"""Light platform support for yeelight.""" from __future__ import annotations from collections.abc import Callable, Coroutine import logging import math from typing import Any, Concatenate import voluptuous as vol import yeelight from yeelight import Flow, RGBTransition, SleepTransition, flows from yeelight.aio import AsyncBulb from yeelight.enums import BulbType, LightType, PowerMode, SceneClass from yeelight.main import BulbException from homeassistant.components.light import ( ATTR_BRIGHTNESS, ATTR_COLOR_TEMP_KELVIN, ATTR_EFFECT, ATTR_FLASH, ATTR_HS_COLOR, ATTR_RGB_COLOR, ATTR_TRANSITION, FLASH_LONG, FLASH_SHORT, ColorMode, LightEntity, LightEntityFeature, ) from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_MODE, CONF_NAME from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, callback from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError from homeassistant.helpers import config_validation as cv, entity_platform from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_connect from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddEntitiesCallback from homeassistant.helpers.event import async_call_later from homeassistant.helpers.typing import VolDictType from homeassistant.util import color as color_util from . import YEELIGHT_FLOW_TRANSITION_SCHEMA from .const import ( ACTION_RECOVER, ATTR_ACTION, ATTR_COUNT, ATTR_MODE_MUSIC, ATTR_TRANSITIONS, CONF_FLOW_PARAMS, CONF_MODE_MUSIC, CONF_NIGHTLIGHT_SWITCH, CONF_SAVE_ON_CHANGE, CONF_TRANSITION, DATA_CONFIG_ENTRIES, DATA_CUSTOM_EFFECTS, DATA_DEVICE, DATA_UPDATED, DOMAIN, MODELS_WITH_DELAYED_ON_TRANSITION, POWER_STATE_CHANGE_TIME, ) from .device import YeelightDevice from .entity import YeelightEntity _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) ATTR_MINUTES = "minutes" ATTR_KELVIN = "kelvin" SERVICE_SET_MODE = "set_mode" SERVICE_SET_MUSIC_MODE = "set_music_mode" SERVICE_START_FLOW = "start_flow" SERVICE_SET_COLOR_SCENE = "set_color_scene" SERVICE_SET_HSV_SCENE = "set_hsv_scene" SERVICE_SET_COLOR_TEMP_SCENE = "set_color_temp_scene" SERVICE_SET_COLOR_FLOW_SCENE = "set_color_flow_scene" SERVICE_SET_AUTO_DELAY_OFF_SCENE = "set_auto_delay_off_scene" EFFECT_DISCO = "Disco" EFFECT_TEMP = "Slow Temp" EFFECT_STROBE = "Strobe epilepsy!" EFFECT_STROBE_COLOR = "Strobe color" EFFECT_ALARM = "Alarm" EFFECT_POLICE = "Police" EFFECT_POLICE2 = "Police2" EFFECT_CHRISTMAS = "Christmas" EFFECT_RGB = "RGB" EFFECT_RANDOM_LOOP = "Random Loop" EFFECT_FAST_RANDOM_LOOP = "Fast Random Loop" EFFECT_LSD = "LSD" EFFECT_SLOWDOWN = "Slowdown" EFFECT_WHATSAPP = "WhatsApp" EFFECT_FACEBOOK = "Facebook" EFFECT_TWITTER = "Twitter" EFFECT_STOP = "Stop" EFFECT_HOME = "Home" EFFECT_NIGHT_MODE = "Night Mode" EFFECT_DATE_NIGHT = "Date Night" EFFECT_MOVIE = "Movie" EFFECT_SUNRISE = "Sunrise" EFFECT_SUNSET = "Sunset" EFFECT_ROMANCE = "Romance" EFFECT_HAPPY_BIRTHDAY = "Happy Birthday" EFFECT_CANDLE_FLICKER = "Candle Flicker" EFFECT_TEA_TIME = "Tea Time" YEELIGHT_TEMP_ONLY_EFFECT_LIST = [EFFECT_TEMP, EFFECT_STOP] YEELIGHT_MONO_EFFECT_LIST = [ EFFECT_DISCO, EFFECT_STROBE, EFFECT_ALARM, EFFECT_POLICE2, EFFECT_WHATSAPP, EFFECT_FACEBOOK, EFFECT_TWITTER, EFFECT_HOME, EFFECT_CANDLE_FLICKER, EFFECT_TEA_TIME, *YEELIGHT_TEMP_ONLY_EFFECT_LIST, ] YEELIGHT_COLOR_EFFECT_LIST = [ EFFECT_STROBE_COLOR, EFFECT_POLICE, EFFECT_CHRISTMAS, EFFECT_RGB, EFFECT_RANDOM_LOOP, EFFECT_FAST_RANDOM_LOOP, EFFECT_LSD, EFFECT_SLOWDOWN, EFFECT_NIGHT_MODE, EFFECT_DATE_NIGHT, EFFECT_MOVIE, EFFECT_SUNRISE, EFFECT_SUNSET, EFFECT_ROMANCE, EFFECT_HAPPY_BIRTHDAY, *YEELIGHT_MONO_EFFECT_LIST, ] EFFECTS_MAP = { EFFECT_DISCO: flows.disco, EFFECT_TEMP: flows.temp, EFFECT_STROBE: flows.strobe, EFFECT_STROBE_COLOR: flows.strobe_color, EFFECT_ALARM: flows.alarm, EFFECT_POLICE: flows.police, EFFECT_POLICE2: flows.police2, EFFECT_CHRISTMAS: flows.christmas, EFFECT_RGB: flows.rgb, EFFECT_RANDOM_LOOP: flows.random_loop, EFFECT_LSD: flows.lsd, EFFECT_SLOWDOWN: flows.slowdown, EFFECT_HOME: flows.home, EFFECT_NIGHT_MODE: flows.night_mode, EFFECT_DATE_NIGHT: flows.date_night, EFFECT_MOVIE: flows.movie, EFFECT_SUNRISE: flows.sunrise, EFFECT_SUNSET: flows.sunset, EFFECT_ROMANCE: flows.romance, EFFECT_HAPPY_BIRTHDAY: flows.happy_birthday, EFFECT_CANDLE_FLICKER: flows.candle_flicker, EFFECT_TEA_TIME: flows.tea_time, } VALID_BRIGHTNESS = vol.All(vol.Coerce(int), vol.Range(min=1, max=100)) SERVICE_SCHEMA_SET_MODE: VolDictType = { vol.Required(ATTR_MODE): vol.In([mode.name.lower() for mode in PowerMode]) } SERVICE_SCHEMA_SET_MUSIC_MODE: VolDictType = {vol.Required(ATTR_MODE_MUSIC): cv.boolean} SERVICE_SCHEMA_START_FLOW = YEELIGHT_FLOW_TRANSITION_SCHEMA SERVICE_SCHEMA_SET_COLOR_SCENE: VolDictType = { vol.Required(ATTR_RGB_COLOR): vol.All( vol.Coerce(tuple), vol.ExactSequence((cv.byte, cv.byte, cv.byte)) ), vol.Required(ATTR_BRIGHTNESS): VALID_BRIGHTNESS, } SERVICE_SCHEMA_SET_HSV_SCENE: VolDictType = { vol.Required(ATTR_HS_COLOR): vol.All( vol.Coerce(tuple), vol.ExactSequence( ( vol.All(vol.Coerce(float), vol.Range(min=0, max=359)), vol.All(vol.Coerce(float), vol.Range(min=0, max=100)), ) ), ), vol.Required(ATTR_BRIGHTNESS): VALID_BRIGHTNESS, } SERVICE_SCHEMA_SET_COLOR_TEMP_SCENE: VolDictType = { vol.Required(ATTR_KELVIN): vol.All(vol.Coerce(int), vol.Range(min=1700, max=6500)), vol.Required(ATTR_BRIGHTNESS): VALID_BRIGHTNESS, } SERVICE_SCHEMA_SET_COLOR_FLOW_SCENE = YEELIGHT_FLOW_TRANSITION_SCHEMA SERVICE_SCHEMA_SET_AUTO_DELAY_OFF_SCENE: VolDictType = { vol.Required(ATTR_MINUTES): vol.All(vol.Coerce(int), vol.Range(min=1, max=60)), vol.Required(ATTR_BRIGHTNESS): VALID_BRIGHTNESS, } @callback def _transitions_config_parser(transitions): """Parse transitions config into initialized objects.""" transition_objects = [] for transition_config in transitions: transition, params = list(transition_config.items())[0] transition_objects.append(getattr(yeelight, transition)(*params)) return transition_objects @callback def _parse_custom_effects(effects_config) -> dict[str, dict[str, Any]]: effects = {} for config in effects_config: params = config[CONF_FLOW_PARAMS] action = Flow.actions[params[ATTR_ACTION]] transitions = _transitions_config_parser(params[ATTR_TRANSITIONS]) effects[config[CONF_NAME]] = { ATTR_COUNT: params[ATTR_COUNT], ATTR_ACTION: action, ATTR_TRANSITIONS: transitions, } return effects def _async_cmd[_YeelightBaseLightT: YeelightBaseLight, **_P, _R]( func: Callable[Concatenate[_YeelightBaseLightT, _P], Coroutine[Any, Any, _R]], ) -> Callable[Concatenate[_YeelightBaseLightT, _P], Coroutine[Any, Any, _R | None]]: """Define a wrapper to catch exceptions from the bulb.""" async def _async_wrap( self: _YeelightBaseLightT, *args: _P.args, **kwargs: _P.kwargs ) -> _R | None: for attempts in range(2): try: _LOGGER.debug("Calling %s with %s %s", func, args, kwargs) return await func(self, *args, **kwargs) except TimeoutError as ex: # The wifi likely dropped, so we want to retry once since # python-yeelight will auto reconnect if attempts == 0: continue raise HomeAssistantError( f"Timed out when calling {func.__name__} for bulb " f"{self.device.name} at {self.device.host}: {str(ex) or type(ex)}" ) from ex except OSError as ex: # A network error happened, the bulb is likely offline now self.device.async_mark_unavailable() self.async_state_changed() raise HomeAssistantError( f"Error when calling {func.__name__} for bulb " f"{self.device.name} at {self.device.host}: {str(ex) or type(ex)}" ) from ex except BulbException as ex: # The bulb likely responded but had an error raise HomeAssistantError( f"Error when calling {func.__name__} for bulb " f"{self.device.name} at {self.device.host}: {str(ex) or type(ex)}" ) from ex return None return _async_wrap async def async_setup_entry( hass: HomeAssistant, config_entry: ConfigEntry, async_add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback, ) -> None: """Set up Yeelight from a config entry.""" custom_effects = _parse_custom_effects(hass.data[DOMAIN][DATA_CUSTOM_EFFECTS]) device = hass.data[DOMAIN][DATA_CONFIG_ENTRIES][config_entry.entry_id][DATA_DEVICE] _LOGGER.debug("Adding %s", device.name) nl_switch_light = device.config.get(CONF_NIGHTLIGHT_SWITCH) lights = [] device_type = device.type def _lights_setup_helper(klass): lights.append(klass(device, config_entry, custom_effects=custom_effects)) if device_type == BulbType.White: _lights_setup_helper(YeelightGenericLight) elif device_type == BulbType.Color: if nl_switch_light and device.is_nightlight_supported: _lights_setup_helper(YeelightColorLightWithNightlightSwitch) _lights_setup_helper(YeelightNightLightModeWithoutBrightnessControl) else: _lights_setup_helper(YeelightColorLightWithoutNightlightSwitchLight) elif device_type == BulbType.WhiteTemp: if nl_switch_light and device.is_nightlight_supported: _lights_setup_helper(YeelightWithNightLight) _lights_setup_helper(YeelightNightLightMode) else: _lights_setup_helper(YeelightWhiteTempWithoutNightlightSwitch) elif device_type == BulbType.WhiteTempMood: if nl_switch_light and device.is_nightlight_supported: _lights_setup_helper(YeelightNightLightModeWithAmbientSupport) _lights_setup_helper(YeelightWithAmbientAndNightlight) else: _lights_setup_helper(YeelightWithAmbientWithoutNightlight) _lights_setup_helper(YeelightAmbientLight) else: _lights_setup_helper(YeelightGenericLight) _LOGGER.warning( "Cannot determine device type for %s, %s. Falling back to white only", device.host, device.name, ) async_add_entities(lights) _async_setup_services(hass) @callback def _async_setup_services(hass: HomeAssistant): """Set up custom services.""" async def _async_start_flow(entity, service_call): params = {**service_call.data} params.pop(ATTR_ENTITY_ID) params[ATTR_TRANSITIONS] = _transitions_config_parser(params[ATTR_TRANSITIONS]) await entity.async_start_flow(**params) async def _async_set_color_scene(entity, service_call): await entity.async_set_scene( SceneClass.COLOR, *service_call.data[ATTR_RGB_COLOR], service_call.data[ATTR_BRIGHTNESS], ) async def _async_set_hsv_scene(entity, service_call): await entity.async_set_scene( SceneClass.HSV, *service_call.data[ATTR_HS_COLOR], service_call.data[ATTR_BRIGHTNESS], ) async def _async_set_color_temp_scene(entity, service_call): await entity.async_set_scene( SceneClass.CT, service_call.data[ATTR_KELVIN], service_call.data[ATTR_BRIGHTNESS], ) async def _async_set_color_flow_scene(entity, service_call): flow = Flow( count=service_call.data[ATTR_COUNT], action=Flow.actions[service_call.data[ATTR_ACTION]], transitions=_transitions_config_parser(service_call.data[ATTR_TRANSITIONS]), ) await entity.async_set_scene(SceneClass.CF, flow) async def _async_set_auto_delay_off_scene(entity, service_call): await entity.async_set_scene( SceneClass.AUTO_DELAY_OFF, service_call.data[ATTR_BRIGHTNESS], service_call.data[ATTR_MINUTES], ) platform = entity_platform.async_get_current_platform() platform.async_register_entity_service( SERVICE_SET_MODE, SERVICE_SCHEMA_SET_MODE, "async_set_mode" ) platform.async_register_entity_service( SERVICE_START_FLOW, SERVICE_SCHEMA_START_FLOW, _async_start_flow ) platform.async_register_entity_service( SERVICE_SET_COLOR_SCENE, SERVICE_SCHEMA_SET_COLOR_SCENE, _async_set_color_scene ) platform.async_register_entity_service( SERVICE_SET_HSV_SCENE, SERVICE_SCHEMA_SET_HSV_SCENE, _async_set_hsv_scene ) platform.async_register_entity_service( SERVICE_SET_COLOR_TEMP_SCENE, SERVICE_SCHEMA_SET_COLOR_TEMP_SCENE, _async_set_color_temp_scene, ) platform.async_register_entity_service( SERVICE_SET_COLOR_FLOW_SCENE, SERVICE_SCHEMA_SET_COLOR_FLOW_SCENE, _async_set_color_flow_scene, ) platform.async_register_entity_service( SERVICE_SET_AUTO_DELAY_OFF_SCENE, SERVICE_SCHEMA_SET_AUTO_DELAY_OFF_SCENE, _async_set_auto_delay_off_scene, ) platform.async_register_entity_service( SERVICE_SET_MUSIC_MODE, SERVICE_SCHEMA_SET_MUSIC_MODE, "async_set_music_mode" ) class YeelightBaseLight(YeelightEntity, LightEntity): """Abstract Yeelight light.""" _attr_color_mode = ColorMode.BRIGHTNESS _attr_supported_color_modes = {ColorMode.BRIGHTNESS} _attr_supported_features = ( LightEntityFeature.TRANSITION | LightEntityFeature.FLASH | LightEntityFeature.EFFECT ) _attr_should_poll = False def __init__( self, device: YeelightDevice, entry: ConfigEntry, custom_effects: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] | None = None, ) -> None: """Initialize the Yeelight light.""" super().__init__(device, entry) self.config = device.config self._color_temp: int | None = None self._effect = None model_specs = self._bulb.get_model_specs() self._attr_max_color_temp_kelvin = model_specs["color_temp"]["max"] self._attr_min_color_temp_kelvin = model_specs["color_temp"]["min"] self._light_type = LightType.Main if custom_effects: self._custom_effects = custom_effects else: self._custom_effects = {} self._unexpected_state_check = None @callback def async_state_changed(self) -> None: """Call when the device changes state.""" if not self._device.available: self._async_cancel_pending_state_check() self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None: """Handle entity which will be added.""" self.async_on_remove( async_dispatcher_connect( self.hass, DATA_UPDATED.format(self._device.host), self.async_state_changed, ) ) await super().async_added_to_hass() @property def effect_list(self) -> list[str]: """Return the list of supported effects.""" return self._predefined_effects + self.custom_effects_names @property def color_temp_kelvin(self) -> int | None: """Return the color temperature value in Kelvin.""" if temp_in_k := self._get_property("ct"): self._color_temp = int(temp_in_k) return self._color_temp @property def is_on(self) -> bool: """Return true if device is on.""" return self._get_property(self._power_property) == "on" @property def brightness(self) -> int: """Return the brightness of this light between 1..255.""" # Always use "bright" as property name in music mode # Since music mode states are only caches in upstream library # and the cache key is always "bright" for brightness brightness_property = ( "bright" if self._bulb.music_mode else self._brightness_property ) brightness = self._get_property(brightness_property) or 0 return round(255 * (int(brightness) / 100)) @property def custom_effects(self) -> dict[str, dict[str, Any]]: """Return dict with custom effects.""" return self._custom_effects @property def custom_effects_names(self) -> list[str]: """Return list with custom effects names.""" return list(self.custom_effects) @property def light_type(self) -> LightType: """Return light type.""" return self._light_type @property def hs_color(self) -> tuple[float, float] | None: """Return the color property.""" hue = self._get_property("hue") sat = self._get_property("sat") if hue is None or sat is None: return None return (int(hue), int(sat)) @property def rgb_color(self) -> tuple[int, int, int] | None: """Return the color property.""" if (rgb := self._get_property("rgb")) is None: return None rgb = int(rgb) blue = rgb & 0xFF green = (rgb >> 8) & 0xFF red = (rgb >> 16) & 0xFF return (red, green, blue) @property def effect(self) -> str | None: """Return the current effect.""" return self._effect if self.device.is_color_flow_enabled else None @property def _bulb(self) -> AsyncBulb: return self.device.bulb @property def _properties(self) -> dict: return self._bulb.last_properties if self._bulb else {} def _get_property(self, prop: str, default=None): return self._properties.get(prop, default) @property def _brightness_property(self) -> str: return "bright" @property def _power_property(self) -> str: return "power" @property def _turn_on_power_mode(self) -> PowerMode: return PowerMode.LAST @property def _predefined_effects(self) -> list[str]: return YEELIGHT_MONO_EFFECT_LIST @property def extra_state_attributes(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return the device specific state attributes.""" attributes = { "flowing": self.device.is_color_flow_enabled, "music_mode": self._bulb.music_mode, } if self.device.is_nightlight_supported: attributes["night_light"] = self.device.is_nightlight_enabled return attributes @property def device(self) -> YeelightDevice: """Return yeelight device.""" return self._device async def async_update(self) -> None: """Update light properties.""" await self.device.async_update(True) async def async_set_music_mode(self, music_mode) -> None: """Set the music mode on or off.""" try: await self._async_set_music_mode(music_mode) except AssertionError as ex: _LOGGER.error("Unable to turn on music mode, consider disabling it: %s", ex) @_async_cmd async def _async_set_music_mode(self, music_mode) -> None: """Set the music mode on or off wrapped with _async_cmd.""" bulb = self._bulb if music_mode: await bulb.async_start_music() else: await bulb.async_stop_music() @_async_cmd async def async_set_brightness(self, brightness, duration) -> None: """Set bulb brightness.""" if not brightness: return if ( math.floor(self.brightness) == math.floor(brightness) and self._bulb.model not in MODELS_WITH_DELAYED_ON_TRANSITION ): _LOGGER.debug("brightness already set to: %s", brightness) # Already set, and since we get pushed updates # we avoid setting it again to ensure we do not # hit the rate limit return _LOGGER.debug("Setting brightness: %s", brightness) await self._bulb.async_set_brightness( brightness / 255 * 100, duration=duration, light_type=self.light_type ) @_async_cmd async def async_set_hs(self, hs_color, duration) -> None: """Set bulb's color.""" if ( not hs_color or not self.supported_color_modes or ColorMode.HS not in self.supported_color_modes ): return if ( not self.device.is_color_flow_enabled and self.color_mode == ColorMode.HS and self.hs_color == hs_color ): _LOGGER.debug("HS already set to: %s", hs_color) # Already set, and since we get pushed updates # we avoid setting it again to ensure we do not # hit the rate limit return _LOGGER.debug("Setting HS: %s", hs_color) await self._bulb.async_set_hsv( hs_color[0], hs_color[1], duration=duration, light_type=self.light_type ) @_async_cmd async def async_set_rgb(self, rgb, duration) -> None: """Set bulb's color.""" if ( not rgb or not self.supported_color_modes or ColorMode.RGB not in self.supported_color_modes ): return if ( not self.device.is_color_flow_enabled and self.color_mode == ColorMode.RGB and self.rgb_color == rgb ): _LOGGER.debug("RGB already set to: %s", rgb) # Already set, and since we get pushed updates # we avoid setting it again to ensure we do not # hit the rate limit return _LOGGER.debug("Setting RGB: %s", rgb) await self._bulb.async_set_rgb( *rgb, duration=duration, light_type=self.light_type ) @_async_cmd async def async_set_colortemp(self, temp_in_k, duration) -> None: """Set bulb's color temperature.""" if ( not temp_in_k or not self.supported_color_modes or ColorMode.COLOR_TEMP not in self.supported_color_modes ): return if ( not self.device.is_color_flow_enabled and self.color_mode == ColorMode.COLOR_TEMP and self.color_temp_kelvin == temp_in_k ): _LOGGER.debug("Color temp already set to: %s", temp_in_k) # Already set, and since we get pushed updates # we avoid setting it again to ensure we do not # hit the rate limit return await self._bulb.async_set_color_temp( temp_in_k, duration=duration, light_type=self.light_type ) @_async_cmd async def async_set_default(self) -> None: """Set current options as default.""" await self._bulb.async_set_default() @_async_cmd async def async_set_flash(self, flash) -> None: """Activate flash.""" if not flash: return if int(self._get_property("color_mode")) != 1 or not self.hs_color: _LOGGER.error("Flash supported currently only in RGB mode") return transition = int(self.config[CONF_TRANSITION]) if flash == FLASH_LONG: count = 1 duration = transition * 5 if flash == FLASH_SHORT: count = 1 duration = transition * 2 red, green, blue = color_util.color_hs_to_RGB(*self.hs_color) transitions = [] transitions.append(RGBTransition(255, 0, 0, brightness=10, duration=duration)) transitions.append(SleepTransition(duration=transition)) transitions.append( RGBTransition( red, green, blue, brightness=self.brightness, duration=duration ) ) flow = Flow(count=count, transitions=transitions) await self._bulb.async_start_flow(flow, light_type=self.light_type) @_async_cmd async def async_set_effect(self, effect) -> None: """Activate effect.""" if not effect: return if effect == EFFECT_STOP: await self._bulb.async_stop_flow(light_type=self.light_type) return if effect in self.custom_effects_names: flow = Flow(**self.custom_effects[effect]) elif effect in EFFECTS_MAP: flow = EFFECTS_MAP[effect]() elif effect == EFFECT_FAST_RANDOM_LOOP: flow = flows.random_loop(duration=250) elif effect == EFFECT_WHATSAPP: flow = flows.pulse(37, 211, 102, count=2) elif effect == EFFECT_FACEBOOK: flow = flows.pulse(59, 89, 152, count=2) elif effect == EFFECT_TWITTER: flow = flows.pulse(0, 172, 237, count=2) else: return await self._bulb.async_start_flow(flow, light_type=self.light_type) self._effect = effect @_async_cmd async def _async_turn_on(self, duration) -> None: """Turn on the bulb for with a transition duration wrapped with _async_cmd.""" await self._bulb.async_turn_on( duration=duration, light_type=self.light_type, power_mode=self._turn_on_power_mode, ) async def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Turn the bulb on.""" brightness = kwargs.get(ATTR_BRIGHTNESS) colortemp = kwargs.get(ATTR_COLOR_TEMP_KELVIN) hs_color = kwargs.get(ATTR_HS_COLOR) rgb = kwargs.get(ATTR_RGB_COLOR) flash = kwargs.get(ATTR_FLASH) effect = kwargs.get(ATTR_EFFECT) duration = int(self.config[CONF_TRANSITION]) # in ms if ATTR_TRANSITION in kwargs: # passed kwarg overrides config duration = int(kwargs[ATTR_TRANSITION] * 1000) # kwarg in s if not self.is_on: await self._async_turn_on(duration) if self.config[CONF_MODE_MUSIC] and not self._bulb.music_mode: await self.async_set_music_mode(True) await self.async_set_hs(hs_color, duration) await self.async_set_rgb(rgb, duration) await self.async_set_colortemp(colortemp, duration) await self.async_set_brightness(brightness, duration) await self.async_set_flash(flash) await self.async_set_effect(effect) # save the current state if we had a manual change. if self.config[CONF_SAVE_ON_CHANGE] and (brightness or colortemp or rgb): await self.async_set_default() self._async_schedule_state_check(True) @callback def _async_cancel_pending_state_check(self): """Cancel a pending state check.""" if self._unexpected_state_check: self._unexpected_state_check() self._unexpected_state_check = None @callback def _async_schedule_state_check(self, expected_power_state): """Schedule a poll if the change failed to get pushed back to us. Some devices (mainly nightlights) will not send back the on state so we need to force a refresh. """ self._async_cancel_pending_state_check() async def _async_update_if_state_unexpected(*_): self._unexpected_state_check = None if self.is_on != expected_power_state: await self.device.async_update(True) self._unexpected_state_check = async_call_later( self.hass, POWER_STATE_CHANGE_TIME, _async_update_if_state_unexpected ) @_async_cmd async def _async_turn_off(self, duration) -> None: """Turn off with a given transition duration wrapped with _async_cmd.""" await self._bulb.async_turn_off(duration=duration, light_type=self.light_type) async def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Turn off.""" if not self.is_on: return duration = int(self.config[CONF_TRANSITION]) # in ms if ATTR_TRANSITION in kwargs: # passed kwarg overrides config duration = int(kwargs[ATTR_TRANSITION] * 1000) # kwarg in s await self._async_turn_off(duration) self._async_schedule_state_check(False) @_async_cmd async def async_set_mode(self, mode: str): """Set a power mode.""" await self._bulb.async_set_power_mode(PowerMode[mode.upper()]) self._async_schedule_state_check(True) @_async_cmd async def async_start_flow(self, transitions, count=0, action=ACTION_RECOVER): """Start flow.""" flow = Flow(count=count, action=Flow.actions[action], transitions=transitions) await self._bulb.async_start_flow(flow, light_type=self.light_type) @_async_cmd async def async_set_scene(self, scene_class, *args): """Set the light directly to the specified state. If the light is off, it will first be turned on. """ await self._bulb.async_set_scene(scene_class, *args) class YeelightGenericLight(YeelightBaseLight): """Representation of a generic Yeelight.""" _attr_name = None class YeelightColorLightSupport(YeelightBaseLight): """Representation of a Color Yeelight light support.""" _attr_supported_color_modes = {ColorMode.COLOR_TEMP, ColorMode.HS, ColorMode.RGB} @property def color_mode(self) -> ColorMode: """Return the color mode.""" color_mode = int(self._get_property("color_mode")) if color_mode == 1: # RGB return ColorMode.RGB if color_mode == 2: # color temperature return ColorMode.COLOR_TEMP if color_mode == 3: # hsv return ColorMode.HS _LOGGER.debug("Light reported unknown color mode: %s", color_mode) return ColorMode.UNKNOWN @property def _predefined_effects(self) -> list[str]: return YEELIGHT_COLOR_EFFECT_LIST class YeelightWhiteTempLightSupport(YeelightBaseLight): """Representation of a White temp Yeelight light.""" _attr_name = None _attr_color_mode = ColorMode.COLOR_TEMP _attr_supported_color_modes = {ColorMode.COLOR_TEMP} @property def _predefined_effects(self) -> list[str]: return YEELIGHT_TEMP_ONLY_EFFECT_LIST class YeelightNightLightSupport: """Representation of a Yeelight nightlight support.""" @property def _turn_on_power_mode(self) -> PowerMode: return PowerMode.NORMAL class YeelightWithoutNightlightSwitchMixIn(YeelightBaseLight): """A mix-in for yeelights without a nightlight switch.""" @property def _brightness_property(self) -> str: # If the nightlight is not active, we do not # want to "current_brightness" since it will check # "bg_power" and main light could still be on if self.device.is_nightlight_enabled: return "nl_br" return super()._brightness_property @property def color_temp_kelvin(self) -> int | None: """Return the color temperature value in Kelvin.""" if self.device.is_nightlight_enabled: # Enabling the nightlight locks the colortemp to max return self.min_color_temp_kelvin return super().color_temp_kelvin class YeelightColorLightWithoutNightlightSwitch( YeelightColorLightSupport, YeelightWithoutNightlightSwitchMixIn ): """Representation of a Color Yeelight light.""" class YeelightColorLightWithoutNightlightSwitchLight( YeelightColorLightWithoutNightlightSwitch ): """Representation of a Color Yeelight light.""" _attr_name = None class YeelightColorLightWithNightlightSwitch( YeelightNightLightSupport, YeelightColorLightSupport, YeelightBaseLight ): """Representation of a Yeelight with rgb support and nightlight. It represents case when nightlight switch is set to light. """ _attr_name = None @property def is_on(self) -> bool: """Return true if device is on.""" return super().is_on and not self.device.is_nightlight_enabled class YeelightWhiteTempWithoutNightlightSwitch( YeelightWhiteTempLightSupport, YeelightWithoutNightlightSwitchMixIn ): """White temp light, when nightlight switch is not set to light.""" _attr_name = None class YeelightWithNightLight( YeelightNightLightSupport, YeelightWhiteTempLightSupport, YeelightBaseLight ): """Representation of a Yeelight with temp only support and nightlight. It represents case when nightlight switch is set to light. """ _attr_name = None @property def is_on(self) -> bool: """Return true if device is on.""" return super().is_on and not self.device.is_nightlight_enabled class YeelightNightLightMode(YeelightBaseLight): """Representation of a Yeelight when in nightlight mode.""" _attr_color_mode = ColorMode.BRIGHTNESS _attr_supported_color_modes = {ColorMode.BRIGHTNESS} _attr_translation_key = "nightlight" @property def unique_id(self) -> str: """Return a unique ID.""" unique = super().unique_id return f"{unique}-nightlight" @property def is_on(self) -> bool: """Return true if device is on.""" return super().is_on and self.device.is_nightlight_enabled @property def _brightness_property(self) -> str: return "nl_br" @property def _turn_on_power_mode(self) -> PowerMode: return PowerMode.MOONLIGHT @property def supported_features(self) -> LightEntityFeature: """Flag no supported features.""" return LightEntityFeature(0) class YeelightNightLightModeWithAmbientSupport(YeelightNightLightMode): """Representation of a Yeelight, with ambient support, when in nightlight mode.""" @property def _power_property(self) -> str: return "main_power" class YeelightNightLightModeWithoutBrightnessControl(YeelightNightLightMode): """Representation of a Yeelight, when in nightlight mode. It represents case when nightlight mode brightness control is not supported. """ _attr_color_mode = ColorMode.ONOFF _attr_supported_color_modes = {ColorMode.ONOFF} class YeelightWithAmbientWithoutNightlight(YeelightWhiteTempWithoutNightlightSwitch): """Representation of a Yeelight which has ambilight support. And nightlight switch type is none. """ _attr_name = None @property def _power_property(self) -> str: return "main_power" class YeelightWithAmbientAndNightlight(YeelightWithNightLight): """Representation of a Yeelight which has ambilight support. And nightlight switch type is set to light. """ _attr_name = None @property def _power_property(self) -> str: return "main_power" class YeelightAmbientLight(YeelightColorLightWithoutNightlightSwitch): """Representation of a Yeelight ambient light.""" _attr_translation_key = "ambilight" PROPERTIES_MAPPING = {"color_mode": "bg_lmode"} def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize the Yeelight Ambient light.""" super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._attr_max_color_temp_kelvin = 6500 self._attr_min_color_temp_kelvin = 1700 self._light_type = LightType.Ambient @property def unique_id(self) -> str: """Return a unique ID.""" unique = super().unique_id return f"{unique}-ambilight" @property def _brightness_property(self) -> str: return "bright" def _get_property(self, prop: str, default=None): if not (bg_prop := self.PROPERTIES_MAPPING.get(prop)): bg_prop = f"bg_{prop}" return super()._get_property(bg_prop, default)