"""Offer reusable conditions.""" from __future__ import annotations import asyncio from collections import deque from collections.abc import Callable, Container, Generator from contextlib import contextmanager from datetime import datetime, time as dt_time, timedelta import functools as ft import re import sys from typing import Any, Protocol, cast import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components import zone as zone_cmp from homeassistant.components.sensor import SensorDeviceClass from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS, ATTR_GPS_ACCURACY, ATTR_LATITUDE, ATTR_LONGITUDE, CONF_ABOVE, CONF_AFTER, CONF_ATTRIBUTE, CONF_BEFORE, CONF_BELOW, CONF_CONDITION, CONF_DEVICE_ID, CONF_ENABLED, CONF_ENTITY_ID, CONF_FOR, CONF_ID, CONF_MATCH, CONF_STATE, CONF_VALUE_TEMPLATE, CONF_WEEKDAY, CONF_ZONE, ENTITY_MATCH_ALL, ENTITY_MATCH_ANY, STATE_UNAVAILABLE, STATE_UNKNOWN, SUN_EVENT_SUNRISE, SUN_EVENT_SUNSET, WEEKDAYS, ) from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, State, callback from homeassistant.exceptions import ( ConditionError, ConditionErrorContainer, ConditionErrorIndex, ConditionErrorMessage, HomeAssistantError, TemplateError, ) from homeassistant.loader import IntegrationNotFound, async_get_integration from homeassistant.util.async_ import run_callback_threadsafe import homeassistant.util.dt as dt_util from . import config_validation as cv, entity_registry as er from .sun import get_astral_event_date from .template import Template, render_complex from .trace import ( TraceElement, trace_append_element, trace_path, trace_path_get, trace_stack_cv, trace_stack_pop, trace_stack_push, trace_stack_top, ) from .typing import ConfigType, TemplateVarsType ASYNC_FROM_CONFIG_FORMAT = "async_{}_from_config" FROM_CONFIG_FORMAT = "{}_from_config" VALIDATE_CONFIG_FORMAT = "{}_validate_config" _PLATFORM_ALIASES = { "and": None, "device": "device_automation", "not": None, "numeric_state": None, "or": None, "state": None, "sun": None, "template": None, "time": None, "trigger": None, "zone": None, } INPUT_ENTITY_ID = re.compile( r"^input_(?:select|text|number|boolean|datetime)\.(?!.+__)(?!_)[\da-z_]+(? ConfigType: """Validate config.""" def async_condition_from_config( self, hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType ) -> ConditionCheckerType: """Evaluate state based on configuration.""" type ConditionCheckerType = Callable[[HomeAssistant, TemplateVarsType], bool | None] def condition_trace_append(variables: TemplateVarsType, path: str) -> TraceElement: """Append a TraceElement to trace[path].""" trace_element = TraceElement(variables, path) trace_append_element(trace_element) return trace_element def condition_trace_set_result(result: bool, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Set the result of TraceElement at the top of the stack.""" node = trace_stack_top(trace_stack_cv) # The condition function may be called directly, in which case tracing # is not setup if not node: return node.set_result(result=result, **kwargs) def condition_trace_update_result(**kwargs: Any) -> None: """Update the result of TraceElement at the top of the stack.""" node = trace_stack_top(trace_stack_cv) # The condition function may be called directly, in which case tracing # is not setup if not node: return node.update_result(**kwargs) @contextmanager def trace_condition(variables: TemplateVarsType) -> Generator[TraceElement]: """Trace condition evaluation.""" should_pop = True trace_element = trace_stack_top(trace_stack_cv) if trace_element and trace_element.reuse_by_child: should_pop = False trace_element.reuse_by_child = False else: trace_element = condition_trace_append(variables, trace_path_get()) trace_stack_push(trace_stack_cv, trace_element) try: yield trace_element except Exception as ex: trace_element.set_error(ex) raise finally: if should_pop: trace_stack_pop(trace_stack_cv) def trace_condition_function(condition: ConditionCheckerType) -> ConditionCheckerType: """Wrap a condition function to enable basic tracing.""" @ft.wraps(condition) def wrapper(hass: HomeAssistant, variables: TemplateVarsType = None) -> bool | None: """Trace condition.""" with trace_condition(variables): result = condition(hass, variables) condition_trace_update_result(result=result) return result return wrapper async def _async_get_condition_platform( hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType ) -> ConditionProtocol | None: platform = config[CONF_CONDITION] platform = _PLATFORM_ALIASES.get(platform, platform) if platform is None: return None try: integration = await async_get_integration(hass, platform) except IntegrationNotFound: raise HomeAssistantError( f'Invalid condition "{platform}" specified {config}' ) from None try: return await integration.async_get_platform("condition") except ImportError: raise HomeAssistantError( f"Integration '{platform}' does not provide condition support" ) from None async def async_from_config( hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType, ) -> ConditionCheckerType: """Turn a condition configuration into a method. Should be run on the event loop. """ factory: Any = None platform = await _async_get_condition_platform(hass, config) if platform is None: condition = config.get(CONF_CONDITION) for fmt in (ASYNC_FROM_CONFIG_FORMAT, FROM_CONFIG_FORMAT): factory = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], fmt.format(condition), None) if factory: break else: factory = platform.async_condition_from_config # Check if condition is not enabled if CONF_ENABLED in config: enabled = config[CONF_ENABLED] if isinstance(enabled, Template): try: enabled = enabled.async_render(limited=True) except TemplateError as err: raise HomeAssistantError( f"Error rendering condition enabled template: {err}" ) from err if not enabled: @trace_condition_function def disabled_condition( hass: HomeAssistant, variables: TemplateVarsType = None ) -> bool | None: """Condition not enabled, will act as if it didn't exist.""" return None return disabled_condition # Check for partials to properly determine if coroutine function check_factory = factory while isinstance(check_factory, ft.partial): check_factory = check_factory.func if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(check_factory): return cast(ConditionCheckerType, await factory(hass, config)) return cast(ConditionCheckerType, factory(config)) async def async_and_from_config( hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType ) -> ConditionCheckerType: """Create multi condition matcher using 'AND'.""" checks = [await async_from_config(hass, entry) for entry in config["conditions"]] @trace_condition_function def if_and_condition( hass: HomeAssistant, variables: TemplateVarsType = None ) -> bool: """Test and condition.""" errors = [] for index, check in enumerate(checks): try: with trace_path(["conditions", str(index)]): if check(hass, variables) is False: return False except ConditionError as ex: errors.append( ConditionErrorIndex("and", index=index, total=len(checks), error=ex) ) # Raise the errors if no check was false if errors: raise ConditionErrorContainer("and", errors=errors) return True return if_and_condition async def async_or_from_config( hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType ) -> ConditionCheckerType: """Create multi condition matcher using 'OR'.""" checks = [await async_from_config(hass, entry) for entry in config["conditions"]] @trace_condition_function def if_or_condition( hass: HomeAssistant, variables: TemplateVarsType = None ) -> bool: """Test or condition.""" errors = [] for index, check in enumerate(checks): try: with trace_path(["conditions", str(index)]): if check(hass, variables) is True: return True except ConditionError as ex: errors.append( ConditionErrorIndex("or", index=index, total=len(checks), error=ex) ) # Raise the errors if no check was true if errors: raise ConditionErrorContainer("or", errors=errors) return False return if_or_condition async def async_not_from_config( hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType ) -> ConditionCheckerType: """Create multi condition matcher using 'NOT'.""" checks = [await async_from_config(hass, entry) for entry in config["conditions"]] @trace_condition_function def if_not_condition( hass: HomeAssistant, variables: TemplateVarsType = None ) -> bool: """Test not condition.""" errors = [] for index, check in enumerate(checks): try: with trace_path(["conditions", str(index)]): if check(hass, variables): return False except ConditionError as ex: errors.append( ConditionErrorIndex("not", index=index, total=len(checks), error=ex) ) # Raise the errors if no check was true if errors: raise ConditionErrorContainer("not", errors=errors) return True return if_not_condition def numeric_state( hass: HomeAssistant, entity: str | State | None, below: float | str | None = None, above: float | str | None = None, value_template: Template | None = None, variables: TemplateVarsType = None, ) -> bool: """Test a numeric state condition.""" return run_callback_threadsafe( hass.loop, async_numeric_state, hass, entity, below, above, value_template, variables, ).result() def async_numeric_state( hass: HomeAssistant, entity: str | State | None, below: float | str | None = None, above: float | str | None = None, value_template: Template | None = None, variables: TemplateVarsType = None, attribute: str | None = None, ) -> bool: """Test a numeric state condition.""" if entity is None: raise ConditionErrorMessage("numeric_state", "no entity specified") if isinstance(entity, str): entity_id = entity if (entity := hass.states.get(entity)) is None: raise ConditionErrorMessage("numeric_state", f"unknown entity {entity_id}") else: entity_id = entity.entity_id if attribute is not None and attribute not in entity.attributes: condition_trace_set_result( False, message=f"attribute '{attribute}' of entity {entity_id} does not exist", ) return False value: Any = None if value_template is None: if attribute is None: value = entity.state else: value = entity.attributes.get(attribute) else: variables = dict(variables or {}) variables["state"] = entity try: value = value_template.async_render(variables) except TemplateError as ex: raise ConditionErrorMessage( "numeric_state", f"template error: {ex}" ) from ex # Known states or attribute values that never match the numeric condition if value in (None, STATE_UNAVAILABLE, STATE_UNKNOWN): condition_trace_set_result( False, message=f"value '{value}' is non-numeric and treated as False", ) return False try: fvalue = float(value) except (ValueError, TypeError) as ex: raise ConditionErrorMessage( "numeric_state", f"entity {entity_id} state '{value}' cannot be processed as a number", ) from ex if below is not None: if isinstance(below, str): if not (below_entity := hass.states.get(below)): raise ConditionErrorMessage( "numeric_state", f"unknown 'below' entity {below}" ) if below_entity.state in ( STATE_UNAVAILABLE, STATE_UNKNOWN, ): return False try: if fvalue >= float(below_entity.state): condition_trace_set_result( False, state=fvalue, wanted_state_below=float(below_entity.state), ) return False except (ValueError, TypeError) as ex: raise ConditionErrorMessage( "numeric_state", ( f"the 'below' entity {below} state '{below_entity.state}'" " cannot be processed as a number" ), ) from ex elif fvalue >= below: condition_trace_set_result(False, state=fvalue, wanted_state_below=below) return False if above is not None: if isinstance(above, str): if not (above_entity := hass.states.get(above)): raise ConditionErrorMessage( "numeric_state", f"unknown 'above' entity {above}" ) if above_entity.state in ( STATE_UNAVAILABLE, STATE_UNKNOWN, ): return False try: if fvalue <= float(above_entity.state): condition_trace_set_result( False, state=fvalue, wanted_state_above=float(above_entity.state), ) return False except (ValueError, TypeError) as ex: raise ConditionErrorMessage( "numeric_state", ( f"the 'above' entity {above} state '{above_entity.state}'" " cannot be processed as a number" ), ) from ex elif fvalue <= above: condition_trace_set_result(False, state=fvalue, wanted_state_above=above) return False condition_trace_set_result(True, state=fvalue) return True def async_numeric_state_from_config(config: ConfigType) -> ConditionCheckerType: """Wrap action method with state based condition.""" entity_ids = config.get(CONF_ENTITY_ID, []) attribute = config.get(CONF_ATTRIBUTE) below = config.get(CONF_BELOW) above = config.get(CONF_ABOVE) value_template = config.get(CONF_VALUE_TEMPLATE) @trace_condition_function def if_numeric_state( hass: HomeAssistant, variables: TemplateVarsType = None ) -> bool: """Test numeric state condition.""" errors = [] for index, entity_id in enumerate(entity_ids): try: with trace_path(["entity_id", str(index)]), trace_condition(variables): if not async_numeric_state( hass, entity_id, below, above, value_template, variables, attribute, ): return False except ConditionError as ex: errors.append( ConditionErrorIndex( "numeric_state", index=index, total=len(entity_ids), error=ex ) ) # Raise the errors if no check was false if errors: raise ConditionErrorContainer("numeric_state", errors=errors) return True return if_numeric_state def state( hass: HomeAssistant, entity: str | State | None, req_state: Any, for_period: timedelta | None = None, attribute: str | None = None, variables: TemplateVarsType = None, ) -> bool: """Test if state matches requirements. Async friendly. """ if entity is None: raise ConditionErrorMessage("state", "no entity specified") if isinstance(entity, str): entity_id = entity if (entity := hass.states.get(entity)) is None: raise ConditionErrorMessage("state", f"unknown entity {entity_id}") else: entity_id = entity.entity_id if attribute is not None and attribute not in entity.attributes: condition_trace_set_result( False, message=f"attribute '{attribute}' of entity {entity_id} does not exist", ) return False assert isinstance(entity, State) if attribute is None: value: Any = entity.state else: value = entity.attributes.get(attribute) if not isinstance(req_state, list): req_state = [req_state] is_state = False for req_state_value in req_state: state_value = req_state_value if ( isinstance(req_state_value, str) and INPUT_ENTITY_ID.match(req_state_value) is not None ): if not (state_entity := hass.states.get(req_state_value)): raise ConditionErrorMessage( "state", f"the 'state' entity {req_state_value} is unavailable" ) state_value = state_entity.state is_state = value == state_value if is_state: break if for_period is None or not is_state: condition_trace_set_result(is_state, state=value, wanted_state=state_value) return is_state try: for_period = cv.positive_time_period(render_complex(for_period, variables)) except TemplateError as ex: raise ConditionErrorMessage("state", f"template error: {ex}") from ex except vol.Invalid as ex: raise ConditionErrorMessage("state", f"schema error: {ex}") from ex duration = dt_util.utcnow() - cast(timedelta, for_period) duration_ok = duration > entity.last_changed condition_trace_set_result(duration_ok, state=value, duration=duration) return duration_ok def state_from_config(config: ConfigType) -> ConditionCheckerType: """Wrap action method with state based condition.""" entity_ids = config.get(CONF_ENTITY_ID, []) req_states: str | list[str] = config.get(CONF_STATE, []) for_period = config.get(CONF_FOR) attribute = config.get(CONF_ATTRIBUTE) match = config.get(CONF_MATCH, ENTITY_MATCH_ALL) if not isinstance(req_states, list): req_states = [req_states] @trace_condition_function def if_state(hass: HomeAssistant, variables: TemplateVarsType = None) -> bool: """Test if condition.""" errors = [] result: bool = match != ENTITY_MATCH_ANY for index, entity_id in enumerate(entity_ids): try: with trace_path(["entity_id", str(index)]), trace_condition(variables): if state( hass, entity_id, req_states, for_period, attribute, variables ): result = True elif match == ENTITY_MATCH_ALL: return False except ConditionError as ex: errors.append( ConditionErrorIndex( "state", index=index, total=len(entity_ids), error=ex ) ) # Raise the errors if no check was false if errors: raise ConditionErrorContainer("state", errors=errors) return result return if_state def sun( hass: HomeAssistant, before: str | None = None, after: str | None = None, before_offset: timedelta | None = None, after_offset: timedelta | None = None, ) -> bool: """Test if current time matches sun requirements.""" utcnow = dt_util.utcnow() today = dt_util.as_local(utcnow).date() before_offset = before_offset or timedelta(0) after_offset = after_offset or timedelta(0) sunrise = get_astral_event_date(hass, SUN_EVENT_SUNRISE, today) sunset = get_astral_event_date(hass, SUN_EVENT_SUNSET, today) has_sunrise_condition = SUN_EVENT_SUNRISE in (before, after) has_sunset_condition = SUN_EVENT_SUNSET in (before, after) after_sunrise = today > dt_util.as_local(cast(datetime, sunrise)).date() if after_sunrise and has_sunrise_condition: tomorrow = today + timedelta(days=1) sunrise = get_astral_event_date(hass, SUN_EVENT_SUNRISE, tomorrow) after_sunset = today > dt_util.as_local(cast(datetime, sunset)).date() if after_sunset and has_sunset_condition: tomorrow = today + timedelta(days=1) sunset = get_astral_event_date(hass, SUN_EVENT_SUNSET, tomorrow) # Special case: before sunrise OR after sunset # This will handle the very rare case in the polar region when the sun rises/sets # but does not set/rise. # However this entire condition does not handle those full days of darkness # or light, the following should be used instead: # # condition: # condition: state # entity_id: sun.sun # state: 'above_horizon' (or 'below_horizon') # if before == SUN_EVENT_SUNRISE and after == SUN_EVENT_SUNSET: wanted_time_before = cast(datetime, sunrise) + before_offset condition_trace_update_result(wanted_time_before=wanted_time_before) wanted_time_after = cast(datetime, sunset) + after_offset condition_trace_update_result(wanted_time_after=wanted_time_after) return utcnow < wanted_time_before or utcnow > wanted_time_after if sunrise is None and has_sunrise_condition: # There is no sunrise today condition_trace_set_result(False, message="no sunrise today") return False if sunset is None and has_sunset_condition: # There is no sunset today condition_trace_set_result(False, message="no sunset today") return False if before == SUN_EVENT_SUNRISE: wanted_time_before = cast(datetime, sunrise) + before_offset condition_trace_update_result(wanted_time_before=wanted_time_before) if utcnow > wanted_time_before: return False if before == SUN_EVENT_SUNSET: wanted_time_before = cast(datetime, sunset) + before_offset condition_trace_update_result(wanted_time_before=wanted_time_before) if utcnow > wanted_time_before: return False if after == SUN_EVENT_SUNRISE: wanted_time_after = cast(datetime, sunrise) + after_offset condition_trace_update_result(wanted_time_after=wanted_time_after) if utcnow < wanted_time_after: return False if after == SUN_EVENT_SUNSET: wanted_time_after = cast(datetime, sunset) + after_offset condition_trace_update_result(wanted_time_after=wanted_time_after) if utcnow < wanted_time_after: return False return True def sun_from_config(config: ConfigType) -> ConditionCheckerType: """Wrap action method with sun based condition.""" before = config.get("before") after = config.get("after") before_offset = config.get("before_offset") after_offset = config.get("after_offset") @trace_condition_function def sun_if(hass: HomeAssistant, variables: TemplateVarsType = None) -> bool: """Validate time based if-condition.""" return sun(hass, before, after, before_offset, after_offset) return sun_if def template( hass: HomeAssistant, value_template: Template, variables: TemplateVarsType = None ) -> bool: """Test if template condition matches.""" return run_callback_threadsafe( hass.loop, async_template, hass, value_template, variables ).result() def async_template( hass: HomeAssistant, value_template: Template, variables: TemplateVarsType = None, trace_result: bool = True, ) -> bool: """Test if template condition matches.""" try: info = value_template.async_render_to_info(variables, parse_result=False) value = info.result() except TemplateError as ex: raise ConditionErrorMessage("template", str(ex)) from ex result = value.lower() == "true" if trace_result: condition_trace_set_result(result, entities=list(info.entities)) return result def async_template_from_config(config: ConfigType) -> ConditionCheckerType: """Wrap action method with state based condition.""" value_template = cast(Template, config.get(CONF_VALUE_TEMPLATE)) @trace_condition_function def template_if(hass: HomeAssistant, variables: TemplateVarsType = None) -> bool: """Validate template based if-condition.""" return async_template(hass, value_template, variables) return template_if def time( hass: HomeAssistant, before: dt_time | str | None = None, after: dt_time | str | None = None, weekday: str | Container[str] | None = None, ) -> bool: """Test if local time condition matches. Handle the fact that time is continuous and we may be testing for a period that crosses midnight. In that case it is easier to test for the opposite. "(23:59 <= now < 00:01)" would be the same as "not (00:01 <= now < 23:59)". """ now = dt_util.now() now_time = now.time() if after is None: after = dt_time(0) elif isinstance(after, str): if not (after_entity := hass.states.get(after)): raise ConditionErrorMessage("time", f"unknown 'after' entity {after}") if after_entity.domain == "input_datetime": after = dt_time( after_entity.attributes.get("hour", 23), after_entity.attributes.get("minute", 59), after_entity.attributes.get("second", 59), ) elif after_entity.attributes.get( ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS ) == SensorDeviceClass.TIMESTAMP and after_entity.state not in ( STATE_UNAVAILABLE, STATE_UNKNOWN, ): after_datetime = dt_util.parse_datetime(after_entity.state) if after_datetime is None: return False after = dt_util.as_local(after_datetime).time() else: return False if before is None: before = dt_time(23, 59, 59, 999999) elif isinstance(before, str): if not (before_entity := hass.states.get(before)): raise ConditionErrorMessage("time", f"unknown 'before' entity {before}") if before_entity.domain == "input_datetime": before = dt_time( before_entity.attributes.get("hour", 23), before_entity.attributes.get("minute", 59), before_entity.attributes.get("second", 59), ) elif before_entity.attributes.get( ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS ) == SensorDeviceClass.TIMESTAMP and before_entity.state not in ( STATE_UNAVAILABLE, STATE_UNKNOWN, ): before_timedatime = dt_util.parse_datetime(before_entity.state) if before_timedatime is None: return False before = dt_util.as_local(before_timedatime).time() else: return False if after < before: condition_trace_update_result(after=after, now_time=now_time, before=before) if not after <= now_time < before: return False else: condition_trace_update_result(after=after, now_time=now_time, before=before) if before <= now_time < after: return False if weekday is not None: now_weekday = WEEKDAYS[now.weekday()] condition_trace_update_result(weekday=weekday, now_weekday=now_weekday) if ( isinstance(weekday, str) and weekday != now_weekday or now_weekday not in weekday ): return False return True def time_from_config(config: ConfigType) -> ConditionCheckerType: """Wrap action method with time based condition.""" before = config.get(CONF_BEFORE) after = config.get(CONF_AFTER) weekday = config.get(CONF_WEEKDAY) @trace_condition_function def time_if(hass: HomeAssistant, variables: TemplateVarsType = None) -> bool: """Validate time based if-condition.""" return time(hass, before, after, weekday) return time_if def zone( hass: HomeAssistant, zone_ent: str | State | None, entity: str | State | None, ) -> bool: """Test if zone-condition matches. Async friendly. """ if zone_ent is None: raise ConditionErrorMessage("zone", "no zone specified") if isinstance(zone_ent, str): zone_ent_id = zone_ent if (zone_ent := hass.states.get(zone_ent)) is None: raise ConditionErrorMessage("zone", f"unknown zone {zone_ent_id}") if entity is None: raise ConditionErrorMessage("zone", "no entity specified") if isinstance(entity, str): entity_id = entity if (entity := hass.states.get(entity)) is None: raise ConditionErrorMessage("zone", f"unknown entity {entity_id}") else: entity_id = entity.entity_id if entity.state in ( STATE_UNAVAILABLE, STATE_UNKNOWN, ): return False latitude = entity.attributes.get(ATTR_LATITUDE) longitude = entity.attributes.get(ATTR_LONGITUDE) if latitude is None: raise ConditionErrorMessage( "zone", f"entity {entity_id} has no 'latitude' attribute" ) if longitude is None: raise ConditionErrorMessage( "zone", f"entity {entity_id} has no 'longitude' attribute" ) return zone_cmp.in_zone( zone_ent, latitude, longitude, entity.attributes.get(ATTR_GPS_ACCURACY, 0) ) def zone_from_config(config: ConfigType) -> ConditionCheckerType: """Wrap action method with zone based condition.""" entity_ids = config.get(CONF_ENTITY_ID, []) zone_entity_ids = config.get(CONF_ZONE, []) @trace_condition_function def if_in_zone(hass: HomeAssistant, variables: TemplateVarsType = None) -> bool: """Test if condition.""" errors = [] all_ok = True for entity_id in entity_ids: entity_ok = False for zone_entity_id in zone_entity_ids: try: if zone(hass, zone_entity_id, entity_id): entity_ok = True except ConditionErrorMessage as ex: errors.append( ConditionErrorMessage( "zone", ( f"error matching {entity_id} with {zone_entity_id}:" f" {ex.message}" ), ) ) if not entity_ok: all_ok = False # Raise the errors only if no definitive result was found if errors and not all_ok: raise ConditionErrorContainer("zone", errors=errors) return all_ok return if_in_zone async def async_trigger_from_config( hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType ) -> ConditionCheckerType: """Test a trigger condition.""" trigger_id = config[CONF_ID] @trace_condition_function def trigger_if(hass: HomeAssistant, variables: TemplateVarsType = None) -> bool: """Validate trigger based if-condition.""" return ( variables is not None and "trigger" in variables and variables["trigger"].get("id") in trigger_id ) return trigger_if def numeric_state_validate_config( hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType ) -> ConfigType: """Validate numeric_state condition config.""" registry = er.async_get(hass) config = dict(config) config[CONF_ENTITY_ID] = er.async_validate_entity_ids( registry, cv.entity_ids_or_uuids(config[CONF_ENTITY_ID]) ) return config def state_validate_config(hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType) -> ConfigType: """Validate state condition config.""" registry = er.async_get(hass) config = dict(config) config[CONF_ENTITY_ID] = er.async_validate_entity_ids( registry, cv.entity_ids_or_uuids(config[CONF_ENTITY_ID]) ) return config async def async_validate_condition_config( hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType ) -> ConfigType: """Validate config.""" condition = config[CONF_CONDITION] if condition in ("and", "not", "or"): conditions = [] for sub_cond in config["conditions"]: sub_cond = await async_validate_condition_config(hass, sub_cond) conditions.append(sub_cond) config["conditions"] = conditions return config platform = await _async_get_condition_platform(hass, config) if platform is not None and hasattr(platform, "async_validate_condition_config"): return await platform.async_validate_condition_config(hass, config) if platform is None and condition in ("numeric_state", "state"): validator = cast( Callable[[HomeAssistant, ConfigType], ConfigType], getattr(sys.modules[__name__], VALIDATE_CONFIG_FORMAT.format(condition)), ) return validator(hass, config) return config async def async_validate_conditions_config( hass: HomeAssistant, conditions: list[ConfigType] ) -> list[ConfigType | Template]: """Validate config.""" # No gather here because async_validate_condition_config is unlikely # to suspend and the overhead of creating many tasks is not worth it return [await async_validate_condition_config(hass, cond) for cond in conditions] @callback def async_extract_entities(config: ConfigType | Template) -> set[str]: """Extract entities from a condition.""" referenced: set[str] = set() to_process = deque([config]) while to_process: config = to_process.popleft() if isinstance(config, Template): continue condition = config[CONF_CONDITION] if condition in ("and", "not", "or"): to_process.extend(config["conditions"]) continue entity_ids = config.get(CONF_ENTITY_ID) if isinstance(entity_ids, str): entity_ids = [entity_ids] if entity_ids is not None: referenced.update(entity_ids) return referenced @callback def async_extract_devices(config: ConfigType | Template) -> set[str]: """Extract devices from a condition.""" referenced = set() to_process = deque([config]) while to_process: config = to_process.popleft() if isinstance(config, Template): continue condition = config[CONF_CONDITION] if condition in ("and", "not", "or"): to_process.extend(config["conditions"]) continue if condition != "device": continue if (device_id := config.get(CONF_DEVICE_ID)) is not None: referenced.add(device_id) return referenced