"""Support for monitoring the Transmission BitTorrent client API.""" from __future__ import annotations from contextlib import suppress from transmission_rpc.torrent import Torrent from homeassistant.components.sensor import SensorDeviceClass, SensorEntity from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import CONF_NAME, STATE_IDLE, UnitOfDataRate from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, callback from homeassistant.helpers.device_registry import DeviceEntryType, DeviceInfo from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_connect from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddEntitiesCallback from . import TransmissionClient from .const import ( CONF_LIMIT, CONF_ORDER, DOMAIN, STATE_ATTR_TORRENT_INFO, STATE_DOWNLOADING, STATE_SEEDING, STATE_UP_DOWN, SUPPORTED_ORDER_MODES, ) async def async_setup_entry( hass: HomeAssistant, config_entry: ConfigEntry, async_add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback, ) -> None: """Set up the Transmission sensors.""" tm_client = hass.data[DOMAIN][config_entry.entry_id] name = config_entry.data[CONF_NAME] dev = [ TransmissionSpeedSensor( tm_client, name, "download_speed", "download", ), TransmissionSpeedSensor( tm_client, name, "upload_speed", "upload", ), TransmissionStatusSensor( tm_client, name, "transmission_status", "status", ), TransmissionTorrentsSensor( tm_client, name, "active_torrents", "active_torrents", ), TransmissionTorrentsSensor( tm_client, name, "paused_torrents", "paused_torrents", ), TransmissionTorrentsSensor( tm_client, name, "total_torrents", "total_torrents", ), TransmissionTorrentsSensor( tm_client, name, "completed_torrents", "completed_torrents", ), TransmissionTorrentsSensor( tm_client, name, "started_torrents", "started_torrents", ), ] async_add_entities(dev, True) class TransmissionSensor(SensorEntity): """A base class for all Transmission sensors.""" _attr_has_entity_name = True _attr_should_poll = False def __init__(self, tm_client, client_name, sensor_translation_key, key): """Initialize the sensor.""" self._tm_client: TransmissionClient = tm_client self._attr_translation_key = sensor_translation_key self._key = key self._state = None self._attr_unique_id = f"{tm_client.config_entry.entry_id}-{key}" self._attr_device_info = DeviceInfo( entry_type=DeviceEntryType.SERVICE, identifiers={(DOMAIN, tm_client.config_entry.entry_id)}, manufacturer="Transmission", name=client_name, ) @property def native_value(self): """Return the state of the sensor.""" return self._state @property def available(self) -> bool: """Could the device be accessed during the last update call.""" return self._tm_client.api.available async def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None: """Handle entity which will be added.""" @callback def update(): """Update the state.""" self.async_schedule_update_ha_state(True) self.async_on_remove( async_dispatcher_connect( self.hass, self._tm_client.api.signal_update, update ) ) class TransmissionSpeedSensor(TransmissionSensor): """Representation of a Transmission speed sensor.""" _attr_device_class = SensorDeviceClass.DATA_RATE _attr_native_unit_of_measurement = UnitOfDataRate.BYTES_PER_SECOND _attr_suggested_display_precision = 2 _attr_suggested_unit_of_measurement = UnitOfDataRate.MEGABYTES_PER_SECOND def update(self) -> None: """Get the latest data from Transmission and updates the state.""" if data := self._tm_client.api.data: b_spd = ( float(data.download_speed) if self._key == "download" else float(data.upload_speed) ) self._state = b_spd class TransmissionStatusSensor(TransmissionSensor): """Representation of a Transmission status sensor.""" _attr_device_class = SensorDeviceClass.ENUM _attr_options = [STATE_IDLE, STATE_UP_DOWN, STATE_SEEDING, STATE_DOWNLOADING] def update(self) -> None: """Get the latest data from Transmission and updates the state.""" if data := self._tm_client.api.data: upload = data.upload_speed download = data.download_speed if upload > 0 and download > 0: self._state = STATE_UP_DOWN elif upload > 0 and download == 0: self._state = STATE_SEEDING elif upload == 0 and download > 0: self._state = STATE_DOWNLOADING else: self._state = STATE_IDLE else: self._state = None class TransmissionTorrentsSensor(TransmissionSensor): """Representation of a Transmission torrents sensor.""" MODES: dict[str, list[str] | None] = { "started_torrents": ["downloading"], "completed_torrents": ["seeding"], "paused_torrents": ["stopped"], "active_torrents": [ "seeding", "downloading", ], "total_torrents": None, } @property def native_unit_of_measurement(self): """Return the unit of measurement of this entity, if any.""" return "Torrents" @property def extra_state_attributes(self): """Return the state attributes, if any.""" info = _torrents_info( torrents=self._tm_client.api.torrents, order=self._tm_client.config_entry.options[CONF_ORDER], limit=self._tm_client.config_entry.options[CONF_LIMIT], statuses=self.MODES[self._key], ) return { STATE_ATTR_TORRENT_INFO: info, } def update(self) -> None: """Get the latest data from Transmission and updates the state.""" torrents = _filter_torrents( self._tm_client.api.torrents, statuses=self.MODES[self._key] ) self._state = len(torrents) def _filter_torrents(torrents: list[Torrent], statuses=None) -> list[Torrent]: return [ torrent for torrent in torrents if statuses is None or torrent.status in statuses ] def _torrents_info(torrents, order, limit, statuses=None): infos = {} torrents = _filter_torrents(torrents, statuses) torrents = SUPPORTED_ORDER_MODES[order](torrents) for torrent in torrents[:limit]: info = infos[torrent.name] = { "added_date": torrent.date_added, "percent_done": f"{torrent.percent_done * 100:.2f}", "status": torrent.status, "id": torrent.id, } with suppress(ValueError): info["eta"] = str(torrent.eta) return infos