"""This component provides support for RainMachine programs and zones.""" from __future__ import annotations from collections.abc import Coroutine from dataclasses import dataclass from datetime import datetime from typing import Any from regenmaschine.controller import Controller from regenmaschine.errors import RequestError import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.switch import SwitchEntity, SwitchEntityDescription from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import ATTR_ID from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, callback from homeassistant.helpers import config_validation as cv, entity_platform from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddEntitiesCallback from homeassistant.helpers.update_coordinator import DataUpdateCoordinator from . import RainMachineEntity, async_update_programs_and_zones from .const import ( CONF_ZONE_RUN_TIME, DATA_CONTROLLER, DATA_COORDINATOR, DATA_PROGRAMS, DATA_ZONES, DEFAULT_ZONE_RUN, DOMAIN, LOGGER, ) ATTR_AREA = "area" ATTR_CS_ON = "cs_on" ATTR_CURRENT_CYCLE = "current_cycle" ATTR_CYCLES = "cycles" ATTR_DELAY = "delay" ATTR_DELAY_ON = "delay_on" ATTR_FIELD_CAPACITY = "field_capacity" ATTR_NEXT_RUN = "next_run" ATTR_NO_CYCLES = "number_of_cycles" ATTR_PRECIP_RATE = "sprinkler_head_precipitation_rate" ATTR_RESTRICTIONS = "restrictions" ATTR_SLOPE = "slope" ATTR_SOAK = "soak" ATTR_SOIL_TYPE = "soil_type" ATTR_SPRINKLER_TYPE = "sprinkler_head_type" ATTR_STATUS = "status" ATTR_SUN_EXPOSURE = "sun_exposure" ATTR_TIME_REMAINING = "time_remaining" ATTR_VEGETATION_TYPE = "vegetation_type" ATTR_ZONES = "zones" DEFAULT_ICON = "mdi:water" DAYS = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"] RUN_STATUS_MAP = {0: "Not Running", 1: "Running", 2: "Queued"} SOIL_TYPE_MAP = { 0: "Not Set", 1: "Clay Loam", 2: "Silty Clay", 3: "Clay", 4: "Loam", 5: "Sandy Loam", 6: "Loamy Sand", 7: "Sand", 8: "Sandy Clay", 9: "Silt Loam", 10: "Silt", 99: "Other", } SLOPE_TYPE_MAP = { 0: "Not Set", 1: "Flat", 2: "Moderate", 3: "High", 4: "Very High", 99: "Other", } SPRINKLER_TYPE_MAP = { 0: "Not Set", 1: "Popup Spray", 2: "Rotors Low Rate", 3: "Surface Drip", 4: "Bubblers Drip", 5: "Rotors High Rate", 99: "Other", } SUN_EXPOSURE_MAP = {0: "Not Set", 1: "Full Sun", 2: "Partial Shade", 3: "Full Shade"} VEGETATION_MAP = { 0: "Not Set", 1: "Not Set", 2: "Cool Season Grass", 3: "Fruit Trees", 4: "Flowers", 5: "Vegetables", 6: "Citrus", 7: "Bushes", 9: "Drought Tolerant Plants", 10: "Warm Season Grass", 11: "Trees", 99: "Other", } @dataclass class RainMachineSwitchDescriptionMixin: """Define an entity description mixin for switches.""" uid: int @dataclass class RainMachineSwitchDescription( SwitchEntityDescription, RainMachineSwitchDescriptionMixin ): """Describe a RainMachine switch.""" async def async_setup_entry( hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry, async_add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback ) -> None: """Set up RainMachine switches based on a config entry.""" platform = entity_platform.async_get_current_platform() for service_name, schema, method in ( ("disable_program", {}, "async_disable_program"), ("disable_zone", {}, "async_disable_zone"), ("enable_program", {}, "async_enable_program"), ("enable_zone", {}, "async_enable_zone"), ("start_program", {}, "async_start_program"), ( "start_zone", { vol.Optional( CONF_ZONE_RUN_TIME, default=DEFAULT_ZONE_RUN ): cv.positive_int }, "async_start_zone", ), ("stop_program", {}, "async_stop_program"), ("stop_zone", {}, "async_stop_zone"), ): platform.async_register_entity_service(service_name, schema, method) controller = hass.data[DOMAIN][entry.entry_id][DATA_CONTROLLER] programs_coordinator = hass.data[DOMAIN][entry.entry_id][DATA_COORDINATOR][ DATA_PROGRAMS ] zones_coordinator = hass.data[DOMAIN][entry.entry_id][DATA_COORDINATOR][DATA_ZONES] entities: list[RainMachineProgram | RainMachineZone] = [ RainMachineProgram( entry, programs_coordinator, controller, RainMachineSwitchDescription( key=f"RainMachineProgram_{uid}", name=program["name"], uid=uid ), ) for uid, program in programs_coordinator.data.items() ] entities.extend( [ RainMachineZone( entry, zones_coordinator, controller, RainMachineSwitchDescription( key=f"RainMachineZone_{uid}", name=zone["name"], uid=uid ), ) for uid, zone in zones_coordinator.data.items() ] ) async_add_entities(entities) class RainMachineSwitch(RainMachineEntity, SwitchEntity): """A class to represent a generic RainMachine switch.""" _attr_icon = DEFAULT_ICON entity_description: RainMachineSwitchDescription def __init__( self, entry: ConfigEntry, coordinator: DataUpdateCoordinator, controller: Controller, description: RainMachineSwitchDescription, ) -> None: """Initialize a generic RainMachine switch.""" super().__init__(entry, coordinator, controller, description) self._attr_is_on = False self._data = coordinator.data[self.entity_description.uid] self._entry = entry self._is_active = True @property def available(self) -> bool: """Return True if entity is available.""" return super().available and self._is_active async def _async_run_switch_coroutine(self, api_coro: Coroutine) -> None: """Run a coroutine to toggle the switch.""" try: resp = await api_coro except RequestError as err: LOGGER.error( 'Error while toggling %s "%s": %s', self.entity_description.key, self.unique_id, err, ) return if resp["statusCode"] != 0: LOGGER.error( 'Error while toggling %s "%s": %s', self.entity_description.key, self.unique_id, resp["message"], ) return # Because of how inextricably linked programs and zones are, anytime one is # toggled, we make sure to update the data of both coordinators: self.hass.async_create_task( async_update_programs_and_zones(self.hass, self._entry) ) async def async_disable_program(self) -> None: """Disable a program.""" raise NotImplementedError("Service not implemented for this entity") async def async_disable_zone(self) -> None: """Disable a zone.""" raise NotImplementedError("Service not implemented for this entity") async def async_enable_program(self) -> None: """Enable a program.""" raise NotImplementedError("Service not implemented for this entity") async def async_enable_zone(self) -> None: """Enable a zone.""" raise NotImplementedError("Service not implemented for this entity") async def async_start_program(self) -> None: """Start a program.""" raise NotImplementedError("Service not implemented for this entity") async def async_start_zone(self, *, zone_run_time: int) -> None: """Start a zone.""" raise NotImplementedError("Service not implemented for this entity") async def async_stop_program(self) -> None: """Stop a program.""" raise NotImplementedError("Service not implemented for this entity") async def async_stop_zone(self) -> None: """Stop a zone.""" raise NotImplementedError("Service not implemented for this entity") @callback def update_from_latest_data(self) -> None: """Update the state.""" self._data = self.coordinator.data[self.entity_description.uid] self._is_active = self._data["active"] class RainMachineProgram(RainMachineSwitch): """A RainMachine program.""" @property def zones(self) -> list: """Return a list of active zones associated with this program.""" return [z for z in self._data["wateringTimes"] if z["active"]] async def async_disable_program(self) -> None: """Disable a program.""" await self._controller.programs.disable(self.entity_description.uid) await async_update_programs_and_zones(self.hass, self._entry) async def async_enable_program(self) -> None: """Enable a program.""" await self._controller.programs.enable(self.entity_description.uid) await async_update_programs_and_zones(self.hass, self._entry) async def async_start_program(self) -> None: """Start a program.""" await self.async_turn_on() async def async_stop_program(self) -> None: """Stop a program.""" await self.async_turn_off() async def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Turn the program off.""" await self._async_run_switch_coroutine( self._controller.programs.stop(self.entity_description.uid) ) async def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Turn the program on.""" await self._async_run_switch_coroutine( self._controller.programs.start(self.entity_description.uid) ) @callback def update_from_latest_data(self) -> None: """Update the state.""" super().update_from_latest_data() self._attr_is_on = bool(self._data["status"]) next_run: str | None = None if self._data.get("nextRun") is not None: next_run = datetime.strptime( f"{self._data['nextRun']} {self._data['startTime']}", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", ).isoformat() self._attr_extra_state_attributes.update( { ATTR_ID: self.entity_description.uid, ATTR_NEXT_RUN: next_run, ATTR_SOAK: self.coordinator.data[self.entity_description.uid].get( "soak" ), ATTR_STATUS: RUN_STATUS_MAP[ self.coordinator.data[self.entity_description.uid]["status"] ], ATTR_ZONES: ", ".join(z["name"] for z in self.zones), } ) class RainMachineZone(RainMachineSwitch): """A RainMachine zone.""" async def async_disable_zone(self) -> None: """Disable a zone.""" await self._controller.zones.disable(self.entity_description.uid) await async_update_programs_and_zones(self.hass, self._entry) async def async_enable_zone(self) -> None: """Enable a zone.""" await self._controller.zones.enable(self.entity_description.uid) await async_update_programs_and_zones(self.hass, self._entry) async def async_start_zone(self, *, zone_run_time: int) -> None: """Start a particular zone for a certain amount of time.""" await self._controller.zones.start(self.entity_description.uid, zone_run_time) await async_update_programs_and_zones(self.hass, self._entry) async def async_stop_zone(self) -> None: """Stop a zone.""" await self.async_turn_off() async def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Turn the zone off.""" await self._async_run_switch_coroutine( self._controller.zones.stop(self.entity_description.uid) ) async def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Turn the zone on.""" await self._async_run_switch_coroutine( self._controller.zones.start( self.entity_description.uid, self._entry.options[CONF_ZONE_RUN_TIME], ) ) @callback def update_from_latest_data(self) -> None: """Update the state.""" super().update_from_latest_data() self._attr_is_on = bool(self._data["state"]) self._attr_extra_state_attributes.update( { ATTR_STATUS: RUN_STATUS_MAP[self._data["state"]], ATTR_AREA: self._data.get("waterSense").get("area"), ATTR_CURRENT_CYCLE: self._data.get("cycle"), ATTR_FIELD_CAPACITY: self._data.get("waterSense").get("fieldCapacity"), ATTR_ID: self._data["uid"], ATTR_NO_CYCLES: self._data.get("noOfCycles"), ATTR_PRECIP_RATE: self._data.get("waterSense").get("precipitationRate"), ATTR_RESTRICTIONS: self._data.get("restriction"), ATTR_SLOPE: SLOPE_TYPE_MAP.get(self._data.get("slope")), ATTR_SOIL_TYPE: SOIL_TYPE_MAP.get(self._data.get("soil")), ATTR_SPRINKLER_TYPE: SPRINKLER_TYPE_MAP.get(self._data.get("group_id")), ATTR_SUN_EXPOSURE: SUN_EXPOSURE_MAP.get(self._data.get("sun")), ATTR_TIME_REMAINING: self._data.get("remaining"), ATTR_VEGETATION_TYPE: VEGETATION_MAP.get(self._data.get("type")), } )