"""Support for esphome devices.""" from __future__ import annotations from dataclasses import dataclass, field import functools import logging import math from typing import Any, Callable, Generic, NamedTuple, TypeVar, cast, overload from aioesphomeapi import ( APIClient, APIConnectionError, APIIntEnum, APIVersion, DeviceInfo as EsphomeDeviceInfo, EntityCategory, EntityInfo, EntityState, HomeassistantServiceCall, InvalidEncryptionKeyAPIError, ReconnectLogic, RequiresEncryptionAPIError, UserService, UserServiceArgType, ) import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant import const from homeassistant.components import zeroconf from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_HOST, CONF_MODE, CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_PORT, ENTITY_CATEGORY_CONFIG, ENTITY_CATEGORY_DIAGNOSTIC, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, ) from homeassistant.core import Event, HomeAssistant, ServiceCall, State, callback from homeassistant.exceptions import TemplateError from homeassistant.helpers import template import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv import homeassistant.helpers.device_registry as dr from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_connect from homeassistant.helpers.entity import DeviceInfo, Entity from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddEntitiesCallback from homeassistant.helpers.event import async_track_state_change_event from homeassistant.helpers.json import JSONEncoder from homeassistant.helpers.service import async_set_service_schema from homeassistant.helpers.storage import Store from homeassistant.helpers.template import Template # Import config flow so that it's added to the registry from .entry_data import RuntimeEntryData DOMAIN = "esphome" CONF_NOISE_PSK = "noise_psk" _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) _T = TypeVar("_T") STORAGE_VERSION = 1 @dataclass class DomainData: """Define a class that stores global esphome data in hass.data[DOMAIN].""" _entry_datas: dict[str, RuntimeEntryData] = field(default_factory=dict) _stores: dict[str, Store] = field(default_factory=dict) def get_entry_data(self, entry: ConfigEntry) -> RuntimeEntryData: """Return the runtime entry data associated with this config entry. Raises KeyError if the entry isn't loaded yet. """ return self._entry_datas[entry.entry_id] def set_entry_data(self, entry: ConfigEntry, entry_data: RuntimeEntryData) -> None: """Set the runtime entry data associated with this config entry.""" if entry.entry_id in self._entry_datas: raise ValueError("Entry data for this entry is already set") self._entry_datas[entry.entry_id] = entry_data def pop_entry_data(self, entry: ConfigEntry) -> RuntimeEntryData: """Pop the runtime entry data instance associated with this config entry.""" return self._entry_datas.pop(entry.entry_id) def is_entry_loaded(self, entry: ConfigEntry) -> bool: """Check whether the given entry is loaded.""" return entry.entry_id in self._entry_datas def get_or_create_store(self, hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> Store: """Get or create a Store instance for the given config entry.""" return self._stores.setdefault( entry.entry_id, Store( hass, STORAGE_VERSION, f"esphome.{entry.entry_id}", encoder=JSONEncoder ), ) @classmethod def get(cls: type[_T], hass: HomeAssistant) -> _T: """Get the global DomainData instance stored in hass.data.""" # Don't use setdefault - this is a hot code path if DOMAIN in hass.data: return cast(_T, hass.data[DOMAIN]) ret = hass.data[DOMAIN] = cls() return ret async def async_setup_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> bool: """Set up the esphome component.""" host = entry.data[CONF_HOST] port = entry.data[CONF_PORT] password = entry.data[CONF_PASSWORD] noise_psk = entry.data.get(CONF_NOISE_PSK) device_id = None zeroconf_instance = await zeroconf.async_get_instance(hass) cli = APIClient( host, port, password, client_info=f"Home Assistant {const.__version__}", zeroconf_instance=zeroconf_instance, noise_psk=noise_psk, ) domain_data = DomainData.get(hass) entry_data = RuntimeEntryData( client=cli, entry_id=entry.entry_id, store=domain_data.get_or_create_store(hass, entry), ) domain_data.set_entry_data(entry, entry_data) async def on_stop(event: Event) -> None: """Cleanup the socket client on HA stop.""" await _cleanup_instance(hass, entry) # Use async_listen instead of async_listen_once so that we don't deregister # the callback twice when shutting down Home Assistant. # "Unable to remove unknown listener .onetime_listener>" entry_data.cleanup_callbacks.append( hass.bus.async_listen(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, on_stop) ) @callback def async_on_state(state: EntityState) -> None: """Send dispatcher updates when a new state is received.""" entry_data.async_update_state(hass, state) @callback def async_on_service_call(service: HomeassistantServiceCall) -> None: """Call service when user automation in ESPHome config is triggered.""" domain, service_name = service.service.split(".", 1) service_data = service.data if service.data_template: try: data_template = { key: Template(value) # type: ignore[no-untyped-call] for key, value in service.data_template.items() } template.attach(hass, data_template) service_data.update( template.render_complex(data_template, service.variables) ) except TemplateError as ex: _LOGGER.error("Error rendering data template for %s: %s", host, ex) return if service.is_event: # ESPHome uses servicecall packet for both events and service calls # Ensure the user can only send events of form 'esphome.xyz' if domain != "esphome": _LOGGER.error( "Can only generate events under esphome domain! (%s)", host ) return # Call native tag scan if service_name == "tag_scanned": tag_id = service_data["tag_id"] hass.async_create_task( hass.components.tag.async_scan_tag(tag_id, device_id) ) return hass.bus.async_fire(service.service, service_data) else: hass.async_create_task( hass.services.async_call( domain, service_name, service_data, blocking=True ) ) async def _send_home_assistant_state( entity_id: str, attribute: str | None, state: State | None ) -> None: """Forward Home Assistant states to ESPHome.""" if state is None or (attribute and attribute not in state.attributes): return send_state = state.state if attribute: attr_val = state.attributes[attribute] # ESPHome only handles "on"/"off" for boolean values if isinstance(attr_val, bool): send_state = "on" if attr_val else "off" else: send_state = attr_val await cli.send_home_assistant_state(entity_id, attribute, str(send_state)) @callback def async_on_state_subscription( entity_id: str, attribute: str | None = None ) -> None: """Subscribe and forward states for requested entities.""" async def send_home_assistant_state_event(event: Event) -> None: """Forward Home Assistant states updates to ESPHome.""" # Only communicate changes to the state or attribute tracked if ( event.data.get("old_state") is not None and "new_state" in event.data and ( ( not attribute and event.data["old_state"].state == event.data["new_state"].state ) or ( attribute and attribute in event.data["old_state"].attributes and attribute in event.data["new_state"].attributes and event.data["old_state"].attributes[attribute] == event.data["new_state"].attributes[attribute] ) ) ): return await _send_home_assistant_state( event.data["entity_id"], attribute, event.data.get("new_state") ) unsub = async_track_state_change_event( hass, [entity_id], send_home_assistant_state_event ) entry_data.disconnect_callbacks.append(unsub) # Send initial state hass.async_create_task( _send_home_assistant_state(entity_id, attribute, hass.states.get(entity_id)) ) async def on_connect() -> None: """Subscribe to states and list entities on successful API login.""" nonlocal device_id try: entry_data.device_info = await cli.device_info() assert cli.api_version is not None entry_data.api_version = cli.api_version entry_data.available = True device_id = _async_setup_device_registry( hass, entry, entry_data.device_info ) entry_data.async_update_device_state(hass) entity_infos, services = await cli.list_entities_services() await entry_data.async_update_static_infos(hass, entry, entity_infos) await _setup_services(hass, entry_data, services) await cli.subscribe_states(async_on_state) await cli.subscribe_service_calls(async_on_service_call) await cli.subscribe_home_assistant_states(async_on_state_subscription) hass.async_create_task(entry_data.async_save_to_store()) except APIConnectionError as err: _LOGGER.warning("Error getting initial data for %s: %s", host, err) # Re-connection logic will trigger after this await cli.disconnect() async def on_disconnect() -> None: """Run disconnect callbacks on API disconnect.""" for disconnect_cb in entry_data.disconnect_callbacks: disconnect_cb() entry_data.disconnect_callbacks = [] entry_data.available = False entry_data.async_update_device_state(hass) async def on_connect_error(err: Exception) -> None: """Start reauth flow if appropriate connect error type.""" if isinstance(err, (RequiresEncryptionAPIError, InvalidEncryptionKeyAPIError)): entry.async_start_reauth(hass) reconnect_logic = ReconnectLogic( client=cli, on_connect=on_connect, on_disconnect=on_disconnect, zeroconf_instance=zeroconf_instance, name=host, on_connect_error=on_connect_error, ) async def complete_setup() -> None: """Complete the config entry setup.""" infos, services = await entry_data.async_load_from_store() await entry_data.async_update_static_infos(hass, entry, infos) await _setup_services(hass, entry_data, services) await reconnect_logic.start() entry_data.cleanup_callbacks.append(reconnect_logic.stop_callback) hass.async_create_task(complete_setup()) return True @callback def _async_setup_device_registry( hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry, device_info: EsphomeDeviceInfo ) -> str: """Set up device registry feature for a particular config entry.""" sw_version = device_info.esphome_version if device_info.compilation_time: sw_version += f" ({device_info.compilation_time})" configuration_url = None if device_info.webserver_port > 0: configuration_url = f"http://{entry.data['host']}:{device_info.webserver_port}" device_registry = dr.async_get(hass) device_entry = device_registry.async_get_or_create( config_entry_id=entry.entry_id, configuration_url=configuration_url, connections={(dr.CONNECTION_NETWORK_MAC, device_info.mac_address)}, name=device_info.name, manufacturer="espressif", model=device_info.model, sw_version=sw_version, ) return device_entry.id class ServiceMetadata(NamedTuple): """Metadata for services.""" validator: Any example: str selector: dict[str, Any] description: str | None = None ARG_TYPE_METADATA = { UserServiceArgType.BOOL: ServiceMetadata( validator=cv.boolean, example="False", selector={"boolean": None}, ), UserServiceArgType.INT: ServiceMetadata( validator=vol.Coerce(int), example="42", selector={"number": {CONF_MODE: "box"}}, ), UserServiceArgType.FLOAT: ServiceMetadata( validator=vol.Coerce(float), example="12.3", selector={"number": {CONF_MODE: "box", "step": 1e-3}}, ), UserServiceArgType.STRING: ServiceMetadata( validator=cv.string, example="Example text", selector={"text": None}, ), UserServiceArgType.BOOL_ARRAY: ServiceMetadata( validator=[cv.boolean], description="A list of boolean values.", example="[True, False]", selector={"object": {}}, ), UserServiceArgType.INT_ARRAY: ServiceMetadata( validator=[vol.Coerce(int)], description="A list of integer values.", example="[42, 34]", selector={"object": {}}, ), UserServiceArgType.FLOAT_ARRAY: ServiceMetadata( validator=[vol.Coerce(float)], description="A list of floating point numbers.", example="[ 12.3, 34.5 ]", selector={"object": {}}, ), UserServiceArgType.STRING_ARRAY: ServiceMetadata( validator=[cv.string], description="A list of strings.", example="['Example text', 'Another example']", selector={"object": {}}, ), } async def _register_service( hass: HomeAssistant, entry_data: RuntimeEntryData, service: UserService ) -> None: if entry_data.device_info is None: raise ValueError("Device Info needs to be fetched first") service_name = f"{entry_data.device_info.name.replace('-', '_')}_{service.name}" schema = {} fields = {} for arg in service.args: if arg.type not in ARG_TYPE_METADATA: _LOGGER.error( "Can't register service %s because %s is of unknown type %s", service_name, arg.name, arg.type, ) return metadata = ARG_TYPE_METADATA[arg.type] schema[vol.Required(arg.name)] = metadata.validator fields[arg.name] = { "name": arg.name, "required": True, "description": metadata.description, "example": metadata.example, "selector": metadata.selector, } async def execute_service(call: ServiceCall) -> None: await entry_data.client.execute_service(service, call.data) # type: ignore[arg-type] hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, service_name, execute_service, vol.Schema(schema) ) service_desc = { "description": f"Calls the service {service.name} of the node {entry_data.device_info.name}", "fields": fields, } async_set_service_schema(hass, DOMAIN, service_name, service_desc) async def _setup_services( hass: HomeAssistant, entry_data: RuntimeEntryData, services: list[UserService] ) -> None: if entry_data.device_info is None: # Can happen if device has never connected or .storage cleared return old_services = entry_data.services.copy() to_unregister = [] to_register = [] for service in services: if service.key in old_services: # Already exists if (matching := old_services.pop(service.key)) != service: # Need to re-register to_unregister.append(matching) to_register.append(service) else: # New service to_register.append(service) for service in old_services.values(): to_unregister.append(service) entry_data.services = {serv.key: serv for serv in services} for service in to_unregister: service_name = f"{entry_data.device_info.name}_{service.name}" hass.services.async_remove(DOMAIN, service_name) for service in to_register: await _register_service(hass, entry_data, service) async def _cleanup_instance( hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry ) -> RuntimeEntryData: """Cleanup the esphome client if it exists.""" domain_data = DomainData.get(hass) data = domain_data.pop_entry_data(entry) for disconnect_cb in data.disconnect_callbacks: disconnect_cb() for cleanup_callback in data.cleanup_callbacks: cleanup_callback() await data.client.disconnect() return data async def async_unload_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> bool: """Unload an esphome config entry.""" entry_data = await _cleanup_instance(hass, entry) return await hass.config_entries.async_unload_platforms( entry, entry_data.loaded_platforms ) async def async_remove_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> None: """Remove an esphome config entry.""" await DomainData.get(hass).get_or_create_store(hass, entry).async_remove() _InfoT = TypeVar("_InfoT", bound=EntityInfo) _EntityT = TypeVar("_EntityT", bound="EsphomeEntity[Any,Any]") _StateT = TypeVar("_StateT", bound=EntityState) async def platform_async_setup_entry( hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry, async_add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback, *, component_key: str, info_type: type[_InfoT], entity_type: type[_EntityT], state_type: type[_StateT], ) -> None: """Set up an esphome platform. This method is in charge of receiving, distributing and storing info and state updates. """ entry_data: RuntimeEntryData = DomainData.get(hass).get_entry_data(entry) entry_data.info[component_key] = {} entry_data.old_info[component_key] = {} entry_data.state[component_key] = {} @callback def async_list_entities(infos: list[EntityInfo]) -> None: """Update entities of this platform when entities are listed.""" old_infos = entry_data.info[component_key] new_infos: dict[int, EntityInfo] = {} add_entities = [] for info in infos: if not isinstance(info, info_type): # Filter out infos that don't belong to this platform. continue # cast back to upper type, otherwise mypy gets confused info = cast(EntityInfo, info) if info.key in old_infos: # Update existing entity old_infos.pop(info.key) else: # Create new entity entity = entity_type(entry_data, component_key, info.key) add_entities.append(entity) new_infos[info.key] = info # Remove old entities for info in old_infos.values(): entry_data.async_remove_entity(hass, component_key, info.key) # First copy the now-old info into the backup object entry_data.old_info[component_key] = entry_data.info[component_key] # Then update the actual info entry_data.info[component_key] = new_infos # Add entities to Home Assistant async_add_entities(add_entities) signal = f"esphome_{entry.entry_id}_on_list" entry_data.cleanup_callbacks.append( async_dispatcher_connect(hass, signal, async_list_entities) ) @callback def async_entity_state(state: EntityState) -> None: """Notify the appropriate entity of an updated state.""" if not isinstance(state, state_type): return # cast back to upper type, otherwise mypy gets confused state = cast(EntityState, state) entry_data.state[component_key][state.key] = state entry_data.async_update_entity(hass, component_key, state.key) signal = f"esphome_{entry.entry_id}_on_state" entry_data.cleanup_callbacks.append( async_dispatcher_connect(hass, signal, async_entity_state) ) _PropT = TypeVar("_PropT", bound=Callable[..., Any]) def esphome_state_property(func: _PropT) -> _PropT: """Wrap a state property of an esphome entity. This checks if the state object in the entity is set, and prevents writing NAN values to the Home Assistant state machine. """ @property # type: ignore[misc] @functools.wraps(func) def _wrapper(self): # type: ignore[no-untyped-def] # pylint: disable=protected-access if not self._has_state: return None val = func(self) if isinstance(val, float) and math.isnan(val): # Home Assistant doesn't use NAN values in state machine # (not JSON serializable) return None return val return cast(_PropT, _wrapper) _EnumT = TypeVar("_EnumT", bound=APIIntEnum) _ValT = TypeVar("_ValT") class EsphomeEnumMapper(Generic[_EnumT, _ValT]): """Helper class to convert between hass and esphome enum values.""" def __init__(self, mapping: dict[_EnumT, _ValT]) -> None: """Construct a EsphomeEnumMapper.""" # Add none mapping augmented_mapping: dict[_EnumT | None, _ValT | None] = mapping # type: ignore[assignment] augmented_mapping[None] = None self._mapping = augmented_mapping self._inverse: dict[_ValT, _EnumT] = {v: k for k, v in mapping.items()} @overload def from_esphome(self, value: _EnumT) -> _ValT: ... @overload def from_esphome(self, value: _EnumT | None) -> _ValT | None: ... def from_esphome(self, value: _EnumT | None) -> _ValT | None: """Convert from an esphome int representation to a hass string.""" return self._mapping[value] def from_hass(self, value: _ValT) -> _EnumT: """Convert from a hass string to a esphome int representation.""" return self._inverse[value] ICON_SCHEMA = vol.Schema(cv.icon) ENTITY_CATEGORIES: EsphomeEnumMapper[EntityCategory, str | None] = EsphomeEnumMapper( { EntityCategory.NONE: None, EntityCategory.CONFIG: ENTITY_CATEGORY_CONFIG, EntityCategory.DIAGNOSTIC: ENTITY_CATEGORY_DIAGNOSTIC, } ) class EsphomeEntity(Entity, Generic[_InfoT, _StateT]): """Define a base esphome entity.""" def __init__( self, entry_data: RuntimeEntryData, component_key: str, key: int ) -> None: """Initialize.""" self._entry_data = entry_data self._component_key = component_key self._key = key async def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None: """Register callbacks.""" self.async_on_remove( async_dispatcher_connect( self.hass, ( f"esphome_{self._entry_id}_remove_" f"{self._component_key}_{self._key}" ), functools.partial(self.async_remove, force_remove=True), ) ) self.async_on_remove( async_dispatcher_connect( self.hass, f"esphome_{self._entry_id}_on_device_update", self._on_device_update, ) ) self.async_on_remove( async_dispatcher_connect( self.hass, ( f"esphome_{self._entry_id}" f"_update_{self._component_key}_{self._key}" ), self._on_state_update, ) ) @callback def _on_state_update(self) -> None: # Behavior can be changed in child classes self.async_write_ha_state() @callback def _on_device_update(self) -> None: """Update the entity state when device info has changed.""" if self._entry_data.available: # Don't update the HA state yet when the device comes online. # Only update the HA state when the full state arrives # through the next entity state packet. return self._on_state_update() @property def _entry_id(self) -> str: return self._entry_data.entry_id @property def _api_version(self) -> APIVersion: return self._entry_data.api_version @property def _static_info(self) -> _InfoT: # Check if value is in info database. Use a single lookup. info = self._entry_data.info[self._component_key].get(self._key) if info is not None: return cast(_InfoT, info) # This entity is in the removal project and has been removed from .info # already, look in old_info return cast(_InfoT, self._entry_data.old_info[self._component_key][self._key]) @property def _device_info(self) -> EsphomeDeviceInfo: assert self._entry_data.device_info is not None return self._entry_data.device_info @property def _client(self) -> APIClient: return self._entry_data.client @property def _state(self) -> _StateT: return cast(_StateT, self._entry_data.state[self._component_key][self._key]) @property def _has_state(self) -> bool: return self._key in self._entry_data.state[self._component_key] @property def available(self) -> bool: """Return if the entity is available.""" device = self._device_info if device.has_deep_sleep: # During deep sleep the ESP will not be connectable (by design) # For these cases, show it as available return True return self._entry_data.available @property def unique_id(self) -> str | None: """Return a unique id identifying the entity.""" if not self._static_info.unique_id: return None return self._static_info.unique_id @property def device_info(self) -> DeviceInfo: """Return device registry information for this entity.""" return DeviceInfo( connections={(dr.CONNECTION_NETWORK_MAC, self._device_info.mac_address)} ) @property def name(self) -> str: """Return the name of the entity.""" return self._static_info.name @property def icon(self) -> str | None: """Return the icon.""" if not self._static_info.icon: return None return cast(str, ICON_SCHEMA(self._static_info.icon)) @property def should_poll(self) -> bool: """Disable polling.""" return False @property def entity_registry_enabled_default(self) -> bool: """Return if the entity should be enabled when first added to the entity registry.""" return not self._static_info.disabled_by_default @property def entity_category(self) -> str | None: """Return the category of the entity, if any.""" if not self._static_info.entity_category: return None return ENTITY_CATEGORIES.from_esphome(self._static_info.entity_category)