{ "config": { "step": { "reauth_confirm": { "title": "[%key:common::config_flow::title::reauth%]", "description": "The Husqvarna Automower integration needs to re-authenticate your account" }, "missing_scope": { "title": "Your account is missing some API connections", "description": "For the best experience with this integration both the `Authentication API` and the `Automower Connect API` should be connected. Please make sure that both of them are connected to your account in the [Husqvarna Developer Portal]({application_url})." }, "pick_implementation": { "title": "[%key:common::config_flow::title::oauth2_pick_implementation%]" } }, "abort": { "already_configured": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::already_configured_account%]", "already_in_progress": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::already_in_progress%]", "oauth_error": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::oauth2_error%]", "oauth_timeout": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::oauth2_timeout%]", "missing_configuration": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::oauth2_missing_configuration%]", "missing_credentials": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::oauth2_missing_credentials%]", "authorize_url_timeout": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::oauth2_authorize_url_timeout%]", "no_url_available": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::oauth2_no_url_available%]", "user_rejected_authorize": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::oauth2_user_rejected_authorize%]", "oauth_unauthorized": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::oauth2_unauthorized%]", "oauth_failed": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::oauth2_failed%]", "reauth_successful": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::reauth_successful%]", "wrong_account": "You can only reauthenticate this entry with the same Husqvarna account.", "no_mower_connected": "No mowers connected to this account.", "missing_amc_scope": "The `Authentication API` and the `Automower Connect API` are not connected to your application in the Husqvarna Developer Portal.", "unknown": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::unknown%]" }, "create_entry": { "default": "[%key:common::config_flow::create_entry::authenticated%]" } }, "entity": { "binary_sensor": { "leaving_dock": { "name": "Leaving dock" }, "returning_to_dock": { "name": "Returning to dock" } }, "button": { "confirm_error": { "name": "Confirm error" }, "sync_clock": { "name": "Sync clock" } }, "number": { "cutting_height": { "name": "Cutting height" }, "my_lawn_cutting_height_work_area": { "name": "My lawn cutting height" }, "work_area_cutting_height_work_area": { "name": "{work_area} cutting height" } }, "select": { "headlight_mode": { "name": "Headlight mode", "state": { "always_on": "Always on", "always_off": "Always off", "evening_only": "Evening only", "evening_and_night": "Evening and night" } } }, "sensor": { "error": { "name": "Error", "state": { "alarm_mower_in_motion": "Alarm! Mower in motion", "alarm_mower_lifted": "Alarm! Mower lifted", "alarm_mower_stopped": "Alarm! Mower stopped", "alarm_mower_switched_off": "Alarm! Mower switched off", "alarm_mower_tilted": "Alarm! Mower tilted", "alarm_outside_geofence": "Alarm! Outside geofence", "angular_sensor_problem": "Angular sensor problem", "battery_problem": "Battery problem", "battery_restriction_due_to_ambient_temperature": "Battery restriction due to ambient temperature", "can_error": "CAN error", "charging_current_too_high": "Charging current too high", "charging_station_blocked": "Charging station blocked", "charging_system_problem": "Charging system problem", "collision_sensor_defect": "Collision sensor defect", "collision_sensor_error": "Collision sensor error", "collision_sensor_problem_front": "Front collision sensor problem", "collision_sensor_problem_rear": "Rear collision sensor problem", "com_board_not_available": "Com board not available", "communication_circuit_board_sw_must_be_updated": "Communication circuit board software must be updated", "complex_working_area": "Complex working area", "connection_changed": "Connection changed", "connection_not_changed": "Connection NOT changed", "connectivity_problem": "Connectivity problem", "connectivity_settings_restored": "Connectivity settings restored", "cutting_drive_motor_1_defect": "Cutting drive motor 1 defect", "cutting_drive_motor_2_defect": "Cutting drive motor 2 defect", "cutting_drive_motor_3_defect": "Cutting drive motor 3 defect", "cutting_height_blocked": "Cutting height blocked", "cutting_height_problem": "Cutting height problem", "cutting_height_problem_curr": "Cutting height problem, curr", "cutting_height_problem_dir": "Cutting height problem, dir", "cutting_height_problem_drive": "Cutting height problem, drive", "cutting_motor_problem": "Cutting motor problem", "cutting_stopped_slope_too_steep": "Cutting stopped - slope too steep", "cutting_system_blocked": "Cutting system blocked", "cutting_system_imbalance_warning": "Cutting system imbalance", "cutting_system_major_imbalance": "Cutting system major imbalance", "destination_not_reachable": "Destination not reachable", "difficult_finding_home": "Difficult finding home", "docking_sensor_defect": "Docking sensor defect", "electronic_problem": "Electronic problem", "empty_battery": "Empty battery", "error": "Error", "error_at_power_up": "Error at power up", "fatal_error": "Fatal error", "folding_cutting_deck_sensor_defect": "Folding cutting deck sensor defect", "folding_sensor_activated": "Folding sensor activated", "geofence_problem": "Geofence problem", "gps_navigation_problem": "GPS navigation problem", "guide_1_not_found": "Guide 1 not found", "guide_2_not_found": "Guide 2 not found", "guide_3_not_found": "Guide 3 not found", "guide_calibration_accomplished": "Guide calibration accomplished", "guide_calibration_failed": "Guide calibration failed", "high_charging_power_loss": "High charging power loss", "high_internal_power_loss": "High internal power loss", "high_internal_temperature": "High internal temperature", "internal_voltage_error": "Internal voltage error", "invalid_battery_combination_invalid_combination_of_different_battery_types": "Invalid battery combination - Invalid combination of different battery types.", "invalid_sub_device_combination": "Invalid sub-device combination", "invalid_system_configuration": "Invalid system configuration", "left_brush_motor_overloaded": "Left brush motor overloaded", "lift_sensor_defect": "Lift Sensor defect", "lifted": "Lifted", "limited_cutting_height_range": "Limited cutting height range", "loop_sensor_defect": "Loop sensor defect", "loop_sensor_problem_front": "Front loop sensor problem", "loop_sensor_problem_left": "Left loop sensor problem", "loop_sensor_problem_rear": "Rear loop sensor problem", "loop_sensor_problem_right": "Right loop sensor problem", "low_battery": "Low battery", "memory_circuit_problem": "Memory circuit problem", "mower_lifted": "Mower lifted", "mower_tilted": "Mower tilted", "no_accurate_position_from_satellites": "No accurate position from satellites", "no_confirmed_position": "No confirmed position", "no_drive": "No drive", "no_error": "No error", "no_loop_signal": "No loop signal", "no_power_in_charging_station": "No power in charging station", "no_response_from_charger": "No response from charger", "outside_working_area": "Outside working area", "poor_signal_quality": "Poor signal quality", "reference_station_communication_problem": "Reference station communication problem", "right_brush_motor_overloaded": "Right brush motor overloaded", "safety_function_faulty": "Safety function faulty", "settings_restored": "Settings restored", "sim_card_locked": "SIM card locked", "sim_card_not_found": "SIM card not found", "sim_card_requires_pin": "SIM card requires PIN", "slipped_mower_has_slipped_situation_not_solved_with_moving_pattern": "Slipped - Mower has Slipped. Situation not solved with moving pattern", "slope_too_steep": "Slope too steep", "sms_could_not_be_sent": "SMS could not be sent", "stop_button_problem": "STOP button problem", "stuck_in_charging_station": "Stuck in charging station", "switch_cord_problem": "Switch cord problem", "temporary_battery_problem": "Temporary battery problem", "tilt_sensor_problem": "Tilt sensor problem", "too_high_discharge_current": "Discharge current too high", "too_high_internal_current": "Internal current too high", "trapped": "Trapped", "ultrasonic_problem": "Ultrasonic problem", "ultrasonic_sensor_1_defect": "Ultrasonic Sensor 1 defect", "ultrasonic_sensor_2_defect": "Ultrasonic Sensor 2 defect", "ultrasonic_sensor_3_defect": "Ultrasonic Sensor 3 defect", "ultrasonic_sensor_4_defect": "Ultrasonic Sensor 4 defect", "unexpected_cutting_height_adj": "Unexpected cutting height adjustment", "unexpected_error": "Unexpected error", "upside_down": "Upside down", "weak_gps_signal": "Weak GPS signal", "wheel_drive_problem_left": "Left wheel drive problem", "wheel_drive_problem_rear_left": "Rear left wheel drive problem", "wheel_drive_problem_rear_right": "Rear right wheel drive problem", "wheel_drive_problem_right": "Right wheel drive problem", "wheel_motor_blocked_left": "Left wheel motor blocked", "wheel_motor_blocked_rear_left": "Rear left wheel motor blocked", "wheel_motor_blocked_rear_right": "Rear right wheel motor blocked", "wheel_motor_blocked_right": "Right wheel motor blocked", "wheel_motor_overloaded_left": "Left wheel motor overloaded", "wheel_motor_overloaded_rear_left": "Rear left wheel motor overloaded", "wheel_motor_overloaded_rear_right": "Rear right wheel motor overloaded", "wheel_motor_overloaded_right": "Right wheel motor overloaded", "work_area_not_valid": "Work area not valid", "wrong_loop_signal": "Wrong loop signal", "wrong_pin_code": "Wrong PIN code", "zone_generator_problem": "Zone generator problem" } }, "my_lawn_last_time_completed": { "name": "My lawn last time completed" }, "my_lawn_progress": { "name": "My lawn progress" }, "number_of_charging_cycles": { "name": "Number of charging cycles" }, "number_of_collisions": { "name": "Number of collisions" }, "cutting_blade_usage_time": { "name": "Cutting blade usage time" }, "restricted_reason": { "name": "Restricted reason", "state": { "none": "No restrictions", "week_schedule": "Week schedule", "park_override": "Park override", "sensor": "Weather timer", "daily_limit": "Daily limit", "fota": "Firmware Over-the-Air update running", "frost": "Frost", "all_work_areas_completed": "All work areas completed", "external": "External", "not_applicable": "Not applicable" } }, "total_charging_time": { "name": "Total charging time" }, "total_cutting_time": { "name": "Total cutting time" }, "total_running_time": { "name": "Total running time" }, "total_searching_time": { "name": "Total searching time" }, "total_drive_distance": { "name": "Total drive distance" }, "next_start_timestamp": { "name": "Next start" }, "mode": { "name": "Mode", "state": { "main_area": "Main area", "secondary_area": "Secondary area", "home": "Home", "demo": "Demo" } }, "work_area": { "name": "Work area", "state": { "my_lawn": "My lawn", "no_work_area_active": "No work area active" }, "state_attributes": { "work_area_id_assignment": { "name": "Work area ID assignment" } } }, "work_area_last_time_completed": { "name": "{work_area} last time completed" }, "work_area_progress": { "name": "{work_area} progress" } }, "switch": { "enable_schedule": { "name": "Enable schedule" }, "stay_out_zones": { "name": "Avoid {stay_out_zone}" }, "my_lawn_work_area": { "name": "My lawn" } } }, "exceptions": { "command_send_failed": { "message": "Failed to send command: {exception}" }, "work_areas_not_supported": { "message": "This mower does not support work areas." }, "work_area_not_existing": { "message": "The selected work area does not exist." } }, "selector": { "override_modes": { "options": { "mow": "Mow", "park": "Park" } } }, "issues": { "deprecated_entity": { "title": "The Husqvarna Automower {entity_name} sensor is deprecated", "description": "The Husqvarna Automower entity `{entity}` is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.\nYou can use the new returning state of the lawn mower entity instead.\nPlease update your automations and scripts to replace the sensor entity with the newly added lawn mower entity.\nWhen you are done migrating you can disable `{entity}`." } }, "services": { "override_schedule": { "name": "Override schedule", "description": "Override the schedule to either mow or park for a duration of time.", "fields": { "duration": { "name": "Duration", "description": "Minimum: 1 minute, maximum: 42 days, seconds will be ignored." }, "override_mode": { "name": "Override mode", "description": "With which action the schedule should be overridden." } } }, "override_schedule_work_area": { "name": "Override schedule work area", "description": "Override the schedule of the mower for a duration of time in the selected work area.", "fields": { "duration": { "name": "[%key:component::husqvarna_automower::services::override_schedule::fields::duration::name%]", "description": "[%key:component::husqvarna_automower::services::override_schedule::fields::duration::description%]" }, "work_area_id": { "name": "Work area ID", "description": "In which work area the mower should mow." } } } } }