"""Bluetooth client for esphome.""" from __future__ import annotations import asyncio from collections.abc import Callable, Coroutine import contextlib from dataclasses import dataclass, field from functools import partial import logging import sys from typing import Any, TypeVar, cast import uuid if sys.version_info < (3, 12): from typing_extensions import Buffer else: from collections.abc import Buffer from aioesphomeapi import ( ESP_CONNECTION_ERROR_DESCRIPTION, ESPHOME_GATT_ERRORS, APIClient, APIVersion, BLEConnectionError, BluetoothProxyFeature, DeviceInfo, ) from aioesphomeapi.connection import APIConnectionError, TimeoutAPIError from aioesphomeapi.core import BluetoothGATTAPIError from async_interrupt import interrupt from bleak.backends.characteristic import BleakGATTCharacteristic from bleak.backends.client import BaseBleakClient, NotifyCallback from bleak.backends.device import BLEDevice from bleak.backends.service import BleakGATTServiceCollection from bleak.exc import BleakError from homeassistant.core import CALLBACK_TYPE from .cache import ESPHomeBluetoothCache from .characteristic import BleakGATTCharacteristicESPHome from .descriptor import BleakGATTDescriptorESPHome from .device import ESPHomeBluetoothDevice from .scanner import ESPHomeScanner from .service import BleakGATTServiceESPHome DEFAULT_MTU = 23 GATT_HEADER_SIZE = 3 DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT = 5.0 CONNECT_FREE_SLOT_TIMEOUT = 2.0 GATT_READ_TIMEOUT = 30.0 # CCCD (Characteristic Client Config Descriptor) CCCD_UUID = "00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb" CCCD_NOTIFY_BYTES = b"\x01\x00" CCCD_INDICATE_BYTES = b"\x02\x00" DEFAULT_MAX_WRITE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE = DEFAULT_MTU - GATT_HEADER_SIZE _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) _WrapFuncType = TypeVar("_WrapFuncType", bound=Callable[..., Any]) def mac_to_int(address: str) -> int: """Convert a mac address to an integer.""" return int(address.replace(":", ""), 16) def verify_connected(func: _WrapFuncType) -> _WrapFuncType: """Define a wrapper throw BleakError if not connected.""" async def _async_wrap_bluetooth_connected_operation( self: ESPHomeClient, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any ) -> Any: # pylint: disable=protected-access loop = self._loop disconnected_futures = self._disconnected_futures disconnected_future = loop.create_future() disconnected_futures.add(disconnected_future) ble_device = self._ble_device disconnect_message = ( f"{self._source_name }: {ble_device.name} - {ble_device.address}: " "Disconnected during operation" ) try: async with interrupt(disconnected_future, BleakError, disconnect_message): return await func(self, *args, **kwargs) finally: disconnected_futures.discard(disconnected_future) return cast(_WrapFuncType, _async_wrap_bluetooth_connected_operation) def api_error_as_bleak_error(func: _WrapFuncType) -> _WrapFuncType: """Define a wrapper throw esphome api errors as BleakErrors.""" async def _async_wrap_bluetooth_operation( self: ESPHomeClient, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any ) -> Any: try: return await func(self, *args, **kwargs) except TimeoutAPIError as err: raise asyncio.TimeoutError(str(err)) from err except BluetoothGATTAPIError as ex: # If the device disconnects in the middle of an operation # be sure to mark it as disconnected so any library using # the proxy knows to reconnect. # # Because callbacks are delivered asynchronously it's possible # that we find out about the disconnection during the operation # before the callback is delivered. if ex.error.error == -1: # pylint: disable=protected-access _LOGGER.debug( "%s: %s - %s: BLE device disconnected during %s operation", self._source_name, self._ble_device.name, self._ble_device.address, func.__name__, ) self._async_ble_device_disconnected() raise BleakError(str(ex)) from ex except APIConnectionError as err: raise BleakError(str(err)) from err return cast(_WrapFuncType, _async_wrap_bluetooth_operation) @dataclass(slots=True) class ESPHomeClientData: """Define a class that stores client data for an esphome client.""" bluetooth_device: ESPHomeBluetoothDevice cache: ESPHomeBluetoothCache client: APIClient device_info: DeviceInfo api_version: APIVersion title: str scanner: ESPHomeScanner | None disconnect_callbacks: list[Callable[[], None]] = field(default_factory=list) class ESPHomeClient(BaseBleakClient): """ESPHome Bleak Client.""" def __init__( self, address_or_ble_device: BLEDevice | str, *args: Any, client_data: ESPHomeClientData, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Initialize the ESPHomeClient.""" device_info = client_data.device_info self._disconnect_callbacks = client_data.disconnect_callbacks assert isinstance(address_or_ble_device, BLEDevice) super().__init__(address_or_ble_device, *args, **kwargs) self._loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() self._ble_device = address_or_ble_device self._address_as_int = mac_to_int(self._ble_device.address) assert self._ble_device.details is not None self._source = self._ble_device.details["source"] self._cache = client_data.cache self._bluetooth_device = client_data.bluetooth_device self._client = client_data.client self._is_connected = False self._mtu: int | None = None self._cancel_connection_state: CALLBACK_TYPE | None = None self._notify_cancels: dict[ int, tuple[Callable[[], Coroutine[Any, Any, None]], Callable[[], None]] ] = {} self._disconnected_futures: set[asyncio.Future[None]] = set() self._device_info = client_data.device_info self._feature_flags = device_info.bluetooth_proxy_feature_flags_compat( client_data.api_version ) self._address_type = address_or_ble_device.details["address_type"] self._source_name = f"{client_data.title} [{self._source}]" scanner = client_data.scanner assert scanner is not None self._scanner = scanner def __str__(self) -> str: """Return the string representation of the client.""" return f"ESPHomeClient ({self.address})" def _unsubscribe_connection_state(self) -> None: """Unsubscribe from connection state updates.""" if not self._cancel_connection_state: return try: self._cancel_connection_state() except (AssertionError, ValueError) as ex: _LOGGER.debug( ( "%s: %s - %s: Failed to unsubscribe from connection state (likely" " connection dropped): %s" ), self._source_name, self._ble_device.name, self._ble_device.address, ex, ) self._cancel_connection_state = None def _async_disconnected_cleanup(self) -> None: """Clean up on disconnect.""" self.services = BleakGATTServiceCollection() # type: ignore[no-untyped-call] self._is_connected = False for _, notify_abort in self._notify_cancels.values(): notify_abort() self._notify_cancels.clear() for future in self._disconnected_futures: if not future.done(): future.set_result(None) self._disconnected_futures.clear() self._unsubscribe_connection_state() def _async_ble_device_disconnected(self) -> None: """Handle the BLE device disconnecting from the ESP.""" was_connected = self._is_connected self._async_disconnected_cleanup() if was_connected: _LOGGER.debug( "%s: %s - %s: BLE device disconnected", self._source_name, self._ble_device.name, self._ble_device.address, ) self._async_call_bleak_disconnected_callback() def _async_esp_disconnected(self) -> None: """Handle the esp32 client disconnecting from us.""" _LOGGER.debug( "%s: %s - %s: ESP device disconnected", self._source_name, self._ble_device.name, self._ble_device.address, ) self._disconnect_callbacks.remove(self._async_esp_disconnected) self._async_ble_device_disconnected() def _async_call_bleak_disconnected_callback(self) -> None: """Call the disconnected callback to inform the bleak consumer.""" if self._disconnected_callback: self._disconnected_callback() self._disconnected_callback = None def _on_bluetooth_connection_state( self, connected_future: asyncio.Future[bool], connected: bool, mtu: int, error: int, ) -> None: """Handle a connect or disconnect.""" _LOGGER.debug( "%s: %s - %s: Connection state changed to connected=%s mtu=%s error=%s", self._source_name, self._ble_device.name, self._ble_device.address, connected, mtu, error, ) if connected: self._is_connected = True if not self._mtu: self._mtu = mtu self._cache.set_gatt_mtu_cache(self._address_as_int, mtu) else: self._async_ble_device_disconnected() if connected_future.done(): return if error: try: ble_connection_error = BLEConnectionError(error) ble_connection_error_name = ble_connection_error.name human_error = ESP_CONNECTION_ERROR_DESCRIPTION[ble_connection_error] except (KeyError, ValueError): ble_connection_error_name = str(error) human_error = ESPHOME_GATT_ERRORS.get( error, f"Unknown error code {error}" ) connected_future.set_exception( BleakError( f"Error {ble_connection_error_name} while connecting:" f" {human_error}" ) ) return if not connected: connected_future.set_exception(BleakError("Disconnected")) return _LOGGER.debug( "%s: %s - %s: connected, registering for disconnected callbacks", self._source_name, self._ble_device.name, self._ble_device.address, ) self._disconnect_callbacks.append(self._async_esp_disconnected) connected_future.set_result(connected) @api_error_as_bleak_error async def connect( self, dangerous_use_bleak_cache: bool = False, **kwargs: Any ) -> bool: """Connect to a specified Peripheral. **kwargs: timeout (float): Timeout for required ``BleakScanner.find_device_by_address`` call. Defaults to 10.0. Returns: Boolean representing connection status. """ await self._wait_for_free_connection_slot(CONNECT_FREE_SLOT_TIMEOUT) cache = self._cache self._mtu = cache.get_gatt_mtu_cache(self._address_as_int) has_cache = bool( dangerous_use_bleak_cache and self._feature_flags & BluetoothProxyFeature.REMOTE_CACHING and cache.get_gatt_services_cache(self._address_as_int) and self._mtu ) connected_future: asyncio.Future[bool] = self._loop.create_future() timeout = kwargs.get("timeout", self._timeout) with self._scanner.connecting(): try: self._cancel_connection_state = ( await self._client.bluetooth_device_connect( self._address_as_int, partial(self._on_bluetooth_connection_state, connected_future), timeout=timeout, has_cache=has_cache, feature_flags=self._feature_flags, address_type=self._address_type, ) ) except asyncio.CancelledError: if connected_future.done(): with contextlib.suppress(BleakError): # If we are cancelled while connecting, # we need to make sure we await the future # to avoid a warning about an un-retrieved # exception. await connected_future raise except Exception as ex: if connected_future.done(): with contextlib.suppress(BleakError): # If the connect call throws an exception, # we need to make sure we await the future # to avoid a warning about an un-retrieved # exception since we prefer to raise the # exception from the connect call as it # will be more descriptive. await connected_future connected_future.cancel(f"Unhandled exception in connect call: {ex}") raise await connected_future try: await self._get_services( dangerous_use_bleak_cache=dangerous_use_bleak_cache ) except asyncio.CancelledError: # On cancel we must still raise cancelled error # to avoid blocking the cancellation even if the # disconnect call fails. with contextlib.suppress(Exception): await self._disconnect() raise except Exception: await self._disconnect() raise return True @api_error_as_bleak_error async def disconnect(self) -> bool: """Disconnect from the peripheral device.""" return await self._disconnect() async def _disconnect(self) -> bool: self._async_disconnected_cleanup() await self._client.bluetooth_device_disconnect(self._address_as_int) await self._wait_for_free_connection_slot(DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT) return True async def _wait_for_free_connection_slot(self, timeout: float) -> None: """Wait for a free connection slot.""" bluetooth_device = self._bluetooth_device if bluetooth_device.ble_connections_free: return _LOGGER.debug( "%s: %s - %s: Out of connection slots, waiting for a free one", self._source_name, self._ble_device.name, self._ble_device.address, ) async with asyncio.timeout(timeout): await bluetooth_device.wait_for_ble_connections_free() @property def is_connected(self) -> bool: """Is Connected.""" return self._is_connected @property def mtu_size(self) -> int: """Get ATT MTU size for active connection.""" return self._mtu or DEFAULT_MTU @verify_connected @api_error_as_bleak_error async def pair(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> bool: """Attempt to pair.""" if not self._feature_flags & BluetoothProxyFeature.PAIRING: raise NotImplementedError( "Pairing is not available in this version ESPHome; " f"Upgrade the ESPHome version on the {self._device_info.name} device." ) response = await self._client.bluetooth_device_pair(self._address_as_int) if response.paired: return True _LOGGER.error( "Pairing with %s failed due to error: %s", self.address, response.error ) return False @verify_connected @api_error_as_bleak_error async def unpair(self) -> bool: """Attempt to unpair.""" if not self._feature_flags & BluetoothProxyFeature.PAIRING: raise NotImplementedError( "Unpairing is not available in this version ESPHome; " f"Upgrade the ESPHome version on the {self._device_info.name} device." ) response = await self._client.bluetooth_device_unpair(self._address_as_int) if response.success: return True _LOGGER.error( "Unpairing with %s failed due to error: %s", self.address, response.error ) return False @api_error_as_bleak_error async def get_services( self, dangerous_use_bleak_cache: bool = False, **kwargs: Any ) -> BleakGATTServiceCollection: """Get all services registered for this GATT server. Returns: A :py:class:`bleak.backends.service.BleakGATTServiceCollection` with this device's services tree. """ return await self._get_services( dangerous_use_bleak_cache=dangerous_use_bleak_cache, **kwargs ) @verify_connected async def _get_services( self, dangerous_use_bleak_cache: bool = False, **kwargs: Any ) -> BleakGATTServiceCollection: """Get all services registered for this GATT server. Must only be called from get_services or connected """ address_as_int = self._address_as_int cache = self._cache # If the connection version >= 3, we must use the cache # because the esp has already wiped the services list to # save memory. if ( self._feature_flags & BluetoothProxyFeature.REMOTE_CACHING or dangerous_use_bleak_cache ) and (cached_services := cache.get_gatt_services_cache(address_as_int)): _LOGGER.debug( "%s: %s - %s: Cached services hit", self._source_name, self._ble_device.name, self._ble_device.address, ) self.services = cached_services return self.services _LOGGER.debug( "%s: %s - %s: Cached services miss", self._source_name, self._ble_device.name, self._ble_device.address, ) esphome_services = await self._client.bluetooth_gatt_get_services( address_as_int ) _LOGGER.debug( "%s: %s - %s: Got services: %s", self._source_name, self._ble_device.name, self._ble_device.address, esphome_services, ) max_write_without_response = self.mtu_size - GATT_HEADER_SIZE services = BleakGATTServiceCollection() # type: ignore[no-untyped-call] for service in esphome_services.services: services.add_service(BleakGATTServiceESPHome(service)) for characteristic in service.characteristics: services.add_characteristic( BleakGATTCharacteristicESPHome( characteristic, max_write_without_response, service.uuid, service.handle, ) ) for descriptor in characteristic.descriptors: services.add_descriptor( BleakGATTDescriptorESPHome( descriptor, characteristic.uuid, characteristic.handle, ) ) if not esphome_services.services: # If we got no services, we must have disconnected # or something went wrong on the ESP32's BLE stack. raise BleakError("Failed to get services from remote esp") self.services = services _LOGGER.debug( "%s: %s - %s: Cached services saved", self._source_name, self._ble_device.name, self._ble_device.address, ) cache.set_gatt_services_cache(address_as_int, services) return services def _resolve_characteristic( self, char_specifier: BleakGATTCharacteristic | int | str | uuid.UUID ) -> BleakGATTCharacteristic: """Resolve a characteristic specifier to a BleakGATTCharacteristic object.""" if (services := self.services) is None: raise BleakError("Services have not been resolved") if not isinstance(char_specifier, BleakGATTCharacteristic): characteristic = services.get_characteristic(char_specifier) else: characteristic = char_specifier if not characteristic: raise BleakError(f"Characteristic {char_specifier} was not found!") return characteristic @verify_connected @api_error_as_bleak_error async def clear_cache(self) -> bool: """Clear the GATT cache.""" cache = self._cache cache.clear_gatt_services_cache(self._address_as_int) cache.clear_gatt_mtu_cache(self._address_as_int) if not self._feature_flags & BluetoothProxyFeature.CACHE_CLEARING: _LOGGER.warning( "On device cache clear is not available with this ESPHome version; " "Upgrade the ESPHome version on the device %s; Only memory cache will be cleared", self._device_info.name, ) return True response = await self._client.bluetooth_device_clear_cache(self._address_as_int) if response.success: return True _LOGGER.error( "Clear cache failed with %s failed due to error: %s", self.address, response.error, ) return False @verify_connected @api_error_as_bleak_error async def read_gatt_char( self, char_specifier: BleakGATTCharacteristic | int | str | uuid.UUID, **kwargs: Any, ) -> bytearray: """Perform read operation on the specified GATT characteristic. Args: char_specifier (BleakGATTCharacteristic, int, str or UUID): The characteristic to read from, specified by either integer handle, UUID or directly by the BleakGATTCharacteristic object representing it. **kwargs: Unused Returns: (bytearray) The read data. """ characteristic = self._resolve_characteristic(char_specifier) return await self._client.bluetooth_gatt_read( self._address_as_int, characteristic.handle, GATT_READ_TIMEOUT ) @verify_connected @api_error_as_bleak_error async def read_gatt_descriptor(self, handle: int, **kwargs: Any) -> bytearray: """Perform read operation on the specified GATT descriptor. Args: handle (int): The handle of the descriptor to read from. **kwargs: Unused Returns: (bytearray) The read data. """ return await self._client.bluetooth_gatt_read_descriptor( self._address_as_int, handle, GATT_READ_TIMEOUT ) @verify_connected @api_error_as_bleak_error async def write_gatt_char( self, characteristic: BleakGATTCharacteristic | int | str | uuid.UUID, data: Buffer, response: bool = False, ) -> None: """Perform a write operation of the specified GATT characteristic. Args: characteristic (BleakGATTCharacteristic, int, str or UUID): The characteristic to write to, specified by either integer handle, UUID or directly by the BleakGATTCharacteristic object representing it. data (bytes or bytearray): The data to send. response (bool): If write-with-response operation should be done. Defaults to `False`. """ characteristic = self._resolve_characteristic(characteristic) await self._client.bluetooth_gatt_write( self._address_as_int, characteristic.handle, bytes(data), response ) @verify_connected @api_error_as_bleak_error async def write_gatt_descriptor(self, handle: int, data: Buffer) -> None: """Perform a write operation on the specified GATT descriptor. Args: handle (int): The handle of the descriptor to read from. data (bytes or bytearray): The data to send. """ await self._client.bluetooth_gatt_write_descriptor( self._address_as_int, handle, bytes(data) ) @verify_connected @api_error_as_bleak_error async def start_notify( self, characteristic: BleakGATTCharacteristic, callback: NotifyCallback, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Activate notifications/indications on a characteristic. Callbacks must accept two inputs. The first will be a integer handle of the characteristic generating the data and the second will be a ``bytearray`` containing the data sent from the connected server. .. code-block:: python def callback(sender: int, data: bytearray): print(f"{sender}: {data}") client.start_notify(char_uuid, callback) Args: characteristic (BleakGATTCharacteristic): The characteristic to activate notifications/indications on a characteristic, specified by either integer handle, UUID or directly by the BleakGATTCharacteristic object representing it. callback (function): The function to be called on notification. kwargs: Unused. """ ble_handle = characteristic.handle if ble_handle in self._notify_cancels: raise BleakError( "Notifications are already enabled on " f"service:{characteristic.service_uuid} " f"characteristic:{characteristic.uuid} " f"handle:{ble_handle}" ) if ( "notify" not in characteristic.properties and "indicate" not in characteristic.properties ): raise BleakError( f"Characteristic {characteristic.uuid} does not have notify or indicate" " property set." ) self._notify_cancels[ ble_handle ] = await self._client.bluetooth_gatt_start_notify( self._address_as_int, ble_handle, lambda handle, data: callback(data), ) if not self._feature_flags & BluetoothProxyFeature.REMOTE_CACHING: return # For connection v3 we are responsible for enabling notifications # on the cccd (characteristic client config descriptor) handle since # the esp32 will not have resolved the characteristic descriptors to # save memory since doing so can exhaust the memory and cause a soft # reset cccd_descriptor = characteristic.get_descriptor(CCCD_UUID) if not cccd_descriptor: raise BleakError( f"Characteristic {characteristic.uuid} does not have a " "characteristic client config descriptor." ) _LOGGER.debug( ( "%s: %s - %s: Writing to CCD descriptor %s for notifications with" " properties=%s" ), self._source_name, self._ble_device.name, self._ble_device.address, cccd_descriptor.handle, characteristic.properties, ) supports_notify = "notify" in characteristic.properties await self._client.bluetooth_gatt_write_descriptor( self._address_as_int, cccd_descriptor.handle, CCCD_NOTIFY_BYTES if supports_notify else CCCD_INDICATE_BYTES, wait_for_response=False, ) @verify_connected @api_error_as_bleak_error async def stop_notify( self, char_specifier: BleakGATTCharacteristic | int | str | uuid.UUID, ) -> None: """Deactivate notification/indication on a specified characteristic. Args: char_specifier (BleakGATTCharacteristic, int, str or UUID): The characteristic to deactivate notification/indication on, specified by either integer handle, UUID or directly by the BleakGATTCharacteristic object representing it. """ characteristic = self._resolve_characteristic(char_specifier) # Do not raise KeyError if notifications are not enabled on this characteristic # to be consistent with the behavior of the BlueZ backend if notify_cancel := self._notify_cancels.pop(characteristic.handle, None): notify_stop, _ = notify_cancel await notify_stop() def __del__(self) -> None: """Destructor to make sure the connection state is unsubscribed.""" if self._cancel_connection_state: _LOGGER.warning( ( "%s: %s - %s: ESPHomeClient bleak client was not properly" " disconnected before destruction" ), self._source_name, self._ble_device.name, self._ble_device.address, ) if not self._loop.is_closed(): self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self._async_disconnected_cleanup)