"""Config flow to configure the Obihai integration.""" from __future__ import annotations from socket import gaierror, gethostbyname from typing import Any from pyobihai import PyObihai import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components import dhcp from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigFlow from homeassistant.const import CONF_HOST, CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_USERNAME from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.data_entry_flow import FlowResult from homeassistant.helpers.device_registry import format_mac from .connectivity import validate_auth from .const import DEFAULT_PASSWORD, DEFAULT_USERNAME, DOMAIN DATA_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { vol.Required(CONF_HOST): str, vol.Required( CONF_USERNAME, default=DEFAULT_USERNAME, ): str, vol.Required( CONF_PASSWORD, default=DEFAULT_PASSWORD, ): str, } ) async def async_validate_creds( hass: HomeAssistant, user_input: dict[str, Any] ) -> PyObihai | None: """Manage Obihai options.""" if user_input[CONF_USERNAME] and user_input[CONF_PASSWORD]: return await hass.async_add_executor_job( validate_auth, user_input[CONF_HOST], user_input[CONF_USERNAME], user_input[CONF_PASSWORD], ) # Don't bother authenticating if we've already determined the credentials are invalid return None class ObihaiFlowHandler(ConfigFlow, domain=DOMAIN): """Config flow for Obihai.""" VERSION = 2 discovery_schema: vol.Schema | None = None _dhcp_discovery_info: dhcp.DhcpServiceInfo | None = None async def async_step_user( self, user_input: dict[str, Any] | None = None ) -> FlowResult: """Handle a flow initialized by the user.""" errors: dict[str, str] = {} ip: str | None = None if user_input is not None: try: ip = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job( gethostbyname, user_input[CONF_HOST] ) except gaierror: errors["base"] = "cannot_connect" if ip: if pyobihai := await async_validate_creds(self.hass, user_input): device_mac = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job( pyobihai.get_device_mac ) await self.async_set_unique_id(format_mac(device_mac)) self._abort_if_unique_id_configured() return self.async_create_entry( title=user_input[CONF_HOST], data=user_input, ) errors["base"] = "invalid_auth" data_schema = self.discovery_schema or DATA_SCHEMA return self.async_show_form( step_id="user", errors=errors, data_schema=self.add_suggested_values_to_schema(data_schema, user_input), ) async def async_step_dhcp(self, discovery_info: dhcp.DhcpServiceInfo) -> FlowResult: """Prepare configuration for a DHCP discovered Obihai.""" self._dhcp_discovery_info = discovery_info return await self.async_step_dhcp_confirm() async def async_step_dhcp_confirm( self, user_input: dict[str, Any] | None = None ) -> FlowResult: """Attempt to confirm.""" assert self._dhcp_discovery_info await self.async_set_unique_id(format_mac(self._dhcp_discovery_info.macaddress)) self._abort_if_unique_id_configured() if user_input is None: credentials = { CONF_HOST: self._dhcp_discovery_info.ip, CONF_PASSWORD: DEFAULT_PASSWORD, CONF_USERNAME: DEFAULT_USERNAME, } if await async_validate_creds(self.hass, credentials): self.discovery_schema = self.add_suggested_values_to_schema( DATA_SCHEMA, credentials ) else: self.discovery_schema = self.add_suggested_values_to_schema( DATA_SCHEMA, { CONF_HOST: self._dhcp_discovery_info.ip, CONF_USERNAME: "", CONF_PASSWORD: "", }, ) # Show the confirmation dialog return self.async_show_form( step_id="dhcp_confirm", data_schema=self.discovery_schema, description_placeholders={CONF_HOST: self._dhcp_discovery_info.ip}, ) return await self.async_step_user(user_input=user_input)