"""Tests for diagnostics platform of google calendar.""" from collections.abc import Callable import time from typing import Any from aiohttp.test_utils import TestClient from freezegun import freeze_time import pytest from syrupy.assertion import SnapshotAssertion from homeassistant.auth.models import Credentials from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from .conftest import TEST_EVENT, ApiResult, ComponentSetup from tests.common import CLIENT_ID, MockConfigEntry, MockUser from tests.components.diagnostics import get_diagnostics_for_config_entry from tests.test_util.aiohttp import AiohttpClientMocker from tests.typing import ClientSessionGenerator @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def mock_test_setup( test_api_calendar: dict[str, Any], mock_calendars_list: ApiResult, ) -> None: """Fixture that sets up the default API responses during integration setup.""" mock_calendars_list({"items": [test_api_calendar]}) async def generate_new_hass_access_token( hass: HomeAssistant, hass_admin_user: MockUser, hass_admin_credential: Credentials ) -> str: """Return an access token to access Home Assistant.""" await hass.auth.async_link_user(hass_admin_user, hass_admin_credential) refresh_token = await hass.auth.async_create_refresh_token( hass_admin_user, CLIENT_ID, credential=hass_admin_credential ) return hass.auth.async_create_access_token(refresh_token) def _get_test_client_generator( hass: HomeAssistant, aiohttp_client: ClientSessionGenerator, new_token: str ): """Return a test client generator."".""" async def auth_client() -> TestClient: return await aiohttp_client( hass.http.app, headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {new_token}"} ) return auth_client @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) async def setup_diag(hass): """Set up diagnostics platform.""" assert await async_setup_component(hass, "diagnostics", {}) @freeze_time("2023-03-13 12:05:00-07:00") @pytest.mark.usefixtures("socket_enabled") async def test_diagnostics( hass: HomeAssistant, component_setup: ComponentSetup, mock_events_list_items: Callable[[list[dict[str, Any]]], None], hass_admin_user: MockUser, hass_admin_credential: Credentials, config_entry: MockConfigEntry, aiohttp_client: ClientSessionGenerator, snapshot: SnapshotAssertion, aioclient_mock: AiohttpClientMocker, ) -> None: """Test diagnostics for the calendar.""" expires_in = 86400 expires_at = time.time() + expires_in aioclient_mock.post( "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token", json={ "refresh_token": "some-refresh-token", "access_token": "some-updated-token", "expires_at": expires_at, "expires_in": expires_in, }, ) mock_events_list_items( [ { **TEST_EVENT, "id": "event-id-1", "iCalUID": "event-id-1@google.com", "start": {"dateTime": "2023-03-13 12:00:00-07:00"}, "end": {"dateTime": "2023-03-13 12:30:00-07:00"}, }, { **TEST_EVENT, "id": "event-id-2", "iCalUID": "event-id-2@google.com", "summary": "All Day Event", "start": {"date": "2022-10-08"}, "end": {"date": "2022-10-09"}, "recurrence": ["RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY"], }, ] ) assert await component_setup() # Since we are freezing time only when we enter this test, we need to # manually create a new token and clients since the token created by # the fixtures would not be valid. new_token = await generate_new_hass_access_token( hass, hass_admin_user, hass_admin_credential ) data = await get_diagnostics_for_config_entry( hass, _get_test_client_generator(hass, aiohttp_client, new_token), config_entry ) assert data == snapshot