{ "config": { "abort": { "already_configured": "This Elgato Key Light device is already configured.", "connection_error": "Failed to connect to Elgato Key Light device." }, "error": { "connection_error": "Failed to connect to Elgato Key Light device." }, "flow_title": "Elgato Key Light: {serial_number}", "step": { "user": { "data": { "host": "Host or IP address", "port": "Port number" }, "description": "Set up your Elgato Key Light to integrate with Home Assistant.", "title": "Link your Elgato Key Light" }, "zeroconf_confirm": { "description": "Do you want to add the Elgato Key Light with serial number `{serial_number}` to Home Assistant?", "title": "Discovered Elgato Key Light device" } }, "title": "Elgato Key Light" } }