"""Support for Ubiquiti's UniFi Protect NVR.""" from __future__ import annotations from collections.abc import Generator import logging from typing import Any, cast from pyunifiprotect.data import ( Camera as UFPCamera, CameraChannel, ModelType, ProtectAdoptableDeviceModel, ProtectModelWithId, StateType, ) from homeassistant.components.camera import Camera, CameraEntityFeature from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, callback from homeassistant.helpers import issue_registry as ir from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_connect from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddEntitiesCallback from homeassistant.helpers.issue_registry import IssueSeverity from .const import ( ATTR_BITRATE, ATTR_CHANNEL_ID, ATTR_FPS, ATTR_HEIGHT, ATTR_WIDTH, DISPATCH_ADOPT, DISPATCH_CHANNELS, DOMAIN, ) from .data import ProtectData from .entity import ProtectDeviceEntity from .utils import async_dispatch_id as _ufpd, get_camera_base_name _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) @callback def _create_rtsp_repair( hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry, data: ProtectData, camera: UFPCamera ) -> None: edit_key = "readonly" if camera.can_write(data.api.bootstrap.auth_user): edit_key = "writable" translation_key = f"rtsp_disabled_{edit_key}" issue_key = f"rtsp_disabled_{camera.id}" ir.async_create_issue( hass, DOMAIN, issue_key, is_fixable=True, is_persistent=False, learn_more_url="https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/unifiprotect/#camera-streams", severity=IssueSeverity.WARNING, translation_key=translation_key, translation_placeholders={"camera": camera.display_name}, data={"entry_id": entry.entry_id, "camera_id": camera.id}, ) @callback def _get_camera_channels( hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry, data: ProtectData, ufp_device: UFPCamera | None = None, ) -> Generator[tuple[UFPCamera, CameraChannel, bool], None, None]: """Get all the camera channels.""" devices = ( data.get_by_types({ModelType.CAMERA}) if ufp_device is None else [ufp_device] ) for camera in devices: camera = cast(UFPCamera, camera) if not camera.channels: if ufp_device is None: # only warn on startup _LOGGER.warning( "Camera does not have any channels: %s (id: %s)", camera.display_name, camera.id, ) data.async_add_pending_camera_id(camera.id) continue is_default = True for channel in camera.channels: if channel.is_package: yield camera, channel, True elif channel.is_rtsp_enabled: yield camera, channel, is_default is_default = False # no RTSP enabled use first channel with no stream if is_default: _create_rtsp_repair(hass, entry, data, camera) yield camera, camera.channels[0], True else: ir.async_delete_issue(hass, DOMAIN, f"rtsp_disabled_{camera.id}") def _async_camera_entities( hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry, data: ProtectData, ufp_device: UFPCamera | None = None, ) -> list[ProtectDeviceEntity]: disable_stream = data.disable_stream entities: list[ProtectDeviceEntity] = [] for camera, channel, is_default in _get_camera_channels( hass, entry, data, ufp_device ): # do not enable streaming for package camera # 2 FPS causes a lot of buferring entities.append( ProtectCamera( data, camera, channel, is_default, True, disable_stream or channel.is_package, ) ) if channel.is_rtsp_enabled and not channel.is_package: entities.append( ProtectCamera( data, camera, channel, is_default, False, disable_stream, ) ) return entities async def async_setup_entry( hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry, async_add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback, ) -> None: """Discover cameras on a UniFi Protect NVR.""" data: ProtectData = hass.data[DOMAIN][entry.entry_id] @callback def _add_new_device(device: ProtectAdoptableDeviceModel) -> None: if not isinstance(device, UFPCamera): return # type: ignore[unreachable] entities = _async_camera_entities(hass, entry, data, ufp_device=device) async_add_entities(entities) entry.async_on_unload( async_dispatcher_connect(hass, _ufpd(entry, DISPATCH_ADOPT), _add_new_device) ) entry.async_on_unload( async_dispatcher_connect(hass, _ufpd(entry, DISPATCH_CHANNELS), _add_new_device) ) entities = _async_camera_entities(hass, entry, data) async_add_entities(entities) class ProtectCamera(ProtectDeviceEntity, Camera): """A Ubiquiti UniFi Protect Camera.""" device: UFPCamera def __init__( self, data: ProtectData, camera: UFPCamera, channel: CameraChannel, is_default: bool, secure: bool, disable_stream: bool, ) -> None: """Initialize an UniFi camera.""" self.channel = channel self._secure = secure self._disable_stream = disable_stream self._last_image: bytes | None = None super().__init__(data, camera) device = self.device camera_name = get_camera_base_name(channel) if self._secure: self._attr_unique_id = f"{device.mac}_{channel.id}" self._attr_name = f"{device.display_name} {camera_name}" else: self._attr_unique_id = f"{device.mac}_{channel.id}_insecure" self._attr_name = f"{device.display_name} {camera_name} (Insecure)" # only the default (first) channel is enabled by default self._attr_entity_registry_enabled_default = is_default and secure @callback def _async_set_stream_source(self) -> None: disable_stream = self._disable_stream channel = self.channel if not channel.is_rtsp_enabled: disable_stream = False rtsp_url = channel.rtsps_url if self._secure else channel.rtsp_url # _async_set_stream_source called by __init__ self._stream_source = ( # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init None if disable_stream else rtsp_url ) if self._stream_source: self._attr_supported_features = CameraEntityFeature.STREAM else: self._attr_supported_features = CameraEntityFeature(0) @callback def _async_get_state_attrs(self) -> tuple[Any, ...]: """Retrieve data that goes into the current state of the entity. Called before and after updating entity and state is only written if there is a change. """ return ( self._attr_available, self._attr_is_recording, self._attr_motion_detection_enabled, ) @callback def _async_update_device_from_protect(self, device: ProtectModelWithId) -> None: super()._async_update_device_from_protect(device) updated_device = self.device channel = updated_device.channels[self.channel.id] self.channel = channel motion_enabled = updated_device.recording_settings.enable_motion_detection self._attr_motion_detection_enabled = ( motion_enabled if motion_enabled is not None else True ) state_type_is_connected = updated_device.state is StateType.CONNECTED self._attr_is_recording = ( state_type_is_connected and updated_device.is_recording ) is_connected = self.data.last_update_success and state_type_is_connected # some cameras have detachable lens that could cause the camera to be offline self._attr_available = is_connected and updated_device.is_video_ready self._async_set_stream_source() self._attr_extra_state_attributes = { ATTR_WIDTH: channel.width, ATTR_HEIGHT: channel.height, ATTR_FPS: channel.fps, ATTR_BITRATE: channel.bitrate, ATTR_CHANNEL_ID: channel.id, } async def async_camera_image( self, width: int | None = None, height: int | None = None ) -> bytes | None: """Return the Camera Image.""" if self.channel.is_package: last_image = await self.device.get_package_snapshot(width, height) else: last_image = await self.device.get_snapshot(width, height) self._last_image = last_image return self._last_image async def stream_source(self) -> str | None: """Return the Stream Source.""" return self._stream_source async def async_enable_motion_detection(self) -> None: """Call the job and enable motion detection.""" await self.device.set_motion_detection(True) async def async_disable_motion_detection(self) -> None: """Call the job and disable motion detection.""" await self.device.set_motion_detection(False)