"""HTTP Support for Hass.io.""" from __future__ import annotations import asyncio from http import HTTPStatus import logging import os import re from urllib.parse import quote, unquote import aiohttp from aiohttp import web from aiohttp.client import ClientTimeout from aiohttp.hdrs import ( AUTHORIZATION, CACHE_CONTROL, CONTENT_ENCODING, CONTENT_LENGTH, CONTENT_TYPE, TRANSFER_ENCODING, ) from aiohttp.web_exceptions import HTTPBadGateway from homeassistant.components.http import ( KEY_AUTHENTICATED, KEY_HASS_USER, HomeAssistantView, ) from homeassistant.components.onboarding import async_is_onboarded from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from .const import X_HASS_SOURCE _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 NO_TIMEOUT = re.compile( r"^(?:" r"|backups/.+/full" r"|backups/.+/partial" r"|backups/[^/]+/(?:upload|download)" r")$" ) # fmt: off # Onboarding can upload backups and restore it PATHS_NOT_ONBOARDED = re.compile( r"^(?:" r"|backups/[a-f0-9]{8}(/info|/new/upload|/download|/restore/full|/restore/partial)?" r"|backups/new/upload" r")$" ) # Authenticated users manage backups + download logs, changelog and documentation PATHS_ADMIN = re.compile( r"^(?:" r"|backups/[a-f0-9]{8}(/info|/download|/restore/full|/restore/partial)?" r"|backups/new/upload" r"|audio/logs" r"|cli/logs" r"|core/logs" r"|dns/logs" r"|host/logs" r"|multicast/logs" r"|observer/logs" r"|supervisor/logs" r"|addons/[^/]+/(changelog|documentation|logs)" r")$" ) # Unauthenticated requests come in for Supervisor panel + add-on images PATHS_NO_AUTH = re.compile( r"^(?:" r"|app/.*" r"|(store/)?addons/[^/]+/(logo|icon)" r")$" ) NO_STORE = re.compile( r"^(?:" r"|app/entrypoint.js" r")$" ) # pylint: enable=implicit-str-concat # fmt: on RESPONSE_HEADERS_FILTER = { TRANSFER_ENCODING, CONTENT_LENGTH, CONTENT_TYPE, CONTENT_ENCODING, } class HassIOView(HomeAssistantView): """Hass.io view to handle base part.""" name = "api:hassio" url = "/api/hassio/{path:.+}" requires_auth = False def __init__(self, host: str, websession: aiohttp.ClientSession) -> None: """Initialize a Hass.io base view.""" self._host = host self._websession = websession async def _handle(self, request: web.Request, path: str) -> web.StreamResponse: """Return a client request with proxy origin for Hass.io supervisor. Use cases: - Onboarding allows restoring backups - Load Supervisor panel and add-on logo unauthenticated - User upload/restore backups """ # No bullshit if path != unquote(path): return web.Response(status=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST) hass: HomeAssistant = request.app["hass"] is_admin = request[KEY_AUTHENTICATED] and request[KEY_HASS_USER].is_admin authorized = is_admin if is_admin: allowed_paths = PATHS_ADMIN elif not async_is_onboarded(hass): allowed_paths = PATHS_NOT_ONBOARDED # During onboarding we need the user to manage backups authorized = True else: # Either unauthenticated or not an admin allowed_paths = PATHS_NO_AUTH no_auth_path = PATHS_NO_AUTH.match(path) headers = { X_HASS_SOURCE: "core.http", } if no_auth_path: if request.method != "GET": return web.Response(status=HTTPStatus.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED) else: if not allowed_paths.match(path): return web.Response(status=HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED) if authorized: headers[ AUTHORIZATION ] = f"Bearer {os.environ.get('SUPERVISOR_TOKEN', '')}" if request.method == "POST": headers[CONTENT_TYPE] = request.content_type # _stored_content_type is only computed once `content_type` is accessed if path == "backups/new/upload": # We need to reuse the full content type that includes the boundary headers[ CONTENT_TYPE ] = request._stored_content_type # pylint: disable=protected-access try: client = await self._websession.request( method=request.method, url=f"http://{self._host}/{quote(path)}", params=request.query, data=request.content, headers=headers, timeout=_get_timeout(path), ) # Stream response response = web.StreamResponse( status=client.status, headers=_response_header(client, path) ) response.content_type = client.content_type if should_compress(response.content_type): response.enable_compression() await response.prepare(request) async for data in client.content.iter_chunked(8192): await response.write(data) return response except aiohttp.ClientError as err: _LOGGER.error("Client error on api %s request %s", path, err) except asyncio.TimeoutError: _LOGGER.error("Client timeout error on API request %s", path) raise HTTPBadGateway() get = _handle post = _handle def _response_header(response: aiohttp.ClientResponse, path: str) -> dict[str, str]: """Create response header.""" headers = { name: value for name, value in response.headers.items() if name not in RESPONSE_HEADERS_FILTER } if NO_STORE.match(path): headers[CACHE_CONTROL] = "no-store, max-age=0" return headers def _get_timeout(path: str) -> ClientTimeout: """Return timeout for a URL path.""" if NO_TIMEOUT.match(path): return ClientTimeout(connect=10, total=None) return ClientTimeout(connect=10, total=300) def should_compress(content_type: str) -> bool: """Return if we should compress a response.""" if content_type.startswith("image/"): return "svg" in content_type return not content_type.startswith(("video/", "audio/", "font/"))