"""Test VoIP protocol.""" import asyncio import io import time from unittest.mock import AsyncMock, Mock, patch import wave import pytest from homeassistant.components import assist_pipeline, voip from homeassistant.components.voip.devices import VoIPDevice from homeassistant.core import Context, HomeAssistant from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component _ONE_SECOND = 16000 * 2 # 16Khz 16-bit _MEDIA_ID = "12345" @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def mock_tts_cache_dir_autouse(mock_tts_cache_dir): """Mock the TTS cache dir with empty dir.""" return mock_tts_cache_dir def _empty_wav() -> bytes: """Return bytes of an empty WAV file.""" with io.BytesIO() as wav_io: wav_file: wave.Wave_write = wave.open(wav_io, "wb") with wav_file: wav_file.setframerate(16000) wav_file.setsampwidth(2) wav_file.setnchannels(1) return wav_io.getvalue() async def test_pipeline( hass: HomeAssistant, voip_device: VoIPDevice, ) -> None: """Test that pipeline function is called from RTP protocol.""" assert await async_setup_component(hass, "voip", {}) def is_speech(self, chunk): """Anything non-zero is speech.""" return sum(chunk) > 0 done = asyncio.Event() # Used to test that audio queue is cleared before pipeline starts bad_chunk = bytes([1, 2, 3, 4]) async def async_pipeline_from_audio_stream(*args, device_id, **kwargs): assert device_id == voip_device.device_id stt_stream = kwargs["stt_stream"] event_callback = kwargs["event_callback"] async for _chunk in stt_stream: # Stream will end when VAD detects end of "speech" assert _chunk != bad_chunk # Test empty data event_callback( assist_pipeline.PipelineEvent( type="not-used", data={}, ) ) # Fake intent result event_callback( assist_pipeline.PipelineEvent( type=assist_pipeline.PipelineEventType.INTENT_END, data={ "intent_output": { "conversation_id": "fake-conversation", } }, ) ) # Proceed with media output event_callback( assist_pipeline.PipelineEvent( type=assist_pipeline.PipelineEventType.TTS_END, data={"tts_output": {"media_id": _MEDIA_ID}}, ) ) async def async_get_media_source_audio( hass: HomeAssistant, media_source_id: str, ) -> tuple[str, bytes]: assert media_source_id == _MEDIA_ID return ("wav", _empty_wav()) with ( patch( "homeassistant.components.assist_pipeline.vad.WebRtcVad.is_speech", new=is_speech, ), patch( "homeassistant.components.voip.voip.async_pipeline_from_audio_stream", new=async_pipeline_from_audio_stream, ), patch( "homeassistant.components.voip.voip.tts.async_get_media_source_audio", new=async_get_media_source_audio, ), ): rtp_protocol = voip.voip.PipelineRtpDatagramProtocol( hass, hass.config.language, voip_device, Context(), opus_payload_type=123, listening_tone_enabled=False, processing_tone_enabled=False, error_tone_enabled=False, silence_seconds=assist_pipeline.vad.VadSensitivity.to_seconds("aggressive"), ) rtp_protocol.transport = Mock() # Ensure audio queue is cleared before pipeline starts rtp_protocol._audio_queue.put_nowait(bad_chunk) def send_audio(*args, **kwargs): # Test finished successfully done.set() rtp_protocol.send_audio = Mock(side_effect=send_audio) # silence rtp_protocol.on_chunk(bytes(_ONE_SECOND)) # "speech" rtp_protocol.on_chunk(bytes([255] * _ONE_SECOND * 2)) # silence (assumes aggressive VAD sensitivity) rtp_protocol.on_chunk(bytes(_ONE_SECOND)) # Wait for mock pipeline to exhaust the audio stream async with asyncio.timeout(1): await done.wait() async def test_pipeline_timeout(hass: HomeAssistant, voip_device: VoIPDevice) -> None: """Test timeout during pipeline run.""" assert await async_setup_component(hass, "voip", {}) done = asyncio.Event() async def async_pipeline_from_audio_stream(*args, **kwargs): await asyncio.sleep(10) with ( patch( "homeassistant.components.voip.voip.async_pipeline_from_audio_stream", new=async_pipeline_from_audio_stream, ), patch( "homeassistant.components.voip.voip.PipelineRtpDatagramProtocol._wait_for_speech", return_value=True, ), ): rtp_protocol = voip.voip.PipelineRtpDatagramProtocol( hass, hass.config.language, voip_device, Context(), opus_payload_type=123, pipeline_timeout=0.001, listening_tone_enabled=False, processing_tone_enabled=False, error_tone_enabled=False, ) transport = Mock(spec=["close"]) rtp_protocol.connection_made(transport) # Closing the transport will cause the test to succeed transport.close.side_effect = done.set # silence rtp_protocol.on_chunk(bytes(_ONE_SECOND)) # Wait for mock pipeline to time out async with asyncio.timeout(1): await done.wait() async def test_stt_stream_timeout(hass: HomeAssistant, voip_device: VoIPDevice) -> None: """Test timeout in STT stream during pipeline run.""" assert await async_setup_component(hass, "voip", {}) done = asyncio.Event() async def async_pipeline_from_audio_stream(*args, **kwargs): stt_stream = kwargs["stt_stream"] async for _chunk in stt_stream: # Iterate over stream pass with patch( "homeassistant.components.voip.voip.async_pipeline_from_audio_stream", new=async_pipeline_from_audio_stream, ): rtp_protocol = voip.voip.PipelineRtpDatagramProtocol( hass, hass.config.language, voip_device, Context(), opus_payload_type=123, audio_timeout=0.001, listening_tone_enabled=False, processing_tone_enabled=False, error_tone_enabled=False, ) transport = Mock(spec=["close"]) rtp_protocol.connection_made(transport) # Closing the transport will cause the test to succeed transport.close.side_effect = done.set # silence rtp_protocol.on_chunk(bytes(_ONE_SECOND)) # Wait for mock pipeline to time out async with asyncio.timeout(1): await done.wait() async def test_tts_timeout( hass: HomeAssistant, voip_device: VoIPDevice, ) -> None: """Test that TTS will time out based on its length.""" assert await async_setup_component(hass, "voip", {}) def is_speech(self, chunk): """Anything non-zero is speech.""" return sum(chunk) > 0 done = asyncio.Event() async def async_pipeline_from_audio_stream(*args, **kwargs): stt_stream = kwargs["stt_stream"] event_callback = kwargs["event_callback"] async for _chunk in stt_stream: # Stream will end when VAD detects end of "speech" pass # Fake intent result event_callback( assist_pipeline.PipelineEvent( type=assist_pipeline.PipelineEventType.INTENT_END, data={ "intent_output": { "conversation_id": "fake-conversation", } }, ) ) # Proceed with media output event_callback( assist_pipeline.PipelineEvent( type=assist_pipeline.PipelineEventType.TTS_END, data={"tts_output": {"media_id": _MEDIA_ID}}, ) ) tone_bytes = bytes([1, 2, 3, 4]) def send_audio(audio_bytes, **kwargs): if audio_bytes == tone_bytes: # Not TTS return # Block here to force a timeout in _send_tts time.sleep(2) async def async_send_audio(audio_bytes, **kwargs): if audio_bytes == tone_bytes: # Not TTS return # Block here to force a timeout in _send_tts await asyncio.sleep(2) async def async_get_media_source_audio( hass: HomeAssistant, media_source_id: str, ) -> tuple[str, bytes]: # Should time out immediately return ("wav", _empty_wav()) with ( patch( "homeassistant.components.assist_pipeline.vad.WebRtcVad.is_speech", new=is_speech, ), patch( "homeassistant.components.voip.voip.async_pipeline_from_audio_stream", new=async_pipeline_from_audio_stream, ), patch( "homeassistant.components.voip.voip.tts.async_get_media_source_audio", new=async_get_media_source_audio, ), ): rtp_protocol = voip.voip.PipelineRtpDatagramProtocol( hass, hass.config.language, voip_device, Context(), opus_payload_type=123, tts_extra_timeout=0.001, listening_tone_enabled=True, processing_tone_enabled=True, error_tone_enabled=True, silence_seconds=assist_pipeline.vad.VadSensitivity.to_seconds("relaxed"), ) rtp_protocol._tone_bytes = tone_bytes rtp_protocol._processing_bytes = tone_bytes rtp_protocol._error_bytes = tone_bytes rtp_protocol.transport = Mock() rtp_protocol.send_audio = Mock() original_send_tts = rtp_protocol._send_tts async def send_tts(*args, **kwargs): # Call original then end test successfully with pytest.raises(TimeoutError): await original_send_tts(*args, **kwargs) done.set() rtp_protocol._async_send_audio = AsyncMock(side_effect=async_send_audio) # type: ignore[method-assign] rtp_protocol._send_tts = AsyncMock(side_effect=send_tts) # type: ignore[method-assign] # silence rtp_protocol.on_chunk(bytes(_ONE_SECOND)) # "speech" rtp_protocol.on_chunk(bytes([255] * _ONE_SECOND * 2)) # silence (assumes relaxed VAD sensitivity) rtp_protocol.on_chunk(bytes(_ONE_SECOND * 4)) # Wait for mock pipeline to exhaust the audio stream async with asyncio.timeout(1): await done.wait() async def test_tts_wrong_extension( hass: HomeAssistant, voip_device: VoIPDevice, ) -> None: """Test that TTS will only stream WAV audio.""" assert await async_setup_component(hass, "voip", {}) def is_speech(self, chunk): """Anything non-zero is speech.""" return sum(chunk) > 0 done = asyncio.Event() async def async_pipeline_from_audio_stream(*args, **kwargs): stt_stream = kwargs["stt_stream"] event_callback = kwargs["event_callback"] async for _chunk in stt_stream: # Stream will end when VAD detects end of "speech" pass # Fake intent result event_callback( assist_pipeline.PipelineEvent( type=assist_pipeline.PipelineEventType.INTENT_END, data={ "intent_output": { "conversation_id": "fake-conversation", } }, ) ) # Proceed with media output event_callback( assist_pipeline.PipelineEvent( type=assist_pipeline.PipelineEventType.TTS_END, data={"tts_output": {"media_id": _MEDIA_ID}}, ) ) async def async_get_media_source_audio( hass: HomeAssistant, media_source_id: str, ) -> tuple[str, bytes]: # Should fail because it's not "wav" return ("mp3", b"") with ( patch( "homeassistant.components.assist_pipeline.vad.WebRtcVad.is_speech", new=is_speech, ), patch( "homeassistant.components.voip.voip.async_pipeline_from_audio_stream", new=async_pipeline_from_audio_stream, ), patch( "homeassistant.components.voip.voip.tts.async_get_media_source_audio", new=async_get_media_source_audio, ), ): rtp_protocol = voip.voip.PipelineRtpDatagramProtocol( hass, hass.config.language, voip_device, Context(), opus_payload_type=123, ) rtp_protocol.transport = Mock() original_send_tts = rtp_protocol._send_tts async def send_tts(*args, **kwargs): # Call original then end test successfully with pytest.raises(ValueError): await original_send_tts(*args, **kwargs) done.set() rtp_protocol._send_tts = AsyncMock(side_effect=send_tts) # type: ignore[method-assign] # silence rtp_protocol.on_chunk(bytes(_ONE_SECOND)) # "speech" rtp_protocol.on_chunk(bytes([255] * _ONE_SECOND * 2)) # silence (assumes relaxed VAD sensitivity) rtp_protocol.on_chunk(bytes(_ONE_SECOND * 4)) # Wait for mock pipeline to exhaust the audio stream async with asyncio.timeout(1): await done.wait() async def test_tts_wrong_wav_format( hass: HomeAssistant, voip_device: VoIPDevice, ) -> None: """Test that TTS will only stream WAV audio with a specific format.""" assert await async_setup_component(hass, "voip", {}) def is_speech(self, chunk): """Anything non-zero is speech.""" return sum(chunk) > 0 done = asyncio.Event() async def async_pipeline_from_audio_stream(*args, **kwargs): stt_stream = kwargs["stt_stream"] event_callback = kwargs["event_callback"] async for _chunk in stt_stream: # Stream will end when VAD detects end of "speech" pass # Fake intent result event_callback( assist_pipeline.PipelineEvent( type=assist_pipeline.PipelineEventType.INTENT_END, data={ "intent_output": { "conversation_id": "fake-conversation", } }, ) ) # Proceed with media output event_callback( assist_pipeline.PipelineEvent( type=assist_pipeline.PipelineEventType.TTS_END, data={"tts_output": {"media_id": _MEDIA_ID}}, ) ) async def async_get_media_source_audio( hass: HomeAssistant, media_source_id: str, ) -> tuple[str, bytes]: # Should fail because it's not 16Khz, 16-bit mono with io.BytesIO() as wav_io: wav_file: wave.Wave_write = wave.open(wav_io, "wb") with wav_file: wav_file.setframerate(22050) wav_file.setsampwidth(2) wav_file.setnchannels(2) return ("wav", wav_io.getvalue()) with ( patch( "homeassistant.components.assist_pipeline.vad.WebRtcVad.is_speech", new=is_speech, ), patch( "homeassistant.components.voip.voip.async_pipeline_from_audio_stream", new=async_pipeline_from_audio_stream, ), patch( "homeassistant.components.voip.voip.tts.async_get_media_source_audio", new=async_get_media_source_audio, ), ): rtp_protocol = voip.voip.PipelineRtpDatagramProtocol( hass, hass.config.language, voip_device, Context(), opus_payload_type=123, ) rtp_protocol.transport = Mock() original_send_tts = rtp_protocol._send_tts async def send_tts(*args, **kwargs): # Call original then end test successfully with pytest.raises(ValueError): await original_send_tts(*args, **kwargs) done.set() rtp_protocol._send_tts = AsyncMock(side_effect=send_tts) # type: ignore[method-assign] # silence rtp_protocol.on_chunk(bytes(_ONE_SECOND)) # "speech" rtp_protocol.on_chunk(bytes([255] * _ONE_SECOND * 2)) # silence (assumes relaxed VAD sensitivity) rtp_protocol.on_chunk(bytes(_ONE_SECOND * 4)) # Wait for mock pipeline to exhaust the audio stream async with asyncio.timeout(1): await done.wait() async def test_empty_tts_output( hass: HomeAssistant, voip_device: VoIPDevice, ) -> None: """Test that TTS will not stream when output is empty.""" assert await async_setup_component(hass, "voip", {}) def is_speech(self, chunk): """Anything non-zero is speech.""" return sum(chunk) > 0 async def async_pipeline_from_audio_stream(*args, **kwargs): stt_stream = kwargs["stt_stream"] event_callback = kwargs["event_callback"] async for _chunk in stt_stream: # Stream will end when VAD detects end of "speech" pass # Fake intent result event_callback( assist_pipeline.PipelineEvent( type=assist_pipeline.PipelineEventType.INTENT_END, data={ "intent_output": { "conversation_id": "fake-conversation", } }, ) ) # Empty TTS output event_callback( assist_pipeline.PipelineEvent( type=assist_pipeline.PipelineEventType.TTS_END, data={"tts_output": {}}, ) ) with ( patch( "homeassistant.components.assist_pipeline.vad.WebRtcVad.is_speech", new=is_speech, ), patch( "homeassistant.components.voip.voip.async_pipeline_from_audio_stream", new=async_pipeline_from_audio_stream, ), patch( "homeassistant.components.voip.voip.PipelineRtpDatagramProtocol._send_tts", ) as mock_send_tts, ): rtp_protocol = voip.voip.PipelineRtpDatagramProtocol( hass, hass.config.language, voip_device, Context(), opus_payload_type=123, ) rtp_protocol.transport = Mock() # silence rtp_protocol.on_chunk(bytes(_ONE_SECOND)) # "speech" rtp_protocol.on_chunk(bytes([255] * _ONE_SECOND * 2)) # silence (assumes relaxed VAD sensitivity) rtp_protocol.on_chunk(bytes(_ONE_SECOND * 4)) # Wait for mock pipeline to finish async with asyncio.timeout(1): await rtp_protocol._tts_done.wait() mock_send_tts.assert_not_called()