"""UniFi POE control platform tests.""" from collections import deque from unittest.mock import Mock import pytest import aiounifi from aiounifi.clients import Clients from aiounifi.devices import Devices from homeassistant import config_entries from homeassistant.components import unifi from homeassistant.components.unifi.const import ( CONF_POE_CONTROL, CONF_CONTROLLER, CONF_SITE_ID) from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_HOST, CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_PORT, CONF_USERNAME, CONF_VERIFY_SSL) import homeassistant.components.switch as switch from tests.common import mock_coro CLIENT_1 = { 'hostname': 'client_1', 'ip': '', 'is_wired': True, 'mac': '00:00:00:00:00:01', 'name': 'POE Client 1', 'oui': 'Producer', 'sw_mac': '00:00:00:00:01:01', 'sw_port': 1, 'wired-rx_bytes': 1234000000, 'wired-tx_bytes': 5678000000 } CLIENT_2 = { 'hostname': 'client_2', 'ip': '', 'is_wired': True, 'mac': '00:00:00:00:00:02', 'name': 'POE Client 2', 'oui': 'Producer', 'sw_mac': '00:00:00:00:01:01', 'sw_port': 2, 'wired-rx_bytes': 1234000000, 'wired-tx_bytes': 5678000000 } CLIENT_3 = { 'hostname': 'client_3', 'ip': '', 'is_wired': True, 'mac': '00:00:00:00:00:03', 'name': 'Non-POE Client 3', 'oui': 'Producer', 'sw_mac': '00:00:00:00:01:01', 'sw_port': 3, 'wired-rx_bytes': 1234000000, 'wired-tx_bytes': 5678000000 } CLIENT_4 = { 'hostname': 'client_4', 'ip': '', 'is_wired': True, 'mac': '00:00:00:00:00:04', 'name': 'Non-POE Client 4', 'oui': 'Producer', 'sw_mac': '00:00:00:00:01:01', 'sw_port': 4, 'wired-rx_bytes': 1234000000, 'wired-tx_bytes': 5678000000 } CLOUDKEY = { 'hostname': 'client_1', 'ip': 'mock-host', 'is_wired': True, 'mac': '10:00:00:00:00:01', 'name': 'Cloud key', 'oui': 'Producer', 'sw_mac': '00:00:00:00:01:01', 'sw_port': 1, 'wired-rx_bytes': 1234000000, 'wired-tx_bytes': 5678000000 } POE_SWITCH_CLIENTS = [ { 'hostname': 'client_1', 'ip': '', 'is_wired': True, 'mac': '00:00:00:00:00:01', 'name': 'POE Client 1', 'oui': 'Producer', 'sw_mac': '00:00:00:00:01:01', 'sw_port': 1, 'wired-rx_bytes': 1234000000, 'wired-tx_bytes': 5678000000 }, { 'hostname': 'client_2', 'ip': '', 'is_wired': True, 'mac': '00:00:00:00:00:02', 'name': 'POE Client 2', 'oui': 'Producer', 'sw_mac': '00:00:00:00:01:01', 'sw_port': 1, 'wired-rx_bytes': 1234000000, 'wired-tx_bytes': 5678000000 } ] DEVICE_1 = { 'device_id': 'mock-id', 'ip': '', 'mac': '00:00:00:00:01:01', 'type': 'usw', 'name': 'mock-name', 'port_overrides': [], 'port_table': [ { 'media': 'GE', 'name': 'Port 1', 'port_idx': 1, 'poe_class': 'Class 4', 'poe_enable': True, 'poe_mode': 'auto', 'poe_power': '2.56', 'poe_voltage': '53.40', 'portconf_id': '1a1', 'port_poe': True, 'up': True }, { 'media': 'GE', 'name': 'Port 2', 'port_idx': 2, 'poe_class': 'Class 4', 'poe_enable': True, 'poe_mode': 'auto', 'poe_power': '2.56', 'poe_voltage': '53.40', 'portconf_id': '1a2', 'port_poe': True, 'up': True }, { 'media': 'GE', 'name': 'Port 3', 'port_idx': 3, 'poe_class': 'Unknown', 'poe_enable': False, 'poe_mode': 'off', 'poe_power': '0.00', 'poe_voltage': '0.00', 'portconf_id': '1a3', 'port_poe': False, 'up': True }, { 'media': 'GE', 'name': 'Port 4', 'port_idx': 4, 'poe_class': 'Unknown', 'poe_enable': False, 'poe_mode': 'auto', 'poe_power': '0.00', 'poe_voltage': '0.00', 'portconf_id': '1a4', 'port_poe': True, 'up': True } ] } CONTROLLER_DATA = { CONF_HOST: 'mock-host', CONF_USERNAME: 'mock-user', CONF_PASSWORD: 'mock-pswd', CONF_PORT: 1234, CONF_SITE_ID: 'mock-site', CONF_VERIFY_SSL: True } ENTRY_CONFIG = { CONF_CONTROLLER: CONTROLLER_DATA, CONF_POE_CONTROL: True } CONTROLLER_ID = unifi.CONTROLLER_ID.format(host='mock-host', site='mock-site') @pytest.fixture def mock_controller(hass): """Mock a UniFi Controller.""" controller = Mock( available=True, api=Mock(), spec=unifi.UniFiController ) controller.mac = '10:00:00:00:00:01' controller.mock_requests = [] controller.mock_client_responses = deque() controller.mock_device_responses = deque() async def mock_request(method, path, **kwargs): kwargs['method'] = method kwargs['path'] = path controller.mock_requests.append(kwargs) if path == 's/{site}/stat/sta': return controller.mock_client_responses.popleft() if path == 's/{site}/stat/device': return controller.mock_device_responses.popleft() return None controller.api.clients = Clients({}, mock_request) controller.api.devices = Devices({}, mock_request) return controller async def setup_controller(hass, mock_controller): """Load the UniFi switch platform with the provided controller.""" hass.config.components.add(unifi.DOMAIN) hass.data[unifi.DOMAIN] = {CONTROLLER_ID: mock_controller} config_entry = config_entries.ConfigEntry( 1, unifi.DOMAIN, 'Mock Title', ENTRY_CONFIG, 'test', config_entries.CONN_CLASS_LOCAL_POLL) await hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_setup(config_entry, 'switch') # To flush out the service call to update the group await hass.async_block_till_done() async def test_platform_manually_configured(hass): """Test that we do not discover anything or try to set up a bridge.""" assert await async_setup_component(hass, switch.DOMAIN, { 'switch': { 'platform': 'unifi' } }) is True assert unifi.DOMAIN not in hass.data async def test_no_clients(hass, mock_controller): """Test the update_clients function when no clients are found.""" mock_controller.mock_client_responses.append({}) await setup_controller(hass, mock_controller) assert len(mock_controller.mock_requests) == 2 assert not hass.states.async_all() async def test_controller_not_client(hass, mock_controller): """Test that the controller doesn't become a switch.""" mock_controller.mock_client_responses.append([CLOUDKEY]) mock_controller.mock_device_responses.append([DEVICE_1]) await setup_controller(hass, mock_controller) assert len(mock_controller.mock_requests) == 2 assert not hass.states.async_all() cloudkey = hass.states.get('switch.cloud_key') assert cloudkey is None async def test_switches(hass, mock_controller): """Test the update_items function with some lights.""" mock_controller.mock_client_responses.append([CLIENT_1, CLIENT_4]) mock_controller.mock_device_responses.append([DEVICE_1]) await setup_controller(hass, mock_controller) assert len(mock_controller.mock_requests) == 2 # 1 All Lights group, 2 lights assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 2 switch_1 = hass.states.get('switch.client_1') assert switch_1 is not None assert switch_1.state == 'on' assert switch_1.attributes['power'] == '2.56' assert switch_1.attributes['received'] == 1234 assert switch_1.attributes['sent'] == 5678 assert switch_1.attributes['switch'] == '00:00:00:00:01:01' assert switch_1.attributes['port'] == 1 assert switch_1.attributes['poe_mode'] == 'auto' switch = hass.states.get('switch.client_4') assert switch is None async def test_new_client_discovered(hass, mock_controller): """Test if 2nd update has a new client.""" mock_controller.mock_client_responses.append([CLIENT_1]) mock_controller.mock_device_responses.append([DEVICE_1]) await setup_controller(hass, mock_controller) assert len(mock_controller.mock_requests) == 2 assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 2 mock_controller.mock_client_responses.append([CLIENT_1, CLIENT_2]) mock_controller.mock_device_responses.append([DEVICE_1]) # Calling a service will trigger the updates to run await hass.services.async_call('switch', 'turn_off', { 'entity_id': 'switch.client_1' }, blocking=True) # 2x light update, 1 turn on request assert len(mock_controller.mock_requests) == 5 assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 3 switch = hass.states.get('switch.client_2') assert switch is not None assert switch.state == 'on' async def test_failed_update_successful_login(hass, mock_controller): """Running update can login when requested.""" mock_controller.available = False mock_controller.api.clients.update = Mock() mock_controller.api.clients.update.side_effect = aiounifi.LoginRequired mock_controller.api.login = Mock() mock_controller.api.login.return_value = mock_coro() await setup_controller(hass, mock_controller) assert len(mock_controller.mock_requests) == 0 assert mock_controller.available is True async def test_failed_update_failed_login(hass, mock_controller): """Running update can handle a failed login.""" mock_controller.api.clients.update = Mock() mock_controller.api.clients.update.side_effect = aiounifi.LoginRequired mock_controller.api.login = Mock() mock_controller.api.login.side_effect = aiounifi.AiounifiException await setup_controller(hass, mock_controller) assert len(mock_controller.mock_requests) == 0 assert mock_controller.available is False async def test_failed_update_unreachable_controller(hass, mock_controller): """Running update can handle a unreachable controller.""" mock_controller.mock_client_responses.append([CLIENT_1, CLIENT_2]) mock_controller.mock_device_responses.append([DEVICE_1]) await setup_controller(hass, mock_controller) mock_controller.api.clients.update = Mock() mock_controller.api.clients.update.side_effect = aiounifi.AiounifiException # Calling a service will trigger the updates to run await hass.services.async_call('switch', 'turn_off', { 'entity_id': 'switch.client_1' }, blocking=True) # 2x light update, 1 turn on request assert len(mock_controller.mock_requests) == 3 assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 3 assert mock_controller.available is False async def test_ignore_multiple_poe_clients_on_same_port(hass, mock_controller): """Ignore when there are multiple POE driven clients on same port. If there is a non-UniFi switch powered by POE, clients will be transparently marked as having POE as well. """ mock_controller.mock_client_responses.append(POE_SWITCH_CLIENTS) mock_controller.mock_device_responses.append([DEVICE_1]) await setup_controller(hass, mock_controller) assert len(mock_controller.mock_requests) == 2 # 1 All Lights group, 2 lights assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 0 switch_1 = hass.states.get('switch.client_1') switch_2 = hass.states.get('switch.client_2') assert switch_1 is None assert switch_2 is None