"""Tests for the Bluetooth integration.""" from contextlib import contextmanager import itertools import time from typing import Any from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch from bleak import BleakClient from bleak.backends.scanner import AdvertisementData, BLEDevice from bluetooth_adapters import DEFAULT_ADDRESS from habluetooth import BaseHaScanner, BluetoothManager, get_manager from homeassistant.components.bluetooth import ( DOMAIN, SOURCE_LOCAL, BluetoothServiceInfo, BluetoothServiceInfoBleak, async_get_advertisement_callback, ) from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from tests.common import MockConfigEntry __all__ = ( "inject_advertisement", "inject_advertisement_with_source", "inject_advertisement_with_time_and_source", "inject_advertisement_with_time_and_source_connectable", "inject_bluetooth_service_info", "patch_all_discovered_devices", "patch_discovered_devices", "generate_advertisement_data", "generate_ble_device", "MockBleakClient", "patch_bluetooth_time", ) ADVERTISEMENT_DATA_DEFAULTS = { "local_name": "", "manufacturer_data": {}, "service_data": {}, "service_uuids": [], "rssi": -127, "platform_data": ((),), "tx_power": -127, } BLE_DEVICE_DEFAULTS = { "name": None, "rssi": -127, "details": None, } @contextmanager def patch_bluetooth_time(mock_time: float) -> None: """Patch the bluetooth time.""" with patch( "homeassistant.components.bluetooth.MONOTONIC_TIME", return_value=mock_time ), patch( "habluetooth.base_scanner.monotonic_time_coarse", return_value=mock_time ), patch( "habluetooth.manager.monotonic_time_coarse", return_value=mock_time ), patch("habluetooth.scanner.monotonic_time_coarse", return_value=mock_time): yield def generate_advertisement_data(**kwargs: Any) -> AdvertisementData: """Generate advertisement data with defaults.""" new = kwargs.copy() for key, value in ADVERTISEMENT_DATA_DEFAULTS.items(): new.setdefault(key, value) return AdvertisementData(**new) def generate_ble_device( address: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, details: Any | None = None, rssi: int | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> BLEDevice: """Generate a BLEDevice with defaults.""" new = kwargs.copy() if address is not None: new["address"] = address if name is not None: new["name"] = name if details is not None: new["details"] = details if rssi is not None: new["rssi"] = rssi for key, value in BLE_DEVICE_DEFAULTS.items(): new.setdefault(key, value) return BLEDevice(**new) def _get_manager() -> BluetoothManager: """Return the bluetooth manager.""" return get_manager() def inject_advertisement( hass: HomeAssistant, device: BLEDevice, adv: AdvertisementData ) -> None: """Inject an advertisement into the manager.""" return inject_advertisement_with_source(hass, device, adv, SOURCE_LOCAL) def inject_advertisement_with_source( hass: HomeAssistant, device: BLEDevice, adv: AdvertisementData, source: str ) -> None: """Inject an advertisement into the manager from a specific source.""" inject_advertisement_with_time_and_source( hass, device, adv, time.monotonic(), source ) def inject_advertisement_with_time_and_source( hass: HomeAssistant, device: BLEDevice, adv: AdvertisementData, time: float, source: str, ) -> None: """Inject an advertisement into the manager from a specific source at a time.""" inject_advertisement_with_time_and_source_connectable( hass, device, adv, time, source, True ) def inject_advertisement_with_time_and_source_connectable( hass: HomeAssistant, device: BLEDevice, adv: AdvertisementData, time: float, source: str, connectable: bool, ) -> None: """Inject an advertisement into the manager from a specific source at a time and connectable status.""" async_get_advertisement_callback(hass)( BluetoothServiceInfoBleak( name=adv.local_name or device.name or device.address, address=device.address, rssi=adv.rssi, manufacturer_data=adv.manufacturer_data, service_data=adv.service_data, service_uuids=adv.service_uuids, source=source, device=device, advertisement=adv, connectable=connectable, time=time, ) ) def inject_bluetooth_service_info_bleak( hass: HomeAssistant, info: BluetoothServiceInfoBleak ) -> None: """Inject an advertisement into the manager with connectable status.""" advertisement_data = generate_advertisement_data( local_name=None if info.name == "" else info.name, manufacturer_data=info.manufacturer_data, service_data=info.service_data, service_uuids=info.service_uuids, rssi=info.rssi, ) device = generate_ble_device( # type: ignore[no-untyped-call] address=info.address, name=info.name, details={}, ) inject_advertisement_with_time_and_source_connectable( hass, device, advertisement_data, info.time, SOURCE_LOCAL, connectable=info.connectable, ) def inject_bluetooth_service_info( hass: HomeAssistant, info: BluetoothServiceInfo ) -> None: """Inject a BluetoothServiceInfo into the manager.""" advertisement_data = generate_advertisement_data( # type: ignore[no-untyped-call] local_name=None if info.name == "" else info.name, manufacturer_data=info.manufacturer_data, service_data=info.service_data, service_uuids=info.service_uuids, rssi=info.rssi, ) device = generate_ble_device( # type: ignore[no-untyped-call] address=info.address, name=info.name, details={}, ) inject_advertisement(hass, device, advertisement_data) @contextmanager def patch_all_discovered_devices(mock_discovered: list[BLEDevice]) -> None: """Mock all the discovered devices from all the scanners.""" manager = _get_manager() original_history = {} scanners = list( itertools.chain( manager._connectable_scanners, manager._non_connectable_scanners ) ) for scanner in scanners: data = scanner.discovered_devices_and_advertisement_data original_history[scanner] = data.copy() data.clear() if scanners: data = scanners[0].discovered_devices_and_advertisement_data data.clear() data.update( {device.address: (device, MagicMock()) for device in mock_discovered} ) yield for scanner in scanners: data = scanner.discovered_devices_and_advertisement_data data.clear() data.update(original_history[scanner]) @contextmanager def patch_discovered_devices(mock_discovered: list[BLEDevice]) -> None: """Mock the combined best path to discovered devices from all the scanners.""" manager = _get_manager() original_all_history = manager._all_history original_connectable_history = manager._connectable_history manager._connectable_history = {} manager._all_history = { device.address: MagicMock(device=device) for device in mock_discovered } yield manager._all_history = original_all_history manager._connectable_history = original_connectable_history async def async_setup_with_default_adapter(hass: HomeAssistant) -> MockConfigEntry: """Set up the Bluetooth integration with a default adapter.""" return await _async_setup_with_adapter(hass, DEFAULT_ADDRESS) async def async_setup_with_one_adapter(hass: HomeAssistant) -> MockConfigEntry: """Set up the Bluetooth integration with one adapter.""" return await _async_setup_with_adapter(hass, "00:00:00:00:00:01") async def _async_setup_with_adapter( hass: HomeAssistant, address: str ) -> MockConfigEntry: """Set up the Bluetooth integration with any adapter.""" entry = MockConfigEntry(domain="bluetooth", unique_id=address) entry.add_to_hass(hass) assert await async_setup_component(hass, DOMAIN, {DOMAIN: {}}) await hass.async_block_till_done() return entry class MockBleakClient(BleakClient): """Mock bleak client.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Mock init.""" super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._device_path = "/dev/test" @property def is_connected(self) -> bool: """Mock connected.""" return True async def connect(self, *args, **kwargs): """Mock connect.""" return True async def disconnect(self, *args, **kwargs): """Mock disconnect.""" async def get_services(self, *args, **kwargs): """Mock get_services.""" return [] async def clear_cache(self, *args, **kwargs): """Mock clear_cache.""" return True class FakeScanner(BaseHaScanner): """Fake scanner.""" @property def discovered_devices(self) -> list[BLEDevice]: """Return a list of discovered devices.""" return [] @property def discovered_devices_and_advertisement_data( self, ) -> dict[str, tuple[BLEDevice, AdvertisementData]]: """Return a list of discovered devices and their advertisement data.""" return {}