"""Import logic for blueprint.""" from __future__ import annotations from dataclasses import dataclass import html import re import voluptuous as vol import yarl from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError from homeassistant.helpers import aiohttp_client, config_validation as cv from homeassistant.util import yaml from .models import Blueprint from .schemas import is_blueprint_config COMMUNITY_TOPIC_PATTERN = re.compile( r"^https://community.home-assistant.io/t/[a-z0-9-]+/(?P\d+)(?:/(?P\d+)|)$" ) COMMUNITY_CODE_BLOCK = re.compile( r'(?P(?:.|\n)*)', re.MULTILINE ) GITHUB_FILE_PATTERN = re.compile( r"^https://github.com/(?P.+)/blob/(?P.+)$" ) COMMUNITY_TOPIC_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { "slug": str, "title": str, "post_stream": {"posts": [{"updated_at": cv.datetime, "cooked": str}]}, }, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA, ) class UnsupportedUrl(HomeAssistantError): """When the function doesn't support the url.""" @dataclass(frozen=True) class ImportedBlueprint: """Imported blueprint.""" suggested_filename: str raw_data: str blueprint: Blueprint def _get_github_import_url(url: str) -> str: """Convert a GitHub url to the raw content. Async friendly. """ if url.startswith("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/"): return url if (match := GITHUB_FILE_PATTERN.match(url)) is None: raise UnsupportedUrl("Not a GitHub file url") repo, path = match.groups() return f"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/{repo}/{path}" def _get_community_post_import_url(url: str) -> str: """Convert a forum post url to an import url. Async friendly. """ if (match := COMMUNITY_TOPIC_PATTERN.match(url)) is None: raise UnsupportedUrl("Not a topic url") _topic, post = match.groups() json_url = url if post is not None: # Chop off post part, ie /2 json_url = json_url[: -len(post) - 1] json_url += ".json" return json_url def _extract_blueprint_from_community_topic( url: str, topic: dict, ) -> ImportedBlueprint: """Extract a blueprint from a community post JSON. Async friendly. """ block_content: str blueprint = None post = topic["post_stream"]["posts"][0] for match in COMMUNITY_CODE_BLOCK.finditer(post["cooked"]): block_syntax, block_content = match.groups() if block_syntax not in ("auto", "yaml"): continue block_content = html.unescape(block_content.strip()) try: data = yaml.parse_yaml(block_content) except HomeAssistantError: if block_syntax == "yaml": raise continue if not is_blueprint_config(data): continue assert isinstance(data, dict) blueprint = Blueprint(data) break if blueprint is None: raise HomeAssistantError( "No valid blueprint found in the topic. Blueprint syntax blocks need to be" " marked as YAML or no syntax." ) return ImportedBlueprint( f'{post["username"]}/{topic["slug"]}', block_content, blueprint ) async def fetch_blueprint_from_community_post( hass: HomeAssistant, url: str ) -> ImportedBlueprint: """Get blueprints from a community post url. Method can raise aiohttp client exceptions, vol.Invalid. Caller needs to implement own timeout. """ import_url = _get_community_post_import_url(url) session = aiohttp_client.async_get_clientsession(hass) resp = await session.get(import_url, raise_for_status=True) json_resp = await resp.json() json_resp = COMMUNITY_TOPIC_SCHEMA(json_resp) return _extract_blueprint_from_community_topic(url, json_resp) async def fetch_blueprint_from_github_url( hass: HomeAssistant, url: str ) -> ImportedBlueprint: """Get a blueprint from a github url.""" import_url = _get_github_import_url(url) session = aiohttp_client.async_get_clientsession(hass) resp = await session.get(import_url, raise_for_status=True) raw_yaml = await resp.text() data = yaml.parse_yaml(raw_yaml) assert isinstance(data, dict) blueprint = Blueprint(data) parsed_import_url = yarl.URL(import_url) suggested_filename = f"{parsed_import_url.parts[1]}/{parsed_import_url.parts[-1]}" if suggested_filename.endswith(".yaml"): suggested_filename = suggested_filename[:-5] return ImportedBlueprint(suggested_filename, raw_yaml, blueprint) async def fetch_blueprint_from_github_gist_url( hass: HomeAssistant, url: str ) -> ImportedBlueprint: """Get a blueprint from a Github Gist.""" if not url.startswith("https://gist.github.com/"): raise UnsupportedUrl("Not a GitHub gist url") parsed_url = yarl.URL(url) session = aiohttp_client.async_get_clientsession(hass) resp = await session.get( f"https://api.github.com/gists/{parsed_url.parts[2]}", headers={"Accept": "application/vnd.github.v3+json"}, raise_for_status=True, ) gist = await resp.json() blueprint = None filename = None content: str for filename, info in gist["files"].items(): if not filename.endswith(".yaml"): continue content = info["content"] data = yaml.parse_yaml(content) if not is_blueprint_config(data): continue assert isinstance(data, dict) blueprint = Blueprint(data) break if blueprint is None: raise HomeAssistantError( "No valid blueprint found in the gist. The blueprint file needs to end with" " '.yaml'" ) return ImportedBlueprint( f"{gist['owner']['login']}/{filename[:-5]}", content, blueprint ) async def fetch_blueprint_from_url(hass: HomeAssistant, url: str) -> ImportedBlueprint: """Get a blueprint from a url.""" for func in ( fetch_blueprint_from_community_post, fetch_blueprint_from_github_url, fetch_blueprint_from_github_gist_url, ): try: imported_bp = await func(hass, url) imported_bp.blueprint.update_metadata(source_url=url) return imported_bp except UnsupportedUrl: pass raise HomeAssistantError("Unsupported url")