"""Elmax integration common classes and utilities.""" from __future__ import annotations import ssl from elmax_api.model.panel import PanelEntry from packaging import version from .const import ELMAX_LOCAL_API_PATH, MIN_APIV2_SUPPORTED_VERSION def get_direct_api_url(host: str, port: int, use_ssl: bool) -> str: """Return the direct API url given the base URI.""" schema = "https" if use_ssl else "http" return f"{schema}://{host}:{port}/{ELMAX_LOCAL_API_PATH}" def build_direct_ssl_context(cadata: str) -> ssl.SSLContext: """Create a custom SSL context for direct-api verification.""" context = ssl.SSLContext(protocol=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT) context.check_hostname = False context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED context.load_verify_locations(cadata=cadata) return context def check_local_version_supported(api_version: str | None) -> bool: """Check whether the given API version is supported.""" if api_version is None: return False return version.parse(api_version) >= version.parse(MIN_APIV2_SUPPORTED_VERSION) class DirectPanel(PanelEntry): """Helper class for wrapping a directly accessed Elmax Panel.""" def __init__(self, panel_uri): """Construct the object.""" super().__init__(panel_uri, True, {}) def get_name_by_user(self, username: str) -> str: """Return the panel name.""" return f"Direct Panel {self.hash}"