{ "config": { "step": { "user": { "title": "Set up your Azure Event Hub integration", "data": { "event_hub_instance_name": "Event Hub Instance Name", "use_connection_string": "Use Connection String" } }, "conn_string": { "title": "Connection String method", "description": "Please enter the connection string for: {event_hub_instance_name}", "data": { "event_hub_connection_string": "Event Hub Connection String" } }, "sas": { "title": "SAS Credentials method", "description": "Please enter the SAS (shared access signature) credentials for: {event_hub_instance_name}", "data": { "event_hub_namespace": "Event Hub Namespace", "event_hub_sas_policy": "Event Hub SAS Policy", "event_hub_sas_key": "Event Hub SAS Key" } } }, "error": { "cannot_connect": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::cannot_connect%]", "unknown": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::unknown%]" }, "abort": { "already_configured": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::already_configured_service%]", "cannot_connect": "Connecting with the credentials from the configuration.yaml failed, please remove from yaml and use the config flow.", "unknown": "Connecting with the credentials from the configuration.yaml failed with an unknown error, please remove from yaml and use the config flow." } }, "options": { "step": { "init": { "title": "Options for the Azure Event Hub.", "data": { "send_interval": "Interval between sending batches to the hub." } } } } }