"""Entity for Zigbee Home Automation.""" from __future__ import annotations import asyncio from collections.abc import Callable from functools import partial import logging from typing import Any from propcache import cached_property from zha.mixins import LogMixin from homeassistant.const import ATTR_MANUFACTURER, ATTR_MODEL, ATTR_NAME, EntityCategory from homeassistant.core import State, callback from homeassistant.helpers.device_registry import CONNECTION_ZIGBEE, DeviceInfo from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_connect from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity from homeassistant.helpers.restore_state import RestoreEntity from homeassistant.helpers.typing import UNDEFINED, UndefinedType from .const import DOMAIN from .helpers import SIGNAL_REMOVE_ENTITIES, EntityData, convert_zha_error_to_ha_error _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ZHAEntity(LogMixin, RestoreEntity, Entity): """ZHA eitity.""" _attr_has_entity_name = True _attr_should_poll = False remove_future: asyncio.Future[Any] def __init__(self, entity_data: EntityData, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """Init ZHA entity.""" super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.entity_data: EntityData = entity_data self._unsubs: list[Callable[[], None]] = [] if self.entity_data.entity.icon is not None: # Only custom quirks will realistically set an icon self._attr_icon = self.entity_data.entity.icon meta = self.entity_data.entity.info_object self._attr_unique_id = meta.unique_id if meta.entity_category is not None: self._attr_entity_category = EntityCategory(meta.entity_category) self._attr_entity_registry_enabled_default = ( meta.entity_registry_enabled_default ) if meta.translation_key is not None: self._attr_translation_key = meta.translation_key @cached_property def name(self) -> str | UndefinedType | None: """Return the name of the entity.""" meta = self.entity_data.entity.info_object original_name = super().name if original_name not in (UNDEFINED, None) or meta.fallback_name is None: return original_name # This is to allow local development and to register niche devices, since # their translation_key will probably never be added to `zha/strings.json`. self._attr_name = meta.fallback_name return super().name @property def available(self) -> bool: """Return entity availability.""" return self.entity_data.entity.available @property def device_info(self) -> DeviceInfo: """Return a device description for device registry.""" zha_device_info = self.entity_data.device_proxy.device_info ieee = zha_device_info["ieee"] zha_gateway = self.entity_data.device_proxy.gateway_proxy.gateway return DeviceInfo( connections={(CONNECTION_ZIGBEE, ieee)}, identifiers={(DOMAIN, ieee)}, manufacturer=zha_device_info[ATTR_MANUFACTURER], model=zha_device_info[ATTR_MODEL], name=zha_device_info[ATTR_NAME], via_device=(DOMAIN, zha_gateway.state.node_info.ieee), ) @callback def _handle_entity_events(self, event: Any) -> None: """Entity state changed.""" self.debug("Handling event from entity: %s", event) self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None: """Run when about to be added to hass.""" self.remove_future = self.hass.loop.create_future() self._unsubs.append( self.entity_data.entity.on_all_events(self._handle_entity_events) ) remove_signal = ( f"{SIGNAL_REMOVE_ENTITIES}_group_{self.entity_data.group_proxy.group.group_id}" if self.entity_data.is_group_entity and self.entity_data.group_proxy is not None else f"{SIGNAL_REMOVE_ENTITIES}_{self.entity_data.device_proxy.device.ieee}" ) self._unsubs.append( async_dispatcher_connect( self.hass, remove_signal, partial(self.async_remove, force_remove=True), ) ) self.entity_data.device_proxy.gateway_proxy.register_entity_reference( self.entity_id, self.entity_data, self.device_info, self.remove_future, ) if (state := await self.async_get_last_state()) is None: return self.restore_external_state_attributes(state) @callback def restore_external_state_attributes(self, state: State) -> None: """Restore ephemeral external state from Home Assistant back into ZHA.""" # Some operations rely on extra state that is not maintained in the ZCL # attribute cache. Until ZHA is able to maintain its own persistent state (or # provides a more generic hook to utilize HA to do this), we directly restore # them. async def async_will_remove_from_hass(self) -> None: """Disconnect entity object when removed.""" for unsub in self._unsubs[:]: unsub() self._unsubs.remove(unsub) await super().async_will_remove_from_hass() self.remove_future.set_result(True) @convert_zha_error_to_ha_error async def async_update(self) -> None: """Update the entity.""" await self.entity_data.entity.async_update() self.async_write_ha_state() def log(self, level: int, msg: str, *args, **kwargs): """Log a message.""" msg = f"%s: {msg}" args = (self.entity_id, *args) _LOGGER.log(level, msg, *args, **kwargs)