"""UniFi Network abstraction.""" from __future__ import annotations import asyncio from datetime import datetime, timedelta import ssl from types import MappingProxyType from typing import Any from aiohttp import CookieJar import aiounifi from aiounifi.interfaces.api_handlers import ItemEvent from aiounifi.interfaces.messages import DATA_CLIENT_REMOVED, DATA_EVENT from aiounifi.models.event import EventKey from aiounifi.websocket import WebsocketSignal, WebsocketState import async_timeout from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_HOST, CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_PORT, CONF_USERNAME, CONF_VERIFY_SSL, Platform, ) from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, callback from homeassistant.helpers import ( aiohttp_client, device_registry as dr, entity_registry as er, ) from homeassistant.helpers.device_registry import CONNECTION_NETWORK_MAC from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_send from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddEntitiesCallback from homeassistant.helpers.entity_registry import async_entries_for_config_entry from homeassistant.helpers.event import async_track_time_interval import homeassistant.util.dt as dt_util from .const import ( ATTR_MANUFACTURER, BLOCK_SWITCH, CONF_ALLOW_BANDWIDTH_SENSORS, CONF_ALLOW_UPTIME_SENSORS, CONF_BLOCK_CLIENT, CONF_DETECTION_TIME, CONF_DPI_RESTRICTIONS, CONF_IGNORE_WIRED_BUG, CONF_SITE_ID, CONF_SSID_FILTER, CONF_TRACK_CLIENTS, CONF_TRACK_DEVICES, CONF_TRACK_WIRED_CLIENTS, DEFAULT_ALLOW_BANDWIDTH_SENSORS, DEFAULT_ALLOW_UPTIME_SENSORS, DEFAULT_DETECTION_TIME, DEFAULT_DPI_RESTRICTIONS, DEFAULT_IGNORE_WIRED_BUG, DEFAULT_TRACK_CLIENTS, DEFAULT_TRACK_DEVICES, DEFAULT_TRACK_WIRED_CLIENTS, DOMAIN as UNIFI_DOMAIN, LOGGER, PLATFORMS, UNIFI_WIRELESS_CLIENTS, ) from .entity import UnifiEntity, UnifiEntityDescription from .errors import AuthenticationRequired, CannotConnect RETRY_TIMER = 15 CHECK_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL = timedelta(seconds=1) CLIENT_CONNECTED = ( EventKey.WIRED_CLIENT_CONNECTED, EventKey.WIRELESS_CLIENT_CONNECTED, EventKey.WIRELESS_GUEST_CONNECTED, ) DEVICE_CONNECTED = ( EventKey.ACCESS_POINT_CONNECTED, EventKey.GATEWAY_CONNECTED, EventKey.SWITCH_CONNECTED, ) class UniFiController: """Manages a single UniFi Network instance.""" def __init__(self, hass, config_entry, api): """Initialize the system.""" self.hass = hass self.config_entry = config_entry self.api = api api.callback = self.async_unifi_signalling_callback self.available = True self.progress = None self.wireless_clients = None self.site_id: str = "" self._site_name = None self._site_role = None self._cancel_heartbeat_check = None self._heartbeat_dispatch = {} self._heartbeat_time = {} self.load_config_entry_options() self.entities = {} def load_config_entry_options(self): """Store attributes to avoid property call overhead since they are called frequently.""" options = self.config_entry.options # Device tracker options # Config entry option to not track clients. self.option_track_clients = options.get( CONF_TRACK_CLIENTS, DEFAULT_TRACK_CLIENTS ) # Config entry option to not track wired clients. self.option_track_wired_clients = options.get( CONF_TRACK_WIRED_CLIENTS, DEFAULT_TRACK_WIRED_CLIENTS ) # Config entry option to not track devices. self.option_track_devices = options.get( CONF_TRACK_DEVICES, DEFAULT_TRACK_DEVICES ) # Config entry option listing what SSIDs are being used to track clients. self.option_ssid_filter = set(options.get(CONF_SSID_FILTER, [])) # Config entry option defining number of seconds from last seen to away self.option_detection_time = timedelta( seconds=options.get(CONF_DETECTION_TIME, DEFAULT_DETECTION_TIME) ) # Config entry option to ignore wired bug. self.option_ignore_wired_bug = options.get( CONF_IGNORE_WIRED_BUG, DEFAULT_IGNORE_WIRED_BUG ) # Client control options # Config entry option with list of clients to control network access. self.option_block_clients = options.get(CONF_BLOCK_CLIENT, []) # Config entry option to control DPI restriction groups. self.option_dpi_restrictions = options.get( CONF_DPI_RESTRICTIONS, DEFAULT_DPI_RESTRICTIONS ) # Statistics sensor options # Config entry option to allow bandwidth sensors. self.option_allow_bandwidth_sensors = options.get( CONF_ALLOW_BANDWIDTH_SENSORS, DEFAULT_ALLOW_BANDWIDTH_SENSORS ) # Config entry option to allow uptime sensors. self.option_allow_uptime_sensors = options.get( CONF_ALLOW_UPTIME_SENSORS, DEFAULT_ALLOW_UPTIME_SENSORS ) @property def host(self): """Return the host of this controller.""" return self.config_entry.data[CONF_HOST] @property def site(self): """Return the site of this config entry.""" return self.config_entry.data[CONF_SITE_ID] @property def site_name(self): """Return the nice name of site.""" return self._site_name @property def site_role(self): """Return the site user role of this controller.""" return self._site_role @property def mac(self): """Return the mac address of this controller.""" for client in self.api.clients.values(): if self.host == client.ip: return client.mac return None @callback def register_platform_add_entities( self, unifi_platform_entity: type[UnifiEntity], descriptions: tuple[UnifiEntityDescription, ...], async_add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback, ) -> None: """Subscribe to UniFi API handlers and create entities.""" @callback def async_load_entities(description: UnifiEntityDescription) -> None: """Load and subscribe to UniFi endpoints.""" entities: list[UnifiEntity] = [] api_handler = description.api_handler_fn(self.api) @callback def async_create_entity(event: ItemEvent, obj_id: str) -> None: """Create UniFi entity.""" if not description.allowed_fn( self, obj_id ) or not description.supported_fn(self.api, obj_id): return entity = unifi_platform_entity(obj_id, self, description) if event == ItemEvent.ADDED: async_add_entities([entity]) return entities.append(entity) for obj_id in api_handler: async_create_entity(ItemEvent.CHANGED, obj_id) async_add_entities(entities) api_handler.subscribe(async_create_entity, ItemEvent.ADDED) for description in descriptions: async_load_entities(description) @callback def async_unifi_signalling_callback(self, signal, data): """Handle messages back from UniFi library.""" if signal == WebsocketSignal.CONNECTION_STATE: if data == WebsocketState.DISCONNECTED and self.available: LOGGER.warning("Lost connection to UniFi Network") if (data == WebsocketState.RUNNING and not self.available) or ( data == WebsocketState.DISCONNECTED and self.available ): self.available = data == WebsocketState.RUNNING async_dispatcher_send(self.hass, self.signal_reachable) if not self.available: self.hass.loop.call_later(RETRY_TIMER, self.reconnect, True) else: LOGGER.info("Connected to UniFi Network") elif signal == WebsocketSignal.DATA and data: if DATA_EVENT in data: clients_connected = set() devices_connected = set() wireless_clients_connected = False for event in data[DATA_EVENT]: if event.key in CLIENT_CONNECTED: clients_connected.add(event.mac) if not wireless_clients_connected and event.key in ( EventKey.WIRELESS_CLIENT_CONNECTED, EventKey.WIRELESS_GUEST_CONNECTED, ): wireless_clients_connected = True elif event.key in DEVICE_CONNECTED: devices_connected.add(event.mac) if wireless_clients_connected: self.update_wireless_clients() if clients_connected or devices_connected: async_dispatcher_send( self.hass, self.signal_update, clients_connected, devices_connected, ) elif DATA_CLIENT_REMOVED in data: async_dispatcher_send( self.hass, self.signal_remove, data[DATA_CLIENT_REMOVED] ) @property def signal_reachable(self) -> str: """Integration specific event to signal a change in connection status.""" return f"unifi-reachable-{self.config_entry.entry_id}" @property def signal_update(self) -> str: """Event specific per UniFi entry to signal new data.""" return f"unifi-update-{self.config_entry.entry_id}" @property def signal_remove(self) -> str: """Event specific per UniFi entry to signal removal of entities.""" return f"unifi-remove-{self.config_entry.entry_id}" @property def signal_options_update(self) -> str: """Event specific per UniFi entry to signal new options.""" return f"unifi-options-{self.config_entry.entry_id}" @property def signal_heartbeat_missed(self) -> str: """Event specific per UniFi device tracker to signal new heartbeat missed.""" return "unifi-heartbeat-missed" def update_wireless_clients(self): """Update set of known to be wireless clients.""" new_wireless_clients = set() for client_id in self.api.clients: if ( client_id not in self.wireless_clients and not self.api.clients[client_id].is_wired ): new_wireless_clients.add(client_id) if new_wireless_clients: self.wireless_clients |= new_wireless_clients unifi_wireless_clients = self.hass.data[UNIFI_WIRELESS_CLIENTS] unifi_wireless_clients.update_data(self.wireless_clients, self.config_entry) async def initialize(self): """Set up a UniFi Network instance.""" await self.api.initialize() sites = await self.api.sites() for site in sites.values(): if self.site == site["name"]: self.site_id = site["_id"] self._site_name = site["desc"] break description = await self.api.site_description() self._site_role = description[0]["site_role"] # Restore clients that are not a part of active clients list. entity_registry = er.async_get(self.hass) for entry in async_entries_for_config_entry( entity_registry, self.config_entry.entry_id ): if entry.domain == Platform.DEVICE_TRACKER: mac = entry.unique_id.split("-", 1)[0] elif entry.domain == Platform.SWITCH and entry.unique_id.startswith( BLOCK_SWITCH ): mac = entry.unique_id.split("-", 1)[1] else: continue if mac in self.api.clients or mac not in self.api.clients_all: continue client = self.api.clients_all[mac] self.api.clients.process_raw([client.raw]) LOGGER.debug( "Restore disconnected client %s (%s)", entry.entity_id, client.mac, ) wireless_clients = self.hass.data[UNIFI_WIRELESS_CLIENTS] self.wireless_clients = wireless_clients.get_data(self.config_entry) self.update_wireless_clients() self.config_entry.add_update_listener(self.async_config_entry_updated) self._cancel_heartbeat_check = async_track_time_interval( self.hass, self._async_check_for_stale, CHECK_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL ) @callback def async_heartbeat( self, unique_id: str, heartbeat_expire_time: datetime | None = None ) -> None: """Signal when a device has fresh home state.""" if heartbeat_expire_time is not None: self._heartbeat_time[unique_id] = heartbeat_expire_time return if unique_id in self._heartbeat_time: del self._heartbeat_time[unique_id] @callback def _async_check_for_stale(self, *_) -> None: """Check for any devices scheduled to be marked disconnected.""" now = dt_util.utcnow() unique_ids_to_remove = [] for unique_id, heartbeat_expire_time in self._heartbeat_time.items(): if now > heartbeat_expire_time: async_dispatcher_send( self.hass, f"{self.signal_heartbeat_missed}_{unique_id}" ) unique_ids_to_remove.append(unique_id) for unique_id in unique_ids_to_remove: del self._heartbeat_time[unique_id] async def async_update_device_registry(self) -> None: """Update device registry.""" if self.mac is None: return device_registry = dr.async_get(self.hass) device_registry.async_get_or_create( config_entry_id=self.config_entry.entry_id, configuration_url=self.api.url, connections={(CONNECTION_NETWORK_MAC, self.mac)}, default_manufacturer=ATTR_MANUFACTURER, default_model="UniFi Network", default_name="UniFi Network", ) @staticmethod async def async_config_entry_updated( hass: HomeAssistant, config_entry: ConfigEntry ) -> None: """Handle signals of config entry being updated. If config entry is updated due to reauth flow the entry might already have been reset and thus is not available. """ if not (controller := hass.data[UNIFI_DOMAIN].get(config_entry.entry_id)): return controller.load_config_entry_options() async_dispatcher_send(hass, controller.signal_options_update) @callback def reconnect(self, log=False) -> None: """Prepare to reconnect UniFi session.""" if log: LOGGER.info("Will try to reconnect to UniFi Network") self.hass.loop.create_task(self.async_reconnect()) async def async_reconnect(self) -> None: """Try to reconnect UniFi Network session.""" try: async with async_timeout.timeout(5): await self.api.login() self.api.start_websocket() except ( asyncio.TimeoutError, aiounifi.BadGateway, aiounifi.ServiceUnavailable, aiounifi.AiounifiException, ): self.hass.loop.call_later(RETRY_TIMER, self.reconnect) @callback def shutdown(self, event) -> None: """Wrap the call to unifi.close. Used as an argument to EventBus.async_listen_once. """ self.api.stop_websocket() async def async_reset(self): """Reset this controller to default state. Will cancel any scheduled setup retry and will unload the config entry. """ self.api.stop_websocket() unload_ok = await self.hass.config_entries.async_unload_platforms( self.config_entry, PLATFORMS ) if not unload_ok: return False if self._cancel_heartbeat_check: self._cancel_heartbeat_check() self._cancel_heartbeat_check = None return True async def get_unifi_controller( hass: HomeAssistant, config: MappingProxyType[str, Any], ) -> aiounifi.Controller: """Create a controller object and verify authentication.""" sslcontext = None if verify_ssl := bool(config.get(CONF_VERIFY_SSL)): session = aiohttp_client.async_get_clientsession(hass) if isinstance(verify_ssl, str): sslcontext = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=verify_ssl) else: session = aiohttp_client.async_create_clientsession( hass, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, cookie_jar=CookieJar(unsafe=True) ) controller = aiounifi.Controller( host=config[CONF_HOST], username=config[CONF_USERNAME], password=config[CONF_PASSWORD], port=config[CONF_PORT], site=config[CONF_SITE_ID], websession=session, sslcontext=sslcontext, ) try: async with async_timeout.timeout(10): await controller.check_unifi_os() await controller.login() return controller except aiounifi.Unauthorized as err: LOGGER.warning( "Connected to UniFi Network at %s but not registered: %s", config[CONF_HOST], err, ) raise AuthenticationRequired from err except ( asyncio.TimeoutError, aiounifi.BadGateway, aiounifi.ServiceUnavailable, aiounifi.RequestError, aiounifi.ResponseError, ) as err: LOGGER.error( "Error connecting to the UniFi Network at %s: %s", config[CONF_HOST], err ) raise CannotConnect from err except aiounifi.LoginRequired as err: LOGGER.warning( "Connected to UniFi Network at %s but login required: %s", config[CONF_HOST], err, ) raise AuthenticationRequired from err except aiounifi.AiounifiException as err: LOGGER.exception("Unknown UniFi Network communication error occurred: %s", err) raise AuthenticationRequired from err