"""Utility functions for the Open Thread Border Router integration.""" from __future__ import annotations from collections.abc import Callable, Coroutine import dataclasses from functools import wraps import logging import random from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Concatenate, cast import aiohttp import python_otbr_api from python_otbr_api import PENDING_DATASET_DELAY_TIMER, tlv_parser from python_otbr_api.pskc import compute_pskc from python_otbr_api.tlv_parser import MeshcopTLVType from homeassistant.components.homeassistant_hardware.silabs_multiprotocol_addon import ( MultiprotocolAddonManager, get_multiprotocol_addon_manager, is_multiprotocol_url, multi_pan_addon_using_device, ) from homeassistant.components.homeassistant_yellow import RADIO_DEVICE as YELLOW_RADIO from homeassistant.config_entries import SOURCE_USER from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError from homeassistant.helpers import issue_registry as ir from .const import DOMAIN if TYPE_CHECKING: from . import OTBRConfigEntry _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) INFO_URL_SKY_CONNECT = ( "https://skyconnect.home-assistant.io/multiprotocol-channel-missmatch" ) INFO_URL_YELLOW = "https://yellow.home-assistant.io/multiprotocol-channel-missmatch" INSECURE_NETWORK_KEYS = ( # Thread web UI default bytes.fromhex("00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF"), ) INSECURE_PASSPHRASES = ( # Thread web UI default "j01Nme", # Thread documentation default "J01NME", ) class GetBorderAgentIdNotSupported(HomeAssistantError): """Raised from python_otbr_api.GetBorderAgentIdNotSupportedError.""" def compose_default_network_name(pan_id: int) -> str: """Generate a default network name.""" return f"ha-thread-{pan_id:04x}" def generate_random_pan_id() -> int: """Generate a random PAN ID.""" # PAN ID is 2 bytes, 0xffff is reserved for broadcast return random.randint(0, 0xFFFE) def _handle_otbr_error[**_P, _R]( func: Callable[Concatenate[OTBRData, _P], Coroutine[Any, Any, _R]], ) -> Callable[Concatenate[OTBRData, _P], Coroutine[Any, Any, _R]]: """Handle OTBR errors.""" @wraps(func) async def _func(self: OTBRData, *args: _P.args, **kwargs: _P.kwargs) -> _R: try: return await func(self, *args, **kwargs) except (python_otbr_api.OTBRError, aiohttp.ClientError, TimeoutError) as exc: raise HomeAssistantError("Failed to call OTBR API") from exc return _func @dataclasses.dataclass class OTBRData: """Container for OTBR data.""" url: str api: python_otbr_api.OTBR entry_id: str @_handle_otbr_error async def factory_reset(self, hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Reset the router.""" try: await self.api.factory_reset() except python_otbr_api.FactoryResetNotSupportedError: _LOGGER.warning( "OTBR does not support factory reset, attempting to delete dataset" ) await self.delete_active_dataset() await update_unique_id( hass, hass.config_entries.async_get_entry(self.entry_id), await self.get_border_agent_id(), ) @_handle_otbr_error async def get_border_agent_id(self) -> bytes: """Get the border agent ID or None if not supported by the router.""" try: return await self.api.get_border_agent_id() except python_otbr_api.GetBorderAgentIdNotSupportedError as exc: raise GetBorderAgentIdNotSupported from exc @_handle_otbr_error async def set_enabled(self, enabled: bool) -> None: """Enable or disable the router.""" return await self.api.set_enabled(enabled) @_handle_otbr_error async def get_active_dataset(self) -> python_otbr_api.ActiveDataSet | None: """Get current active operational dataset, or None.""" return await self.api.get_active_dataset() @_handle_otbr_error async def get_active_dataset_tlvs(self) -> bytes | None: """Get current active operational dataset in TLVS format, or None.""" return await self.api.get_active_dataset_tlvs() @_handle_otbr_error async def get_pending_dataset_tlvs(self) -> bytes | None: """Get current pending operational dataset in TLVS format, or None.""" return await self.api.get_pending_dataset_tlvs() @_handle_otbr_error async def create_active_dataset( self, dataset: python_otbr_api.ActiveDataSet ) -> None: """Create an active operational dataset.""" return await self.api.create_active_dataset(dataset) @_handle_otbr_error async def delete_active_dataset(self) -> None: """Delete the active operational dataset.""" return await self.api.delete_active_dataset() @_handle_otbr_error async def set_active_dataset_tlvs(self, dataset: bytes) -> None: """Set current active operational dataset in TLVS format.""" await self.api.set_active_dataset_tlvs(dataset) @_handle_otbr_error async def set_channel( self, channel: int, delay: float = PENDING_DATASET_DELAY_TIMER / 1000 ) -> None: """Set current channel.""" await self.api.set_channel(channel, delay=int(delay * 1000)) @_handle_otbr_error async def get_extended_address(self) -> bytes: """Get extended address (EUI-64).""" return await self.api.get_extended_address() async def get_allowed_channel(hass: HomeAssistant, otbr_url: str) -> int | None: """Return the allowed channel, or None if there's no restriction.""" if not is_multiprotocol_url(otbr_url): # The OTBR is not sharing the radio, no restriction return None multipan_manager: MultiprotocolAddonManager = await get_multiprotocol_addon_manager( hass ) return multipan_manager.async_get_channel() async def _warn_on_channel_collision( hass: HomeAssistant, otbrdata: OTBRData, dataset_tlvs: bytes ) -> None: """Warn user if OTBR and ZHA attempt to use different channels.""" def delete_issue() -> None: ir.async_delete_issue( hass, DOMAIN, f"otbr_zha_channel_collision_{otbrdata.entry_id}", ) if (allowed_channel := await get_allowed_channel(hass, otbrdata.url)) is None: delete_issue() return dataset = tlv_parser.parse_tlv(dataset_tlvs.hex()) if (channel_s := dataset.get(MeshcopTLVType.CHANNEL)) is None: delete_issue() return channel = cast(tlv_parser.Channel, channel_s).channel if channel == allowed_channel: delete_issue() return yellow = await multi_pan_addon_using_device(hass, YELLOW_RADIO) learn_more_url = INFO_URL_YELLOW if yellow else INFO_URL_SKY_CONNECT ir.async_create_issue( hass, DOMAIN, f"otbr_zha_channel_collision_{otbrdata.entry_id}", is_fixable=False, is_persistent=False, learn_more_url=learn_more_url, severity=ir.IssueSeverity.WARNING, translation_key="otbr_zha_channel_collision", translation_placeholders={ "otbr_channel": str(channel), "zha_channel": str(allowed_channel), }, ) def _warn_on_default_network_settings( hass: HomeAssistant, otbrdata: OTBRData, dataset_tlvs: bytes ) -> None: """Warn user if insecure default network settings are used.""" dataset = tlv_parser.parse_tlv(dataset_tlvs.hex()) insecure = False if ( network_key := dataset.get(MeshcopTLVType.NETWORKKEY) ) is not None and network_key.data in INSECURE_NETWORK_KEYS: insecure = True if ( not insecure and MeshcopTLVType.EXTPANID in dataset and MeshcopTLVType.NETWORKNAME in dataset and MeshcopTLVType.PSKC in dataset ): ext_pan_id = dataset[MeshcopTLVType.EXTPANID] network_name = cast(tlv_parser.NetworkName, dataset[MeshcopTLVType.NETWORKNAME]) pskc = dataset[MeshcopTLVType.PSKC].data for passphrase in INSECURE_PASSPHRASES: if pskc == compute_pskc(ext_pan_id.data, network_name.name, passphrase): insecure = True break if insecure: ir.async_create_issue( hass, DOMAIN, f"insecure_thread_network_{otbrdata.entry_id}", is_fixable=False, is_persistent=False, severity=ir.IssueSeverity.WARNING, translation_key="insecure_thread_network", ) else: ir.async_delete_issue( hass, DOMAIN, f"insecure_thread_network_{otbrdata.entry_id}", ) async def update_issues( hass: HomeAssistant, otbrdata: OTBRData, dataset_tlvs: bytes ) -> None: """Raise or clear repair issues related to network settings.""" await _warn_on_channel_collision(hass, otbrdata, dataset_tlvs) _warn_on_default_network_settings(hass, otbrdata, dataset_tlvs) async def update_unique_id( hass: HomeAssistant, entry: OTBRConfigEntry | None, border_agent_id: bytes ) -> None: """Update the config entry's unique_id if not matching.""" border_agent_id_hex = border_agent_id.hex() if entry and entry.source == SOURCE_USER and entry.unique_id != border_agent_id_hex: _LOGGER.debug( "Updating unique_id of entry %s from %s to %s", entry.entry_id, entry.unique_id, border_agent_id_hex, ) hass.config_entries.async_update_entry(entry, unique_id=border_agent_id_hex)