"""Config flow to configure SleepIQ component.""" from __future__ import annotations from collections.abc import Mapping import logging from typing import Any from asyncsleepiq import AsyncSleepIQ, SleepIQLoginException, SleepIQTimeoutException import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigFlow, ConfigFlowResult from homeassistant.const import CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_USERNAME from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.helpers.aiohttp_client import async_get_clientsession from .const import DOMAIN _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SleepIQFlowHandler(ConfigFlow, domain=DOMAIN): """Handle a SleepIQ config flow.""" VERSION = 1 async def async_step_import(self, import_data: dict[str, Any]) -> ConfigFlowResult: """Import a SleepIQ account as a config entry. This flow is triggered by 'async_setup' for configured accounts. """ await self.async_set_unique_id(import_data[CONF_USERNAME].lower()) self._abort_if_unique_id_configured() if error := await try_connection(self.hass, import_data): _LOGGER.error("Could not authenticate with SleepIQ server: %s", error) return self.async_abort(reason=error) return self.async_create_entry( title=import_data[CONF_USERNAME], data=import_data ) async def async_step_user( self, user_input: dict[str, Any] | None = None ) -> ConfigFlowResult: """Handle a flow initialized by the user.""" errors = {} if user_input is not None: # Don't allow multiple instances with the same username await self.async_set_unique_id(user_input[CONF_USERNAME].lower()) self._abort_if_unique_id_configured() if error := await try_connection(self.hass, user_input): errors["base"] = error else: return self.async_create_entry( title=user_input[CONF_USERNAME], data=user_input ) else: user_input = {} return self.async_show_form( step_id="user", data_schema=vol.Schema( { vol.Required( CONF_USERNAME, default=user_input.get(CONF_USERNAME), ): str, vol.Required(CONF_PASSWORD): str, } ), errors=errors, last_step=True, ) async def async_step_reauth( self, entry_data: Mapping[str, Any] ) -> ConfigFlowResult: """Perform reauth upon an API authentication error.""" return await self.async_step_reauth_confirm() async def async_step_reauth_confirm( self, user_input: dict[str, Any] | None = None ) -> ConfigFlowResult: """Confirm reauth.""" errors: dict[str, str] = {} reauth_entry = self._get_reauth_entry() if user_input is not None: data = { CONF_USERNAME: reauth_entry.data[CONF_USERNAME], CONF_PASSWORD: user_input[CONF_PASSWORD], } if not (error := await try_connection(self.hass, data)): return self.async_update_reload_and_abort(reauth_entry, data=data) errors["base"] = error return self.async_show_form( step_id="reauth_confirm", data_schema=vol.Schema({vol.Required(CONF_PASSWORD): str}), errors=errors, description_placeholders={ CONF_USERNAME: reauth_entry.data[CONF_USERNAME], }, ) async def try_connection(hass: HomeAssistant, user_input: dict[str, Any]) -> str | None: """Test if the given credentials can successfully login to SleepIQ.""" client_session = async_get_clientsession(hass) gateway = AsyncSleepIQ(client_session=client_session) try: await gateway.login(user_input[CONF_USERNAME], user_input[CONF_PASSWORD]) except SleepIQLoginException: return "invalid_auth" except SleepIQTimeoutException: return "cannot_connect" return None