#!/usr/bin/env bash # Safe bash settings # -e Exit on command fail # -u Exit on unset variable # -o pipefail Exit if piped command has error code set -eu -o pipefail cd "$(dirname "$0")/.." if [ -z "${LOKALISE_TOKEN-}" ] && [ ! -f .lokalise_token ] ; then echo "Lokalise API token is required to download the latest set of" \ "translations. Please create an account by using the following link:" \ "https://lokalise.co/signup/130246255a974bd3b5e8a1.51616605/all/" \ "Place your token in a new file \".lokalise_token\" in the repo" \ "root directory." exit 1 fi # Load token from file if not already in the environment [ -z "${LOKALISE_TOKEN-}" ] && LOKALISE_TOKEN="$(<.lokalise_token)" PROJECT_ID="130246255a974bd3b5e8a1.51616605" LOCAL_FILE="$(pwd)/build/translations-upload.json" LANG_ISO=en CURRENT_BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) # Check Travis and Azure environment as well if [ "${CURRENT_BRANCH-}" != "dev" ] && [ "${AZURE_BRANCH-}" != "dev" ]; then echo "Please only run the translations upload script from a clean checkout of dev." exit 1 fi script/translations_upload_merge.py docker run \ -v ${LOCAL_FILE}:/opt/src/${LOCAL_FILE} \ lokalise/lokalise-cli@sha256:2198814ebddfda56ee041a4b427521757dd57f75415ea9693696a64c550cef21 lokalise \ --token ${LOKALISE_TOKEN} \ import ${PROJECT_ID} \ --file /opt/src/${LOCAL_FILE} \ --lang_iso ${LANG_ISO} \ --convert_placeholders 0 \ --replace 1