"""Analytics helper class for the analytics integration.""" from __future__ import annotations import asyncio from asyncio import timeout from dataclasses import asdict as dataclass_asdict, dataclass from datetime import datetime from typing import Any import uuid import aiohttp from homeassistant.components import hassio from homeassistant.components.api import ATTR_INSTALLATION_TYPE from homeassistant.components.automation import DOMAIN as AUTOMATION_DOMAIN from homeassistant.components.energy import ( DOMAIN as ENERGY_DOMAIN, is_configured as energy_is_configured, ) from homeassistant.components.recorder import ( DOMAIN as RECORDER_DOMAIN, get_instance as get_recorder_instance, ) import homeassistant.config as conf_util from homeassistant.config_entries import SOURCE_IGNORE from homeassistant.const import ATTR_DOMAIN, __version__ as HA_VERSION from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, callback from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError from homeassistant.helpers.aiohttp_client import async_get_clientsession import homeassistant.helpers.entity_registry as er from homeassistant.helpers.storage import Store from homeassistant.helpers.system_info import async_get_system_info from homeassistant.loader import ( Integration, IntegrationNotFound, async_get_integrations, ) from homeassistant.setup import async_get_loaded_integrations from .const import ( ANALYTICS_ENDPOINT_URL, ANALYTICS_ENDPOINT_URL_DEV, ATTR_ADDON_COUNT, ATTR_ADDONS, ATTR_ARCH, ATTR_AUTO_UPDATE, ATTR_AUTOMATION_COUNT, ATTR_BASE, ATTR_BOARD, ATTR_CERTIFICATE, ATTR_CONFIGURED, ATTR_CUSTOM_INTEGRATIONS, ATTR_DIAGNOSTICS, ATTR_ENERGY, ATTR_ENGINE, ATTR_HEALTHY, ATTR_INTEGRATION_COUNT, ATTR_INTEGRATIONS, ATTR_OPERATING_SYSTEM, ATTR_PROTECTED, ATTR_RECORDER, ATTR_SLUG, ATTR_STATE_COUNT, ATTR_STATISTICS, ATTR_SUPERVISOR, ATTR_SUPPORTED, ATTR_USAGE, ATTR_USER_COUNT, ATTR_UUID, ATTR_VERSION, LOGGER, PREFERENCE_SCHEMA, STORAGE_KEY, STORAGE_VERSION, ) @dataclass class AnalyticsData: """Analytics data.""" onboarded: bool preferences: dict[str, bool] uuid: str | None @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data: dict[str, Any]) -> AnalyticsData: """Initialize analytics data from a dict.""" return cls( data["onboarded"], data["preferences"], data["uuid"], ) class Analytics: """Analytics helper class for the analytics integration.""" def __init__(self, hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Initialize the Analytics class.""" self.hass: HomeAssistant = hass self.session = async_get_clientsession(hass) self._data = AnalyticsData(False, {}, None) self._store = Store[dict[str, Any]](hass, STORAGE_VERSION, STORAGE_KEY) @property def preferences(self) -> dict: """Return the current active preferences.""" preferences = self._data.preferences return { ATTR_BASE: preferences.get(ATTR_BASE, False), ATTR_DIAGNOSTICS: preferences.get(ATTR_DIAGNOSTICS, False), ATTR_USAGE: preferences.get(ATTR_USAGE, False), ATTR_STATISTICS: preferences.get(ATTR_STATISTICS, False), } @property def onboarded(self) -> bool: """Return bool if the user has made a choice.""" return self._data.onboarded @property def uuid(self) -> str | None: """Return the uuid for the analytics integration.""" return self._data.uuid @property def endpoint(self) -> str: """Return the endpoint that will receive the payload.""" if HA_VERSION.endswith("0.dev0"): # dev installations will contact the dev analytics environment return ANALYTICS_ENDPOINT_URL_DEV return ANALYTICS_ENDPOINT_URL @property def supervisor(self) -> bool: """Return bool if a supervisor is present.""" return hassio.is_hassio(self.hass) async def load(self) -> None: """Load preferences.""" stored = await self._store.async_load() if stored: self._data = AnalyticsData.from_dict(stored) if ( self.supervisor and (supervisor_info := hassio.get_supervisor_info(self.hass)) is not None ): if not self.onboarded: # User have not configured analytics, get this setting from the supervisor if supervisor_info[ATTR_DIAGNOSTICS] and not self.preferences.get( ATTR_DIAGNOSTICS, False ): self._data.preferences[ATTR_DIAGNOSTICS] = True elif not supervisor_info[ATTR_DIAGNOSTICS] and self.preferences.get( ATTR_DIAGNOSTICS, False ): self._data.preferences[ATTR_DIAGNOSTICS] = False async def save_preferences(self, preferences: dict) -> None: """Save preferences.""" preferences = PREFERENCE_SCHEMA(preferences) self._data.preferences.update(preferences) self._data.onboarded = True await self._store.async_save(dataclass_asdict(self._data)) if self.supervisor: await hassio.async_update_diagnostics( self.hass, self.preferences.get(ATTR_DIAGNOSTICS, False) ) async def send_analytics(self, _: datetime | None = None) -> None: """Send analytics.""" hass = self.hass supervisor_info = None operating_system_info: dict[str, Any] = {} if not self.onboarded or not self.preferences.get(ATTR_BASE, False): LOGGER.debug("Nothing to submit") return if self._data.uuid is None: self._data.uuid = uuid.uuid4().hex await self._store.async_save(dataclass_asdict(self._data)) if self.supervisor: supervisor_info = hassio.get_supervisor_info(hass) operating_system_info = hassio.get_os_info(hass) or {} system_info = await async_get_system_info(hass) integrations = [] custom_integrations = [] addons: list[dict[str, Any]] = [] payload: dict = { ATTR_UUID: self.uuid, ATTR_VERSION: HA_VERSION, ATTR_INSTALLATION_TYPE: system_info[ATTR_INSTALLATION_TYPE], } if supervisor_info is not None: payload[ATTR_SUPERVISOR] = { ATTR_HEALTHY: supervisor_info[ATTR_HEALTHY], ATTR_SUPPORTED: supervisor_info[ATTR_SUPPORTED], ATTR_ARCH: supervisor_info[ATTR_ARCH], } if operating_system_info.get(ATTR_BOARD) is not None: payload[ATTR_OPERATING_SYSTEM] = { ATTR_BOARD: operating_system_info[ATTR_BOARD], ATTR_VERSION: operating_system_info[ATTR_VERSION], } if self.preferences.get(ATTR_USAGE, False) or self.preferences.get( ATTR_STATISTICS, False ): ent_reg = er.async_get(hass) try: yaml_configuration = await conf_util.async_hass_config_yaml(hass) except HomeAssistantError as err: LOGGER.error(err) return configuration_set = set(yaml_configuration) er_platforms = { entity.platform for entity in ent_reg.entities.values() if not entity.disabled } domains = async_get_loaded_integrations(hass) configured_integrations = await async_get_integrations(hass, domains) enabled_domains = set(configured_integrations) for integration in configured_integrations.values(): if isinstance(integration, IntegrationNotFound): continue if isinstance(integration, BaseException): raise integration if not self._async_should_report_integration( integration=integration, yaml_domains=configuration_set, entity_registry_platforms=er_platforms, ): continue if not integration.is_built_in: custom_integrations.append( { ATTR_DOMAIN: integration.domain, ATTR_VERSION: integration.version, } ) continue integrations.append(integration.domain) if supervisor_info is not None: supervisor_client = hassio.get_supervisor_client(hass) installed_addons = await asyncio.gather( *( supervisor_client.addons.addon_info(addon[ATTR_SLUG]) for addon in supervisor_info[ATTR_ADDONS] ) ) addons.extend( { ATTR_SLUG: addon.slug, ATTR_PROTECTED: addon.protected, ATTR_VERSION: addon.version, ATTR_AUTO_UPDATE: addon.auto_update, } for addon in installed_addons ) if self.preferences.get(ATTR_USAGE, False): payload[ATTR_CERTIFICATE] = hass.http.ssl_certificate is not None payload[ATTR_INTEGRATIONS] = integrations payload[ATTR_CUSTOM_INTEGRATIONS] = custom_integrations if supervisor_info is not None: payload[ATTR_ADDONS] = addons if ENERGY_DOMAIN in enabled_domains: payload[ATTR_ENERGY] = { ATTR_CONFIGURED: await energy_is_configured(hass) } if RECORDER_DOMAIN in enabled_domains: instance = get_recorder_instance(hass) engine = instance.database_engine if engine and engine.version is not None: payload[ATTR_RECORDER] = { ATTR_ENGINE: engine.dialect.value, ATTR_VERSION: engine.version, } if self.preferences.get(ATTR_STATISTICS, False): payload[ATTR_STATE_COUNT] = hass.states.async_entity_ids_count() payload[ATTR_AUTOMATION_COUNT] = hass.states.async_entity_ids_count( AUTOMATION_DOMAIN ) payload[ATTR_INTEGRATION_COUNT] = len(integrations) if supervisor_info is not None: payload[ATTR_ADDON_COUNT] = len(addons) payload[ATTR_USER_COUNT] = len( [ user for user in await hass.auth.async_get_users() if not user.system_generated ] ) try: async with timeout(30): response = await self.session.post(self.endpoint, json=payload) if response.status == 200: LOGGER.info( ( "Submitted analytics to Home Assistant servers. " "Information submitted includes %s" ), payload, ) else: LOGGER.warning( "Sending analytics failed with statuscode %s from %s", response.status, self.endpoint, ) except TimeoutError: LOGGER.error("Timeout sending analytics to %s", ANALYTICS_ENDPOINT_URL) except aiohttp.ClientError as err: LOGGER.error( "Error sending analytics to %s: %r", ANALYTICS_ENDPOINT_URL, err ) @callback def _async_should_report_integration( self, integration: Integration, yaml_domains: set[str], entity_registry_platforms: set[str], ) -> bool: """Return a bool to indicate if this integration should be reported.""" if integration.disabled: return False # Check if the integration is defined in YAML or in the entity registry if ( integration.domain in yaml_domains or integration.domain in entity_registry_platforms ): return True # Check if the integration provide a config flow if not integration.config_flow: return False entries = self.hass.config_entries.async_entries(integration.domain) # Filter out ignored and disabled entries return any( entry for entry in entries if entry.source != SOURCE_IGNORE and entry.disabled_by is None )