{ "services": { "volume_up": { "name": "Volume up", "description": "Simulates a key press of the \"Volume Up\" button on Home Assistant's host machine." }, "volume_down": { "name": "Volume down", "description": "Simulates a key press of the \"Volume Down\" button on Home Assistant's host machine." }, "volume_mute": { "name": "Volume mute", "description": "Simulates a key press of the \"Volume Mute\" button on Home Assistant's host machine." }, "media_play_pause": { "name": "Media play/pause", "description": "Simulates a key press of the \"Media Play/Pause\" button on Home Assistant's host machine." }, "media_next_track": { "name": "Media next track", "description": "Simulates a key press of the \"Media Next Track\" button on Home Assistant's host machine." }, "media_prev_track": { "name": "Media previous track", "description": "Simulates a key press of the \"Media Previous Track\" button on Home Assistant's host machine." } } }