"""Alexa Resources and Assets.""" from typing import Any class AlexaGlobalCatalog: """The Global Alexa catalog. https://developer.amazon.com/docs/device-apis/resources-and-assets.html#global-alexa-catalog You can use the global Alexa catalog for pre-defined names of devices, settings, values, and units. This catalog is localized into all the languages that Alexa supports. You can reference the following catalog of pre-defined friendly names. Each item in the following list is an asset identifier followed by its supported friendly names. The first friendly name for each identifier is the one displayed in the Alexa mobile app. """ # Air Purifier, Air Cleaner,Clean Air Machine DEVICE_NAME_AIR_PURIFIER = "Alexa.DeviceName.AirPurifier" # Fan, Blower DEVICE_NAME_FAN = "Alexa.DeviceName.Fan" # Router, Internet Router, Network Router, Wifi Router, Net Router DEVICE_NAME_ROUTER = "Alexa.DeviceName.Router" # Shade, Blind, Curtain, Roller, Shutter, Drape, Awning, # Window shade, Interior blind DEVICE_NAME_SHADE = "Alexa.DeviceName.Shade" # Shower DEVICE_NAME_SHOWER = "Alexa.DeviceName.Shower" # Space Heater, Portable Heater DEVICE_NAME_SPACE_HEATER = "Alexa.DeviceName.SpaceHeater" # Washer, Washing Machine DEVICE_NAME_WASHER = "Alexa.DeviceName.Washer" # 2.4G Guest Wi-Fi, 2.4G Guest Network, Guest Network 2.4G, 2G Guest Wifi SETTING_2G_GUEST_WIFI = "Alexa.Setting.2GGuestWiFi" # 5G Guest Wi-Fi, 5G Guest Network, Guest Network 5G, 5G Guest Wifi SETTING_5G_GUEST_WIFI = "Alexa.Setting.5GGuestWiFi" # Auto, Automatic, Automatic Mode, Auto Mode SETTING_AUTO = "Alexa.Setting.Auto" # Direction SETTING_DIRECTION = "Alexa.Setting.Direction" # Dry Cycle, Dry Preset, Dry Setting, Dryer Cycle, Dryer Preset, Dryer Setting SETTING_DRY_CYCLE = "Alexa.Setting.DryCycle" # Fan Speed, Airflow speed, Wind Speed, Air speed, Air velocity SETTING_FAN_SPEED = "Alexa.Setting.FanSpeed" # Guest Wi-fi, Guest Network, Guest Net SETTING_GUEST_WIFI = "Alexa.Setting.GuestWiFi" # Heat SETTING_HEAT = "Alexa.Setting.Heat" # Mode SETTING_MODE = "Alexa.Setting.Mode" # Night, Night Mode SETTING_NIGHT = "Alexa.Setting.Night" # Opening, Height, Lift, Width SETTING_OPENING = "Alexa.Setting.Opening" # Oscillate, Swivel, Oscillation, Spin, Back and forth SETTING_OSCILLATE = "Alexa.Setting.Oscillate" # Preset, Setting SETTING_PRESET = "Alexa.Setting.Preset" # Quiet, Quiet Mode, Noiseless, Silent SETTING_QUIET = "Alexa.Setting.Quiet" # Temperature, Temp SETTING_TEMPERATURE = "Alexa.Setting.Temperature" # Wash Cycle, Wash Preset, Wash setting SETTING_WASH_CYCLE = "Alexa.Setting.WashCycle" # Water Temperature, Water Temp, Water Heat SETTING_WATER_TEMPERATURE = "Alexa.Setting.WaterTemperature" # Handheld Shower, Shower Wand, Hand Shower SHOWER_HAND_HELD = "Alexa.Shower.HandHeld" # Rain Head, Overhead shower, Rain Shower, Rain Spout, Rain Faucet SHOWER_RAIN_HEAD = "Alexa.Shower.RainHead" # Degrees, Degree UNIT_ANGLE_DEGREES = "Alexa.Unit.Angle.Degrees" # Radians, Radian UNIT_ANGLE_RADIANS = "Alexa.Unit.Angle.Radians" # Feet, Foot UNIT_DISTANCE_FEET = "Alexa.Unit.Distance.Feet" # Inches, Inch UNIT_DISTANCE_INCHES = "Alexa.Unit.Distance.Inches" # Kilometers UNIT_DISTANCE_KILOMETERS = "Alexa.Unit.Distance.Kilometers" # Meters, Meter, m UNIT_DISTANCE_METERS = "Alexa.Unit.Distance.Meters" # Miles, Mile UNIT_DISTANCE_MILES = "Alexa.Unit.Distance.Miles" # Yards, Yard UNIT_DISTANCE_YARDS = "Alexa.Unit.Distance.Yards" # Grams, Gram, g UNIT_MASS_GRAMS = "Alexa.Unit.Mass.Grams" # Kilograms, Kilogram, kg UNIT_MASS_KILOGRAMS = "Alexa.Unit.Mass.Kilograms" # Percent UNIT_PERCENT = "Alexa.Unit.Percent" # Celsius, Degrees Celsius, Degrees, C, Centigrade, Degrees Centigrade UNIT_TEMPERATURE_CELSIUS = "Alexa.Unit.Temperature.Celsius" # Degrees, Degree UNIT_TEMPERATURE_DEGREES = "Alexa.Unit.Temperature.Degrees" # Fahrenheit, Degrees Fahrenheit, Degrees F, Degrees, F UNIT_TEMPERATURE_FAHRENHEIT = "Alexa.Unit.Temperature.Fahrenheit" # Kelvin, Degrees Kelvin, Degrees K, Degrees, K UNIT_TEMPERATURE_KELVIN = "Alexa.Unit.Temperature.Kelvin" # Cubic Feet, Cubic Foot UNIT_VOLUME_CUBIC_FEET = "Alexa.Unit.Volume.CubicFeet" # Cubic Meters, Cubic Meter, Meters Cubed UNIT_VOLUME_CUBIC_METERS = "Alexa.Unit.Volume.CubicMeters" # Gallons, Gallon UNIT_VOLUME_GALLONS = "Alexa.Unit.Volume.Gallons" # Liters, Liter, L UNIT_VOLUME_LITERS = "Alexa.Unit.Volume.Liters" # Pints, Pint UNIT_VOLUME_PINTS = "Alexa.Unit.Volume.Pints" # Quarts, Quart UNIT_VOLUME_QUARTS = "Alexa.Unit.Volume.Quarts" # Ounces, Ounce, oz UNIT_WEIGHT_OUNCES = "Alexa.Unit.Weight.Ounces" # Pounds, Pound, lbs UNIT_WEIGHT_POUNDS = "Alexa.Unit.Weight.Pounds" # Close VALUE_CLOSE = "Alexa.Value.Close" # Delicates, Delicate VALUE_DELICATE = "Alexa.Value.Delicate" # High VALUE_HIGH = "Alexa.Value.High" # Low VALUE_LOW = "Alexa.Value.Low" # Maximum, Max VALUE_MAXIMUM = "Alexa.Value.Maximum" # Medium, Mid VALUE_MEDIUM = "Alexa.Value.Medium" # Minimum, Min VALUE_MINIMUM = "Alexa.Value.Minimum" # Open VALUE_OPEN = "Alexa.Value.Open" # Quick Wash, Fast Wash, Wash Quickly, Speed Wash VALUE_QUICK_WASH = "Alexa.Value.QuickWash" class AlexaCapabilityResource: """Base class for Alexa capabilityResources, modeResources, and presetResources. Resources objects labels must be unique across all modeResources and presetResources within the same device. To provide support for all supported locales, include one label from the AlexaGlobalCatalog in the labels array. You cannot use any words from the following list as friendly names: https://developer.amazon.com/docs/alexa/device-apis/resources-and-assets.html#names-you-cannot-use https://developer.amazon.com/docs/device-apis/resources-and-assets.html#capability-resources """ def __init__(self, labels: list[str]) -> None: """Initialize an Alexa resource.""" self._resource_labels = [] for label in labels: self._resource_labels.append(label) def serialize_capability_resources(self) -> dict[str, list[dict[str, Any]]]: """Return capabilityResources object serialized for an API response.""" return self.serialize_labels(self._resource_labels) def serialize_configuration(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return serialized configuration for an API response. Return ModeResources, PresetResources friendlyNames serialized. """ raise NotImplementedError def serialize_labels(self, resources: list[str]) -> dict[str, list[dict[str, Any]]]: """Return serialized labels for an API response. Returns resource label objects for friendlyNames serialized. """ labels: list[dict[str, Any]] = [] label_dict: dict[str, Any] for label in resources: if label in AlexaGlobalCatalog.__dict__.values(): label_dict = {"@type": "asset", "value": {"assetId": label}} else: label_dict = { "@type": "text", "value": {"text": label, "locale": "en-US"}, } labels.append(label_dict) return {"friendlyNames": labels} class AlexaModeResource(AlexaCapabilityResource): """Implements Alexa ModeResources. https://developer.amazon.com/docs/device-apis/resources-and-assets.html#capability-resources """ def __init__(self, labels: list[str], ordered: bool = False) -> None: """Initialize an Alexa modeResource.""" super().__init__(labels) self._supported_modes: list[dict[str, Any]] = [] self._mode_ordered: bool = ordered def add_mode(self, value: str, labels: list[str]) -> None: """Add mode to the supportedModes object.""" self._supported_modes.append({"value": value, "labels": labels}) def serialize_configuration(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return serialized configuration for an API response. Returns configuration for ModeResources friendlyNames serialized. """ mode_resources: list[dict[str, Any]] = [] for mode in self._supported_modes: result = { "value": mode["value"], "modeResources": self.serialize_labels(mode["labels"]), } mode_resources.append(result) return {"ordered": self._mode_ordered, "supportedModes": mode_resources} class AlexaPresetResource(AlexaCapabilityResource): """Implements Alexa PresetResources. Use presetResources with RangeController to provide a set of friendlyNames for each RangeController preset. https://developer.amazon.com/docs/device-apis/resources-and-assets.html#presetresources """ def __init__( self, labels: list[str], min_value: float, max_value: float, precision: float, unit: str | None = None, ) -> None: """Initialize an Alexa presetResource.""" super().__init__(labels) self._presets: list[dict[str, Any]] = [] self._minimum_value = min_value self._maximum_value = max_value self._precision = precision self._unit_of_measure = None if unit in AlexaGlobalCatalog.__dict__.values(): self._unit_of_measure = unit def add_preset(self, value: float, labels: list[str]) -> None: """Add preset to configuration presets array.""" self._presets.append({"value": value, "labels": labels}) def serialize_configuration(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return serialized configuration for an API response. Returns configuration for PresetResources friendlyNames serialized. """ configuration: dict[str, Any] = { "supportedRange": { "minimumValue": self._minimum_value, "maximumValue": self._maximum_value, "precision": self._precision, } } if self._unit_of_measure: configuration["unitOfMeasure"] = self._unit_of_measure if self._presets: preset_resources = [ { "rangeValue": preset["value"], "presetResources": self.serialize_labels(preset["labels"]), } for preset in self._presets ] configuration["presets"] = preset_resources return configuration class AlexaSemantics: """Class for Alexa Semantics Object. You can optionally enable additional utterances by using semantics. When you use semantics, you manually map the phrases "open", "close", "raise", and "lower" to directives. Semantics is supported for the following interfaces only: ModeController, RangeController, and ToggleController. Semantics stateMappings are only supported for one interface of the same type on the same device. If a device has multiple RangeControllers only one interface may use stateMappings otherwise discovery will fail. You can support semantics actionMappings on different controllers for the same device, however each controller must support different phrases. For example, you can support "raise" on a RangeController, and "open" on a ModeController, but you can't support "open" on both RangeController and ModeController. Semantics stateMappings are only supported for one interface on the same device. https://developer.amazon.com/docs/device-apis/alexa-discovery.html#semantics-object """ MAPPINGS_ACTION = "actionMappings" MAPPINGS_STATE = "stateMappings" ACTIONS_TO_DIRECTIVE = "ActionsToDirective" STATES_TO_VALUE = "StatesToValue" STATES_TO_RANGE = "StatesToRange" ACTION_CLOSE = "Alexa.Actions.Close" ACTION_LOWER = "Alexa.Actions.Lower" ACTION_OPEN = "Alexa.Actions.Open" ACTION_RAISE = "Alexa.Actions.Raise" STATES_OPEN = "Alexa.States.Open" STATES_CLOSED = "Alexa.States.Closed" DIRECTIVE_RANGE_SET_VALUE = "SetRangeValue" DIRECTIVE_RANGE_ADJUST_VALUE = "AdjustRangeValue" DIRECTIVE_TOGGLE_TURN_ON = "TurnOn" DIRECTIVE_TOGGLE_TURN_OFF = "TurnOff" DIRECTIVE_MODE_SET_MODE = "SetMode" DIRECTIVE_MODE_ADJUST_MODE = "AdjustMode" def __init__(self) -> None: """Initialize an Alexa modeResource.""" self._action_mappings: list[dict[str, Any]] = [] self._state_mappings: list[dict[str, Any]] = [] def _add_action_mapping(self, semantics: dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Add action mapping between actions and interface directives.""" self._action_mappings.append(semantics) def _add_state_mapping(self, semantics: dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Add state mapping between states and interface directives.""" self._state_mappings.append(semantics) def add_states_to_value(self, states: list[str], value: Any) -> None: """Add StatesToValue stateMappings.""" self._add_state_mapping( {"@type": self.STATES_TO_VALUE, "states": states, "value": value} ) def add_states_to_range( self, states: list[str], min_value: float, max_value: float ) -> None: """Add StatesToRange stateMappings.""" self._add_state_mapping( { "@type": self.STATES_TO_RANGE, "states": states, "range": {"minimumValue": min_value, "maximumValue": max_value}, } ) def add_action_to_directive( self, actions: list[str], directive: str, payload: dict[str, Any] ) -> None: """Add ActionsToDirective actionMappings.""" self._add_action_mapping( { "@type": self.ACTIONS_TO_DIRECTIVE, "actions": actions, "directive": {"name": directive, "payload": payload}, } ) def serialize_semantics(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return semantics object serialized for an API response.""" semantics: dict[str, Any] = {} if self._action_mappings: semantics[self.MAPPINGS_ACTION] = self._action_mappings if self._state_mappings: semantics[self.MAPPINGS_STATE] = self._state_mappings return semantics