"""Alexa entity adapters.""" from __future__ import annotations import logging from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from homeassistant.components import ( alarm_control_panel, alert, automation, binary_sensor, button, camera, cover, fan, group, image_processing, input_boolean, input_number, light, lock, media_player, scene, script, sensor, switch, timer, vacuum, ) from homeassistant.components.climate import const as climate from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS, ATTR_SUPPORTED_FEATURES, ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT, CLOUD_NEVER_EXPOSED_ENTITIES, CONF_DESCRIPTION, CONF_NAME, TEMP_CELSIUS, TEMP_FAHRENHEIT, __version__, ) from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, State, callback from homeassistant.helpers import network from homeassistant.helpers.entity import entity_sources from homeassistant.util.decorator import Registry from .capabilities import ( Alexa, AlexaBrightnessController, AlexaCameraStreamController, AlexaCapability, AlexaChannelController, AlexaColorController, AlexaColorTemperatureController, AlexaContactSensor, AlexaDoorbellEventSource, AlexaEndpointHealth, AlexaEqualizerController, AlexaEventDetectionSensor, AlexaInputController, AlexaLockController, AlexaModeController, AlexaMotionSensor, AlexaPlaybackController, AlexaPlaybackStateReporter, AlexaPowerController, AlexaRangeController, AlexaSceneController, AlexaSecurityPanelController, AlexaSeekController, AlexaSpeaker, AlexaStepSpeaker, AlexaTemperatureSensor, AlexaThermostatController, AlexaTimeHoldController, AlexaToggleController, ) from .const import CONF_DISPLAY_CATEGORIES if TYPE_CHECKING: from .config import AbstractConfig _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) ENTITY_ADAPTERS = Registry() TRANSLATION_TABLE = dict.fromkeys(map(ord, r"}{\/|\"()[]+~!><*%"), None) class DisplayCategory: """Possible display categories for Discovery response. https://developer.amazon.com/docs/device-apis/alexa-discovery.html#display-categories """ # Describes a combination of devices set to a specific state, when the # state change must occur in a specific order. For example, a "watch # Netflix" scene might require the: 1. TV to be powered on & 2. Input set # to HDMI1. Applies to Scenes ACTIVITY_TRIGGER = "ACTIVITY_TRIGGER" # Indicates a device that emits pleasant odors and masks unpleasant odors in interior spaces. AIR_FRESHENER = "AIR_FRESHENER" # Indicates a device that improves the quality of air in interior spaces. AIR_PURIFIER = "AIR_PURIFIER" # Indicates a smart device in an automobile, such as a dash camera. AUTO_ACCESSORY = "AUTO_ACCESSORY" # Indicates a security device with video or photo functionality. CAMERA = "CAMERA" # Indicates a religious holiday decoration that often contains lights. CHRISTMAS_TREE = "CHRISTMAS_TREE" # Indicates a device that makes coffee. COFFEE_MAKER = "COFFEE_MAKER" # Indicates a non-mobile computer, such as a desktop computer. COMPUTER = "COMPUTER" # Indicates an endpoint that detects and reports contact. CONTACT_SENSOR = "CONTACT_SENSOR" # Indicates a door. DOOR = "DOOR" # Indicates a doorbell. DOORBELL = "DOORBELL" # Indicates a window covering on the outside of a structure. EXTERIOR_BLIND = "EXTERIOR_BLIND" # Indicates a fan. FAN = "FAN" # Indicates a game console, such as Microsoft Xbox or Nintendo Switch GAME_CONSOLE = "GAME_CONSOLE" # Indicates a garage door. # Garage doors must implement the ModeController interface to open and close the door. GARAGE_DOOR = "GARAGE_DOOR" # Indicates a wearable device that transmits audio directly into the ear. HEADPHONES = "HEADPHONES" # Indicates a smart-home hub. HUB = "HUB" # Indicates a window covering on the inside of a structure. INTERIOR_BLIND = "INTERIOR_BLIND" # Indicates a laptop or other mobile computer. LAPTOP = "LAPTOP" # Indicates light sources or fixtures. LIGHT = "LIGHT" # Indicates a microwave oven. MICROWAVE = "MICROWAVE" # Indicates a mobile phone. MOBILE_PHONE = "MOBILE_PHONE" # Indicates an endpoint that detects and reports motion. MOTION_SENSOR = "MOTION_SENSOR" # Indicates a network-connected music system. MUSIC_SYSTEM = "MUSIC_SYSTEM" # Indicates a network router. NETWORK_HARDWARE = "NETWORK_HARDWARE" # An endpoint that cannot be described in on of the other categories. OTHER = "OTHER" # Indicates an oven cooking appliance. OVEN = "OVEN" # Indicates a non-mobile phone, such as landline or an IP phone. PHONE = "PHONE" # Indicates a device that prints. PRINTER = "PRINTER" # Indicates a network router. ROUTER = "ROUTER" # Describes a combination of devices set to a specific state, when the # order of the state change is not important. For example a bedtime scene # might include turning off lights and lowering the thermostat, but the # order is unimportant. Applies to Scenes SCENE_TRIGGER = "SCENE_TRIGGER" # Indicates a projector screen. SCREEN = "SCREEN" # Indicates a security panel. SECURITY_PANEL = "SECURITY_PANEL" # Indicates a security system. SECURITY_SYSTEM = "SECURITY_SYSTEM" # Indicates an electric cooking device that sits on a countertop, cooks at low temperatures, # and is often shaped like a cooking pot. SLOW_COOKER = "SLOW_COOKER" # Indicates an endpoint that locks. SMARTLOCK = "SMARTLOCK" # Indicates modules that are plugged into an existing electrical outlet. # Can control a variety of devices. SMARTPLUG = "SMARTPLUG" # Indicates the endpoint is a speaker or speaker system. SPEAKER = "SPEAKER" # Indicates a streaming device such as Apple TV, Chromecast, or Roku. STREAMING_DEVICE = "STREAMING_DEVICE" # Indicates in-wall switches wired to the electrical system. Can control a # variety of devices. SWITCH = "SWITCH" # Indicates a tablet computer. TABLET = "TABLET" # Indicates endpoints that report the temperature only. TEMPERATURE_SENSOR = "TEMPERATURE_SENSOR" # Indicates endpoints that control temperature, stand-alone air # conditioners, or heaters with direct temperature control. THERMOSTAT = "THERMOSTAT" # Indicates the endpoint is a television. TV = "TV" # Indicates a vacuum cleaner. VACUUM_CLEANER = "VACUUM_CLEANER" # Indicates a network-connected wearable device, such as an Apple Watch, Fitbit, or Samsung Gear. WEARABLE = "WEARABLE" def generate_alexa_id(entity_id: str) -> str: """Return the alexa ID for an entity ID.""" return entity_id.replace(".", "#").translate(TRANSLATION_TABLE) class AlexaEntity: """An adaptation of an entity, expressed in Alexa's terms. The API handlers should manipulate entities only through this interface. """ def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, config: AbstractConfig, entity: State ) -> None: """Initialize Alexa Entity.""" self.hass = hass self.config = config self.entity = entity self.entity_conf = config.entity_config.get(entity.entity_id, {}) @property def entity_id(self): """Return the Entity ID.""" return self.entity.entity_id def friendly_name(self): """Return the Alexa API friendly name.""" return self.entity_conf.get(CONF_NAME, self.entity.name).translate( TRANSLATION_TABLE ) def description(self): """Return the Alexa API description.""" description = self.entity_conf.get(CONF_DESCRIPTION) or self.entity_id return f"{description} via Home Assistant".translate(TRANSLATION_TABLE) def alexa_id(self): """Return the Alexa API entity id.""" return generate_alexa_id(self.entity.entity_id) def display_categories(self): """Return a list of display categories.""" entity_conf = self.config.entity_config.get(self.entity.entity_id, {}) if CONF_DISPLAY_CATEGORIES in entity_conf: return [entity_conf[CONF_DISPLAY_CATEGORIES]] return self.default_display_categories() def default_display_categories(self): """Return a list of default display categories. This can be overridden by the user in the Home Assistant configuration. See also DisplayCategory. """ raise NotImplementedError def get_interface(self, capability) -> AlexaCapability: """Return the given AlexaInterface. Raises _UnsupportedInterface. """ def interfaces(self) -> list[AlexaCapability]: """Return a list of supported interfaces. Used for discovery. The list should contain AlexaInterface instances. If the list is empty, this entity will not be discovered. """ raise NotImplementedError def serialize_properties(self): """Yield each supported property in API format.""" for interface in self.interfaces(): if not interface.properties_proactively_reported(): continue yield from interface.serialize_properties() def serialize_discovery(self): """Serialize the entity for discovery.""" result = { "displayCategories": self.display_categories(), "cookie": {}, "endpointId": self.alexa_id(), "friendlyName": self.friendly_name(), "description": self.description(), "manufacturerName": "Home Assistant", "additionalAttributes": { "manufacturer": "Home Assistant", "model": self.entity.domain, "softwareVersion": __version__, "customIdentifier": f"{self.config.user_identifier()}-{self.entity_id}", }, } locale = self.config.locale capabilities = [] for i in self.interfaces(): if locale not in i.supported_locales: continue try: capabilities.append(i.serialize_discovery()) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.exception( "Error serializing %s discovery for %s", i.name(), self.entity ) result["capabilities"] = capabilities return result @callback def async_get_entities(hass, config) -> list[AlexaEntity]: """Return all entities that are supported by Alexa.""" entities = [] for state in hass.states.async_all(): if state.entity_id in CLOUD_NEVER_EXPOSED_ENTITIES: continue if state.domain not in ENTITY_ADAPTERS: continue alexa_entity = ENTITY_ADAPTERS[state.domain](hass, config, state) if not list(alexa_entity.interfaces()): continue entities.append(alexa_entity) return entities @ENTITY_ADAPTERS.register(alert.DOMAIN) @ENTITY_ADAPTERS.register(automation.DOMAIN) @ENTITY_ADAPTERS.register(group.DOMAIN) @ENTITY_ADAPTERS.register(input_boolean.DOMAIN) class GenericCapabilities(AlexaEntity): """A generic, on/off device. The choice of last resort. """ def default_display_categories(self): """Return the display categories for this entity.""" if self.entity.domain == automation.DOMAIN: return [DisplayCategory.ACTIVITY_TRIGGER] return [DisplayCategory.OTHER] def interfaces(self): """Yield the supported interfaces.""" return [ AlexaPowerController(self.entity), AlexaEndpointHealth(self.hass, self.entity), Alexa(self.hass), ] @ENTITY_ADAPTERS.register(switch.DOMAIN) class SwitchCapabilities(AlexaEntity): """Class to represent Switch capabilities.""" def default_display_categories(self): """Return the display categories for this entity.""" device_class = self.entity.attributes.get(ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS) if device_class == switch.DEVICE_CLASS_OUTLET: return [DisplayCategory.SMARTPLUG] return [DisplayCategory.SWITCH] def interfaces(self): """Yield the supported interfaces.""" return [ AlexaPowerController(self.entity), AlexaEndpointHealth(self.hass, self.entity), Alexa(self.hass), ] @ENTITY_ADAPTERS.register(button.DOMAIN) class ButtonCapabilities(AlexaEntity): """Class to represent Button capabilities.""" def default_display_categories(self): """Return the display categories for this entity.""" return [DisplayCategory.ACTIVITY_TRIGGER] def interfaces(self): """Yield the supported interfaces.""" return [ AlexaSceneController(self.entity, supports_deactivation=False), Alexa(self.hass), ] @ENTITY_ADAPTERS.register(climate.DOMAIN) class ClimateCapabilities(AlexaEntity): """Class to represent Climate capabilities.""" def default_display_categories(self): """Return the display categories for this entity.""" return [DisplayCategory.THERMOSTAT] def interfaces(self): """Yield the supported interfaces.""" # If we support two modes, one being off, we allow turning on too. if climate.HVAC_MODE_OFF in self.entity.attributes.get( climate.ATTR_HVAC_MODES, [] ): yield AlexaPowerController(self.entity) yield AlexaThermostatController(self.hass, self.entity) yield AlexaTemperatureSensor(self.hass, self.entity) yield AlexaEndpointHealth(self.hass, self.entity) yield Alexa(self.hass) @ENTITY_ADAPTERS.register(cover.DOMAIN) class CoverCapabilities(AlexaEntity): """Class to represent Cover capabilities.""" def default_display_categories(self): """Return the display categories for this entity.""" device_class = self.entity.attributes.get(ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS) if device_class in (cover.DEVICE_CLASS_GARAGE, cover.DEVICE_CLASS_GATE): return [DisplayCategory.GARAGE_DOOR] if device_class == cover.DEVICE_CLASS_DOOR: return [DisplayCategory.DOOR] if device_class in ( cover.DEVICE_CLASS_BLIND, cover.DEVICE_CLASS_SHADE, cover.DEVICE_CLASS_CURTAIN, ): return [DisplayCategory.INTERIOR_BLIND] if device_class in ( cover.DEVICE_CLASS_WINDOW, cover.DEVICE_CLASS_AWNING, cover.DEVICE_CLASS_SHUTTER, ): return [DisplayCategory.EXTERIOR_BLIND] return [DisplayCategory.OTHER] def interfaces(self): """Yield the supported interfaces.""" device_class = self.entity.attributes.get(ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS) if device_class not in (cover.DEVICE_CLASS_GARAGE, cover.DEVICE_CLASS_GATE): yield AlexaPowerController(self.entity) supported = self.entity.attributes.get(ATTR_SUPPORTED_FEATURES, 0) if supported & cover.SUPPORT_SET_POSITION: yield AlexaRangeController( self.entity, instance=f"{cover.DOMAIN}.{cover.ATTR_POSITION}" ) elif supported & (cover.SUPPORT_CLOSE | cover.SUPPORT_OPEN): yield AlexaModeController( self.entity, instance=f"{cover.DOMAIN}.{cover.ATTR_POSITION}" ) if supported & cover.SUPPORT_SET_TILT_POSITION: yield AlexaRangeController(self.entity, instance=f"{cover.DOMAIN}.tilt") yield AlexaEndpointHealth(self.hass, self.entity) yield Alexa(self.hass) @ENTITY_ADAPTERS.register(light.DOMAIN) class LightCapabilities(AlexaEntity): """Class to represent Light capabilities.""" def default_display_categories(self): """Return the display categories for this entity.""" return [DisplayCategory.LIGHT] def interfaces(self): """Yield the supported interfaces.""" yield AlexaPowerController(self.entity) color_modes = self.entity.attributes.get(light.ATTR_SUPPORTED_COLOR_MODES) if light.brightness_supported(color_modes): yield AlexaBrightnessController(self.entity) if light.color_supported(color_modes): yield AlexaColorController(self.entity) if light.color_temp_supported(color_modes): yield AlexaColorTemperatureController(self.entity) yield AlexaEndpointHealth(self.hass, self.entity) yield Alexa(self.hass) @ENTITY_ADAPTERS.register(fan.DOMAIN) class FanCapabilities(AlexaEntity): """Class to represent Fan capabilities.""" def default_display_categories(self): """Return the display categories for this entity.""" return [DisplayCategory.FAN] def interfaces(self): """Yield the supported interfaces.""" yield AlexaPowerController(self.entity) force_range_controller = True supported = self.entity.attributes.get(ATTR_SUPPORTED_FEATURES, 0) if supported & fan.SUPPORT_OSCILLATE: yield AlexaToggleController( self.entity, instance=f"{fan.DOMAIN}.{fan.ATTR_OSCILLATING}" ) force_range_controller = False if supported & fan.SUPPORT_PRESET_MODE: yield AlexaModeController( self.entity, instance=f"{fan.DOMAIN}.{fan.ATTR_PRESET_MODE}" ) force_range_controller = False if supported & fan.SUPPORT_DIRECTION: yield AlexaModeController( self.entity, instance=f"{fan.DOMAIN}.{fan.ATTR_DIRECTION}" ) force_range_controller = False # AlexaRangeController controls the Fan Speed Percentage. # For fans which only support on/off, no controller is added. This makes the # fan impossible to turn on or off through Alexa, most likely due to a bug in Alexa. # As a workaround, we add a range controller which can only be set to 0% or 100%. if force_range_controller or supported & fan.SUPPORT_SET_SPEED: yield AlexaRangeController( self.entity, instance=f"{fan.DOMAIN}.{fan.ATTR_PERCENTAGE}" ) yield AlexaEndpointHealth(self.hass, self.entity) yield Alexa(self.hass) @ENTITY_ADAPTERS.register(lock.DOMAIN) class LockCapabilities(AlexaEntity): """Class to represent Lock capabilities.""" def default_display_categories(self): """Return the display categories for this entity.""" return [DisplayCategory.SMARTLOCK] def interfaces(self): """Yield the supported interfaces.""" return [ AlexaLockController(self.entity), AlexaEndpointHealth(self.hass, self.entity), Alexa(self.hass), ] @ENTITY_ADAPTERS.register(media_player.const.DOMAIN) class MediaPlayerCapabilities(AlexaEntity): """Class to represent MediaPlayer capabilities.""" def default_display_categories(self): """Return the display categories for this entity.""" device_class = self.entity.attributes.get(ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS) if device_class == media_player.DEVICE_CLASS_SPEAKER: return [DisplayCategory.SPEAKER] return [DisplayCategory.TV] def interfaces(self): """Yield the supported interfaces.""" yield AlexaPowerController(self.entity) supported = self.entity.attributes.get(ATTR_SUPPORTED_FEATURES, 0) if supported & media_player.const.SUPPORT_VOLUME_SET: yield AlexaSpeaker(self.entity) elif supported & media_player.const.SUPPORT_VOLUME_STEP: yield AlexaStepSpeaker(self.entity) playback_features = ( media_player.const.SUPPORT_PLAY | media_player.const.SUPPORT_PAUSE | media_player.const.SUPPORT_STOP | media_player.const.SUPPORT_NEXT_TRACK | media_player.const.SUPPORT_PREVIOUS_TRACK ) if supported & playback_features: yield AlexaPlaybackController(self.entity) yield AlexaPlaybackStateReporter(self.entity) if supported & media_player.const.SUPPORT_SEEK: yield AlexaSeekController(self.entity) if supported & media_player.SUPPORT_SELECT_SOURCE: inputs = AlexaInputController.get_valid_inputs( self.entity.attributes.get( media_player.const.ATTR_INPUT_SOURCE_LIST, [] ) ) if len(inputs) > 0: yield AlexaInputController(self.entity) if supported & media_player.const.SUPPORT_PLAY_MEDIA: yield AlexaChannelController(self.entity) # AlexaEqualizerController is disabled for denonavr # since it blocks alexa from discovering any devices. domain = entity_sources(self.hass).get(self.entity_id, {}).get("domain") if ( supported & media_player.const.SUPPORT_SELECT_SOUND_MODE and domain != "denonavr" ): inputs = AlexaEqualizerController.get_valid_inputs( self.entity.attributes.get(media_player.const.ATTR_SOUND_MODE_LIST, []) ) if len(inputs) > 0: yield AlexaEqualizerController(self.entity) yield AlexaEndpointHealth(self.hass, self.entity) yield Alexa(self.hass) @ENTITY_ADAPTERS.register(scene.DOMAIN) class SceneCapabilities(AlexaEntity): """Class to represent Scene capabilities.""" def description(self): """Return the Alexa API description.""" description = AlexaEntity.description(self) if "scene" not in description.casefold(): return f"{description} (Scene)" return description def default_display_categories(self): """Return the display categories for this entity.""" return [DisplayCategory.SCENE_TRIGGER] def interfaces(self): """Yield the supported interfaces.""" return [ AlexaSceneController(self.entity, supports_deactivation=False), Alexa(self.hass), ] @ENTITY_ADAPTERS.register(script.DOMAIN) class ScriptCapabilities(AlexaEntity): """Class to represent Script capabilities.""" def default_display_categories(self): """Return the display categories for this entity.""" return [DisplayCategory.ACTIVITY_TRIGGER] def interfaces(self): """Yield the supported interfaces.""" return [ AlexaSceneController(self.entity, supports_deactivation=True), Alexa(self.hass), ] @ENTITY_ADAPTERS.register(sensor.DOMAIN) class SensorCapabilities(AlexaEntity): """Class to represent Sensor capabilities.""" def default_display_categories(self): """Return the display categories for this entity.""" # although there are other kinds of sensors, all but temperature # sensors are currently ignored. return [DisplayCategory.TEMPERATURE_SENSOR] def interfaces(self): """Yield the supported interfaces.""" attrs = self.entity.attributes if attrs.get(ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT) in (TEMP_FAHRENHEIT, TEMP_CELSIUS): yield AlexaTemperatureSensor(self.hass, self.entity) yield AlexaEndpointHealth(self.hass, self.entity) yield Alexa(self.hass) @ENTITY_ADAPTERS.register(binary_sensor.DOMAIN) class BinarySensorCapabilities(AlexaEntity): """Class to represent BinarySensor capabilities.""" TYPE_CONTACT = "contact" TYPE_MOTION = "motion" TYPE_PRESENCE = "presence" def default_display_categories(self): """Return the display categories for this entity.""" sensor_type = self.get_type() if sensor_type is self.TYPE_CONTACT: return [DisplayCategory.CONTACT_SENSOR] if sensor_type is self.TYPE_MOTION: return [DisplayCategory.MOTION_SENSOR] if sensor_type is self.TYPE_PRESENCE: return [DisplayCategory.CAMERA] def interfaces(self): """Yield the supported interfaces.""" sensor_type = self.get_type() if sensor_type is self.TYPE_CONTACT: yield AlexaContactSensor(self.hass, self.entity) elif sensor_type is self.TYPE_MOTION: yield AlexaMotionSensor(self.hass, self.entity) elif sensor_type is self.TYPE_PRESENCE: yield AlexaEventDetectionSensor(self.hass, self.entity) # yield additional interfaces based on specified display category in config. entity_conf = self.config.entity_config.get(self.entity.entity_id, {}) if CONF_DISPLAY_CATEGORIES in entity_conf: if entity_conf[CONF_DISPLAY_CATEGORIES] == DisplayCategory.DOORBELL: yield AlexaDoorbellEventSource(self.entity) elif entity_conf[CONF_DISPLAY_CATEGORIES] == DisplayCategory.CONTACT_SENSOR: yield AlexaContactSensor(self.hass, self.entity) elif entity_conf[CONF_DISPLAY_CATEGORIES] == DisplayCategory.MOTION_SENSOR: yield AlexaMotionSensor(self.hass, self.entity) elif entity_conf[CONF_DISPLAY_CATEGORIES] == DisplayCategory.CAMERA: yield AlexaEventDetectionSensor(self.hass, self.entity) yield AlexaEndpointHealth(self.hass, self.entity) yield Alexa(self.hass) def get_type(self): """Return the type of binary sensor.""" attrs = self.entity.attributes if attrs.get(ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS) in ( binary_sensor.DEVICE_CLASS_DOOR, binary_sensor.DEVICE_CLASS_GARAGE_DOOR, binary_sensor.DEVICE_CLASS_OPENING, binary_sensor.DEVICE_CLASS_WINDOW, ): return self.TYPE_CONTACT if attrs.get(ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS) == binary_sensor.DEVICE_CLASS_MOTION: return self.TYPE_MOTION if attrs.get(ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS) == binary_sensor.DEVICE_CLASS_PRESENCE: return self.TYPE_PRESENCE @ENTITY_ADAPTERS.register(alarm_control_panel.DOMAIN) class AlarmControlPanelCapabilities(AlexaEntity): """Class to represent Alarm capabilities.""" def default_display_categories(self): """Return the display categories for this entity.""" return [DisplayCategory.SECURITY_PANEL] def interfaces(self): """Yield the supported interfaces.""" if not self.entity.attributes.get("code_arm_required"): yield AlexaSecurityPanelController(self.hass, self.entity) yield AlexaEndpointHealth(self.hass, self.entity) yield Alexa(self.hass) @ENTITY_ADAPTERS.register(image_processing.DOMAIN) class ImageProcessingCapabilities(AlexaEntity): """Class to represent image_processing capabilities.""" def default_display_categories(self): """Return the display categories for this entity.""" return [DisplayCategory.CAMERA] def interfaces(self): """Yield the supported interfaces.""" yield AlexaEventDetectionSensor(self.hass, self.entity) yield AlexaEndpointHealth(self.hass, self.entity) yield Alexa(self.hass) @ENTITY_ADAPTERS.register(input_number.DOMAIN) class InputNumberCapabilities(AlexaEntity): """Class to represent input_number capabilities.""" def default_display_categories(self): """Return the display categories for this entity.""" return [DisplayCategory.OTHER] def interfaces(self): """Yield the supported interfaces.""" yield AlexaRangeController( self.entity, instance=f"{input_number.DOMAIN}.{input_number.ATTR_VALUE}" ) yield AlexaEndpointHealth(self.hass, self.entity) yield Alexa(self.hass) @ENTITY_ADAPTERS.register(timer.DOMAIN) class TimerCapabilities(AlexaEntity): """Class to represent Timer capabilities.""" def default_display_categories(self): """Return the display categories for this entity.""" return [DisplayCategory.OTHER] def interfaces(self): """Yield the supported interfaces.""" yield AlexaTimeHoldController(self.entity, allow_remote_resume=True) yield AlexaPowerController(self.entity) yield Alexa(self.entity) @ENTITY_ADAPTERS.register(vacuum.DOMAIN) class VacuumCapabilities(AlexaEntity): """Class to represent vacuum capabilities.""" def default_display_categories(self): """Return the display categories for this entity.""" return [DisplayCategory.VACUUM_CLEANER] def interfaces(self): """Yield the supported interfaces.""" supported = self.entity.attributes.get(ATTR_SUPPORTED_FEATURES, 0) if ( (supported & vacuum.SUPPORT_TURN_ON) or (supported & vacuum.SUPPORT_START) ) and ( (supported & vacuum.SUPPORT_TURN_OFF) or (supported & vacuum.SUPPORT_RETURN_HOME) ): yield AlexaPowerController(self.entity) if supported & vacuum.SUPPORT_FAN_SPEED: yield AlexaRangeController( self.entity, instance=f"{vacuum.DOMAIN}.{vacuum.ATTR_FAN_SPEED}" ) if supported & vacuum.SUPPORT_PAUSE: support_resume = bool(supported & vacuum.SUPPORT_START) yield AlexaTimeHoldController( self.entity, allow_remote_resume=support_resume ) yield AlexaEndpointHealth(self.hass, self.entity) yield Alexa(self.hass) @ENTITY_ADAPTERS.register(camera.DOMAIN) class CameraCapabilities(AlexaEntity): """Class to represent Camera capabilities.""" def default_display_categories(self): """Return the display categories for this entity.""" return [DisplayCategory.CAMERA] def interfaces(self): """Yield the supported interfaces.""" if self._check_requirements(): supported = self.entity.attributes.get(ATTR_SUPPORTED_FEATURES, 0) if supported & camera.SUPPORT_STREAM: yield AlexaCameraStreamController(self.entity) yield AlexaEndpointHealth(self.hass, self.entity) yield Alexa(self.hass) def _check_requirements(self): """Check the hass URL for HTTPS scheme.""" if "stream" not in self.hass.config.components: _LOGGER.debug( "%s requires stream component for AlexaCameraStreamController", self.entity_id, ) return False try: network.get_url( self.hass, allow_internal=False, allow_ip=False, require_ssl=True, require_standard_port=True, ) except network.NoURLAvailableError: _LOGGER.debug( "%s requires HTTPS for AlexaCameraStreamController", self.entity_id ) return False return True