{ "config": { "abort": { "cannot_connect": "Failed to connect", "invalid_auth": "Invalid authentication", "single_instance_allowed": "Already configured. Only a single configuration possible." }, "error": { "invalid_auth": "Invalid authentication", "login_error": "Login error ({code}): {msg}" }, "flow_title": "Tuya configuration", "step": { "login": { "data": { "access_id": "Access ID", "access_secret": "Access Secret", "country_code": "Country Code", "endpoint": "Availability Zone", "password": "Password", "tuya_app_type": "Mobile App", "username": "Account" }, "description": "Enter your Tuya credential", "title": "Tuya" }, "user": { "data": { "access_id": "Tuya IoT Access ID", "access_secret": "Tuya IoT Access Secret", "country_code": "Country", "password": "Password", "platform": "The app where your account is registered", "region": "Region", "tuya_project_type": "Tuya cloud project type", "username": "Account" }, "description": "Enter your Tuya credentials", "title": "Tuya Integration" } } }, "options": { "abort": { "cannot_connect": "Failed to connect" }, "error": { "dev_multi_type": "Multiple selected devices to configure must be of the same type", "dev_not_config": "Device type not configurable", "dev_not_found": "Device not found" }, "step": { "device": { "data": { "brightness_range_mode": "Brightness range used by device", "curr_temp_divider": "Current Temperature value divider (0 = use default)", "max_kelvin": "Max color temperature supported in kelvin", "max_temp": "Max target temperature (use min and max = 0 for default)", "min_kelvin": "Min color temperature supported in kelvin", "min_temp": "Min target temperature (use min and max = 0 for default)", "set_temp_divided": "Use divided Temperature value for set temperature command", "support_color": "Force color support", "temp_divider": "Temperature values divider (0 = use default)", "temp_step_override": "Target Temperature step", "tuya_max_coltemp": "Max color temperature reported by device", "unit_of_measurement": "Temperature unit used by device" }, "description": "Configure options to adjust displayed information for {device_type} device `{device_name}`", "title": "Configure Tuya Device" }, "init": { "data": { "discovery_interval": "Discovery device polling interval in seconds", "list_devices": "Select the devices to configure or leave empty to save configuration", "query_device": "Select device that will use query method for faster status update", "query_interval": "Query device polling interval in seconds" }, "description": "Do not set pollings interval values too low or the calls will fail generating error message in the log", "title": "Configure Tuya Options" } } } }