{ "services": { "feedback_off": { "name": "Feedback off", "description": "Turns feedback sounds off.", "fields": { "site_id": { "name": "Site ID", "description": "Site to turn sounds on, defaults to all sites." } } }, "feedback_on": { "name": "Feedback on", "description": "Turns feedback sounds on.", "fields": { "site_id": { "name": "Site ID", "description": "[%key:component::snips::services::feedback_off::fields::site_id::description%]" } } }, "say": { "name": "Say", "description": "Sends a TTS message to Snips.", "fields": { "custom_data": { "name": "Custom data", "description": "Custom data that will be included with all messages in this session." }, "site_id": { "name": "Site ID", "description": "Site to use to start session, defaults to default." }, "text": { "name": "Text", "description": "Text to say." } } }, "say_action": { "name": "Say action", "description": "Sends a TTS message to Snips to listen for a response.", "fields": { "can_be_enqueued": { "name": "Can be enqueued", "description": "If True, session waits for an open session to end, if False session is dropped if one is running." }, "custom_data": { "name": "[%key:component::snips::services::say::fields::custom_data::name%]", "description": "[%key:component::snips::services::say::fields::custom_data::description%]" }, "intent_filter": { "name": "Intent filter", "description": "Optional Array of Strings - A list of intents names to restrict the NLU resolution to on the first query." }, "site_id": { "name": "Site ID", "description": "[%key:component::snips::services::say::fields::site_id::description%]" }, "text": { "name": "Text", "description": "[%key:component::snips::services::say::fields::text::description%]" } } } } }