{ "services": { "reload": { "name": "[%key:common::action::reload%]", "description": "Reloads trend sensors from the YAML-configuration." } }, "config": { "step": { "user": { "title": "Trend helper", "description": "The trend helper allows you to create a sensor which show the trend of a numeric state or a state attribute from another entity.", "data": { "name": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::name%]", "entity_id": "Entity that this sensor tracks" } }, "settings": { "data": { "attribute": "Attribute of entity that this sensor tracks", "invert": "Invert the result" } } } }, "options": { "step": { "init": { "data": { "attribute": "[%key:component::trend::config::step::settings::data::attribute%]", "invert": "[%key:component::trend::config::step::settings::data::invert%]", "max_samples": "Maximum number of stored samples", "min_samples": "Minimum number of stored samples", "min_gradient": "Minimum rate at which the value must be changing", "sample_duration": "Duration in seconds to store samples for" }, "data_description": { "max_samples": "The maximum number of samples to store. If the number of samples exceeds this value, the oldest samples will be discarded.", "min_samples": "The minimum number of samples that must be collected before the gradient can be calculated.", "min_gradient": "The minimum rate at which the observed value must be changing for this sensor to switch on. The gradient is measured in sensor units per second.", "sample_duration": "The duration in seconds to store samples for. Samples older than this value will be discarded." } } } } }