"""Module to coordinate user intentions.""" from __future__ import annotations from abc import abstractmethod import asyncio from collections.abc import Collection, Coroutine, Iterable import dataclasses from dataclasses import dataclass from enum import Enum from functools import cached_property import logging from typing import Any, TypeVar import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.homeassistant.exposed_entities import async_should_expose from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS, ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_SUPPORTED_FEATURES, ) from homeassistant.core import Context, HomeAssistant, State, callback from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError from homeassistant.loader import bind_hass from . import area_registry, config_validation as cv, device_registry, entity_registry _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) _SlotsType = dict[str, Any] _T = TypeVar("_T") INTENT_TURN_OFF = "HassTurnOff" INTENT_TURN_ON = "HassTurnOn" INTENT_TOGGLE = "HassToggle" INTENT_GET_STATE = "HassGetState" INTENT_NEVERMIND = "HassNevermind" INTENT_SET_POSITION = "HassSetPosition" SLOT_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({}, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA) DATA_KEY = "intent" SPEECH_TYPE_PLAIN = "plain" SPEECH_TYPE_SSML = "ssml" @callback @bind_hass def async_register(hass: HomeAssistant, handler: IntentHandler) -> None: """Register an intent with Home Assistant.""" if (intents := hass.data.get(DATA_KEY)) is None: intents = hass.data[DATA_KEY] = {} assert handler.intent_type is not None, "intent_type cannot be None" if handler.intent_type in intents: _LOGGER.warning( "Intent %s is being overwritten by %s", handler.intent_type, handler ) intents[handler.intent_type] = handler @callback @bind_hass def async_remove(hass: HomeAssistant, intent_type: str) -> None: """Remove an intent from Home Assistant.""" if (intents := hass.data.get(DATA_KEY)) is None: return intents.pop(intent_type, None) @bind_hass async def async_handle( hass: HomeAssistant, platform: str, intent_type: str, slots: _SlotsType | None = None, text_input: str | None = None, context: Context | None = None, language: str | None = None, assistant: str | None = None, ) -> IntentResponse: """Handle an intent.""" handler: IntentHandler = hass.data.get(DATA_KEY, {}).get(intent_type) if handler is None: raise UnknownIntent(f"Unknown intent {intent_type}") if context is None: context = Context() if language is None: language = hass.config.language intent = Intent( hass, platform=platform, intent_type=intent_type, slots=slots or {}, text_input=text_input, context=context, language=language, assistant=assistant, ) try: _LOGGER.info("Triggering intent handler %s", handler) result = await handler.async_handle(intent) return result except vol.Invalid as err: _LOGGER.warning("Received invalid slot info for %s: %s", intent_type, err) raise InvalidSlotInfo(f"Received invalid slot info for {intent_type}") from err except IntentError: raise # bubble up intent related errors except Exception as err: raise IntentUnexpectedError(f"Error handling {intent_type}") from err class IntentError(HomeAssistantError): """Base class for intent related errors.""" class UnknownIntent(IntentError): """When the intent is not registered.""" class InvalidSlotInfo(IntentError): """When the slot data is invalid.""" class IntentHandleError(IntentError): """Error while handling intent.""" class IntentUnexpectedError(IntentError): """Unexpected error while handling intent.""" class NoStatesMatchedError(IntentError): """Error when no states match the intent's constraints.""" def __init__( self, name: str | None, area: str | None, domains: set[str] | None, device_classes: set[str] | None, ) -> None: """Initialize error.""" super().__init__() self.name = name self.area = area self.domains = domains self.device_classes = device_classes class DuplicateNamesMatchedError(IntentError): """Error when two or more entities with the same name matched.""" def __init__(self, name: str, area: str | None) -> None: """Initialize error.""" super().__init__() self.name = name self.area = area def _is_device_class( state: State, entity: entity_registry.RegistryEntry | None, device_classes: Collection[str], ) -> bool: """Return true if entity device class matches.""" # Try entity first if (entity is not None) and (entity.device_class is not None): # Entity device class can be None or blank as "unset" if entity.device_class in device_classes: return True # Fall back to state attribute device_class = state.attributes.get(ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS) return (device_class is not None) and (device_class in device_classes) def _has_name( state: State, entity: entity_registry.RegistryEntry | None, name: str ) -> bool: """Return true if entity name or alias matches.""" if name in (state.entity_id, state.name.casefold()): return True # Check name/aliases if (entity is None) or (not entity.aliases): return False return any(name == alias.casefold() for alias in entity.aliases) def _find_area( id_or_name: str, areas: area_registry.AreaRegistry ) -> area_registry.AreaEntry | None: """Find an area by id or name, checking aliases too.""" area = areas.async_get_area(id_or_name) or areas.async_get_area_by_name(id_or_name) if area is not None: return area # Check area aliases for maybe_area in areas.areas.values(): if not maybe_area.aliases: continue for area_alias in maybe_area.aliases: if id_or_name == area_alias.casefold(): return maybe_area return None def _filter_by_area( states_and_entities: list[tuple[State, entity_registry.RegistryEntry | None]], area: area_registry.AreaEntry, devices: device_registry.DeviceRegistry, ) -> Iterable[tuple[State, entity_registry.RegistryEntry | None]]: """Filter state/entity pairs by an area.""" entity_area_ids: dict[str, str | None] = {} for _state, entity in states_and_entities: if entity is None: continue if entity.area_id: # Use entity's area id first entity_area_ids[entity.id] = entity.area_id elif entity.device_id: # Fall back to device area if not set on entity device = devices.async_get(entity.device_id) if device is not None: entity_area_ids[entity.id] = device.area_id for state, entity in states_and_entities: if (entity is not None) and (entity_area_ids.get(entity.id) == area.id): yield (state, entity) @callback @bind_hass def async_match_states( hass: HomeAssistant, name: str | None = None, area_name: str | None = None, area: area_registry.AreaEntry | None = None, domains: Collection[str] | None = None, device_classes: Collection[str] | None = None, states: Iterable[State] | None = None, entities: entity_registry.EntityRegistry | None = None, areas: area_registry.AreaRegistry | None = None, devices: device_registry.DeviceRegistry | None = None, assistant: str | None = None, ) -> Iterable[State]: """Find states that match the constraints.""" if states is None: # All states states = hass.states.async_all() if entities is None: entities = entity_registry.async_get(hass) # Gather entities states_and_entities: list[tuple[State, entity_registry.RegistryEntry | None]] = [] for state in states: entity = entities.async_get(state.entity_id) if (entity is not None) and entity.entity_category: # Skip diagnostic entities continue states_and_entities.append((state, entity)) # Filter by domain and device class if domains: states_and_entities = [ (state, entity) for state, entity in states_and_entities if state.domain in domains ] if device_classes: # Check device class in state attribute and in entity entry (if available) states_and_entities = [ (state, entity) for state, entity in states_and_entities if _is_device_class(state, entity, device_classes) ] if (area is None) and (area_name is not None): # Look up area by name if areas is None: areas = area_registry.async_get(hass) area = _find_area(area_name, areas) assert area is not None, f"No area named {area_name}" if area is not None: # Filter by states/entities by area if devices is None: devices = device_registry.async_get(hass) states_and_entities = list(_filter_by_area(states_and_entities, area, devices)) if assistant is not None: # Filter by exposure states_and_entities = [ (state, entity) for state, entity in states_and_entities if async_should_expose(hass, assistant, state.entity_id) ] if name is not None: if devices is None: devices = device_registry.async_get(hass) # Filter by name name = name.casefold() # Check states for state, entity in states_and_entities: if _has_name(state, entity, name): yield state else: # Not filtered by name for state, _entity in states_and_entities: yield state @callback def async_test_feature(state: State, feature: int, feature_name: str) -> None: """Test if state supports a feature.""" if state.attributes.get(ATTR_SUPPORTED_FEATURES, 0) & feature == 0: raise IntentHandleError(f"Entity {state.name} does not support {feature_name}") class IntentHandler: """Intent handler registration.""" intent_type: str | None = None slot_schema: vol.Schema | None = None platforms: Iterable[str] | None = [] @callback def async_can_handle(self, intent_obj: Intent) -> bool: """Test if an intent can be handled.""" return self.platforms is None or intent_obj.platform in self.platforms @callback def async_validate_slots(self, slots: _SlotsType) -> _SlotsType: """Validate slot information.""" if self.slot_schema is None: return slots return self._slot_schema(slots) # type: ignore[no-any-return] @cached_property def _slot_schema(self) -> vol.Schema: """Create validation schema for slots.""" assert self.slot_schema is not None return vol.Schema( { key: SLOT_SCHEMA.extend({"value": validator}) for key, validator in self.slot_schema.items() }, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA, ) async def async_handle(self, intent_obj: Intent) -> IntentResponse: """Handle the intent.""" raise NotImplementedError() def __repr__(self) -> str: """Represent a string of an intent handler.""" return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} - {self.intent_type}>" class DynamicServiceIntentHandler(IntentHandler): """Service Intent handler registration (dynamic). Service specific intent handler that calls a service by name/entity_id. """ slot_schema = { vol.Any("name", "area"): cv.string, vol.Optional("domain"): vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [cv.string]), vol.Optional("device_class"): vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [cv.string]), } # We use a small timeout in service calls to (hopefully) pass validation # checks, but not try to wait for the call to fully complete. service_timeout: float = 0.2 def __init__( self, intent_type: str, speech: str | None = None, extra_slots: dict[str, vol.Schema] | None = None, ) -> None: """Create Service Intent Handler.""" self.intent_type = intent_type self.speech = speech self.extra_slots = extra_slots @cached_property def _slot_schema(self) -> vol.Schema: """Create validation schema for slots (with extra required slots).""" if self.slot_schema is None: raise ValueError("Slot schema is not defined") if self.extra_slots: slot_schema = { **self.slot_schema, **{ vol.Required(key): schema for key, schema in self.extra_slots.items() }, } else: slot_schema = self.slot_schema return vol.Schema( { key: SLOT_SCHEMA.extend({"value": validator}) for key, validator in slot_schema.items() }, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA, ) @abstractmethod def get_domain_and_service( self, intent_obj: Intent, state: State ) -> tuple[str, str]: """Get the domain and service name to call.""" raise NotImplementedError() async def async_handle(self, intent_obj: Intent) -> IntentResponse: """Handle the hass intent.""" hass = intent_obj.hass slots = self.async_validate_slots(intent_obj.slots) name_slot = slots.get("name", {}) entity_name: str | None = name_slot.get("value") entity_text: str | None = name_slot.get("text") if entity_name == "all": # Don't match on name if targeting all entities entity_name = None # Look up area first to fail early area_slot = slots.get("area", {}) area_id = area_slot.get("value") area_name = area_slot.get("text") area: area_registry.AreaEntry | None = None if area_id is not None: areas = area_registry.async_get(hass) area = areas.async_get_area(area_id) if area is None: raise IntentHandleError(f"No area named {area_name}") # Optional domain/device class filters. # Convert to sets for speed. domains: set[str] | None = None device_classes: set[str] | None = None if "domain" in slots: domains = set(slots["domain"]["value"]) if "device_class" in slots: device_classes = set(slots["device_class"]["value"]) states = list( async_match_states( hass, name=entity_name, area=area, domains=domains, device_classes=device_classes, assistant=intent_obj.assistant, ) ) if not states: # No states matched constraints raise NoStatesMatchedError( name=entity_text or entity_name, area=area_name or area_id, domains=domains, device_classes=device_classes, ) if entity_name and (len(states) > 1): # Multiple entities matched for the same name raise DuplicateNamesMatchedError( name=entity_text or entity_name, area=area_name or area_id, ) # Update intent slots to include any transformations done by the schemas intent_obj.slots = slots response = await self.async_handle_states(intent_obj, states, area) # Make the matched states available in the response response.async_set_states(matched_states=states, unmatched_states=[]) return response async def async_handle_states( self, intent_obj: Intent, states: list[State], area: area_registry.AreaEntry | None = None, ) -> IntentResponse: """Complete action on matched entity states.""" assert states, "No states" hass = intent_obj.hass success_results: list[IntentResponseTarget] = [] response = intent_obj.create_response() if area is not None: success_results.append( IntentResponseTarget( type=IntentResponseTargetType.AREA, name=area.name, id=area.id ) ) speech_name = area.name else: speech_name = states[0].name service_coros: list[Coroutine[Any, Any, None]] = [] for state in states: domain, service = self.get_domain_and_service(intent_obj, state) service_coros.append( self.async_call_service(domain, service, intent_obj, state) ) # Handle service calls in parallel, noting failures as they occur. failed_results: list[IntentResponseTarget] = [] for state, service_coro in zip(states, asyncio.as_completed(service_coros)): target = IntentResponseTarget( type=IntentResponseTargetType.ENTITY, name=state.name, id=state.entity_id, ) try: await service_coro success_results.append(target) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except failed_results.append(target) _LOGGER.exception("Service call failed for %s", state.entity_id) if not success_results: # If no entities succeeded, raise an error. failed_entity_ids = [target.id for target in failed_results] raise IntentHandleError( f"Failed to call {service} for: {failed_entity_ids}" ) response.async_set_results( success_results=success_results, failed_results=failed_results ) # Update all states states = [hass.states.get(state.entity_id) or state for state in states] response.async_set_states(states) if self.speech is not None: response.async_set_speech(self.speech.format(speech_name)) return response async def async_call_service( self, domain: str, service: str, intent_obj: Intent, state: State ) -> None: """Call service on entity.""" hass = intent_obj.hass service_data: dict[str, Any] = {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: state.entity_id} if self.extra_slots: service_data.update( {key: intent_obj.slots[key]["value"] for key in self.extra_slots} ) await self._run_then_background( hass.async_create_task( hass.services.async_call( domain, service, service_data, context=intent_obj.context, blocking=True, ), f"intent_call_service_{domain}_{service}", ) ) async def _run_then_background(self, task: asyncio.Task[Any]) -> None: """Run task with timeout to (hopefully) catch validation errors. After the timeout the task will continue to run in the background. """ try: await asyncio.wait({task}, timeout=self.service_timeout) except TimeoutError: pass except asyncio.CancelledError: # Task calling us was cancelled, so cancel service call task, and wait for # it to be cancelled, within reason, before leaving. _LOGGER.debug("Service call was cancelled: %s", task.get_name()) task.cancel() await asyncio.wait({task}, timeout=5) raise class ServiceIntentHandler(DynamicServiceIntentHandler): """Service Intent handler registration. Service specific intent handler that calls a service by name/entity_id. """ def __init__( self, intent_type: str, domain: str, service: str, speech: str | None = None, extra_slots: dict[str, vol.Schema] | None = None, ) -> None: """Create service handler.""" super().__init__(intent_type, speech=speech, extra_slots=extra_slots) self.domain = domain self.service = service def get_domain_and_service( self, intent_obj: Intent, state: State ) -> tuple[str, str]: """Get the domain and service name to call.""" return (self.domain, self.service) class IntentCategory(Enum): """Category of an intent.""" ACTION = "action" """Trigger an action like turning an entity on or off""" QUERY = "query" """Get information about the state of an entity""" class Intent: """Hold the intent.""" __slots__ = [ "hass", "platform", "intent_type", "slots", "text_input", "context", "language", "category", "assistant", ] def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, platform: str, intent_type: str, slots: _SlotsType, text_input: str | None, context: Context, language: str, category: IntentCategory | None = None, assistant: str | None = None, ) -> None: """Initialize an intent.""" self.hass = hass self.platform = platform self.intent_type = intent_type self.slots = slots self.text_input = text_input self.context = context self.language = language self.category = category self.assistant = assistant @callback def create_response(self) -> IntentResponse: """Create a response.""" return IntentResponse(language=self.language, intent=self) class IntentResponseType(Enum): """Type of the intent response.""" ACTION_DONE = "action_done" """Intent caused an action to occur""" PARTIAL_ACTION_DONE = "partial_action_done" """Intent caused an action, but it could only be partially done""" QUERY_ANSWER = "query_answer" """Response is an answer to a query""" ERROR = "error" """Response is an error""" class IntentResponseErrorCode(str, Enum): """Reason for an intent response error.""" NO_INTENT_MATCH = "no_intent_match" """Text could not be matched to an intent""" NO_VALID_TARGETS = "no_valid_targets" """Intent was matched, but no valid areas/devices/entities were targeted""" FAILED_TO_HANDLE = "failed_to_handle" """Unexpected error occurred while handling intent""" UNKNOWN = "unknown" """Error outside the scope of intent processing""" class IntentResponseTargetType(str, Enum): """Type of target for an intent response.""" AREA = "area" DEVICE = "device" ENTITY = "entity" DOMAIN = "domain" DEVICE_CLASS = "device_class" CUSTOM = "custom" @dataclass(slots=True) class IntentResponseTarget: """Target of the intent response.""" name: str type: IntentResponseTargetType id: str | None = None class IntentResponse: """Response to an intent.""" def __init__( self, language: str, intent: Intent | None = None, ) -> None: """Initialize an IntentResponse.""" self.language = language self.intent = intent self.speech: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = {} self.reprompt: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = {} self.card: dict[str, dict[str, str]] = {} self.error_code: IntentResponseErrorCode | None = None self.intent_targets: list[IntentResponseTarget] = [] self.success_results: list[IntentResponseTarget] = [] self.failed_results: list[IntentResponseTarget] = [] self.matched_states: list[State] = [] self.unmatched_states: list[State] = [] if (self.intent is not None) and (self.intent.category == IntentCategory.QUERY): # speech will be the answer to the query self.response_type = IntentResponseType.QUERY_ANSWER else: self.response_type = IntentResponseType.ACTION_DONE @callback def async_set_speech( self, speech: str, speech_type: str = "plain", extra_data: Any | None = None, ) -> None: """Set speech response.""" self.speech[speech_type] = { "speech": speech, "extra_data": extra_data, } @callback def async_set_reprompt( self, speech: str, speech_type: str = "plain", extra_data: Any | None = None, ) -> None: """Set reprompt response.""" self.reprompt[speech_type] = { "reprompt": speech, "extra_data": extra_data, } @callback def async_set_card( self, title: str, content: str, card_type: str = "simple" ) -> None: """Set card response.""" self.card[card_type] = {"title": title, "content": content} @callback def async_set_error(self, code: IntentResponseErrorCode, message: str) -> None: """Set response error.""" self.response_type = IntentResponseType.ERROR self.error_code = code # Speak error message self.async_set_speech(message) @callback def async_set_targets( self, intent_targets: list[IntentResponseTarget], ) -> None: """Set response targets.""" self.intent_targets = intent_targets @callback def async_set_results( self, success_results: list[IntentResponseTarget], failed_results: list[IntentResponseTarget] | None = None, ) -> None: """Set response results.""" self.success_results = success_results self.failed_results = failed_results if failed_results is not None else [] @callback def async_set_states( self, matched_states: list[State], unmatched_states: list[State] | None = None ) -> None: """Set entity states that were matched or not matched during intent handling (query).""" self.matched_states = matched_states self.unmatched_states = unmatched_states or [] @callback def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return a dictionary representation of an intent response.""" response_dict: dict[str, Any] = { "speech": self.speech, "card": self.card, "language": self.language, "response_type": self.response_type.value, } if self.reprompt: response_dict["reprompt"] = self.reprompt response_data: dict[str, Any] = {} if self.response_type == IntentResponseType.ERROR: assert self.error_code is not None, "error code is required" response_data["code"] = self.error_code.value else: # action done or query answer response_data["targets"] = [ dataclasses.asdict(target) for target in self.intent_targets ] # Add success/failed targets response_data["success"] = [ dataclasses.asdict(target) for target in self.success_results ] response_data["failed"] = [ dataclasses.asdict(target) for target in self.failed_results ] response_dict["data"] = response_data return response_dict