""" Support for Radio Thermostat wifi-enabled home thermostats. For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at https://home-assistant.io/components/climate.radiotherm/ """ import asyncio import datetime import logging import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.climate import ( STATE_AUTO, STATE_COOL, STATE_HEAT, STATE_IDLE, STATE_ON, STATE_OFF, ClimateDevice, PLATFORM_SCHEMA, SUPPORT_TARGET_TEMPERATURE, SUPPORT_OPERATION_MODE, SUPPORT_FAN_MODE, SUPPORT_AWAY_MODE) from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_HOST, TEMP_FAHRENHEIT, ATTR_TEMPERATURE, PRECISION_HALVES) import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv REQUIREMENTS = ['radiotherm==1.3'] _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) ATTR_FAN = 'fan' ATTR_MODE = 'mode' CONF_HOLD_TEMP = 'hold_temp' CONF_AWAY_TEMPERATURE_HEAT = 'away_temperature_heat' CONF_AWAY_TEMPERATURE_COOL = 'away_temperature_cool' DEFAULT_AWAY_TEMPERATURE_HEAT = 60 DEFAULT_AWAY_TEMPERATURE_COOL = 85 STATE_CIRCULATE = "circulate" OPERATION_LIST = [STATE_AUTO, STATE_COOL, STATE_HEAT, STATE_OFF] CT30_FAN_OPERATION_LIST = [STATE_ON, STATE_AUTO] CT80_FAN_OPERATION_LIST = [STATE_ON, STATE_CIRCULATE, STATE_AUTO] # Mappings from radiotherm json data codes to and from HASS state # flags. CODE is the thermostat integer code and these map to and # from HASS state flags. # Programmed temperature mode of the thermostat. CODE_TO_TEMP_MODE = {0: STATE_OFF, 1: STATE_HEAT, 2: STATE_COOL, 3: STATE_AUTO} TEMP_MODE_TO_CODE = {v: k for k, v in CODE_TO_TEMP_MODE.items()} # Programmed fan mode (circulate is supported by CT80 models) CODE_TO_FAN_MODE = {0: STATE_AUTO, 1: STATE_CIRCULATE, 2: STATE_ON} FAN_MODE_TO_CODE = {v: k for k, v in CODE_TO_FAN_MODE.items()} # Active thermostat state (is it heating or cooling?). In the future # this should probably made into heat and cool binary sensors. CODE_TO_TEMP_STATE = {0: STATE_IDLE, 1: STATE_HEAT, 2: STATE_COOL} # Active fan state. This is if the fan is actually on or not. In the # future this should probably made into a binary sensor for the fan. CODE_TO_FAN_STATE = {0: STATE_OFF, 1: STATE_ON} def round_temp(temperature): """Round a temperature to the resolution of the thermostat. RadioThermostats can handle 0.5 degree temps so the input temperature is rounded to that value and returned. """ return round(temperature * 2.0) / 2.0 PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend({ vol.Optional(CONF_HOST): vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [cv.string]), vol.Optional(CONF_HOLD_TEMP, default=False): cv.boolean, vol.Optional(CONF_AWAY_TEMPERATURE_HEAT, default=DEFAULT_AWAY_TEMPERATURE_HEAT): vol.All(vol.Coerce(float), round_temp), vol.Optional(CONF_AWAY_TEMPERATURE_COOL, default=DEFAULT_AWAY_TEMPERATURE_COOL): vol.All(vol.Coerce(float), round_temp), }) SUPPORT_FLAGS = (SUPPORT_TARGET_TEMPERATURE | SUPPORT_OPERATION_MODE | SUPPORT_FAN_MODE | SUPPORT_AWAY_MODE) def setup_platform(hass, config, add_devices, discovery_info=None): """Set up the Radio Thermostat.""" import radiotherm hosts = [] if CONF_HOST in config: hosts = config[CONF_HOST] else: hosts.append(radiotherm.discover.discover_address()) if hosts is None: _LOGGER.error("No Radiotherm Thermostats detected") return False hold_temp = config.get(CONF_HOLD_TEMP) away_temps = [ config.get(CONF_AWAY_TEMPERATURE_HEAT), config.get(CONF_AWAY_TEMPERATURE_COOL) ] tstats = [] for host in hosts: try: tstat = radiotherm.get_thermostat(host) tstats.append(RadioThermostat(tstat, hold_temp, away_temps)) except OSError: _LOGGER.exception("Unable to connect to Radio Thermostat: %s", host) add_devices(tstats, True) class RadioThermostat(ClimateDevice): """Representation of a Radio Thermostat.""" def __init__(self, device, hold_temp, away_temps): """Initialize the thermostat.""" self.device = device self._target_temperature = None self._current_temperature = None self._current_operation = STATE_IDLE self._name = None self._fmode = None self._fstate = None self._tmode = None self._tstate = None self._hold_temp = hold_temp self._hold_set = False self._away = False self._away_temps = away_temps self._prev_temp = None # Fan circulate mode is only supported by the CT80 models. import radiotherm self._is_model_ct80 = isinstance(self.device, radiotherm.thermostat.CT80) @property def supported_features(self): """Return the list of supported features.""" return SUPPORT_FLAGS @asyncio.coroutine def async_added_to_hass(self): """Register callbacks.""" # Set the time on the device. This shouldn't be in the # constructor because it's a network call. We can't put it in # update() because calling it will clear any temporary mode or # temperature in the thermostat. So add it as a future job # for the event loop to run. self.hass.async_add_job(self.set_time) @property def name(self): """Return the name of the Radio Thermostat.""" return self._name @property def temperature_unit(self): """Return the unit of measurement.""" return TEMP_FAHRENHEIT @property def precision(self): """Return the precision of the system.""" return PRECISION_HALVES @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return the device specific state attributes.""" return { ATTR_FAN: self._fmode, ATTR_MODE: self._tmode, } @property def fan_list(self): """List of available fan modes.""" if self._is_model_ct80: return CT80_FAN_OPERATION_LIST else: return CT30_FAN_OPERATION_LIST @property def current_fan_mode(self): """Return whether the fan is on.""" return self._fmode def set_fan_mode(self, fan): """Turn fan on/off.""" code = FAN_MODE_TO_CODE.get(fan, None) if code is not None: self.device.fmode = code @property def current_temperature(self): """Return the current temperature.""" return self._current_temperature @property def current_operation(self): """Return the current operation. head, cool idle.""" return self._current_operation @property def operation_list(self): """Return the operation modes list.""" return OPERATION_LIST @property def target_temperature(self): """Return the temperature we try to reach.""" return self._target_temperature @property def is_away_mode_on(self): """Return true if away mode is on.""" return self._away def update(self): """Update and validate the data from the thermostat.""" # Radio thermostats are very slow, and sometimes don't respond # very quickly. So we need to keep the number of calls to them # to a bare minimum or we'll hit the HASS 10 sec warning. We # have to make one call to /tstat to get temps but we'll try and # keep the other calls to a minimum. Even with this, these # thermostats tend to time out sometimes when they're actively # heating or cooling. # First time - get the name from the thermostat. This is # normally set in the radio thermostat web app. if self._name is None: self._name = self.device.name['raw'] # Request the current state from the thermostat. data = self.device.tstat['raw'] current_temp = data['temp'] if current_temp == -1: _LOGGER.error('%s (%s) was busy (temp == -1)', self._name, self.device.host) return # Map thermostat values into various STATE_ flags. self._current_temperature = current_temp self._fmode = CODE_TO_FAN_MODE[data['fmode']] self._fstate = CODE_TO_FAN_STATE[data['fstate']] self._tmode = CODE_TO_TEMP_MODE[data['tmode']] self._tstate = CODE_TO_TEMP_STATE[data['tstate']] self._current_operation = self._tmode if self._tmode == STATE_COOL: self._target_temperature = data['t_cool'] elif self._tmode == STATE_HEAT: self._target_temperature = data['t_heat'] elif self._tmode == STATE_AUTO: # This doesn't really work - tstate is only set if the HVAC is # active. If it's idle, we don't know what to do with the target # temperature. if self._tstate == STATE_COOL: self._target_temperature = data['t_cool'] elif self._tstate == STATE_HEAT: self._target_temperature = data['t_heat'] else: self._current_operation = STATE_IDLE def set_temperature(self, **kwargs): """Set new target temperature.""" temperature = kwargs.get(ATTR_TEMPERATURE) if temperature is None: return temperature = round_temp(temperature) if self._current_operation == STATE_COOL: self.device.t_cool = temperature elif self._current_operation == STATE_HEAT: self.device.t_heat = temperature elif self._current_operation == STATE_AUTO: if self._tstate == STATE_COOL: self.device.t_cool = temperature elif self._tstate == STATE_HEAT: self.device.t_heat = temperature # Only change the hold if requested or if hold mode was turned # on and we haven't set it yet. if kwargs.get('hold_changed', False) or not self._hold_set: if self._hold_temp or self._away: self.device.hold = 1 self._hold_set = True else: self.device.hold = 0 def set_time(self): """Set device time.""" # Calling this clears any local temperature override and # reverts to the scheduled temperature. now = datetime.datetime.now() self.device.time = { 'day': now.weekday(), 'hour': now.hour, 'minute': now.minute } def set_operation_mode(self, operation_mode): """Set operation mode (auto, cool, heat, off).""" if operation_mode == STATE_OFF or operation_mode == STATE_AUTO: self.device.tmode = TEMP_MODE_TO_CODE[operation_mode] # Setting t_cool or t_heat automatically changes tmode. elif operation_mode == STATE_COOL: self.device.t_cool = self._target_temperature elif operation_mode == STATE_HEAT: self.device.t_heat = self._target_temperature def turn_away_mode_on(self): """Turn away on. The RTCOA app simulates away mode by using a hold. """ away_temp = None if not self._away: self._prev_temp = self._target_temperature if self._current_operation == STATE_HEAT: away_temp = self._away_temps[0] elif self._current_operation == STATE_COOL: away_temp = self._away_temps[1] self._away = True self.set_temperature(temperature=away_temp, hold_changed=True) def turn_away_mode_off(self): """Turn away off.""" self._away = False self.set_temperature(temperature=self._prev_temp, hold_changed=True)