"""Test zha siren.""" from datetime import timedelta from unittest.mock import ANY, call, patch import pytest from zha.application.const import ( WARNING_DEVICE_MODE_EMERGENCY_PANIC, WARNING_DEVICE_SOUND_MEDIUM, ) from zigpy.const import SIG_EP_INPUT, SIG_EP_OUTPUT, SIG_EP_PROFILE, SIG_EP_TYPE from zigpy.profiles import zha import zigpy.zcl from zigpy.zcl.clusters import general, security import zigpy.zcl.foundation as zcl_f from homeassistant.components.siren import ( ATTR_DURATION, ATTR_TONE, ATTR_VOLUME_LEVEL, DOMAIN as SIREN_DOMAIN, ) from homeassistant.components.zha.helpers import ( ZHADeviceProxy, ZHAGatewayProxy, get_zha_gateway, get_zha_gateway_proxy, ) from homeassistant.const import STATE_OFF, STATE_ON, Platform from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant import homeassistant.util.dt as dt_util from .common import find_entity_id from tests.common import async_fire_time_changed @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def siren_platform_only(): """Only set up the siren and required base platforms to speed up tests.""" with patch( "homeassistant.components.zha.PLATFORMS", ( Platform.DEVICE_TRACKER, Platform.NUMBER, Platform.SENSOR, Platform.SELECT, Platform.SIREN, ), ): yield async def test_siren(hass: HomeAssistant, setup_zha, zigpy_device_mock) -> None: """Test zha siren platform.""" await setup_zha() gateway = get_zha_gateway(hass) gateway_proxy: ZHAGatewayProxy = get_zha_gateway_proxy(hass) zigpy_device = zigpy_device_mock( { 1: { SIG_EP_INPUT: [general.Basic.cluster_id, security.IasWd.cluster_id], SIG_EP_OUTPUT: [], SIG_EP_TYPE: zha.DeviceType.IAS_WARNING_DEVICE, SIG_EP_PROFILE: zha.PROFILE_ID, } } ) gateway.get_or_create_device(zigpy_device) await gateway.async_device_initialized(zigpy_device) await hass.async_block_till_done(wait_background_tasks=True) zha_device_proxy: ZHADeviceProxy = gateway_proxy.get_device_proxy(zigpy_device.ieee) entity_id = find_entity_id(Platform.SIREN, zha_device_proxy, hass) cluster = zigpy_device.endpoints[1].ias_wd assert entity_id is not None assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == STATE_OFF # turn on from HA with ( patch( "zigpy.device.Device.request", return_value=[0x00, zcl_f.Status.SUCCESS], ), patch( "zigpy.zcl.Cluster.request", side_effect=zigpy.zcl.Cluster.request, autospec=True, ), ): # turn on via UI await hass.services.async_call( SIREN_DOMAIN, "turn_on", {"entity_id": entity_id}, blocking=True ) assert cluster.request.mock_calls == [ call( cluster, False, 0, ANY, 50, # bitmask for default args 5, # duration in seconds 0, 2, manufacturer=None, expect_reply=True, tsn=None, ) ] # test that the state has changed to on assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == STATE_ON # turn off from HA with ( patch( "zigpy.device.Device.request", return_value=[0x01, zcl_f.Status.SUCCESS], ), patch( "zigpy.zcl.Cluster.request", side_effect=zigpy.zcl.Cluster.request, autospec=True, ), ): # turn off via UI await hass.services.async_call( SIREN_DOMAIN, "turn_off", {"entity_id": entity_id}, blocking=True ) assert cluster.request.mock_calls == [ call( cluster, False, 0, ANY, 2, # bitmask for default args 5, # duration in seconds 0, 2, manufacturer=None, expect_reply=True, tsn=None, ) ] # test that the state has changed to off assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == STATE_OFF # turn on from HA with ( patch( "zigpy.device.Device.request", return_value=[0x00, zcl_f.Status.SUCCESS], ), patch( "zigpy.zcl.Cluster.request", side_effect=zigpy.zcl.Cluster.request, autospec=True, ), ): # turn on via UI await hass.services.async_call( SIREN_DOMAIN, "turn_on", { "entity_id": entity_id, ATTR_DURATION: 10, ATTR_TONE: WARNING_DEVICE_MODE_EMERGENCY_PANIC, ATTR_VOLUME_LEVEL: WARNING_DEVICE_SOUND_MEDIUM, }, blocking=True, ) assert cluster.request.mock_calls == [ call( cluster, False, 0, ANY, 97, # bitmask for passed args 10, # duration in seconds 0, 2, manufacturer=None, expect_reply=True, tsn=None, ) ] # test that the state has changed to on assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == STATE_ON now = dt_util.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=15) async_fire_time_changed(hass, now) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == STATE_OFF