"""Support for controlling GPIO pins of a Numato Labs USB GPIO expander.""" from collections.abc import Callable import logging import numato_gpio as gpio import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_BINARY_SENSORS, CONF_ID, CONF_NAME, CONF_SENSORS, CONF_SWITCHES, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_START, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, PERCENTAGE, Platform, ) from homeassistant.core import Event, HomeAssistant import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.discovery import load_platform from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) DOMAIN = "numato" CONF_INVERT_LOGIC = "invert_logic" CONF_DISCOVER = "discover" CONF_DEVICES = "devices" CONF_DEVICE_ID = "id" CONF_PORTS = "ports" CONF_SRC_RANGE = "source_range" CONF_DST_RANGE = "destination_range" CONF_DST_UNIT = "unit" DEFAULT_INVERT_LOGIC = False DEFAULT_SRC_RANGE = [0, 1024] DEFAULT_DST_RANGE = [0.0, 100.0] DEFAULT_DEV = [f"/dev/ttyACM{i}" for i in range(10)] PORT_RANGE = range(1, 8) # ports 0-7 are ADC capable DATA_PORTS_IN_USE = "ports_in_use" DATA_API = "api" def int_range(rng): """Validate the input array to describe a range by two integers.""" if not (isinstance(rng[0], int) and isinstance(rng[1], int)): raise vol.Invalid(f"Only integers are allowed: {rng}") if len(rng) != 2: raise vol.Invalid(f"Only two numbers allowed in a range: {rng}") if rng[0] > rng[1]: raise vol.Invalid(f"Lower range bound must come first: {rng}") return rng def float_range(rng): """Validate the input array to describe a range by two floats.""" try: coe = vol.Coerce(float) coe(rng[0]) coe(rng[1]) except vol.CoerceInvalid as err: raise vol.Invalid(f"Only int or float values are allowed: {rng}") from err if len(rng) != 2: raise vol.Invalid(f"Only two numbers allowed in a range: {rng}") if rng[0] > rng[1]: raise vol.Invalid(f"Lower range bound must come first: {rng}") return rng def adc_port_number(num): """Validate input number to be in the range of ADC enabled ports.""" try: num = int(num) except ValueError as err: raise vol.Invalid(f"Port numbers must be integers: {num}") from err if num not in range(1, 8): raise vol.Invalid(f"Only port numbers from 1 to 7 are ADC capable: {num}") return num ADC_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { vol.Required(CONF_NAME): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_SRC_RANGE, default=DEFAULT_SRC_RANGE): int_range, vol.Optional(CONF_DST_RANGE, default=DEFAULT_DST_RANGE): float_range, vol.Optional(CONF_DST_UNIT, default=PERCENTAGE): cv.string, } ) PORTS_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({cv.positive_int: cv.string}) IO_PORTS_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { vol.Required(CONF_PORTS): PORTS_SCHEMA, vol.Optional(CONF_INVERT_LOGIC, default=DEFAULT_INVERT_LOGIC): cv.boolean, } ) DEVICE_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { vol.Required(CONF_ID): cv.positive_int, CONF_BINARY_SENSORS: IO_PORTS_SCHEMA, CONF_SWITCHES: IO_PORTS_SCHEMA, CONF_SENSORS: {CONF_PORTS: {adc_port_number: ADC_SCHEMA}}, } ) CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { DOMAIN: { CONF_DEVICES: vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [DEVICE_SCHEMA]), vol.Optional(CONF_DISCOVER, default=DEFAULT_DEV): vol.All( cv.ensure_list, [cv.string] ), }, }, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA, ) def setup(hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType) -> bool: """Initialize the numato integration. Discovers available Numato devices and loads the binary_sensor, sensor and switch platforms. Returns False on error during device discovery (e.g. duplicate ID), otherwise returns True. No exceptions should occur, since the platforms are initialized on a best effort basis, which means, errors are handled locally. """ hass.data[DOMAIN] = config[DOMAIN] try: gpio.discover(config[DOMAIN][CONF_DISCOVER]) except gpio.NumatoGpioError as err: _LOGGER.info("Error discovering Numato devices: %s", err) gpio.cleanup() return False _LOGGER.info( "Initializing Numato 32 port USB GPIO expanders with IDs: %s", ", ".join(str(d) for d in gpio.devices), ) hass.data[DOMAIN][DATA_API] = NumatoAPI() def cleanup_gpio(event: Event) -> None: """Stuff to do before stopping.""" _LOGGER.debug("Clean up Numato GPIO") gpio.cleanup() if DATA_API in hass.data[DOMAIN]: hass.data[DOMAIN][DATA_API].ports_registered.clear() def prepare_gpio(event: Event) -> None: """Stuff to do when home assistant starts.""" _LOGGER.debug("Setup cleanup at stop for Numato GPIO") hass.bus.listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, cleanup_gpio) hass.bus.listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_START, prepare_gpio) load_platform(hass, Platform.BINARY_SENSOR, DOMAIN, {}, config) load_platform(hass, Platform.SENSOR, DOMAIN, {}, config) load_platform(hass, Platform.SWITCH, DOMAIN, {}, config) return True class NumatoAPI: """Home-Assistant specific API for numato device access.""" def __init__(self) -> None: """Initialize API state.""" self.ports_registered: dict[tuple[int, int], int] = {} def check_port_free(self, device_id: int, port: int, direction: int) -> None: """Check whether a port is still free set up. Fail with exception if it has already been registered. """ if (device_id, port) not in self.ports_registered: self.ports_registered[(device_id, port)] = direction else: raise gpio.NumatoGpioError( "Device {} port {} already in use as {}.".format( device_id, port, "input" if self.ports_registered[(device_id, port)] == gpio.IN else "output", ) ) def check_device_id(self, device_id: int) -> None: """Check whether a device has been discovered. Fail with exception. """ if device_id not in gpio.devices: raise gpio.NumatoGpioError(f"Device {device_id} not available.") def check_port(self, device_id: int, port: int, direction: int) -> None: """Raise an error if the port setup doesn't match the direction.""" self.check_device_id(device_id) if (device_id, port) not in self.ports_registered: raise gpio.NumatoGpioError( f"Port {port} is not set up for numato device {device_id}." ) msg = { gpio.OUT: ( f"Trying to write to device {device_id} port {port} set up as input." ), gpio.IN: ( f"Trying to read from device {device_id} port {port} set up as output." ), } if self.ports_registered[(device_id, port)] != direction: raise gpio.NumatoGpioError(msg[direction]) def setup_output(self, device_id: int, port: int) -> None: """Set up a GPIO as output.""" self.check_device_id(device_id) self.check_port_free(device_id, port, gpio.OUT) gpio.devices[device_id].setup(port, gpio.OUT) def setup_input(self, device_id: int, port: int) -> None: """Set up a GPIO as input.""" self.check_device_id(device_id) gpio.devices[device_id].setup(port, gpio.IN) self.check_port_free(device_id, port, gpio.IN) def write_output(self, device_id: int, port: int, value: int) -> None: """Write a value to a GPIO.""" self.check_port(device_id, port, gpio.OUT) gpio.devices[device_id].write(port, value) def read_input(self, device_id: int, port: int) -> int: """Read a value from a GPIO.""" self.check_port(device_id, port, gpio.IN) return gpio.devices[device_id].read(port) def read_adc_input(self, device_id: int, port: int) -> int: """Read an ADC value from a GPIO ADC port.""" self.check_port(device_id, port, gpio.IN) self.check_device_id(device_id) return gpio.devices[device_id].adc_read(port) def edge_detect( self, device_id: int, port: int, event_callback: Callable[[int, bool], None] ) -> None: """Add detection for RISING and FALLING events.""" self.check_port(device_id, port, gpio.IN) gpio.devices[device_id].add_event_detect(port, event_callback, gpio.BOTH) gpio.devices[device_id].notify = True