"""Implementation of a base class for all IHC devices.""" import logging from ihcsdk.ihccontroller import IHCController from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity from .const import CONF_INFO, DOMAIN _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class IHCDevice(Entity): """Base class for all IHC devices. All IHC devices have an associated IHC resource. IHCDevice handled the registration of the IHC controller callback when the IHC resource changes. Derived classes must implement the on_ihc_change method """ def __init__( self, ihc_controller: IHCController, controller_id: str, name: str, ihc_id: int, product=None, ) -> None: """Initialize IHC attributes.""" self.ihc_controller = ihc_controller self._name = name self.ihc_id = ihc_id self.controller_id = controller_id self.device_id = None self.suggested_area = None if product: self.ihc_name = product["name"] self.ihc_note = product["note"] self.ihc_position = product["position"] self.suggested_area = product["group"] if "group" in product else None if "id" in product: product_id = product["id"] self.device_id = f"{controller_id}_{product_id }" # this will name the device the same way as the IHC visual application: Product name + position self.device_name = product["name"] if self.ihc_position: self.device_name += f" ({self.ihc_position})" self.device_model = product["model"] else: self.ihc_name = "" self.ihc_note = "" self.ihc_position = "" async def async_added_to_hass(self): """Add callback for IHC changes.""" _LOGGER.debug("Adding IHC entity notify event: %s", self.ihc_id) self.ihc_controller.add_notify_event(self.ihc_id, self.on_ihc_change, True) @property def should_poll(self) -> bool: """No polling needed for IHC devices.""" return False @property def name(self): """Return the device name.""" return self._name @property def unique_id(self): """Return a unique ID.""" return f"{self.controller_id}-{self.ihc_id}" @property def extra_state_attributes(self): """Return the state attributes.""" if not self.hass.data[DOMAIN][self.controller_id][CONF_INFO]: return {} attributes = { "ihc_id": self.ihc_id, "ihc_name": self.ihc_name, "ihc_note": self.ihc_note, "ihc_position": self.ihc_position, } if len(self.hass.data[DOMAIN]) > 1: # We only want to show the controller id if we have more than one attributes["ihc_controller"] = self.controller_id return attributes def on_ihc_change(self, ihc_id, value): """Handle IHC resource change. Derived classes must overwrite this to do device specific stuff. """ raise NotImplementedError