"""Support for LCN devices.""" from __future__ import annotations from collections.abc import Callable from functools import partial import logging import pypck from homeassistant import config_entries from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_ADDRESS, CONF_DEVICE_ID, CONF_DOMAIN, CONF_IP_ADDRESS, CONF_NAME, CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_PORT, CONF_RESOURCE, CONF_USERNAME, ) from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.helpers import device_registry as dr from homeassistant.helpers.device_registry import DeviceInfo from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType from .const import ( ADD_ENTITIES_CALLBACKS, CONF_DIM_MODE, CONF_DOMAIN_DATA, CONF_SK_NUM_TRIES, CONNECTION, DOMAIN, PLATFORMS, ) from .helpers import ( AddressType, DeviceConnectionType, InputType, async_update_config_entry, generate_unique_id, get_device_model, import_lcn_config, register_lcn_address_devices, register_lcn_host_device, ) from .schemas import CONFIG_SCHEMA # noqa: F401 from .services import SERVICES from .websocket import register_panel_and_ws_api _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) async def async_setup(hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType) -> bool: """Set up the LCN component.""" if DOMAIN not in config: return True # initialize a config_flow for all LCN configurations read from # configuration.yaml config_entries_data = import_lcn_config(config[DOMAIN]) for config_entry_data in config_entries_data: hass.async_create_task( hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( DOMAIN, context={"source": config_entries.SOURCE_IMPORT}, data=config_entry_data, ) ) return True async def async_setup_entry( hass: HomeAssistant, config_entry: config_entries.ConfigEntry ) -> bool: """Set up a connection to PCHK host from a config entry.""" hass.data.setdefault(DOMAIN, {}) if config_entry.entry_id in hass.data[DOMAIN]: return False settings = { "SK_NUM_TRIES": config_entry.data[CONF_SK_NUM_TRIES], "DIM_MODE": pypck.lcn_defs.OutputPortDimMode[config_entry.data[CONF_DIM_MODE]], } # connect to PCHK lcn_connection = pypck.connection.PchkConnectionManager( config_entry.data[CONF_IP_ADDRESS], config_entry.data[CONF_PORT], config_entry.data[CONF_USERNAME], config_entry.data[CONF_PASSWORD], settings=settings, connection_id=config_entry.entry_id, ) try: # establish connection to PCHK server await lcn_connection.async_connect(timeout=15) except pypck.connection.PchkAuthenticationError: _LOGGER.warning('Authentication on PCHK "%s" failed', config_entry.title) return False except pypck.connection.PchkLicenseError: _LOGGER.warning( ( 'Maximum number of connections on PCHK "%s" was ' "reached. An additional license key is required" ), config_entry.title, ) return False except TimeoutError: _LOGGER.warning('Connection to PCHK "%s" failed', config_entry.title) return False _LOGGER.debug('LCN connected to "%s"', config_entry.title) hass.data[DOMAIN][config_entry.entry_id] = { CONNECTION: lcn_connection, ADD_ENTITIES_CALLBACKS: {}, } # Update config_entry with LCN device serials await async_update_config_entry(hass, config_entry) # register/update devices for host, modules and groups in device registry register_lcn_host_device(hass, config_entry) register_lcn_address_devices(hass, config_entry) # forward config_entry to components await hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_setups(config_entry, PLATFORMS) # register for LCN bus messages device_registry = dr.async_get(hass) input_received = partial( async_host_input_received, hass, config_entry, device_registry ) lcn_connection.register_for_inputs(input_received) # register service calls for service_name, service in SERVICES: if not hass.services.has_service(DOMAIN, service_name): hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, service_name, service(hass).async_call_service, service.schema ) await register_panel_and_ws_api(hass) return True async def async_unload_entry( hass: HomeAssistant, config_entry: config_entries.ConfigEntry ) -> bool: """Close connection to PCHK host represented by config_entry.""" # forward unloading to platforms unload_ok = await hass.config_entries.async_unload_platforms( config_entry, PLATFORMS ) if unload_ok and config_entry.entry_id in hass.data[DOMAIN]: host = hass.data[DOMAIN].pop(config_entry.entry_id) await host[CONNECTION].async_close() # unregister service calls if unload_ok and not hass.data[DOMAIN]: # check if this is the last entry to unload for service_name, _ in SERVICES: hass.services.async_remove(DOMAIN, service_name) return unload_ok def async_host_input_received( hass: HomeAssistant, config_entry: config_entries.ConfigEntry, device_registry: dr.DeviceRegistry, inp: pypck.inputs.Input, ) -> None: """Process received input object (command) from LCN bus.""" if not isinstance(inp, pypck.inputs.ModInput): return lcn_connection = hass.data[DOMAIN][config_entry.entry_id][CONNECTION] logical_address = lcn_connection.physical_to_logical(inp.physical_source_addr) address = ( logical_address.seg_id, logical_address.addr_id, logical_address.is_group, ) identifiers = {(DOMAIN, generate_unique_id(config_entry.entry_id, address))} device = device_registry.async_get_device(identifiers=identifiers) if device is None: return if isinstance(inp, pypck.inputs.ModStatusAccessControl): _async_fire_access_control_event(hass, device, address, inp) elif isinstance(inp, pypck.inputs.ModSendKeysHost): _async_fire_send_keys_event(hass, device, address, inp) def _async_fire_access_control_event( hass: HomeAssistant, device: dr.DeviceEntry, address: AddressType, inp: InputType ) -> None: """Fire access control event (transponder, transmitter, fingerprint, codelock).""" event_data = { "segment_id": address[0], "module_id": address[1], "code": inp.code, } if device is not None: event_data.update({CONF_DEVICE_ID: device.id}) if inp.periphery == pypck.lcn_defs.AccessControlPeriphery.TRANSMITTER: event_data.update( {"level": inp.level, "key": inp.key, "action": inp.action.value} ) event_name = f"lcn_{inp.periphery.value.lower()}" hass.bus.async_fire(event_name, event_data) def _async_fire_send_keys_event( hass: HomeAssistant, device: dr.DeviceEntry, address: AddressType, inp: InputType ) -> None: """Fire send_keys event.""" for table, action in enumerate(inp.actions): if action == pypck.lcn_defs.SendKeyCommand.DONTSEND: continue for key, selected in enumerate(inp.keys): if not selected: continue event_data = { "segment_id": address[0], "module_id": address[1], "key": pypck.lcn_defs.Key(table * 8 + key).name.lower(), "action": action.name.lower(), } if device is not None: event_data.update({CONF_DEVICE_ID: device.id}) hass.bus.async_fire("lcn_send_keys", event_data) class LcnEntity(Entity): """Parent class for all entities associated with the LCN component.""" _attr_should_poll = False def __init__( self, config: ConfigType, entry_id: str, device_connection: DeviceConnectionType ) -> None: """Initialize the LCN device.""" self.config = config self.entry_id = entry_id self.device_connection = device_connection self._unregister_for_inputs: Callable | None = None self._name: str = config[CONF_NAME] @property def address(self) -> AddressType: """Return LCN address.""" return ( self.device_connection.seg_id, self.device_connection.addr_id, self.device_connection.is_group, ) @property def unique_id(self) -> str: """Return a unique ID.""" return generate_unique_id( self.entry_id, self.address, self.config[CONF_RESOURCE] ) @property def device_info(self) -> DeviceInfo | None: """Return device specific attributes.""" address = f"{'g' if self.address[2] else 'm'}{self.address[0]:03d}{self.address[1]:03d}" model = ( "LCN resource" f" ({get_device_model(self.config[CONF_DOMAIN], self.config[CONF_DOMAIN_DATA])})" ) return DeviceInfo( identifiers={(DOMAIN, self.unique_id)}, name=f"{address}.{self.config[CONF_RESOURCE]}", model=model, manufacturer="Issendorff", via_device=( DOMAIN, generate_unique_id(self.entry_id, self.config[CONF_ADDRESS]), ), ) async def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None: """Run when entity about to be added to hass.""" if not self.device_connection.is_group: self._unregister_for_inputs = self.device_connection.register_for_inputs( self.input_received ) async def async_will_remove_from_hass(self) -> None: """Run when entity will be removed from hass.""" if self._unregister_for_inputs is not None: self._unregister_for_inputs() @property def name(self) -> str: """Return the name of the device.""" return self._name def input_received(self, input_obj: InputType) -> None: """Set state/value when LCN input object (command) is received."""