{ "config": { "step": { "user": { "title": "Sony Bravia TV", "description": "Set up Sony Bravia TV integration. If you have problems with configuration go to: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/braviatv \n\nEnsure that your TV is turned on.", "data": { "host": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::host%]" } }, "authorize": { "title": "Authorize Sony Bravia TV", "description": "Enter the PIN code shown on the Sony Bravia TV. \n\nIf the PIN code is not shown, you have to unregister Home Assistant on your TV, go to: Settings -> Network -> Remote device settings -> Unregister remote device.", "data": { "pin": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::pin%]" } } }, "error": { "invalid_host": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::invalid_host%]", "cannot_connect": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::cannot_connect%]", "unsupported_model": "Your TV model is not supported." }, "abort": { "already_configured": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::already_configured_device%]", "no_ip_control": "IP Control is disabled on your TV or the TV is not supported." } }, "options": { "step": { "user": { "title": "Options for Sony Bravia TV", "data": { "ignored_sources": "List of ignored sources" } } } } }