"""Utility functions for the MQTT integration.""" from __future__ import annotations import asyncio import os from pathlib import Path import tempfile from typing import Any import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry, ConfigEntryState from homeassistant.const import Platform from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.helpers import config_validation as cv, template from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType from homeassistant.util.async_ import create_eager_task from .const import ( ATTR_PAYLOAD, ATTR_QOS, ATTR_RETAIN, ATTR_TOPIC, CONF_CERTIFICATE, CONF_CLIENT_CERT, CONF_CLIENT_KEY, DATA_MQTT, DATA_MQTT_AVAILABLE, DEFAULT_ENCODING, DEFAULT_QOS, DEFAULT_RETAIN, DOMAIN, ) from .models import MqttData AVAILABILITY_TIMEOUT = 30.0 TEMP_DIR_NAME = f"home-assistant-{DOMAIN}" _VALID_QOS_SCHEMA = vol.All(vol.Coerce(int), vol.In([0, 1, 2])) def platforms_from_config(config: list[ConfigType]) -> set[Platform | str]: """Return the platforms to be set up.""" return {key for platform in config for key in platform} async def async_forward_entry_setup_and_setup_discovery( hass: HomeAssistant, config_entry: ConfigEntry, platforms: set[Platform | str] ) -> None: """Forward the config entry setup to the platforms and set up discovery.""" mqtt_data = get_mqtt_data(hass) platforms_loaded = mqtt_data.platforms_loaded new_platforms: set[Platform | str] = platforms - platforms_loaded tasks: list[asyncio.Task] = [] if "device_automation" in new_platforms: # Local import to avoid circular dependencies # pylint: disable-next=import-outside-toplevel from . import device_automation tasks.append( create_eager_task(device_automation.async_setup_entry(hass, config_entry)) ) if "tag" in new_platforms: # Local import to avoid circular dependencies # pylint: disable-next=import-outside-toplevel from . import tag tasks.append(create_eager_task(tag.async_setup_entry(hass, config_entry))) if new_entity_platforms := (new_platforms - {"tag", "device_automation"}): tasks.append( create_eager_task( hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_setups( config_entry, new_entity_platforms ) ) ) if not tasks: return await asyncio.gather(*tasks) platforms_loaded.update(new_platforms) def mqtt_config_entry_enabled(hass: HomeAssistant) -> bool | None: """Return true when the MQTT config entry is enabled.""" if not bool(hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN)): return None return not bool(hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN)[0].disabled_by) async def async_wait_for_mqtt_client(hass: HomeAssistant) -> bool: """Wait for the MQTT client to become available. Waits when mqtt set up is in progress, It is not needed that the client is connected. Returns True if the mqtt client is available. Returns False when the client is not available. """ if not mqtt_config_entry_enabled(hass): return False entry = hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN)[0] if entry.state == ConfigEntryState.LOADED: return True state_reached_future: asyncio.Future[bool] if DATA_MQTT_AVAILABLE not in hass.data: state_reached_future = hass.loop.create_future() hass.data[DATA_MQTT_AVAILABLE] = state_reached_future else: state_reached_future = hass.data[DATA_MQTT_AVAILABLE] if state_reached_future.done(): return state_reached_future.result() try: async with asyncio.timeout(AVAILABILITY_TIMEOUT): # Await the client setup or an error state was received return await state_reached_future except TimeoutError: return False def valid_topic(topic: Any) -> str: """Validate that this is a valid topic name/filter.""" validated_topic = cv.string(topic) try: raw_validated_topic = validated_topic.encode("utf-8") except UnicodeError as err: raise vol.Invalid("MQTT topic name/filter must be valid UTF-8 string.") from err if not raw_validated_topic: raise vol.Invalid("MQTT topic name/filter must not be empty.") if len(raw_validated_topic) > 65535: raise vol.Invalid( "MQTT topic name/filter must not be longer than 65535 encoded bytes." ) if "\0" in validated_topic: raise vol.Invalid("MQTT topic name/filter must not contain null character.") if any(char <= "\u001F" for char in validated_topic): raise vol.Invalid("MQTT topic name/filter must not contain control characters.") if any("\u007f" <= char <= "\u009F" for char in validated_topic): raise vol.Invalid("MQTT topic name/filter must not contain control characters.") if any("\ufdd0" <= char <= "\ufdef" for char in validated_topic): raise vol.Invalid("MQTT topic name/filter must not contain non-characters.") if any((ord(char) & 0xFFFF) in (0xFFFE, 0xFFFF) for char in validated_topic): raise vol.Invalid("MQTT topic name/filter must not contain noncharacters.") return validated_topic def valid_subscribe_topic(topic: Any) -> str: """Validate that we can subscribe using this MQTT topic.""" validated_topic = valid_topic(topic) for i in (i for i, c in enumerate(validated_topic) if c == "+"): if (i > 0 and validated_topic[i - 1] != "/") or ( i < len(validated_topic) - 1 and validated_topic[i + 1] != "/" ): raise vol.Invalid( "Single-level wildcard must occupy an entire level of the filter" ) index = validated_topic.find("#") if index != -1: if index != len(validated_topic) - 1: # If there are multiple wildcards, this will also trigger raise vol.Invalid( "Multi-level wildcard must be the last character in the topic filter." ) if len(validated_topic) > 1 and validated_topic[index - 1] != "/": raise vol.Invalid( "Multi-level wildcard must be after a topic level separator." ) return validated_topic def valid_subscribe_topic_template(value: Any) -> template.Template: """Validate either a jinja2 template or a valid MQTT subscription topic.""" tpl = cv.template(value) if tpl.is_static: valid_subscribe_topic(value) return tpl def valid_publish_topic(topic: Any) -> str: """Validate that we can publish using this MQTT topic.""" validated_topic = valid_topic(topic) if "+" in validated_topic or "#" in validated_topic: raise vol.Invalid("Wildcards cannot be used in topic names") return validated_topic def valid_qos_schema(qos: Any) -> int: """Validate that QOS value is valid.""" validated_qos: int = _VALID_QOS_SCHEMA(qos) return validated_qos _MQTT_WILL_BIRTH_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { vol.Required(ATTR_TOPIC): valid_publish_topic, vol.Required(ATTR_PAYLOAD): cv.string, vol.Optional(ATTR_QOS, default=DEFAULT_QOS): valid_qos_schema, vol.Optional(ATTR_RETAIN, default=DEFAULT_RETAIN): cv.boolean, }, required=True, ) def valid_birth_will(config: ConfigType) -> ConfigType: """Validate a birth or will configuration and required topic/payload.""" if config: config = _MQTT_WILL_BIRTH_SCHEMA(config) return config def get_mqtt_data(hass: HomeAssistant) -> MqttData: """Return typed MqttData from hass.data[DATA_MQTT].""" mqtt_data: MqttData mqtt_data = hass.data[DATA_MQTT] return mqtt_data async def async_create_certificate_temp_files( hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType ) -> None: """Create certificate temporary files for the MQTT client.""" def _create_temp_file(temp_file: Path, data: str | None) -> None: if data is None or data == "auto": if temp_file.exists(): os.remove(Path(temp_file)) return temp_file.write_text(data) def _create_temp_dir_and_files() -> None: """Create temporary directory.""" temp_dir = Path(tempfile.gettempdir()) / TEMP_DIR_NAME if ( config.get(CONF_CERTIFICATE) or config.get(CONF_CLIENT_CERT) or config.get(CONF_CLIENT_KEY) ) and not temp_dir.exists(): temp_dir.mkdir(0o700) _create_temp_file(temp_dir / CONF_CERTIFICATE, config.get(CONF_CERTIFICATE)) _create_temp_file(temp_dir / CONF_CLIENT_CERT, config.get(CONF_CLIENT_CERT)) _create_temp_file(temp_dir / CONF_CLIENT_KEY, config.get(CONF_CLIENT_KEY)) await hass.async_add_executor_job(_create_temp_dir_and_files) def get_file_path(option: str, default: str | None = None) -> str | None: """Get file path of a certificate file.""" temp_dir = Path(tempfile.gettempdir()) / TEMP_DIR_NAME if not temp_dir.exists(): return default file_path: Path = temp_dir / option if not file_path.exists(): return default return str(temp_dir / option) def migrate_certificate_file_to_content(file_name_or_auto: str) -> str | None: """Convert certificate file or setting to config entry setting.""" if file_name_or_auto == "auto": return "auto" try: with open(file_name_or_auto, encoding=DEFAULT_ENCODING) as certificate_file: return certificate_file.read() except OSError: return None