{ "config": { "abort": { "already_in_progress": "Config flow for vizio component already in progress.", "already_setup": "This entry has already been setup.", "already_setup_with_diff_host_and_name": "This entry appears to have already been setup with a different host and name based on its serial number. Please remove any old entries from your configuration.yaml and from the Integrations menu before reattempting to add this device.", "host_exists": "Vizio component with host already configured.", "name_exists": "Vizio component with name already configured.", "updated_entry": "This entry has already been setup but the name and/or options defined in the config do not match the previously imported config so the config entry has been updated accordingly.", "updated_options": "This entry has already been setup but the options defined in the config do not match the previously imported options values so the config entry has been updated accordingly.", "updated_volume_step": "This entry has already been setup but the volume step size in the config does not match the config entry so the config entry has been updated accordingly." }, "error": { "cant_connect": "Could not connect to the device. [Review the docs](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/vizio/) and re-verify that:\n- The device is powered on\n- The device is connected to the network\n- The values you filled in are accurate\nbefore attempting to resubmit.", "host_exists": "Vizio device with specified host already configured.", "name_exists": "Vizio device with specified name already configured.", "tv_needs_token": "When Device Type is `tv` then a valid Access Token is needed." }, "step": { "user": { "data": { "access_token": "Access Token", "device_class": "Device Type", "host": ":", "name": "Name" }, "title": "Setup Vizio SmartCast Client" } }, "title": "Vizio SmartCast" }, "options": { "step": { "init": { "data": { "timeout": "API Request Timeout (seconds)", "volume_step": "Volume Step Size" }, "title": "Update Vizo SmartCast Options" } }, "title": "Update Vizo SmartCast Options" } }