"""Support for August devices.""" from datetime import timedelta import logging from august.api import Api from august.authenticator import AuthenticationState, Authenticator, ValidationResult from requests import RequestException, Session import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_TIMEOUT, CONF_USERNAME, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, ) from homeassistant.helpers import discovery import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.util import Throttle _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) _CONFIGURING = {} DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 10 ACTIVITY_FETCH_LIMIT = 10 ACTIVITY_INITIAL_FETCH_LIMIT = 20 CONF_LOGIN_METHOD = "login_method" CONF_INSTALL_ID = "install_id" NOTIFICATION_ID = "august_notification" NOTIFICATION_TITLE = "August Setup" AUGUST_CONFIG_FILE = ".august.conf" DATA_AUGUST = "august" DOMAIN = "august" DEFAULT_ENTITY_NAMESPACE = "august" MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES = timedelta(seconds=5) DEFAULT_SCAN_INTERVAL = timedelta(seconds=5) LOGIN_METHODS = ["phone", "email"] CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { DOMAIN: vol.Schema( { vol.Required(CONF_LOGIN_METHOD): vol.In(LOGIN_METHODS), vol.Required(CONF_USERNAME): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_PASSWORD): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_INSTALL_ID): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_TIMEOUT, default=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): cv.positive_int, } ) }, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA, ) AUGUST_COMPONENTS = ["camera", "binary_sensor", "lock"] def request_configuration(hass, config, api, authenticator): """Request configuration steps from the user.""" configurator = hass.components.configurator def august_configuration_callback(data): """Run when the configuration callback is called.""" result = authenticator.validate_verification_code(data.get("verification_code")) if result == ValidationResult.INVALID_VERIFICATION_CODE: configurator.notify_errors( _CONFIGURING[DOMAIN], "Invalid verification code" ) elif result == ValidationResult.VALIDATED: setup_august(hass, config, api, authenticator) if DOMAIN not in _CONFIGURING: authenticator.send_verification_code() conf = config[DOMAIN] username = conf.get(CONF_USERNAME) login_method = conf.get(CONF_LOGIN_METHOD) _CONFIGURING[DOMAIN] = configurator.request_config( NOTIFICATION_TITLE, august_configuration_callback, description="Please check your {} ({}) and enter the verification " "code below".format(login_method, username), submit_caption="Verify", fields=[ {"id": "verification_code", "name": "Verification code", "type": "string"} ], ) def setup_august(hass, config, api, authenticator): """Set up the August component.""" authentication = None try: authentication = authenticator.authenticate() except RequestException as ex: _LOGGER.error("Unable to connect to August service: %s", str(ex)) hass.components.persistent_notification.create( "Error: {}
" "You will need to restart hass after fixing." "".format(ex), title=NOTIFICATION_TITLE, notification_id=NOTIFICATION_ID, ) state = authentication.state if state == AuthenticationState.AUTHENTICATED: if DOMAIN in _CONFIGURING: hass.components.configurator.request_done(_CONFIGURING.pop(DOMAIN)) hass.data[DATA_AUGUST] = AugustData(hass, api, authentication.access_token) for component in AUGUST_COMPONENTS: discovery.load_platform(hass, component, DOMAIN, {}, config) return True if state == AuthenticationState.BAD_PASSWORD: _LOGGER.error("Invalid password provided") return False if state == AuthenticationState.REQUIRES_VALIDATION: request_configuration(hass, config, api, authenticator) return True return False def setup(hass, config): """Set up the August component.""" conf = config[DOMAIN] api_http_session = None try: api_http_session = Session() except RequestException as ex: _LOGGER.warning("Creating HTTP session failed with: %s", str(ex)) api = Api(timeout=conf.get(CONF_TIMEOUT), http_session=api_http_session) authenticator = Authenticator( api, conf.get(CONF_LOGIN_METHOD), conf.get(CONF_USERNAME), conf.get(CONF_PASSWORD), install_id=conf.get(CONF_INSTALL_ID), access_token_cache_file=hass.config.path(AUGUST_CONFIG_FILE), ) def close_http_session(event): """Close API sessions used to connect to August.""" _LOGGER.debug("Closing August HTTP sessions") if api_http_session: try: api_http_session.close() except RequestException: pass _LOGGER.debug("August HTTP session closed.") hass.bus.listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, close_http_session) _LOGGER.debug("Registered for HASS stop event") return setup_august(hass, config, api, authenticator) class AugustData: """August data object.""" def __init__(self, hass, api, access_token): """Init August data object.""" self._hass = hass self._api = api self._access_token = access_token self._doorbells = self._api.get_doorbells(self._access_token) or [] self._locks = self._api.get_operable_locks(self._access_token) or [] self._house_ids = [d.house_id for d in self._doorbells + self._locks] self._doorbell_detail_by_id = {} self._lock_status_by_id = {} self._lock_detail_by_id = {} self._door_state_by_id = {} self._activities_by_id = {} @property def house_ids(self): """Return a list of house_ids.""" return self._house_ids @property def doorbells(self): """Return a list of doorbells.""" return self._doorbells @property def locks(self): """Return a list of locks.""" return self._locks def get_device_activities(self, device_id, *activity_types): """Return a list of activities.""" _LOGGER.debug("Getting device activities") self._update_device_activities() activities = self._activities_by_id.get(device_id, []) if activity_types: return [a for a in activities if a.activity_type in activity_types] return activities def get_latest_device_activity(self, device_id, *activity_types): """Return latest activity.""" activities = self.get_device_activities(device_id, *activity_types) return next(iter(activities or []), None) @Throttle(MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES) def _update_device_activities(self, limit=ACTIVITY_FETCH_LIMIT): """Update data object with latest from August API.""" _LOGGER.debug("Start retrieving device activities") for house_id in self.house_ids: _LOGGER.debug("Updating device activity for house id %s", house_id) activities = self._api.get_house_activities( self._access_token, house_id, limit=limit ) device_ids = {a.device_id for a in activities} for device_id in device_ids: self._activities_by_id[device_id] = [ a for a in activities if a.device_id == device_id ] _LOGGER.debug("Completed retrieving device activities") def get_doorbell_detail(self, doorbell_id): """Return doorbell detail.""" self._update_doorbells() return self._doorbell_detail_by_id.get(doorbell_id) @Throttle(MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES) def _update_doorbells(self): detail_by_id = {} _LOGGER.debug("Start retrieving doorbell details") for doorbell in self._doorbells: _LOGGER.debug("Updating doorbell status for %s", doorbell.device_name) try: detail_by_id[doorbell.device_id] = self._api.get_doorbell_detail( self._access_token, doorbell.device_id ) except RequestException as ex: _LOGGER.error( "Request error trying to retrieve doorbell" " status for %s. %s", doorbell.device_name, ex, ) detail_by_id[doorbell.device_id] = None except Exception: detail_by_id[doorbell.device_id] = None raise _LOGGER.debug("Completed retrieving doorbell details") self._doorbell_detail_by_id = detail_by_id def get_lock_status(self, lock_id): """Return status if the door is locked or unlocked. This is status for the lock itself. """ self._update_locks() return self._lock_status_by_id.get(lock_id) def get_lock_detail(self, lock_id): """Return lock detail.""" self._update_locks() return self._lock_detail_by_id.get(lock_id) def get_door_state(self, lock_id): """Return status if the door is open or closed. This is the status from the door sensor. """ self._update_doors() return self._door_state_by_id.get(lock_id) @Throttle(MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES) def _update_doors(self): state_by_id = {} _LOGGER.debug("Start retrieving door status") for lock in self._locks: _LOGGER.debug("Updating door status for %s", lock.device_name) try: state_by_id[lock.device_id] = self._api.get_lock_door_status( self._access_token, lock.device_id ) except RequestException as ex: _LOGGER.error( "Request error trying to retrieve door" " status for %s. %s", lock.device_name, ex, ) state_by_id[lock.device_id] = None except Exception: state_by_id[lock.device_id] = None raise _LOGGER.debug("Completed retrieving door status") self._door_state_by_id = state_by_id @Throttle(MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES) def _update_locks(self): status_by_id = {} detail_by_id = {} _LOGGER.debug("Start retrieving locks status") for lock in self._locks: _LOGGER.debug("Updating lock status for %s", lock.device_name) try: status_by_id[lock.device_id] = self._api.get_lock_status( self._access_token, lock.device_id ) except RequestException as ex: _LOGGER.error( "Request error trying to retrieve door" " status for %s. %s", lock.device_name, ex, ) status_by_id[lock.device_id] = None except Exception: status_by_id[lock.device_id] = None raise try: detail_by_id[lock.device_id] = self._api.get_lock_detail( self._access_token, lock.device_id ) except RequestException as ex: _LOGGER.error( "Request error trying to retrieve door" " details for %s. %s", lock.device_name, ex, ) detail_by_id[lock.device_id] = None except Exception: detail_by_id[lock.device_id] = None raise _LOGGER.debug("Completed retrieving locks status") self._lock_status_by_id = status_by_id self._lock_detail_by_id = detail_by_id def lock(self, device_id): """Lock the device.""" return self._api.lock(self._access_token, device_id) def unlock(self, device_id): """Unlock the device.""" return self._api.unlock(self._access_token, device_id)