"""Helper functions for the Crownstone integration.""" from __future__ import annotations import os from serial.tools.list_ports_common import ListPortInfo from homeassistant.components import usb from .const import DONT_USE_USB, MANUAL_PATH, REFRESH_LIST def list_ports_as_str( serial_ports: list[ListPortInfo], no_usb_option: bool = True ) -> list[str]: """Represent currently available serial ports as string. Adds option to not use usb on top of the list, option to use manual path or refresh list at the end. """ ports_as_string: list[str] = [] if no_usb_option: ports_as_string.append(DONT_USE_USB) ports_as_string.extend( usb.human_readable_device_name( port.device, port.serial_number, port.manufacturer, port.description, f"{hex(port.vid)[2:]:0>4}".upper() if port.vid else None, f"{hex(port.pid)[2:]:0>4}".upper() if port.pid else None, ) for port in serial_ports ) ports_as_string.append(MANUAL_PATH) ports_as_string.append(REFRESH_LIST) return ports_as_string def get_port(dev_path: str) -> str | None: """Get the port that the by-id link points to.""" # not a by-id link, but just given path by_id = "/dev/serial/by-id" if by_id not in dev_path: return dev_path try: return f"/dev/{os.path.basename(os.readlink(dev_path))}" except FileNotFoundError: return None def map_from_to(val: int, in_min: int, in_max: int, out_min: int, out_max: int) -> int: """Map a value from a range to another.""" return int((val - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min)