{ "title": "Notifications", "entity_component": { "_": { "name": "[%key:component::notify::title%]" } }, "services": { "notify": { "name": "Send a notification", "description": "Sends a notification message to selected targets.", "fields": { "message": { "name": "Message", "description": "Message body of the notification." }, "title": { "name": "Title", "description": "Title for your notification." }, "target": { "name": "Target", "description": "Some integrations allow you to specify the targets that receive the notification. For more information, refer to the integration documentation." }, "data": { "name": "Data", "description": "Some integrations provide extended functionality. For information on how to use _data_, refer to the integration documentation." } } }, "send_message": { "name": "Send a notification message", "description": "Sends a notification message.", "fields": { "message": { "name": "Message", "description": "Your notification message." }, "title": { "name": "Title", "description": "Title for your notification message." } } }, "persistent_notification": { "name": "Send a persistent notification", "description": "Sends a notification that is visible in the notifications panel.", "fields": { "message": { "name": "Message", "description": "Message body of the notification." }, "title": { "name": "Title", "description": "Title of the notification." }, "data": { "name": "Data", "description": "Some integrations provide extended functionality. For information on how to use _data_, refer to the integration documentation.." } } } }, "issues": { "migrate_notify": { "title": "Migration of {integration_title} notify action", "fix_flow": { "step": { "confirm": { "description": "The {integration_title} `notify` actions(s) are migrated. A new `notify` entity is available now to replace each legacy `notify` action.\n\nUpdate any automations to use the new `notify.send_message` action exposed with this new entity. When this is done, fix this issue and restart Home Assistant.", "title": "Migrate legacy {integration_title} notify action for domain `{domain}`" } } } }, "migrate_notify_service": { "title": "Legacy action notify.{service_name} stll being used", "fix_flow": { "step": { "confirm": { "description": "The {integration_title} `notify.{service_name}` action is migrated, but it seems the old `notify` action is still being used.\n\nA new `notify` entity is available now to replace each legacy `notify` action.\n\nUpdate any automations or scripts to use the new `notify.send_message` action exposed with this new entity. When this is done, select Submit and restart Home Assistant.", "title": "Migrate legacy {integration_title} notify action for domain `{domain}`" } } } } } }