"""Support for statistics for sensor values.""" from collections import deque import contextlib import logging import statistics import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.recorder.models import States from homeassistant.components.recorder.util import execute, session_scope from homeassistant.components.sensor import ( PLATFORM_SCHEMA, STATE_CLASS_MEASUREMENT, SensorEntity, ) from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT, CONF_ENTITY_ID, CONF_NAME, STATE_UNAVAILABLE, STATE_UNKNOWN, ) from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.helpers import config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.event import ( async_track_point_in_utc_time, async_track_state_change_event, ) from homeassistant.helpers.reload import async_setup_reload_service from homeassistant.helpers.start import async_at_start from homeassistant.util import dt as dt_util from . import DOMAIN, PLATFORMS _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) STAT_AGE_COVERAGE_RATIO = "age_coverage_ratio" STAT_BUFFER_USAGE_RATIO = "buffer_usage_ratio" STAT_SOURCE_VALUE_VALID = "source_value_valid" STAT_AVERAGE_LINEAR = "average_linear" STAT_AVERAGE_STEP = "average_step" STAT_AVERAGE_TIMELESS = "average_timeless" STAT_CHANGE = "change" STAT_CHANGE_SAMPLE = "change_sample" STAT_CHANGE_SECOND = "change_second" STAT_COUNT = "count" STAT_DATETIME_NEWEST = "datetime_newest" STAT_DATETIME_OLDEST = "datetime_oldest" STAT_DISTANCE_95P = "distance_95_percent_of_values" STAT_DISTANCE_99P = "distance_99_percent_of_values" STAT_DISTANCE_ABSOLUTE = "distance_absolute" STAT_MEAN = "mean" STAT_MEDIAN = "median" STAT_NOISINESS = "noisiness" STAT_QUANTILES = "quantiles" STAT_STANDARD_DEVIATION = "standard_deviation" STAT_TOTAL = "total" STAT_VALUE_MAX = "value_max" STAT_VALUE_MIN = "value_min" STAT_VARIANCE = "variance" STATS_NOT_A_NUMBER = ( STAT_DATETIME_OLDEST, STAT_DATETIME_NEWEST, STAT_QUANTILES, ) CONF_STATE_CHARACTERISTIC = "state_characteristic" CONF_SAMPLES_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = "sampling_size" CONF_MAX_AGE = "max_age" CONF_PRECISION = "precision" CONF_QUANTILE_INTERVALS = "quantile_intervals" CONF_QUANTILE_METHOD = "quantile_method" DEFAULT_NAME = "Stats" DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 20 DEFAULT_PRECISION = 2 DEFAULT_QUANTILE_INTERVALS = 4 DEFAULT_QUANTILE_METHOD = "exclusive" ICON = "mdi:calculator" PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required(CONF_ENTITY_ID): cv.entity_id, vol.Optional(CONF_NAME, default=DEFAULT_NAME): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_STATE_CHARACTERISTIC, default=STAT_MEAN): vol.In( [ STAT_AVERAGE_LINEAR, STAT_AVERAGE_STEP, STAT_AVERAGE_TIMELESS, STAT_CHANGE_SAMPLE, STAT_CHANGE_SECOND, STAT_CHANGE, STAT_COUNT, STAT_DATETIME_NEWEST, STAT_DATETIME_OLDEST, STAT_DISTANCE_95P, STAT_DISTANCE_99P, STAT_DISTANCE_ABSOLUTE, STAT_MEAN, STAT_MEDIAN, STAT_NOISINESS, STAT_QUANTILES, STAT_STANDARD_DEVIATION, STAT_TOTAL, STAT_VALUE_MAX, STAT_VALUE_MIN, STAT_VARIANCE, ] ), vol.Optional( CONF_SAMPLES_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, default=DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE ): vol.All(vol.Coerce(int), vol.Range(min=1)), vol.Optional(CONF_MAX_AGE): cv.time_period, vol.Optional(CONF_PRECISION, default=DEFAULT_PRECISION): vol.Coerce(int), vol.Optional( CONF_QUANTILE_INTERVALS, default=DEFAULT_QUANTILE_INTERVALS ): vol.All(vol.Coerce(int), vol.Range(min=2)), vol.Optional(CONF_QUANTILE_METHOD, default=DEFAULT_QUANTILE_METHOD): vol.In( ["exclusive", "inclusive"] ), } ) async def async_setup_platform(hass, config, async_add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the Statistics sensor.""" await async_setup_reload_service(hass, DOMAIN, PLATFORMS) async_add_entities( [ StatisticsSensor( source_entity_id=config.get(CONF_ENTITY_ID), name=config.get(CONF_NAME), state_characteristic=config.get(CONF_STATE_CHARACTERISTIC), samples_max_buffer_size=config.get(CONF_SAMPLES_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE), samples_max_age=config.get(CONF_MAX_AGE), precision=config.get(CONF_PRECISION), quantile_intervals=config.get(CONF_QUANTILE_INTERVALS), quantile_method=config.get(CONF_QUANTILE_METHOD), ) ], True, ) return True class StatisticsSensor(SensorEntity): """Representation of a Statistics sensor.""" def __init__( self, source_entity_id, name, state_characteristic, samples_max_buffer_size, samples_max_age, precision, quantile_intervals, quantile_method, ): """Initialize the Statistics sensor.""" self._source_entity_id = source_entity_id self.is_binary = self._source_entity_id.split(".")[0] == "binary_sensor" self._name = name self._state_characteristic = state_characteristic self._samples_max_buffer_size = samples_max_buffer_size self._samples_max_age = samples_max_age self._precision = precision self._quantile_intervals = quantile_intervals self._quantile_method = quantile_method self._value = None self._unit_of_measurement = None self._available = False self.states = deque(maxlen=self._samples_max_buffer_size) self.ages = deque(maxlen=self._samples_max_buffer_size) self.attributes = { STAT_AGE_COVERAGE_RATIO: None, STAT_BUFFER_USAGE_RATIO: None, STAT_SOURCE_VALUE_VALID: None, } self._state_characteristic_fn = getattr( self, f"_stat_{self._state_characteristic}" ) self._update_listener = None async def async_added_to_hass(self): """Register callbacks.""" @callback def async_stats_sensor_state_listener(event): """Handle the sensor state changes.""" if (new_state := event.data.get("new_state")) is None: return self._add_state_to_queue(new_state) self.async_schedule_update_ha_state(True) @callback def async_stats_sensor_startup(_): """Add listener and get recorded state.""" _LOGGER.debug("Startup for %s", self.entity_id) self.async_on_remove( async_track_state_change_event( self.hass, [self._source_entity_id], async_stats_sensor_state_listener, ) ) if "recorder" in self.hass.config.components: self.hass.async_create_task(self._initialize_from_database()) async_at_start(self.hass, async_stats_sensor_startup) def _add_state_to_queue(self, new_state): """Add the state to the queue.""" self._available = new_state.state != STATE_UNAVAILABLE if new_state.state == STATE_UNAVAILABLE: self.attributes[STAT_SOURCE_VALUE_VALID] = None return if new_state.state in (STATE_UNKNOWN, None): self.attributes[STAT_SOURCE_VALUE_VALID] = False return try: if self.is_binary: self.states.append(new_state.state) else: self.states.append(float(new_state.state)) self.ages.append(new_state.last_updated) self.attributes[STAT_SOURCE_VALUE_VALID] = True except ValueError: self.attributes[STAT_SOURCE_VALUE_VALID] = False _LOGGER.error( "%s: parsing error, expected number and received %s", self.entity_id, new_state.state, ) return self._unit_of_measurement = self._derive_unit_of_measurement(new_state) def _derive_unit_of_measurement(self, new_state): base_unit = new_state.attributes.get(ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT) if not base_unit: unit = None elif self.is_binary: unit = None elif self._state_characteristic in ( STAT_AVERAGE_LINEAR, STAT_AVERAGE_STEP, STAT_AVERAGE_TIMELESS, STAT_CHANGE, STAT_DISTANCE_95P, STAT_DISTANCE_99P, STAT_DISTANCE_ABSOLUTE, STAT_MEAN, STAT_MEDIAN, STAT_NOISINESS, STAT_STANDARD_DEVIATION, STAT_TOTAL, STAT_VALUE_MAX, STAT_VALUE_MIN, ): unit = base_unit elif self._state_characteristic in ( STAT_COUNT, STAT_DATETIME_NEWEST, STAT_DATETIME_OLDEST, STAT_QUANTILES, ): unit = None elif self._state_characteristic == STAT_VARIANCE: unit = base_unit + "²" elif self._state_characteristic == STAT_CHANGE_SAMPLE: unit = base_unit + "/sample" elif self._state_characteristic == STAT_CHANGE_SECOND: unit = base_unit + "/s" return unit @property def name(self): """Return the name of the sensor.""" return self._name @property def state_class(self): """Return the state class of this entity.""" if self.is_binary: return STATE_CLASS_MEASUREMENT if self._state_characteristic in STATS_NOT_A_NUMBER: return None return STATE_CLASS_MEASUREMENT @property def native_value(self): """Return the state of the sensor.""" return self._value @property def native_unit_of_measurement(self): """Return the unit the value is expressed in.""" return self._unit_of_measurement @property def available(self): """Return the availability of the sensor linked to the source sensor.""" return self._available @property def should_poll(self): """No polling needed.""" return False @property def extra_state_attributes(self): """Return the state attributes of the sensor.""" return { key: value for key, value in self.attributes.items() if value is not None } @property def icon(self): """Return the icon to use in the frontend, if any.""" return ICON def _purge_old(self): """Remove states which are older than self._samples_max_age.""" now = dt_util.utcnow() _LOGGER.debug( "%s: purging records older then %s(%s)", self.entity_id, dt_util.as_local(now - self._samples_max_age), self._samples_max_age, ) while self.ages and (now - self.ages[0]) > self._samples_max_age: _LOGGER.debug( "%s: purging record with datetime %s(%s)", self.entity_id, dt_util.as_local(self.ages[0]), (now - self.ages[0]), ) self.ages.popleft() self.states.popleft() def _next_to_purge_timestamp(self): """Find the timestamp when the next purge would occur.""" if self.ages and self._samples_max_age: # Take the oldest entry from the ages list and add the configured max_age. # If executed after purging old states, the result is the next timestamp # in the future when the oldest state will expire. return self.ages[0] + self._samples_max_age return None async def async_update(self): """Get the latest data and updates the states.""" _LOGGER.debug("%s: updating statistics", self.entity_id) if self._samples_max_age is not None: self._purge_old() self._update_attributes() self._update_value() # If max_age is set, ensure to update again after the defined interval. next_to_purge_timestamp = self._next_to_purge_timestamp() if next_to_purge_timestamp: _LOGGER.debug( "%s: scheduling update at %s", self.entity_id, next_to_purge_timestamp ) if self._update_listener: self._update_listener() self._update_listener = None @callback def _scheduled_update(now): """Timer callback for sensor update.""" _LOGGER.debug("%s: executing scheduled update", self.entity_id) self.async_schedule_update_ha_state(True) self._update_listener = None self._update_listener = async_track_point_in_utc_time( self.hass, _scheduled_update, next_to_purge_timestamp ) async def _initialize_from_database(self): """Initialize the list of states from the database. The query will get the list of states in DESCENDING order so that we can limit the result to self._sample_size. Afterwards reverse the list so that we get it in the right order again. If MaxAge is provided then query will restrict to entries younger then current datetime - MaxAge. """ _LOGGER.debug("%s: initializing values from the database", self.entity_id) with session_scope(hass=self.hass) as session: query = session.query(States).filter( States.entity_id == self._source_entity_id.lower() ) if self._samples_max_age is not None: records_older_then = dt_util.utcnow() - self._samples_max_age _LOGGER.debug( "%s: retrieve records not older then %s", self.entity_id, records_older_then, ) query = query.filter(States.last_updated >= records_older_then) else: _LOGGER.debug("%s: retrieving all records", self.entity_id) query = query.order_by(States.last_updated.desc()).limit( self._samples_max_buffer_size ) states = execute(query, to_native=True, validate_entity_ids=False) for state in reversed(states): self._add_state_to_queue(state) self.async_schedule_update_ha_state(True) _LOGGER.debug("%s: initializing from database completed", self.entity_id) def _update_attributes(self): """Calculate and update the various attributes.""" self.attributes[STAT_BUFFER_USAGE_RATIO] = round( len(self.states) / self._samples_max_buffer_size, 2 ) if len(self.states) >= 1 and self._samples_max_age is not None: self.attributes[STAT_AGE_COVERAGE_RATIO] = round( (self.ages[-1] - self.ages[0]).total_seconds() / self._samples_max_age.total_seconds(), 2, ) else: self.attributes[STAT_AGE_COVERAGE_RATIO] = None def _update_value(self): """Front to call the right statistical characteristics functions. One of the _stat_*() functions is represented by self._state_characteristic_fn(). """ if self.is_binary: self._value = len(self.states) return value = self._state_characteristic_fn() if self._state_characteristic not in STATS_NOT_A_NUMBER: with contextlib.suppress(TypeError): value = round(value, self._precision) if self._precision == 0: value = int(value) self._value = value def _stat_average_linear(self): if len(self.states) >= 2: area = 0 for i in range(1, len(self.states)): area += ( 0.5 * (self.states[i] + self.states[i - 1]) * (self.ages[i] - self.ages[i - 1]).total_seconds() ) age_range_seconds = (self.ages[-1] - self.ages[0]).total_seconds() return area / age_range_seconds return None def _stat_average_step(self): if len(self.states) >= 2: area = 0 for i in range(1, len(self.states)): area += ( self.states[i - 1] * (self.ages[i] - self.ages[i - 1]).total_seconds() ) age_range_seconds = (self.ages[-1] - self.ages[0]).total_seconds() return area / age_range_seconds return None def _stat_average_timeless(self): return self._stat_mean() def _stat_change(self): if len(self.states) > 0: return self.states[-1] - self.states[0] return None def _stat_change_sample(self): if len(self.states) > 1: return (self.states[-1] - self.states[0]) / (len(self.states) - 1) return None def _stat_change_second(self): if len(self.states) > 1: age_range_seconds = (self.ages[-1] - self.ages[0]).total_seconds() if age_range_seconds > 0: return (self.states[-1] - self.states[0]) / age_range_seconds return None def _stat_count(self): return len(self.states) def _stat_datetime_newest(self): if len(self.states) > 0: return self.ages[-1] return None def _stat_datetime_oldest(self): if len(self.states) > 0: return self.ages[0] return None def _stat_distance_95_percent_of_values(self): if len(self.states) >= 2: return 2 * 1.96 * self._stat_standard_deviation() return None def _stat_distance_99_percent_of_values(self): if len(self.states) >= 2: return 2 * 2.58 * self._stat_standard_deviation() return None def _stat_distance_absolute(self): if len(self.states) > 0: return max(self.states) - min(self.states) return None def _stat_mean(self): if len(self.states) > 0: return statistics.mean(self.states) return None def _stat_median(self): if len(self.states) > 0: return statistics.median(self.states) return None def _stat_noisiness(self): if len(self.states) >= 2: diff_sum = sum( abs(j - i) for i, j in zip(list(self.states), list(self.states)[1:]) ) return diff_sum / (len(self.states) - 1) return None def _stat_quantiles(self): if len(self.states) > self._quantile_intervals: return [ round(quantile, self._precision) for quantile in statistics.quantiles( self.states, n=self._quantile_intervals, method=self._quantile_method, ) ] return None def _stat_standard_deviation(self): if len(self.states) >= 2: return statistics.stdev(self.states) return None def _stat_total(self): if len(self.states) > 0: return sum(self.states) return None def _stat_value_max(self): if len(self.states) > 0: return max(self.states) return None def _stat_value_min(self): if len(self.states) > 0: return min(self.states) return None def _stat_variance(self): if len(self.states) >= 2: return statistics.variance(self.states) return None