=True) as session: compiled = _compile_statistics(hass, session, start, end) return compiled def _compile_statistics( # noqa: C901 hass: HomeAssistant, session: Session, start: datetime.datetime, end: datetime.datetime, ) -> statistics.PlatformCompiledStatistics: """Compile statistics for all entities during start-end.""" result: list[StatisticResult] = [] sensor_states = _get_sensor_states(hass) wanted_statistics = _wanted_statistics(sensor_states) # Get history between start and end entities_full_history = [ i.entity_id for i in sensor_states if "sum" in wanted_statistics[i.entity_id] ] history_list: MutableMapping[str, list[State]] = {} if entities_full_history: history_list = history.get_full_significant_states_with_session( hass, session, start - datetime.timedelta.resolution, end, entity_ids=entities_full_history, significant_changes_only=False, ) entities_significant_history = [ i.entity_id for i in sensor_states if "sum" not in wanted_statistics[i.entity_id] ] if entities_significant_history: _history_list = history.get_full_significant_states_with_session( hass, session, start - datetime.timedelta.resolution, end, entity_ids=entities_significant_history, ) history_list = {**history_list, **_history_list} entities_with_float_states: dict[str, list[tuple[float, State]]] = {} for _state in sensor_states: entity_id = _state.entity_id # If there are no recent state changes, the sensor's state may already be pruned # from the recorder. Get the state from the state machine instead. if not (entity_history := history_list.get(entity_id, [_state])): continue if not (float_states := _entity_history_to_float_and_state(entity_history)): continue entities_with_float_states[entity_id] = float_states # Only lookup metadata for entities that have valid float states # since it will result in cache misses for statistic_ids # that are not in the metadata table and we are not working # with them anyway. old_metadatas = statistics.get_metadata_with_session( get_instance(hass), session, statistic_ids=set(entities_with_float_states) ) to_process: list[tuple[str, str | None, str, list[tuple[float, State]]]] = [] to_query: set[str] = set() for _state in sensor_states: entity_id = _state.entity_id if not (maybe_float_states := entities_with_float_states.get(entity_id)): continue statistics_unit, valid_float_states = _normalize_states( hass, old_metadatas, maybe_float_states, entity_id, ) if not valid_float_states: continue state_class: str = _state.attributes[ATTR_STATE_CLASS] to_process.append((entity_id, statistics_unit, state_class, valid_float_states)) if "sum" in wanted_statistics[entity_id]: to_query.add(entity_id) last_stats = statistics.get_latest_short_term_statistics( hass, to_query, {"last_reset", "state", "sum"}, metadata=old_metadatas ) for ( # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks entity_id, statistics_unit, state_class, valid_float_states, ) in to_process: # Check metadata if old_metadata := old_metadatas.get(entity_id): if not _equivalent_units( {old_metadata[1]["unit_of_measurement"], statistics_unit} ): if WARN_UNSTABLE_UNIT not in hass.data: hass.data[WARN_UNSTABLE_UNIT] = set() if entity_id not in hass.data[WARN_UNSTABLE_UNIT]: hass.data[WARN_UNSTABLE_UNIT].add(entity_id) _LOGGER.warning( ( "The unit of %s (%s) cannot be converted to the unit of" " previously compiled statistics (%s). Generation of long" " term statistics will be suppressed unless the unit" " changes back to %s or a compatible unit. Go to %s to fix" " this" ), entity_id, statistics_unit, old_metadata[1]["unit_of_measurement"], old_metadata[1]["unit_of_measurement"], LINK_DEV_STATISTICS, ) continue # Set meta data meta: StatisticMetaData = { "has_mean": "mean" in wanted_statistics[entity_id], "has_sum": "sum" in wanted_statistics[entity_id], "name": None, "source": RECORDER_DOMAIN, "statistic_id": entity_id, "unit_of_measurement": statistics_unit, } # Make calculations stat: StatisticData = {"start": start} if "max" in wanted_statistics[entity_id]: stat["max"] = max( *itertools.islice( zip(*valid_float_states), # type: ignore[typeddict-item] 1, ) ) if "min" in wanted_statistics[entity_id]: stat["min"] = min( *itertools.islice( zip(*valid_float_states), # type: ignore[typeddict-item] 1, ) ) if "mean" in wanted_statistics[entity_id]: stat["mean"] = _time_weighted_average(valid_float_states, start, end) if "sum" in wanted_statistics[entity_id]: last_reset = old_last_reset = None new_state = old_state = None _sum = 0.0 if entity_id in last_stats: # We have compiled history for this sensor before, # use that as a starting point. last_stat = last_stats[entity_id][0] last_reset = _timestamp_to_isoformat_or_none(last_stat["last_reset"]) old_last_reset = last_reset # If there are no previous values and has_sum # was previously false there will be no last_stat # for state or sum new_state = old_state = last_stat.get("state") _sum = last_stat.get("sum") or 0.0 for fstate, state in valid_float_states: reset = False if ( state_class != SensorStateClass.TOTAL_INCREASING and ( last_reset := _last_reset_as_utc_isoformat( state.attributes.get("last_reset"), entity_id ) ) != old_last_reset and last_reset is not None ): if old_state is None: _LOGGER.info( ( "Compiling initial sum statistics for %s, zero point" " set to %s" ), entity_id, fstate, ) else: _LOGGER.info( ( "Detected new cycle for %s, last_reset set to %s (old" " last_reset %s)" ), entity_id, last_reset, old_last_reset, ) reset = True elif old_state is None and last_reset is None: reset = True _LOGGER.info( "Compiling initial sum statistics for %s, zero point set to %s", entity_id, fstate, ) elif state_class == SensorStateClass.TOTAL_INCREASING: try: if old_state is None or reset_detected( hass, entity_id, fstate, new_state, state ): reset = True _LOGGER.info( ( "Detected new cycle for %s, value dropped from %s" " to %s, triggered by state with last_updated set" " to %s" ), entity_id, new_state, fstate, state.last_updated.isoformat(), ) except HomeAssistantError: continue if reset: # The sensor has been reset, update the sum if old_state is not None and new_state is not None: _sum += new_state - old_state # ..and update the starting point new_state = fstate old_last_reset = last_reset # Force a new cycle for an existing sensor to start at 0 if old_state is not None: old_state = 0.0 else: old_state = new_state else: new_state = fstate if new_state is None or old_state is None: # No valid updates continue # Update the sum with the last state _sum += new_state - old_state if last_reset is not None: stat["last_reset"] = dt_util.parse_datetime(last_reset) stat["sum"] = _sum stat["state"] = new_state result.append({"meta": meta, "stat": stat}) return statistics.PlatformCompiledStatistics(result, old_metadatas) def list_statistic_ids( hass: HomeAssistant, statistic_ids: list[str] | tuple[str] | None = None, statistic_type: str | None = None, ) -> dict: """Return all or filtered statistic_ids and meta data.""" entities = _get_sensor_states(hass) result: dict[str, StatisticMetaData] = {} for state in entities: state_class = state.attributes[ATTR_STATE_CLASS] state_unit = state.attributes.get(ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT) provided_statistics = DEFAULT_STATISTICS[state_class] if statistic_type is not None and statistic_type not in provided_statistics: continue if statistic_ids is not None and state.entity_id not in statistic_ids: continue if ( "sum" in provided_statistics and ATTR_LAST_RESET not in state.attributes and state.attributes.get(ATTR_STATE_CLASS) == SensorStateClass.MEASUREMENT ): continue result[state.entity_id] = { "has_mean": "mean" in provided_statistics, "has_sum": "sum" in provided_statistics, "name": None, "source": RECORDER_DOMAIN, "statistic_id": state.entity_id, "unit_of_measurement": state_unit, } continue return result def validate_statistics( hass: HomeAssistant, ) -> dict[str, list[statistics.ValidationIssue]]: """Validate statistics.""" validation_result = defaultdict(list) sensor_states = hass.states.all(DOMAIN) metadatas = statistics.get_metadata(hass, statistic_source=RECORDER_DOMAIN) sensor_entity_ids = {i.entity_id for i in sensor_states} sensor_statistic_ids = set(metadatas) instance = get_instance(hass) for state in sensor_states: entity_id = state.entity_id state_class = try_parse_enum( SensorStateClass, state.attributes.get(ATTR_STATE_CLASS) ) state_unit = state.attributes.get(ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT) if metadata := metadatas.get(entity_id): if not instance.entity_filter(state.entity_id): # Sensor was previously recorded, but no longer is validation_result[entity_id].append( statistics.ValidationIssue( "entity_no_longer_recorded", {"statistic_id": entity_id}, ) ) if state_class is None: # Sensor no longer has a valid state class validation_result[entity_id].append( statistics.ValidationIssue( "unsupported_state_class", {"statistic_id": entity_id, "state_class": state_class}, ) ) metadata_unit = metadata[1]["unit_of_measurement"] converter = statistics.STATISTIC_UNIT_TO_UNIT_CONVERTER.get(metadata_unit) if not converter: if not _equivalent_units({state_unit, metadata_unit}): # The unit has changed, and it's not possible to convert validation_result[entity_id].append( statistics.ValidationIssue( "units_changed", { "statistic_id": entity_id, "state_unit": state_unit, "metadata_unit": metadata_unit, "supported_unit": metadata_unit, }, ) ) elif state_unit not in converter.VALID_UNITS: # The state unit can't be converted to the unit in metadata valid_units = (unit or "" for unit in converter.VALID_UNITS) valid_units_str = ", ".join(sorted(valid_units)) validation_result[entity_id].append( statistics.ValidationIssue( "units_changed", { "statistic_id": entity_id, "state_unit": state_unit, "metadata_unit": metadata_unit, "supported_unit": valid_units_str, }, ) ) elif state_class is not None: if not instance.entity_filter(state.entity_id): # Sensor is not recorded validation_result[entity_id].append( statistics.ValidationIssue( "entity_not_recorded", {"statistic_id": entity_id}, ) ) for statistic_id in sensor_statistic_ids - sensor_entity_ids: if split_entity_id(statistic_id)[0] != DOMAIN: continue # There is no sensor matching the statistics_id validation_result[statistic_id].append( statistics.ValidationIssue( "no_state", { "statistic_id": statistic_id, }, ) ) return validation_result @callback def exclude_attributes(hass: HomeAssistant) -> set[str]: """Exclude attributes from being recorded in the database.""" return {ATTR_OPTIONS}