{ "config": { "flow_title": "{name} ({host})", "step": { "import_failed": { "title": "Failed to import Caséta bridge configuration.", "description": "Couldn’t setup bridge (host: {host}) imported from configuration.yaml." }, "user": { "title": "Automatically connect to the bridge", "description": "Enter the IP address of the device.", "data": { "host": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::host%]" } }, "link": { "title": "Pair with the bridge", "description": "To pair with {name} ({host}), after submitting this form, press the black button on the back of the bridge." } }, "error": { "cannot_connect": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::cannot_connect%]" }, "abort": { "not_lutron_device": "Discovered device is not a Lutron device", "already_configured": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::already_configured_device%]", "cannot_connect": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::cannot_connect%]" } }, "device_automation": { "trigger_subtype": { "button_1": "First button", "button_2": "Second button", "button_3": "Third button", "button_4": "Fourth button", "button_5": "Fifth button", "button_6": "Sixth button", "button_7": "Seventh button", "group_1_button_1": "First Group first button", "group_1_button_2": "First Group second button", "group_2_button_1": "Second Group first button", "group_2_button_2": "Second Group second button", "on": "On", "stop": "Stop (favorite)", "off": "Off", "raise": "Raise", "lower": "Lower", "open_all": "Open all", "stop_all": "Stop all", "close_all": "Close all", "raise_all": "Raise all", "lower_all": "Lower all", "open_1": "Open 1", "stop_1": "Stop 1", "close_1": "Close 1", "raise_1": "Raise 1", "lower_1": "Lower 1", "open_2": "Open 2", "stop_2": "Stop 2", "close_2": "Close 2", "raise_2": "Raise 2", "lower_2": "Lower 2", "open_3": "Open 3", "stop_3": "Stop 3", "close_3": "Close 3", "raise_3": "Raise 3", "lower_3": "Lower 3", "open_4": "Open 4", "stop_4": "Stop 4", "close_4": "Close 4", "raise_4": "Raise 4", "lower_4": "Lower 4" }, "trigger_type": { "press": "\"{subtype}\" pressed", "release": "\"{subtype}\" released" } } }