{ "config": { "step": { "user": { "title": "VIZIO SmartCast Device", "description": "An access token is only needed for TVs. If you are configuring a TV and do not have an access token yet, leave it blank to go through a pairing process.", "data": { "name": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::name%]", "host": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::host%]", "device_class": "Device Type", "access_token": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::access_token%]" } }, "pair_tv": { "title": "Complete Pairing Process", "description": "Your TV should be displaying a code. Enter that code into the form and then continue to the next step to complete the pairing.", "data": { "pin": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::pin%]" } }, "pairing_complete": { "title": "Pairing Complete", "description": "Your VIZIO SmartCast Device is now connected to Home Assistant." }, "pairing_complete_import": { "title": "[%key:component::vizio::config::step::pairing_complete::title%]", "description": "Your VIZIO SmartCast Device is now connected to Home Assistant.\n\nYour access token is '**{access_token}**'." } }, "error": { "complete_pairing_failed": "Unable to complete pairing. Ensure the PIN you provided is correct and the TV is still powered and connected to the network before resubmitting.", "cannot_connect": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::cannot_connect%]", "existing_config_entry_found": "An existing VIZIO SmartCast Device config entry with the same serial number has already been configured. You must delete the existing entry in order to configure this one." }, "abort": { "already_configured_device": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::already_configured_device%]", "cannot_connect": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::cannot_connect%]", "updated_entry": "This entry has already been set up but the name, apps, and/or options defined in the configuration do not match the previously imported configuration, so the configuration entry has been updated accordingly." } }, "options": { "step": { "init": { "title": "Update VIZIO SmartCast Device Options", "description": "If you have a Smart TV, you can optionally filter your source list by choosing which apps to include or exclude in your source list.", "data": { "volume_step": "Volume Step Size", "include_or_exclude": "Include or Exclude Apps?", "apps_to_include_or_exclude": "Apps to Include or Exclude" } } } }, "services": { "update_setting": { "name": "Update setting", "description": "Updates the value of a setting on a Vizio media player device.", "fields": { "setting_type": { "name": "Setting type", "description": "The type of setting to be changed. Available types are listed in the 'setting_types' property." }, "setting_name": { "name": "Setting name", "description": "The name of the setting to be changed. Available settings for a given setting_type are listed in the '[setting_type]_settings' property." }, "new_value": { "name": "New value", "description": "The new value for the setting." } } } } }